BI 112 Exam 4

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Given these parts of a nephron: 1. loop of Henle 2. collecting duct 3. Bowman's capsule 4. distal tubule 5. proximal tubule Arrange the parts in order as fluid flows through the nephron.

3, 5, 1, 4, 2

the regulation of water volume in the blood involves which hormone?


which statement best describes the difference in responses of effector B cells and cytotoxic T cells?

B cells secrete antibodies against a virus; cytotoxic T cells kill virus-infected cells

___ stimulates oogenesis and spermatogenesis.


Which of the following INCORRECTLY matches hormone with its effect?

LH... controls maturation of T cells

which of the following is an INCORRECT pairing of an organism and excretory structure?

Malpighian tubules ... annelids

blood type ___ is considered the universal donor type because it has ___.

O ... neither A or B antigens

The second fetus of a mother may be harmed or killed if the mother's blood type is ____ and the fetus (and the prior fetus) blood type is ____.

O- ... O+

Which is NOT an accurate pairing of an excretory function with its definition?

Reabsorption is the process where toxins, drugs, and excessive ions that remain in the blood after filtration are transported into the nephron for disposal in the urine.

How does the hypothalamus control the secretion of growth hormone (GH) from the anterior pituitary?

The hypothalamus produces a releasing hormone that stimulates the anterior pituitary to secrete GH

SCID is caused by ___.

absent or defective T cells and B cells

which of the following is NOT part of insect immunity?

activation of natural killer cells

what type of defense fights specific microbes and is enhanced after exposure?


Which of the following hormones specifically act(s) to trigger secretion of hormones by another endocrine gland?

adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

which of the following is filtered from blood but not normally found in urine?

amino acids

the most toxic nitrogenous waste is ___.


the ability of some animals, such as "water bears" to survive in an extremely dehydrated, dormant state is called ____.


___ that are transferred from mother to child through the placenta (and breastmilk) provide ___ immunity for the child.

antibodies ... passive

a macromolecule produced in the body, which recognizes another molecule as "foreign" to the body, is a(n) ___.


which of the following is an acquired (adaptive) immune defense in humans?

antibody production by lymphocytes

interferons and complement are ___.

antimicrobial proteins that fight viruses, cut holes in microbial membranes, and target microbes for macrophages

immunity gained from the antibodies in a snake-bite antiserum are an example of ___ immunity.

artificial passive

Diseases like multiple sclerosis and lupus are ____.

autoimmune diseases

The proliferation of the B lymphocyte to which a specific antigen binds is referred to as ___.

clonal selection

what is the excretory structure of a protozoans?

contractile vacuoles

for a bony fish to maintain osmotic balance in seawater, it must ___ water from the environment and ___ sodium and chloride ions across the gills.

drink... actively secrete

which one of the following is NOT a function of the excretory system?

elimination of undigested foods

The bed of capillaries in a vertebrate kidney where water, urea, and salts are filtered out of the blood is the __________.


FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone) are hormones known as _____.


what is the excretory structure of a crustaceans?

green glands

osmoconformers are animals that ___.

have an internal environment that is osmotically similar to their external environment, which does not require energy expenditure

Allergy occurs when the body produces too much ___ upon exposure to an allergen.


The cells of a freshwater fish are ____ to the environment, and thus the fish ____ the environment.

hypertonic ... gains water from

If an animal became dehydrated, then the level of ADH (anti-diuretic hormone) would ____ so that water reabsorption would ____ and make the urine more concentrated.

increase... increase

what type of defense fights any microbe?


Every time you eat a cookie or candy bar, your blood sugar increases. This triggers an increase in the hormone _____.


Which of the following hormones have antagonistic effects?

insulin and glucagon

what is the function of the ascending limb of the loop of Henle?

it helps maintain the concentration gradient of NaCl in the interstitial fluid, thus increasing water reabsorption

what is the role of a second messenger in hormone action?

it relays a hormone's message inside a target cell

Cortisol and estrogen are ____ hormones and thus the protein receptors for these hormones are ____ the target cells.

lipid soluble... inside

Which of the following organs does NOT contain cells that secrete hormones?


to conserve water, desert rodents have relatively ___ loops of Henle which allow these animals to produce a very ___ urine.

long... concentrated

the nephrons of fish, amphibians and reptiles do not have the ___ which is present in the nephron of mammals.

loop of Henle

If a diet is deficient in iodine, a goiter may form because _____.

low blood levels of T3 and T4 inhibit the negative feedback loop. An overload of TSH causes enlargement of the gland.

during the primary response to an infection, some ___ are stimulated to divide and form effector and memory clone cells.


which of the following cells are part of the innate, second (internal) line of defense?


B lymphocytes ___.

make antibodies that circulate in blood and lymph

which of the following hormones is NOT secreted by the anterior pituitary?


which of the following types of cells initiate secondary immune response?

memory cells

the adrenal gland is ___ and secretes hormones such as ___.

near the kidney ... norepinephrine and corticosteroids

A doctor might give an expectant mother _____ to stimulate uterine contractions (induce labor).


which of the following is a hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary?


A rabies shot or tetanus shot provides ____ immunity because it ____.

passive ... contains antibodies produced by another animal

cyclic changes in secretion of a hormone from the ___ gland regulates daily and seasonal rhythms in an animal.


In the winter, the _____ of many vertebrates is apt to produce _____ than in summer months.

pineal gland.. more melatonin

Which disorder is correctly matched with its cause?

pituitary dwarfism... hyposecretion of growth hormone

Which one of the following endocrine organs does not actually manufacture hormones but, rather, stores hormones produced elsewhere?

posterior pituitary

The mammary glands of a pregnant female will begin to produce milk in response to changes in the level of which of the following hormones?


Nitrogenous wastes (e.g., urea) are produced as a byproduct of the metabolism of ____.


what is the excretory structure of a flatworm?


secretion of drugs, toxins, and poisons from the blood occurs primarily in the ___.

proximal & distal tubules

in the ___ of the nephron, bicarbonate reabsorption and H+ secretion occur to maintain blood pH.

proximal and distal tubules

active reabsorption of glucose and amino acids occurs primarily in the ___.

proximal tubule

If microorganisms penetrate the innate defenses, an inflammatory response may be initiated by the ___.

release of chemicals such as histamine by damaged cells and mast cells

what is a characteristic of early stages of local inflammation?

release of histamine

The ____ collects urine for drainage from the kidney and the ____ carries urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder.

renal pelvis... ureter

The active transport of substances from the blood in capillaries around the proximal tubule into fluid inside this tubule is ____.


Hormones produced by the ____ help coordinate the release of pancreatic enzymes.

small intestine

which of the following results in ling-term (adaptive) immunity?

the administration of the chicken pox vaccine

which is an accurate statement about the anatomy of the human kidney?

the loop of Henle is located between the proximal tubule and the distal tubule

what do macrophages and neutrophils have in common?

the phagocytize pathogens

The idea behind vaccination is to induce ___ without the vaccinated individual having to get sick.

the primary immune response

the first line of defense against infection is ___.

the skin and mucous membranes

which of the following is NOT true about T helper cells?

they are activated by polysaccharide fragments

the ___ produces a hormone that controls maturation of T lymphocytes.


Calcitonin is secreted from the ____ and acts to ____ blood calcium.

thyroid gland... decrease

hyperthyroidism, typically characterized by a high metabolic rate and high blood pressure, might be expected when ___.

thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) concentration is high

in our bodies, the primary nitrogen-containing compound excreted by our kidneys is ____.


Excretion of ____ requires the least amount of water loss from the animal.

uric acid

what is true about T helper cells?

when activated, the secrete cytokines they are subject to infection by HIV they function in cell-mediated and humoral responses

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