BIBL 110 Test 2

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________Theophilus____ is the recipient of Acts (105-106). converted to Christ and became a zealous missionary for Christ (114-121).


The key word in John is "__believe______" (Gk. pisteuō) (91).


The apostle Paul wrote 1 Corinthians to the church at Corinth while staying in _Ephesus_______ about _____56___ (142-143).


The apostle Paul, accompanied by ___Timothy_____, wrote a second letter to the church in Corinth while staying in ___Macedonia_______ about the year AD _56_ (157-158).


The _______coming of the Holy Spirit____________ upon the disciples who were gathered in the upper room in Jerusalem marked the beginning of the church (110; cf. Acts 2:1-4).

coming of the Holy Spirit

Paul's ____commission______ and resultant apostolic authority came directly from Christ on the Damascus road, not from human appointment (173; cf. 1:1-11).


The Christian _euangelion_______ (gospel) is the universal message of God's saving grace through faith in Christ (135).


The Gospel according to John is an __ ______ account of Jesus' life and teaching (91).

eyewitness account

According to 2 Cor 2:14-4:6, the ministry is an opportunity to display the __glory___ of God.


The key word in Galatians is "__Law__" (Gk. nomos).


Paul uses the example of ___Abraham_____ to demonstrate that justification is by faith alone (Romans 4).


Know the key verse of Acts.

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalm, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends on the earth" (1:8)

Luke wrote Acts around AD _60-62___ (105-106).


Galatians may be divided into three major sections: (1) a ___personal_____ section (1-2); (2) a ___doctrinal_____ section (3-4); and (3) a ___practical_____ section (5-6).


John may be divided into two major sections: (1) The Book of __Signs__ (1:1-12:50); and (2) The Book of Glory ______ (13:1-21:25). 10. The Book of Signs concludes with ______Greeks___________ inquiring about Jesus (12:20).


John wrote his Gospel to ___Greek-Speaking Jews Living outide of Israel____90_________ about AD __ (91-92).


Luke recounts the _birth___ and __growth__ of the ___church___ in order to reveal God's plan to take the gospel message from a Jewish setting to the heart of the Gentile world, Rome (108; cf. Acts 28:16-31).


Luke shows how the _____martyrdom of Stephen________________ and subsequent persecution of believers precipitated a scattering of believers into Judea and Samaria (112; cf. Acts 6:8-8:3).


Paul likely penned his letter to the Romans while residing in _Corinth (Achaia, Greece)_____ during the winter of AD __56-57___ (129-132).


Paul reveals God's answer to mankind's dilemma, namely, God's __righteousness__________ is revealed to mankind through the ___gospel___ that brings ___salvation_______ by faith (3:21-8:39).


Romans was written by __the apostle Paul________ in order to address believers in the city of ___Rome__ (129-132).


The apostle Paul combated the _____Judaizers_____ in his letter to the Galatians, arguing that Gentile believers were free from the _____law of Moses__________ (169-171).


The root of the Corinthian church's problem was the _____need for unity around the gospel message________________________ (145).


Why was the law given according to Gal 3:15-29 (176)? (1) The law was added because of _____________ and was in effect until the promise came (3:19). (2) The law was given as a ____________ until Christ came (3:22-29).


___Saul_ of _____ (Paul, the apostle) was converted to Christ and became a zealous missionary for Christ (114-121).


Know the key verses in Romans.

For I am not ashmaned of the gospel, because it is God's power for salvation to everyone who believes, first to the Jews, and also to the Greek. For in it God's righteousness is revealed from faith to faith, just as it is written: The righteous will live by faith. 1:16-17

The key word in Romans is "__Gospel______" (Gk. euangelion).


The _______Holy Spirit_______ is the common source of spiritual gifts (152-153).

Holy Spirit

John clarifies that the Word (Logos) is _______ __________ (93).


Know the key verse in John.

Jesus performed many other signs in the precense of His disciples that are not written in this book. But these are written so that you may believe Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and by believing you may have life in His name. 20:30-31

The final and most climatic sign of the Festival Cycle is __Lazarus' resurrection______ ________ (John 11).

Lazarus' resurrection

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 details specific characteristics love (agapē). What are they?

Love is patient, love is kind, love does not envy, is not boastful, is not conceited, does not act improperly, is not selfish, is not provoked, does not keep a record of wrongs, finds no joy in unrighteousness, but rejoices in truth, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, Love never ends

What are the nine-fold fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23)?

Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, genteleness, self-control

The Acts of the Apostles is the sequel of the Gospel according to _Luke_____ (105). converted to Christ and became a zealous missionary for Christ (114-121).


Know the key verse in 1 Corinthians.

Now these three remain:faith hope and love. But the greatest of these is love 13:13

Know the key verse for 2 Corinthians.

Now we have this treasure in clay jars, so that this extraordinary power may be from God and not form us. 4:7

Jesus normally uses the title "__Son of Man ______" when referring to himself (94).

Son of Man

The apostle Paul wrote Galatians to churches in the Roman province of Galatia around the year AD 49 according to the ___South___ Galatian view (169-171).


Know the key verses in Galatians.

We . . . know that no one is justified by the workds of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ. And we have believed Christ Jesus, so that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law, because by the works of the law no human being will be justified. 2:15-16

Paul challenged the Corinthian believers to examine their ____behavior_____ in order to verify they were living according to their faith (2 Cor 13:5-10).


The term ekklēsia (church) literally means "___called out ones___________" (109).

called out ones

Paul assures the Corinthians that God brings _comfort_______ out of affliction (2 Cor 1:3-11).


While the Greek noun __grace____ refers to an unmerited favorable disposition toward someone or something, a better NT definition of charis would be unmerited favor toward an enemy, that is, one who has forfeited any claim on God's favor because of sin and who deserves God's judgment (173).


One of the reasons for writing 1 Corinthians was to address ___immorality in the church _________ in the church (147; cf. 1 Cor 5:1-6:20).

immorality in the church

Paul's motivation for ministry included his anticipation of standing before the ________ ____judgement seat________________ (2 Cor 5:11-13).

judgment seat

______justification______ refers to the imputation of God's righteousness (135).


The key word in 1 Corinthians is "__love____" (Gk. agapē).


The key words in 2 Corinthians are "__ministry______" (Gk. diakonia) and "___glory_____" (Gk. doxa).

ministry glory

The three main sections of 2 Corinthians are built around the theme of __ministry_______ and the __minister_______ (167).

ministry and the minister

Those who are in Christ are a new creation and ambassadors of ___reconciliation___________ (2 Cor 5:16-6:2).


1 Corinthians 15 explains the necessity of Christ's ____resurrection________.


___santification _________ refers to the impartation of God's righteousness (136).


When Paul says, "I have been crucified with Christ," and "Christ lives in me" (2:19-20), he is expressing the truth of the believer's ____spiritual union with Christ____________________________ (175).

spiritual union with Christ

The author of the Gospel according to John refers to himself as "____________" (92).

the disciple Jesus loved

The phrase "__________thon in the flesh__________" is an idiom for something that causes pain (166).

thorn in the flesh

Paul establishes that __ whole world ______ stands condemned before God, the Sovereign Judge (1:18-3:20).

whole world

The key word in Acts is "__witness______" (Gk. martus).


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