Bible 4.2

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"When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of ______ I called my son."


In what country is this city (from #8)?


Who will the Lord send "before the great and awesome day of the Lord?"

Elijah, the prophet

In Malachi 1, who does God say that He hates?


What relationship does Esau have with the Edomites?

Esau is their father

What will the people say to the mountains?

"Cover us"

Name two of the righteous acts that God wants his people to do in Zechariah 7?

1. Render true judgements 2. Show kindness and mercy to one another

How much does Zechariah get paid for his work as a shepherd?

30 pieces of silver

What does the Lord send to patrol the earth?

4 horsemen riding upon red, sorrel, and white horses

What vision does God give Amos in chapter 8?

A basket of summer fruit

Who tells Amos to go away and stop prophesying in Bethel?

Amaziah, the priest of Bethel

What do the Edomites think of the destruction of Jerusalem and Israel?

As a whole the Edomites think that the destruction of Jerusalem and Israel is good, for they could obtain wealth and power. Thus, they gloat over their misfortunes.

What nation is the main threat to Israel during Micah's ministry?


What should the nations beat their plowshares into and their pruning hooks into?

Beat their plowshares into swords, and their pruning hooks into spears

Where did Jacob meet God?


From which town is it predicted that a ruler will come forth?


Concerning which nation does Obadiah write?


What reason does God give for punishing Edom?

Edom persued his brother, Israel, with the sword, showing no pity. Also, Edom was unrelenting in this anger and wrath.

True/False: The people of Nineveh ignore Jonah's message.


What are the names of Zechariah's two shepherding staffs?

Favor and Union

What is Hosea's wife's name?


How is Jonah's response different the second time God sends him to preach?

Instead of fleeing, Jonah arose and went to Nineveh

Who took his brother by the heel while in the womb?


What are the names of Hosea's three children?

Jezreel, No Mercy, Not My People

How does Jonah respond when God relents from the destruction that He had planned for Nineveh?

Jonah was angry and thought better fro him to die than to live, for he thought Nineveh received contrary treatment by God when compared to himself

How does Jonah respond when God takes away the plant for shade?

Jonah was angry enough to want to die

Who is the king during Zephaniah's ministry?


Who are the kings during the ministry of Micah?

Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah

While the day of the Lord will be devastating for the nations, for which nation will it be a blessing?


What reason does God give for punishing Judah?

Judah rejected the law of the LORD and His statutes, and their lies led them astray as happened to their fathers

In what book is #4 quoted in the New Testament?


What "shall be holy?"

Mount Zion

What name does God want the people to no longer call God?

My Baal

What city does Nahum prophecy about?


Where does the Lord send Jonah to preach?


What is Jonah's message to Nineveh?

Nineveh will be overthrown in 40 days

According to Habakkuk, can the Lord look upon evil?


Based on Amos 9:7, are the ISraelites the only people that God brought up from another nation to give a home?


Does holy meat make other food holy by touching it?


In what book and chapter does the Bible quote the verse from question 1?

Romans 9

Who is trying to accuse Joshua the high priest?


What two cities does the Lord compare Moab and the Ammonites?

Sodom and Gomorrah

"Not by might, nor power, but by my ______."


In your own words, what is Habakkuk's complaint in Habakkuk 1:2-4?

The Lord does not hear Habakkuk's cries for help, does not save those from violence, and makes the good experience the effects of iniquity and injustice. Altogether, he sits idly by while sin is occurring, and does not punish.

What is wrong with the offerings that the people had been making?

The offerings were polluted

"All who look at you will shrink from you and say '____ is Nineveh"


How will the Lord quiet His people?

by His love

How will the righteous live?

by his faith

In what manner does Habakkuk decide to wait for the Lord's deliverance from the people who invade Judah?


"These people say the time has not yet come to _____ the _____ of the Lord."

rebuild, house

What will the Lord do to the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land and all nations?

shake them

"Therefore the people wander like sheep; they are afflicted for lack of a ______"


"Strike the _____, and the ____ will be scattered."

shepherd, sheep

"For I desire ___ ____ and not sacrifice, the ____ ____ ____ rather than burnt offerings?"

steadfast love, knowledge of God

What will be split in two from east to west?

the Mount of Olives

Who does God tell Israel to prepare to meet?

God (himself)

What two judgements does Amos beg God to cease (and God agrees to cease)?

1. Judgement like a plague of locusts, consuming the latter growth given to the king as taxes 2. Judgement like a fire, drying up the waters and scorching the land

What does Amos do for a living before being called to be a prophet?

He is a shepherd.

How does Jonah respond to calls calling for him to preach there?

He rises to flee to Tarshish by ship, thus traveling away from the presence of the LORD

What will God do on the third day?

He will raise Judah and Israel up, that they make live before God

What does the Lord say that He will pour out on all flesh in Joel 2?

His Spirit

What does the Lord swear by in Chapter 4?

His holiness

In what year does the word of the Lord come to Haggai?

In the second year of Darius the king (around 520 BC)

In Zechariah 3:8, the Lord talks about "my servant, the Branch;" where else have we encountered "the Branch" before?

Isaiah and Jeremiah

What does "the winter house along with the summer house and the houses of ivory..." tell us about Israel?

Israel lived in luxury without care for the needy

Whose majesty is the Lord going to restore?

Jacob's majesty

What will all the nations of the earth gather against?


Which city does Zephaniah woe and call the oppressing city?


Who does Zechariah define as the Branch?


To what city does God compare Nineveh?


What do the sailors do that causes the storm to cease?

They picked up Jonah and hurled him into the sea.

Why does Habakkuk take his stand at the watchpost and station himself on the tower?

To look out to see what God will say in response to his complaints and what he will then answer

Who is the "wicked" here and who is the "righteous" here?

Wicked: Babylon Righteous: Judah

To what two people in particular does Haggai prophecy?

Zerubbabel, governor of Judah AND Joshua, high priest

What does Zechariah makes and give to Joshua?

a crown of silver and gold

What does "indictment" mean

a formal accusation that a person has committed a crime

What happens to Jonah when he is thrown into the water?

a great fish swallowed up Jonah

To what does God compare His people in Hosea 7:3-7?

a heated oven

What do "my people inquire of?"

a piece of wood

What is Nineveh compared to in Nahum 2?

a pool whose waters run away

What will the Lord change the speech of the peoples to?

a pure speech

What does God make Zerubbabel like?

a signet ring

What does Zechariah see sitting in a basket?

a woman (Wickedness)

In Hosea 14:4 it says, "I will heal their apostasy." What does apostasy mean?

abandonment of one's religious faith and principles

What natural disaster occurs in Israel two years after Amos is called to be a prophet?

an earthquake

What natural cataclysmic event takes place in Joel?

an invasion of locusts

Why does God not "retain his anger forever?"

because He delights in steadfast love

Why have the people of Israel stumbled?

because of their iniquity

Why have the people had bad harvests?

because the Lord's house lies in ruins, while the people busy themselves with their own houses and do not rebuild God's house

"In that day I will raise up the ____ ____ ____ that is fallen."

booth of David

How are the people robbing God?

by withholding tithes and contributions

"O _____, where are your plagues, O _____, where is your sting?

death, Sheol

"Behold, your king is coming to you...humble and mounted on a _____, on a ______, the foal of a _______"

donkey, colt, donkey

What do the people of Israel make the Nazarites do?

drink wine

What famine will God send on the land?

famine of hearing the words of the LORD

Why will Egypt become desolate and Edom a wilderness?

for the innocent blood, signifying violence, that they shed in the land of Judah

Name on way that the Lord punishes His people for their disobedience (yet they do not return to God):

gave Israel cleanness of teeth in the cities and lack of bread

"The latter ____ of this house shall be greater than the former."


"The _____ has perished from the earth, and there is no one _____ among mankind."

godly, upright

What does God compare the princes of Nineveh to?


What do the Edomites do to the survivors of Israel on the day of distress?

hand over Israel's survivors

To whom do God's words "do good?"

him who walks uprightly

Who does the Lord reveal His secrets to before doing anything?

his servants, the prophets

Where od the people of Edom live?

in the clefts of the rock, a lofty dwelling

What effect will this person in #9 have on families?

it will unify them, for the Lord will turn the hearts of the fathers towards their children and the children towards their fathers

Rather than feasts, assemblies, offerings, and sons, what does the Lord want to roll down like the waters?


"He has told you, O man, what is do _____, and to love kindness and to ____ ____ with your God."

justice, kindness, walk humbly

"For the lips of a priest should guard ______"


Rather than accepting correction, what are the people all the more eager to do?

make all their deeds corrupt

What is the Lord's "controversy," or case against Israel?

no faithfulness, no steadfast love, no knowledge of God in the land

"Who is left among you who saw this house in its former it not as ____ in your eyes?"


What does God promise to do if the people give their tithes?

open the windows of heaven for them and pour down a blessing of rebuking the devourer

"...when they look at me, on him whom they have _______, they shall mourn for him."


"But you have turned justice into _____ and the fruit of righteousness into ______."

poison, wormwood

Even though everything can go wrong (the fig tree not blossom...etc), what will Habakkuk do?

rejoice in the LORD of His salvation

What two things should the people seek so that they make be hidden on the day of the Lord's anger?

righteousness and humility

"Be silent, all flesh, before the Lord, for he has ____ Himself from His holy dwelling.


Is the Day of the Lord pleasant or terrifying?


Is the day of the LORD a pleasant or a terrifying day?


What does the Lord say He will raise up to bring justice and punish the wickedness of the people?

the Chaldeans

Where does Micah's power "to declare to Jacob his transgression" come from?

the Spirit of the LORD

Where will the Lord judge the nations?

the Valley of Jehoshaphat

What will the Lord burn in smoke?

the chariots of Nineveh

What "day" is near upon all the nations?

the day of the LORD

What Day do the people of Israel desire?

the day of the LORD

Who does the note suggest Zephaniah great, great grandfather Hezekiah is?

the early, reforming fourteenth king of Judah

From where will God save His people and bring them to dwell in the midst of Jerusalem?

the east country and the west country

Who shall possess the land of the Canaanites?

the exiles of Israel

What knowledge will the earth be filled with?

the glory of the LORD

How is Jonah set free from this "prison?"

the great fish regurgitates him whole

What will be the difference between the house of Jacob and the house of Esau according to verse 18?

the house of Jacob will be a fire, consuming the house of Esau resulting in stubble

Where does Joel call all of the people to gather together for a fast and a solemn assembly?

the house of the LORD

To whom does Ephraim go to heal their wound?

the king of Assyria

What shall come out of Zion?

the law

In Habakkuk 3:1-15, what, in general, does Habakkuk look to as a source of comfort in his present distress?

the power of the LORD

Who does the Lord tell to put on sackcloth and repent?

the priests

Who is called a fool in Hosea 9?

the prophet

What, in particular, will ten men from the nations of every tongue take hold of?

the robe of a Jew

What does the Lord stir up to get the people to continue work on the Temple?

the spirits of Zerubbabel, Joshua, and all the people

What cataclysmic events take place before the Day of the Lord?

the sun will turn to darkness and the moon to blood

Where will the messenger of the Lord suddenly come?

the temple of the LORD

Who are the two branches of the olives trees?

the two anointed ones who stand by the LORD of the whole earth

If they sow the wind, what will they reap?

the whirlwind

What does God want people to rend rather than their garments?

their hearts

Who will be the first to go into exile?

those who lie in beds of ivory (the rich)

According to Nahum 1, who does the Lord know?

those who take refuge in Him

Why does God have Hosea take back his wife, even though she is with another man?

to show that the Lord loves the children of Israel, though they make turn other gods and love cakes of raisins, and will take them back

Where are the feet of him who brings good news?

upon the mountains

"Because of the _____ done to your brother Jacob, shame shall cover you."


"For the man who does not love his wife but divorces her, says the Lord, the god of Israel, covers his garment with _______?"


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