bible chapter 7

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Excessive belief in the power of scientific knowledge and techniques


____ focuses on the basis for knowledge and teaches that the only way we can know anything is through the scientific method


____ is a term that is often used to caricature someone who refuses to accept the foundational assumptions of secularist naturalism


______ focuses on the nature of the universe and teaches that there is no supernatural


a person who believes that life is pointless and that moral values have no basis


accepting the bible's authority guarantees that scientists will be right about all their scientific claims

brute facts

argument is that there is no such thing as uninterpreted factual info; everyone sees all scientific evidence through world view


atheists consistently hold to the same set of moral values


christianity should not be perceived as a threat to science


collection fo observational explanations, and models produced through an organized study for the glory of god and benefit of human kind


distrust of science is the primary problem among educated western people

nature is predictable, orderly, and governed by laws

god told noah "while the earth remaineth, seedtime, and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer, and winter, and day and night shall not cease" this is an example of what assumption about science that drawn from a biblical worldview


gods common grace allows atheists to have morals

compartmentalize life by buying into 2 story view

how do some christians try to embrace both naturalism and biblical truth


if the fall had never happened, science would not have developed


naturalism requires faith


no one person or group is in charge of science


none-overlapping magisteria. notion that religion can deal with realm of morality, while science deals with physical world


scholars in various fields hold conferenced, publish journals, make documentaries, and write books for the general public because _____ is an important norm for science


science is a major tool helping us to obey the creation mandate

freedom is an illusion

scientific naturalism eventually leads to the conclusion that human ____


scientists fro different regions and time periods need to communicate clearly in order to make use of each other's work. what is the most important norm that they must rely on to accomplish this/


since the creational norms for science are not explicitly stated in Scripture, _____ is needed to discover the pattern by which the created world operates


some people argue, "we should trust scientific evidence because of all the scientific evidence for trusting scientific evidence" this is an example of ______ reasoning


the christian view of divine order in creation is called uniformitarianism


the creation account of adam and eve uses metaphors and symbolism to show how god directed evolution to bring adam and eve into existence


the problem with the naturalistic view is that science can only describe what is. it has no authority to tell us what ought to be


the theory or model of how the physical universe began and how it works is called ______


the unbridgeable gap between what is and what ought to be is known as the "is-ought problem" or the _____ fallacy


theologians who say that god used evolution have a difficult time explaining death and suffering without blaming god


things you can know by observing or experiencing based on the 5 senses

common grace

what allows non-christian scientist the ability to do valuable work-even morally good work-in science

loving God and loving neighbors

what are the two ultimate purposes of every academic discipline and cultural domain

human beings have the right and responsibility to rearrange nature in order to meet needs

what assumption about science is drawn from a biblical worldview


what we now label as science has been going on ever since the beginning when god created humankind to subdue the earth

because it represents a straightforward reading of genesis 1

why the young-earth view of creation foundational to biblical christianity's metanarrative of creation, fall, redemption


you can believe in the evolution of humans from earlier, apelike creatures without turning the account of adam and ice in genesis 1 into some kind of metaphor

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