Bible 2020

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What is the label given to an ethnolinguistic segment in which there is no church planting strategy consistent with Evangelical faith and practice under way?

Unengaged people group

Choose the statement below that best relates to this verse: "If two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them" (Matthew 18:19-20 ESV).

Unity in Christ magnifies the power of prayer.

Reflect and Do How you view the Bible really matters. Do you know what the Bible has to say of itself? Read 2 Peter 1:19-21 (Links to an external site.) carefully and check all the statements below that are true to this passage.

- We should pay close attention to Scripture - The Bible is like a lamp shining in a dark place. - Biblical prophecy was originated by the Holy Spirit of God.

It is vital to consider your life choices in light of God's mission and what it means to live as a Christ-follower in the here-and-now. As a sort of pre-test for what you will study in a few moments, try to match the biblical belief on the right with the life choice it affects most on the left. You may come back before submitting for grading and change your answers if you need to. -How you spend your time and money -How you treat people -Whether or not you share your faith in Christ -Whether you live selfishly or sacrificially for God. -Whether you grow in holiness or sinfulness. -Whether you live by convictions or just react to circumstances.

-God holds us accountable -God cares for everyone -People need to hear the world -What we give up here on earth will not compare to heaven - We are to prepare for living with a Holy God - We need to take a firm stand

Place the following list of the Creation to Christ stories in the correct order. Number in order from 1 to 12. The Most High God Sin and Separation Sacrifices Resurrection Repentance Kingdom Jesus, God's Son Jesus the Sacrifice God Sends Jesus God and Man Together Creation Commandments

1 4 6 10 11 12 8 9 7 3 2 5

See for yourself how salvation through Christ takes away the fear of God's judgment and replaces it with joy and confidence. Look up the Scripture references below and match them to their correct summary. Psalm 27:1, 32:5, 103:11-12 Romans 8:1, 8:31, 8:34 I Corinthians 6:11 Hebrews 7:25 I John 4:17-18 Revelations 19:2

-The Lord is my defense; whom shall I fear? -When we confess our sins, God forgives us. -In His great love, God can remove our transgressions as far as the east is from the west. -There is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. -If God is for us, who can be against us? -Christ is our defender and intercedes for us. -You were washed, sanctified and justified. -Christ is always able to save us because He can intercede for us forever. -There is no fear in love; we can have confidence in the day of judgment. -A great multitude celebrates the salvation of God.

Where do you begin in describing the greatest Person who has ever lived? There are two profound passages in the Bible that can jump-start our exploration of who Jesus is. First, read Hebrews 1:1-3. After you have read the passage carefully, choose the correct word to complete the statements below. The Son is now exalted on high at the [ Select ] ["left hand", "right hand", "feet"] of God. God has spoken in the last days through His [ Select ] ["Ideas", "Son", "Friend"] . God's Son made the [ Select ] ["world", "fall", "cross"] . God has spoken to [ Select ] ["animals", "angels", "humanity"] in many ways in the past. The Son made purification for humanity's sins . The Son is the [ Select ] ["exact", "partial", "little"] representation of God. The Son holds all creation together even now.

-right hand -Son -world -humanity -sins -exact -Son

Complete this sentence by filling in the blanks. "When you accept Jesus as your _________ , you accept His _________ for your life, especially in all your___________ . You ____________forever the right to __________whom you love."

1- Lord 2- conditions 3-Relationships 4-Surrender 5-love

Start with a biblical perspective of God as absolute King and Monarch. What images and impressions does the Bible give us regarding God's authority, attitudes, and power over the world? Look up these scripture passages and match each to the quality or description of God as King it describes. 1) Isaiah 40:15 2) Isaiah 40: 27-28 3) Psalm 2 4) Psalm 24:1 5) Psalm 33:6-9 6) Psalm 93:1-2 7) Psalm 115:2-9 8) Lamentations 3:21-23

1-God is so immense that the nations are like nothing before Him. 2-God is constantly aware of everything that is happening to us. 3-God is not intimidated by evil and will one day rise up in terrible anger against all rebellion. 4-Everything in the world belongs to God. 5-God has such power that He merely speaks and things happen. 6-God reigns always—from everlasting to everlasting. 7-God, unlike a helpless idol, does what He pleases and is worthy of our trust. 8-God is always at work providing His mercy and kindness.

Assignment: Mission Highlights If you are any kind of sports enthusiast, you know the value of highlights shows on television and sports clips on social media and websites. Videos like "The Ten Most Amazing Catches" or "Last Second Shots" can condense a whole season into a few thrilling minutes. Let's do the same with some of the great missionary texts of the Bible. These and others will appear time and again in any significant study of Christian mission. Read the following Scripture passages and match them to their respective "missions highlight." Genesis 12:1-4 Revelation 7:9-10 Exodus 19:4-8 Matthew 24:14 Isaiah 42:1-6 John 3:16-19 Acts 1:8 Matthew 28:18-20

1. God called Abram out of his homeland so he could father a people who would follow God and eventually become a blessing to all the nations. 2. People from every language, tribe and people group will one day stand before the throne of God and worship him together 3. God chose the nation Israel as his special treasure to carry out his purpose as a kingdom of priests for the nations. 4. The gospel of Jesus Christ will eventually be preached to every people group on earth. 5. God promised to send His Messiah to bring justice and to be a light to all the nations. 6. Since the world is already under judgment, Jesus came to save the world. People who believe in him will not face the judgment. 7. Jesus declared that his witnesses would spread the gospel from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth. 8. Jesus commanded his followers to go and make disciples, baptizing and teaching them.

What area is home to the largest unreached people groups in the world?

10/40 window

What is the perichoresis of the Trinity?

A description of the deep and loving intimacy and intermingling of the three Persons of God.

What is the "majestic plural"?

A dignified way that monarchs would speak of themselves or in making decrees.

What problem can emerge from the Christian sentiment that "this world is not my home"?

A disconnect from a responsibility to care for the earth.

What did the study mention as the greatest symbol of Jesus' coming into the world?

A manger

Without the "bad news" about sin and death, the gospel is...

A religion that does not require a change of heart. A religion that requires no sense of urgency. A religion without guilt. Simply a feel-good religion

Briefly explain why a story is more than entertainment. Use two to three sentences to give your answer.

A story is more than entertainment because there is a lot more meaning in the story. People can use stories to tell important parts or lifechanging moments from their past. Stories can show important parts of culture and can be used to speak truth and guidance.

Why is youthfulness not a good excuse to delay or avoid becoming a disciple-maker? (Choose the best answer.)

Age does not matter when it comes to being faithful and a good example.

What are the implications of the statement, "There is flow of life, and it will either be to you or through you"

All of the other answers are correct.

Why is it important for a great story to have a backstory?

All of the other answers are correct.

Without the "bad news" about sin and death, the gospel is...

All of the other answers are correct.

In what way do you think that Coach White's perspective was changed?

All of the other answers are true.

What does the illustration of the two builders have to do with the discussion of missions vocabulary?

All other answers are correct.

Without the "bad news" about sin and death, the gospel is...

All other answers.

What is meant by "mission critical"?

An element or process that is absolute necessary for a business or organization to succeed.

What makes the story of "Worm" an appropriate illustration for how we should view the Bible?

As Worm was changed when he discovered his true identity, so we are changed when see in the Bible who we are and how we fit into God's story.

Faith in God allowed many of these people to accomplish great things for God. How does this passage (Hebrews 11 )define that kind of faith? (Choose all that apply.)

Belief that God exists and is worth seeking Certainty about things unseen Trusting in the promises of God Confident of what is hoped for

Why is it that changing the culture can be very difficult? Give one reason from this week's study.

Changing culture is something that can be very difficult because culture is developed over many and many generations. These generations grow up being exposed to those cultures and ideas. It would be incredibly hard to change these cultures because you would have to change the fundamental beliefs of many people which can be very hard.

What illustrates the percentage of evangelicals, access to evangelical resources, and recent church planting activity?

Global status of Christianity

Imagine telling a non-Christian friend, "What you believe about the beginning really matters." In a few sentences, explain why this is true.

Christians believe that God created the world. They believe that God made the universe and everything that makes up the world. People that do not believe in God turn to other things to prove creation such as the Big bang Theory that states that the world was created by a mass explosion and atoms just miraculously "creating" these things or The Eternal Inflation theory which is the belief that after the "bang" the world has never stopped "banging" and we are in a constant state of inflation that has been going on for eternity. Some theories just seem silly, like the "flat hologram" theory that is the understanding that the world is just a hologram. Regardless of all the false ideas, whatever you believe does matter because it shows what you think happened. For Christians we know that God created the universe, He created the sun and the stars, he made night and day, and he made man in His image. By believing certain theories, it shows where your worldview lies and your morals and beliefs.

Which of the following are true statements about the nature of the church? (check all that apply.)

Churches are a work in progress, only completed in the life to come. Churches are where people work out their salvation in fear and trembling.

What is the emphasis in the original language of the biblical phrase, "righteousness and justice"?

Doing the right actions.

What was Frankl's point in making this statement: "Man should not ask what the meaning of his life is, but rather he must recognize that it is he who is asked."

Each person is responsible and accountable for his life's meaning.

Check all the statements below that are true:

Eve gave the fruit to Adam to eat and he joined in the sin. According to the story, God gave only one restriction for the couple to obey. When God came to visit in the garden, Adam and Eve hid from Him.

Who is responsible for initiating the mission?


What is the "unintentional life"?

Failure to ask the right questions and apply the answers.

An illustration given this week ended with, "Casey had hold of the wrong rope." What was the point of the illustration?

Faith that is not based on the truth is worthless.

What did Mischel conclude was one of the most effective ways to avoid a tempting pleasure we don't want to indulge?

Focus on another pleasure.

What Bible verse (reference) does Piper mention to describe how Jesus bears the curse that we deserve?

Galatians 3:13

What are some unique features in Moses' life and experience with God that prepared him for his role in delivering God's people? Choose three.

God rescued him as a baby God visited him through a burning bush God put him in the wilderness before Moses would lead the people of God there

Which one of the following statements is true?

God seeks and pursues people before they seek Him.

From the study of the Trinity, choose each true statement.

God would do nothing less than send Himself into the world for our salvation. Only the Holy Spirit can convict people of their sin.

What did the prophet Joel mean by the words, "Rend your heart, not your garments." (Choose the best answer.)

Grief on the outside is meaningless unless there is brokenness on the inside.

Which of the statements below is false?

Growing the number of cross-cultural vocational missionaries will solve the problem of unreached peoples in the world.

Calling is first and foremost about...

Having a relationship with God.

How does the Bible relate to Jesus Christ?

He is the true subject of the Bible.

Explain in your own words what the camp director meant when he said, "Camp is just for a few days, but church is for a lifetime."

He means that camp is something that is only for a temporary time, whereas the church is something that needs to be part of your lifestyle and everyday life.

Why did Billy Graham start the Lausanne Movement?

He saw the need for Christians across the world to unify and work together in missions.

Which questions below would be most important in a worldview?

How should I live my life? What can make things right? What is wrong with the world? Who am I and where did I come from?

See Exodus 3:13-15. When Moses asked God, "What is your name, and whom shall I say sent me," what did name did God offer?

I Am Who I Am

In your own words, explain why the incarnation is harder to believe than any of the miracles of Jesus, His virgin birth, or His rising from the dead.

Incarnation is the idea that Jesus was created by God as the second part of the trinity and that God took on the human body (Jesus) and became a man on the world. This is hard to explain and even harder to believe because most people cannot understand the logic or ideas behind incarnation. Too many people see Jesus and God as being two completely separate things that are never one.

What does the kimchi illustration emphasize related to Christians being salt in the world?


Why is the Bible sometimes called "the Grand Narrative of Scripture"?

It is a series of God-stories across time and cultures.

What is meant by the statement, "You can't choose Jesus and not choose the church"?

Jesus and the church are inseparable.

Find another verse or passage in the Bible (other than in Romans 7) that illustrates or acknowledges the slavery of sin. List both the reference and verse(s) here.

John 8:34 "Jesus answered them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin." This verse is Jesus telling the people that when they commit sins they are separating themselves from God and becoming slaves to satan and sin.

What makes Joseph's instructions to "take my bones with you" a strong testimony?

Joseph put his hope in God and not in Egypt.

What person in the Bible was mentioned this week as an example of worldly sorrow—a sorrow that did not lead to repentance?


Which of these relates to the idea of "increase" in a life on mission.

Leading others to reach people and make disciples.

Which of these statements are true to the idea of "abiding in Christ"? (Check all that apply.)

Maturity for the Christian is about becoming more dependent on Christ. Christ wants you to abide in Him so you will become more like Him. Disciples who stay connected to Christ bear the fruit of a godly life.

Match these characters with the challenges they faced. Had to choose between the treasures of Egypt and a persecuted life with God and His people. Was tested by being asked to offer up his only son as a sacrifice. Had to trust her life to the Israelite spies over her own people. Had to believe God's warning about an unprecedented disaster in order to save his family.

Moses Abraham Rahab Noah

Match the clue from Hebrews 11 to the person it is describing. 1. Chose ill-treatment with the people of God rather than pleasures of sin 2. Had a child in her old age 3. Welcomed the Israelite spies 4. Walked with God 5. Predicted the Exodus of Israel 6. Predicted the future for Jacob and Esau 7. Went out to an unknown place 8. Presented a better sacrifice 9. Prepared an ark

Moses Sarah Rahab Enoch Joseph Isaac Abraham Abel Noah

Which of the following statements are true about God's call of Moses? (Check all that apply.)

Moses had to choose whether he would turn aside to the burning bush and listen to God. It was God's idea for Moses to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt.

Why is biblical storying so important today? (Choose the best answer.)

Most people are biblically illiterate.

What person was a Christ-like figure in "The Butterfly Circus"?

Mr. Mendez

Which statement below fails to reflect Lewis' vision of the future?

None of the others fail to reflect Lewis' vision of the future.

Without Jesus and His death and resurrection, the gospel...

Offers no proof that God really loves and forgives us.

What does it mean to be an "insider" in the mission?

One who has actually experienced the rescue of God.

Read this case study and identify what is missing in the evangelistic presentation: Pattie was excited to have this moment with her new friend, Sofie. Sofie had some questions about God and invited Pattie to eat lunch with her. Pattie first shared about the One True God who created everything and made us in His image. She talked about how God loves us and wants us to know Him. Then she told the story of the first sin and how "all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). She pointed out several examples of how sin has broken our relationship with God and brought evil into the world. She introduced Jesus as God's Son—all God and all man—who came into the world to deliver us from sin and death by taking our punishment on Himself and dying on a cross. Finally, she wrapped up with the truth that God can forgive us and restore us to Himself if we will turn from our sins and trust in Jesus. When lunch was over, Sofie thanked Pattie for the presentation and headed to work. What did Pattie miss?

Patti did not lead Sophie to consider a decision.

What is the designation for closely-related peoples and is the second-largest category of people groups?

People cluster

Why is it important to understand that some people "belong before they believe"?

People need to see the gospel applied to life.

In the story about Moses and the Amalekites, how does the fact that Joshua had to lead the troops in battle relate to prayer?

Prayer is not a substitute for action

The fall of humanity is not a happy subject, but for both our own sake and the sake of the mission, we must take it very seriously. Get acquainted with the following Scripture passages and match them to their description: For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God Cain killed his brother Abel When I kept silent about my sin, my body wasted away Our years are soon over The way of the wicked will perish The soul that sins shall die You must be born again

Romans 3:23 Genesis 4:1-8 Psalm 32:3 Psalm 90:9-10 Psalm 1:5-6 Ezekiel 18:30 John 3:3

For each scenario offered decide if it constitutes a calling of God or simply a person's preference and decision. Sasha loves to take pictures, especially at weddings and other special occasions. She is truly talented at creating memorable photo albums and websites for people and thinks she could start her own business. She feels this is her calling in life. [ Select ] ["God's calling", "Sasha's preference"] For a long time, Jeremiah had dreamed of attending a particular state university because he has been such a fan of its sports teams. Lately, however, he has felt the need to consider another school that has a significant international student ministry that could use his help. His student pastor has been helping him discern how God might be leading him to this decision. God's calling After taking an online interest inventory, Kathryn is convinced that she is called to work in the hospitality business, perhaps with a hotel chain or a theme park. Her skills and interests match up very well with people who work in these businesses, and she feels this might be her best chance to get a good job. [ Select ] ["Kathryn's decision", "God's calling"] Noah's father, uncle, and grandfather have served in the military, and now he is considering applying to one of the military academies. His dad counsels, "Son, don't do this because of us or any pressure you feel to keep up a tradition. Do it because you know God is in it with you." He and Noah begin to pray about this decision. [ Select ] ["God's calling", "Noah's determination"]

Sarah's preference God's calling Kathryn's decision God's calling

According to John Piper's message, what is said to be the best gift of the gospel?

Seeing and savoring the supremacy of Jesus

What is said to be the best gift of the gospel?

Seeing and savoring the supremacy of Jesus

What was Jill's reaction to the statement, "The world would have you believe that saving whales is more important than saving people from hell"?

She wondered why both could not be important.

Which of the following is true in regards to sharing the gospel through story?

Storying the gospel addresses the whole scope of the biblical message and not just our individual sin problem.

Explain in your own words the relationship between thankfulness and stewardship.

Thankfulness is the precursor to stewardship. Having a relationship with God and being thankful for what he has done will lead us to stewardship. Without the thankfulness towards God, we could not fulfill our duties as stewards. Being thankful for all the things that God has done for us makes us better Christians and stewards.

Which of these statements about Jesus as the Word is not found in John 1:1-18?

The Word is the guiding force of the world.

According to Richard Stearns, what is the "hole in our gospel"?

The failure of some Christians to get personally involved in meeting human needs and addressing troubles of the world.

What is the principle given in Puritan preacher David Clarkson's quote, "quo persona in quem peccatur nobilior est, eo peccatum gravius est"?

The greater the person you offend, the greater is the offense.

What is the most significant message of the movie, "WALL·E," in regards to the environment?

The need to stop mindless consumption and waste.

Based on the reactions of Adam and Eve concerning God, how does sin interfere with God's call in a person's life?

The person seeks to avoid God.

How does sin interfere with God's call in a person's life?

The person seeks to hide from God.

Explain in your own words what Rick Warren meant when he began his book by saying, "It's not about you."

The purpose of Christians is to glorify and honor God in all that we say and do. We are to share His word and bring people to Him. We are to obey His commands and follow-through in His will. Our lives should not be centered around us and our selfish desires, it should be focused and centered around God.

What two things were given to explain the "offense of the cross?" (Pick the two best answers.)

The wickedness and sinfulness of humanity. The humiliation of God in becoming a man.

What does Piper say is the main obstacle to our knowing the supremacy of Christ?

The wrath of God on our sin

What implications does this quote (and today's study) have for Christian missions?

There is a great responsibility to care for the eternal destiny of others.

What was the main strategy children used to resist the urge to eat the second cookie?

They distracted themselves from the cookie.

Why did Nicole and Natalia take as semester off from college and raise funds to go on a mission project to the Philippines?

They have experienced God's grace and love and want to share it with others.

In a second study with kids, which test group of children did best in resisting the urge to eat either of two marshmallows until he returned in the room?

Those who were instructed to visualize the crunchiness and saltiness of pretzels.

What was the real lure of the temptation Eve faced?

To become like God.

What would Nik Ripken say is the main issue in spiritual warfare?

To gain victory in dispelling darkness with the light of Christ.

The purpose of a testimony is:

To honor Christ by describing who He is and what He has done in your life.

Coach White mentions that he worked a day in the fields with the guys on the track team. Why do you think he did that?

To identify with the guys and their life experiences.

What does Oswald Chamber's notion of a "white funeral" symbolize?

We are dead to sin, but alive in regards to Christ.

Which of the statements below are true according to 2 Peter 1:19-21? Choose all true statements.

We can trust in the reliability of Scripture. Biblical prophecy was originated by the Holy Spirit of God. We should pay close attention to Scripture. The Bible is like a lamp shining in a dark place.

Choose all statements below that portray a proper understanding of evangelism and conversion.

We need to carefully consider whether we have truly trusted in Christ for our salvation. The essential message of the gospel is not "God has a plan for your life", but rather "Repent." The good news is that God can deliver us from our brokenness and set us free from sin and death.

Which is the main lesson from "Remember the Titans" that can apply to the church? (Choose the best answer.)

We need to come together or we will fail.

How you view the Bible really matters. Do you know what the Bible has to say of itself? Read 2 Peter 1:19-21 (Links to an external site.) carefully and check all the statements below that are true to this passage.

We should pay close attention to Scripture The Bible is like a lamp shining in a dark place. Biblical prophecy was originated by the Holy Spirit of God.

As an exercise in exploring your own personal testimony, describe a defining moment or a turning point in your life. It does not have to be a religious experience, but it does need to be a story that is deeply meaningful to you. Maybe you have already experienced great loss, or struggle, or unexpected blessing. Offer some details, and then share how the experience changed you and perhaps even impacts your life today.

When I was a lot younger, probably 11 or 12 I had a lot of trouble sleeping at night. I grew up in a small house and my older sister and I had to share a room. I always slept with her and it got to a point where I couldn't sleep by myself at night without someone being in the bed with me simply because I was too scared to be alone. One day my parents told me that we were moving and our house would be big enough that I would be able to have my own room. Part of me was very excited but that also meant my sister would have her own room and we wouldn't be sleeping in the same bed together. I knew then that it would be a struggle for me but I never expected to be as bad as it was. The day finally came when I had to go to bed in my big room all by myself. I panicked, to say the least. I was crying sick to my stomach and the last thing on my mind was sleeping. Suddenly the most profound urge to talk to God rushed over me, unlike anything I had ever experienced in my life. I grew up with God being a very important part of my life but I don't think I ever understood His true power and desire to protect and comfort me. That very night, laying in my big room, all alone I decided to talk to God. I asked Him to help me, to make me feel safe, let me know that I wasn't alone... as soon as I started talking to Him I felt a sense of comfort pour over my whole body and before I knew it I was ok. That was a moment in my life like none other. Ever since then whenever I feel scared, anxious, or alone I start talking to God and He brings peace and comfort into my mind. That moment changed my life forever and I know now that I am never alone. Even when I feel like the world is stacked against me and everything is going wrong, I know that God is on my side and all He wants to do is keep me safe.

"We have Abraham as our father."


What does the illustration of tennis have to do with discipleship? (Choose the best answer.)

You must learn the rules and basic skills before teaching others.

What is the significance of having "self" at the center of the Concentric Circles? (Choose the best answer.)

Your ability to love others starts with your acceptance of God's love and approval for you.

What is the designation for the largest category of culturally-related people groups?

affinity blocs

What are the four parts of the great narrative of Scripture? Choose the four correct answers.

creation fall redemption restoration

Match the consequences of the Fall to the individual. Pain in childbirth Hard work in getting food Desiring and yet dominated Cursed more than any other animal Returning eventually to dust War with the offspring of the woman

eve adam and eve eve serpent adam and eve serpent

In response to the Pharisees and others as they questioned Jesus about when and where the kingdom of God would appear, Jesus said, "the kingdom of God is in the..."Luke 17:20-21.

midst of you

If you are any kind of sports enthusiast, you know the value of highlights shows on television and sports clips on social media and websites. Videos like "The Ten Most Amazing Catches" or "Last Second Shots" can condense a whole season into a few thrilling minutes. Let's do the same with some of the great missionary texts of the Bible. These and others will appear time and again in any significant study of Christian mission. -God called Abram out of his homeland so he could father a people who would follow God and eventually become a blessing to all the nations. -God chose the nation Israel as his special treasure to carry out his purpose as a kingdom of priests for the nations. -God promised to send His Messiah to bring justice and to be a light to all the nations. -Since the world is already under judgment, Jesus came to save the world. People who believe in him will not face the judgment -.Jesus commanded his followers to go and make disciples, baptizing and teaching them. -Jesus declared that his witnesses would spread the gospel from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth. -The gospel of Jesus Christ will eventually be preached to every people group on earth. -People from every language, tribe, and people group will one day stand before the throne of God and worship him together.

genesis 12:1-4 exodus 19:4-8 Isaiah 42:1-6 john 3:16-19 matthew 28:18-20 acts 1:8 Matthew 24:14 revelation 7:9-10

"God owes you answered prayers, and a good life, and a ticket to heaven when you die."

good works

What did the researcher label the kids who were able to resist eating the second cookie?

high delay children

What is another term this article uses to describe delayed gratification?

impulse control

"That may be true for you, but not for me."

moral relativism

What is the largest ethnolinguistic segment within which the gospel can spread through natural social networks without encountering barriers of understanding or acceptance?

people group

This indicator helps to show more precisely the state of church planting and gospel response among a people group.

progress scale

What does Oscar Thompson say is the most important word in any language?


What are the two meanings of "the fear of the Lord" given in this week's study?

reverence/respect dread of punishment

Complete this famous quote that Piper repeats from Abraham Kuyper: "There is not one square inch on planet Earth over which the _________Christ doesn't say ________!"


What two great enemies of Christ-followers were mentioned that have handicapped many believers or disqualified them from a valid witness to the world?

secret sins lack of accountability

Fill in the missing labels in the Concentric Circles of Concern. Start with the center and go out. ____________ Family Relatives ___________ Neighbors ____________ Person X

self relatives friends acquaintances

What did Stearns mean by "life in a bubble"?

shielded from problems in the world that are upsetting

"God whispers to us in our pleasures, ______________ to us in our conscience, but ___________ in our pains: It is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world."


Gary Haugen feels that this issue more likely raises questions over the obedience of God's people rather than God's character.

suffering in the world

"Traditional religion and Christianity are just part of his life's spirituality."


Match the statements below with how testimony serves to translate the gospel. We demonstrate that we truly love and seek Jesus. We show that we walk the talk. We cannot keep silent about someone who loves us this much.

testimony translates belief into trust testimony translates faith into action testimony translates experience into a message

What analogy did Jesus use to teach and illustrate the concept of abiding in Him?

the vine and the branches

Samuel heard someone calling him _______ times and he thought it was ________ , but it was really the voice of _______

three Eli The Lord

What is the designation of an ethnolinguistic segment where less than 2% of the population are Evangelical Christians?

unreached people group

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