Bible Exam

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What one sentence best summarizes the sad results of Israel's disobedience?

"In those days there was no king in Israel;everyone did what was right in his own eyes."


-the capital city that david established, southern capital

3 major types of Psalms

1. Praise- Telling how God is good and his character. Good God. 2. Lament-Prayers of suffering and saying all of the suffering and bad stuff that was happening. Asking for help in trouble as well 3. Thanksgiving- Thanking God for who he is and what he has done for us.

What are the two focuses of the book of Ruth?

1. ruth's love demonstrated 2. ruth's love rewarded

What three characters are prominent in the book of I Samuel?

1. the prophet and last judge 2. the first king of Israel 3. anointed king soon to succed

How many consecutive evil kings rule in Israel?



1st king of the south, judah, made everyone work 10 times harder, solomons son


1st north king, of israel

How long did the task of rebuilding the city walls take? of jerusalem

52 days

How many proverbs did Solomon include in Proverbs?


Although David is by no means perfect, how is he described in the books of Samuel?

A man after God's own heart.


A woman who feared God, Naiomi was her mother in law, she went with her and then she ended up marrying BOAZ, she then was part of David's line

Describe the 3 basic approaches to the book's literary form and intent:

ALLEGORICAL: Understands the book as a poem describing the relationship between God and Israel or between Christ and the Church. Each detail is seen as symbolic of deeper spiritual truth. *TYPOLOGICAL:Acknowledges the historical foundation and by finding analogy not in all subordinate details, but only in the main outlines. *LITERAL: This view takes the content of the song at face value. Some interpret it in a way maintain that the poem is merely a secular love song expressing human romantic love at its best without spiritual lesson or theological content but a literal interpretation need not mean that the book has no spiritual illustration or application.

Who are two other "wisemen" who contributed to the book of Proverbs?

Agur and Lemuel

What king is reigning in Israel during the prophetic ministry of Elijah?


What nation takes the northern tribes of Israel into captivity?


Mosaic/Sinai Covenant

At mount Sinai, 10 commandments. If you follow God's ways, you will receive blessing.

I Kings covers the 120 years from the beginning of Solomon's reign in 971 B.C. through Ahaziah's reign ending in 851 B.C. Why is 931 B.C. a key date?

Because this was the year in which the kingdom was divided into northern Israel and southern Judah

From which city and tribe are Elimelech and Naomi?

Bethlehem Judah


Big tall handsome, first king of israel

Who is the human "redeemer" of the book of Ruth?


See Chart on page 109. Who were David's great-grandparents?

Boaz & Ruth

What is one of Solomon's great accomplishments?

Built the temple

What theme pervades the book of Joshua?

Conquest and occupation

Joshua, chapter 24 constitutes, a ------------ in which Israel ---- herself to -------- and to reject the worship of all false -----.

Covenant renewal ceremony in which Israel commits herself to serve the lord and to reject the worship of all false Gods.

What marks the turning point of II Samuel?

David's sin

What divine theology is likely expressed in this poem?

Depicting the ideal love relationship in marriage and so presenting a divine theology of marriage as expressed in the love between husband and wife in the physical area.

The certainty of God's prophetic word is highlighted as numerous fulfillments of prophecy and miracles are performed by various prophets. Who are the most prominent prophets in the books of Kings?

Elijah and Elisha

T or F By the times Joshua died, the Israelites had driven out all of the Canaanites from Palestine and divided the land among the twelve tribes of Israel.


In part three (on outline), how do the Israelites fail?

Failure through Idolitry_______________ Failure through _Immorality__________ Failure through _war between tribes

Who plotted to murder the Jews?


See the chart on The Life and Ministry of Samuel. Whose prayer at Shiloh was answered by the birth of Samuel?


How did Boaz accept the obligations of both customs?

He accepted them as the redeemer, he cleared the land of further claims, he married Ruth and had a son to continue the family name.d

Abrahamic Covenant

His descendants will be like the stars in the sky and the sand in the sea. He will be the father of a great nation

What is Satan's Theology?

If Job is blessed by God, then he will be faithful If Job is not blessed by God, then he will be unfaithful God bribes His followers into obedience All of the above are aspects of Satan's theology

Explain how the book of Judges stands in stark contrast to the book of Joshua.

In Joshua the people are obedient and they conquer the land with the power of God. In judges the people are Idolitris and disobedient and they are constantly oppressed by their enemies

See The Life of David. As king of all Israel, what was David's capital?


New/Prophetic Covenant

Jesus is coming. No more sacrifices because the sins are forgiven. The Holy Spirit will now be within us.

What is not the theology of Job's Friends?

Job will be blessed whether he is faithful or not

What other person in Scripture, who will battle evil and lead His people to the promised land is also named Yeshua?


Who furnished materials and craftsmen to build the palace and temple?

King Hiram

What 3 positives did samuel's prophetic ministry bring

Led to a revival in Israel The return of the Ark The defeat of the philistines

Which tribal descendant of Jacob was not alloted land?


Who did Gideon and his 300 men fight in the Valley of Jezreel?


Of what pagan heritage is Ruth?



Money, women, and military strength, son of david . he built the temple asked for wisdom,

Who is the prophet sent by Yahweh to uncover David's sin?


Noahic Covenant

Never flood the earth again with water. The promise has the sign of a rainbow.

Solomon's son who spoke harshly to the elders of Israel leading to the division of the kingdom?


5 r's of cyclical sin

Relapse → Retribution→ repentance→ Rescue → rest

Proverbs 31:10-31 is the proverb of the "wise woman." Which book follows this proverb in the Hebrew canon?



Ruth's hubby, helped her, they married, kinsman redeemer

Joshua's name means Yahweh is...


Who might have written Judges?


The first half of I Kings traces the life of David's successor and son...


Davidic Covenant

Someone from his descendants will always be on the throne. Jesus will eventually come from David.

Even though Solomon's accomplishments were great, bringing him world wide fame and respect, his zeal for God diminished in his later years, as pagan wives turned his heart away from wholehearted worship of God.


T or F II Kings presents God as the controller of history who reveals His plan and purpose for His people. God controls human affairs and those who obey the Lord will enjoy His blessing while the disobedient experience discipline.


T or F The rulerships of some of the judges likely overlap because not all of them ruled over the entire land


Once the united kingdom is divided two kings reign:

Who initially reigns in the northern kingdom of Israel?Jeroboam Who initially reigns in the southern kingdom of Judah? Rehoboam

What is the basic question of the book of Job?

Why do the righteous suffer if God is loving and all powerful

In Solomon's Rise as King what was Solomon's Request of Yahweh?


How does the book of job begin

a heavenly debate between God and Satan

When Samuel was old and his sons had proved to be unjust judges, what did the people request?

a king like all the other nations

What is an "avenger of Blood?

a relative of a person whose duty was to slay the killer

According to the division in 1 samuel, explain the transitions in leadership

a) first transition ~ eli to samuel (1:1-4:1) b) second transition ~ samuel to saul (8:1-13:1) c) third transition ~ saulto david (15:10-31:13)

What events does the book of II Samuel trace?

a)ascension of David to the throne b)his sins of adultery and murder c)The consequences of the sins to the nation of Israel and his family.

Ecclesiastes ultimately teaches that without God, all is

all is vanity

judgeship was transferred from Eli to Samuel due to the corruption of Eli's sons. What was lost to the Philistines resulting in the deaths of Eli and his sons?

ark of the covenant


captured northern in722


conquered southern in 586

"Kindness" is another key term throughout the book of Ruth. What does it mean?

covenant loyalty


defeated the midianites, wanted a sign from God with the wool and dew, small army of only 300 people

The theme of ----- is highlighted as Judges begins with short-lived ------ after the death od Joshua but quickly turns to the ------ of the people to -------their ----

detirioration military sucesses repeated failure drive out enemies


didn't want to go to Nineveh, but God told him to go, swallowed by a gigantic fish and then he got spit on shore again and then he went to Nineveh and he turned the king and the people's hearts and then stopped being so evil. Everything he had was taken away but then he trusted God again, and it was all returned.


evil king that turned good in the end, hezekiah south, child sacrifice


evil king who got in the bull argument with Baal, married jeezebel

The crucial lesson Israel learned under Joshua's capable leadership: victory comes through ------------- and ---------, rather than through --------- superiority.

faith in God and obedience to his word rather than numerical or military superiority

Ruth is a story of a Moabite woman's disobedience, distress, deliverance.


T or F Israelites primary reasons for failure was that they were militarily too weak


t of f Prominent in Nehemiah is the concept of God's covenant with His people


t or f The Persian feast of Susa becomes an annual reminder of God's faithfulness on behalf of His people.


t or f The book of II Samuel records the highlights of Saul's reign, first over the territory of Judah, and finally over the entire nation of Israel.


t or f In the end, God bullies Job into submission without providing an answer to his question concerning his suffering.


t or f Solomon likely wrote Ecclesiastes as a young man who just ascended to the throne of Israel.


t or f The disobedience of God's people thwart God's redemptive purposes, and the Davidic line of covenant promise is destroyed.


t or f The spiritual climate of Israel had nothing to do with determining its political and economic conditions.


t or f The writer of Ecclesiastes believes that because of the unanswered questions of life, we should curse God, disobey His commandments, and hate life.


t or f Wisdom literature such as Proverbs was unique to Israel and not found in other countries in the Ancient Near East.


t or f The judges tried to rally the people against their enemies, but many of the judges were morally weak people and often turned to idolatry


. The beginning of wisdom is the______________of God, a deeply serious attitude toward the____________________ of God.

fear commands

Many proverbs present a contrast between wisdom and ----



good young king in the south, last good king in the south, 8 years old as kings, closed the high place for false gods, he read the book of the law for all the people


great prophet, God loved, showdown at altar

Joshua is the first of ------- books which link the Pentateuch and the remainder of Israel's history.

historical books

What is the likely location and date of the life of Job?

in northern arabia during the time of the Patriarchs


king of Assyrian, conquered the north, he tried to take the south, but hezekiah stopped him.


king of persia, led the jews go back home from the exile for political advantage


king was ruling when his prayer stopped assyria from attacking the south, celebrates passover


known as the promised land

Which custom required the nearest relative of a deceased man to marry his widow so that any offspring would continue to carry the name and inheritance of the former husband?

levirate marriage


northern kingdom


northern kingdom capital

What would determine the success or failure of the anointed king?

obedience to God

The Hebrew word goel appears thirteen times throughout the book of Ruth. How should it be translated?

one who redeems


picked by the king because she is young and pretty and a virgin. She is from persia, she saved the jews by telling the king of persia that haman wants to kill the Jews.


powerful best leader, all kings compared to him, shepherd boy became king, a man after Gods own heart


prophet and last judge, he anoints the first two kings of Israel, saul and david


prophet that spoke to David about his sin with bathsheba

Who plays a prominent role in the book of Kings as Yahweh uses them to remind the kings of their covenant responsibilities?


What book of the Bible does the Song of Solomon parallel?


What is the main theme that pervades the book of Esther?



reads the book of the law out loud, covenant renewal, spiritual renewal, at the same time as Nehemiah

This period of Israel's history was generally a desert of ------ and ------- but the story of Ruth stands in contrast as an oasis of------- and ------

rebellion immorality integrity righteousness


rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, cupbearer for the king, 52 days to build

What is the most prominent theme in the book of Ruth?


What custom obligated the next of kin to buy back property which had been sold due to foreclosure or poverty so as to keep it in the family?

redemption of the land


replaced Elijah, famous for miracles

What is the basic theme of Ezra?


Ezra continues the OT narrative of 2 Chronicles by showing how God fulfills His promise to ______ _______ ________ to the ___________ of Promise after _______ years of exile.

return his people land 70

Ezra helped to bring spiritual _________: Nehemiah as governor helped to bring physical and political _________________ and led the people in moral ____________.

revival reconstruction reform

Upon what two individuals is the focus of the book of I Samuel?

samuel and saul


southern kingdom


strong military leader, leader of Israelites after Moses passed, he lead them into the promised land


super strong leader, follower of God, hair


the most evil people, Job didn't want to go there


the powerful king of Babylonia who conquered Judah but later became like a wild animal before repenting, put boys in furnace

From Ecclesiastes at a Glance, What is the thesis, proof and counsel of Qoheleth?

thesis: All is vanity Proof: life is vain (from scripture and observation counsel: Fear God and obey his commands


they tried to escape egypt, then they had a deal with egypt, then Assyria got mad at them


took out Babylon, allowed jews to move back

T or F 2 Samuel shows that a person's obedience or disobedience to God has direct consequences for that person's life


T or F As a man after God's own heart, David's life was ultimately a triumph as his will was completely committed to the will of God.


T or F The picture is somewhat brighter in the southern kingdom of Judah, where godly kings occasionally emerge to reform the evils of their predecessors.


The plan of Solomon's Temple was patterned after the tabernacle.


t or f Job finally finds rest in the realization that while God's ways are sometimes incomprehensible, He can always be trusted.


t or f Proverbs provides God's detailed instructions for His people to deal successfully with the practical affairs of everyday life.


t or f Just as the Israelites were taken into exile in three stages, they returned in three stages


t or f Satan argues that divine blessings bring forth human obedience, while Job's friends argue that obedience earns God's blessings and disobedience brings God's judgment.


t or false Job's repentance is due to his recognition of God's infinite greatness and of the limitation of his own human knowledge.


What is the earthly life called which will be judged from a heavenly perspective?

under the sun

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