Bible Exam 3

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Ezekiel's prophecy explains why Jerusalem was destroyed: "i will execute judgement on you at the borders of Israel. And you will know I am the Lord..."

"For you have not followed my decrees or kept my laws but have conformed to the standards of the nations around you."

What does Amaziah say to Amos?

"Get out you seer, go back to the land of judah. Earn your bread there. Don't prophecy anymore in bethel

According which of the following is not what the Israelites were doing?

"Go to bethel and Gilgal. Their national sanctuaries but don't bring tithes.

What was Amos's response to Amaziah?

"I was neither a prophet nor a prophets son"

In Amos 3, he writes "you only have I chosen of all the families of the earth, therefore..."

"I will punish you for all your sins"

Which does not come from Hosea?

"The holy GOd is in his temple. Let the whole world be silent before him"

In ez. 6 Ezekiel spoke about Gods judgement. Which phrase appears repeatedly throughout and in the entire book?

"Then they will know that I am the Lord"

Which of the following is not described in Ezekiel 8? -25 men bowing down in temple to the sun. -women mourned Tammuz at the north entrance. -Ezekiel saw the idol of jealousy. -120 Gentiles marched to massacre Jews.

120 Jews marched into inner court to kill the jews

Hosea 4-14 God is pictured as what?

A ferocious lion, a frustrated shepherd, a destructive moth. NOT AS: a jealous husband

What are some of the images of God that Hosea uses?

A healing physician, a protecting lion, a forgiving husband

According to Longman all of the following is true except

Amos did not have any positive word for Israel but judgement speeches only.

According to longman, which is not correct about Amos?

Amos was a rich shepherd who did not have to get paid for what he was doing, that is prophesying

Hosea is one of the earliest prophets along with:

Amos, Micah, and Isaiah

What describes what Ezekiel did in chapter 3?

Ate the scroll God gave to him and it tasted sweet as honey in his mouth.

According to Hosea 2:1-13, the Israelites misunderstood by thinking:

Baal is the one meeting their daily sustenance

What is true about Ezekiel?

Book of Ezekiel is the only prophetic book completely in first person, Ez. Was taken to Babylon its Jehoiahchin, ez. Was 30 years old when called as a prophet

Hosea talks about these except:

Cows of Anshan get drunk in cultic rituals

What are some of the symbolic acts of Ezekiel in ch 4-5?

Divide hair into 3 parts, burn then chop then toss the 3 parts. Stand on side for 390 days to bear Israel's iniquities and 40 days for judah. Cook bread and make small rations and use cow dung for fuel. Write on a clay tablet "Jerusalem" and lay siege to it.

According to canvas discussion, the phrase frequent in Ezekiel 6 is reminiscent _____.


Which statements are not true about Ezekiel?

Ezekiel ends with clear messianic prophecies.

According to longman, which is incorrect about Ezekiel?

Ezekiels words and ideas frequently appear in Paul's letters

What were the visions of Amos?

Fruit basket, drought, plumb line

What happens in Ez. 10-11?

Glory of God leaves Jerusalem

The main theme of Hosea 1-3:

God's steadfast love for unfaithful Israel.

What was not a symbolic act of Ezekiel?

Grinding up idols and spreading them on the Jordan

What did Amos mean by saying that he is not a prophet?

He did not make a living by prophesying

Hosea describes Israel as the following:

Hot ovens, a silly dove, a wild donkey. NOT AS: an ignorant ox

What was God's response to Habakkuk's first complaint?

I am raising up the babylonians/chaldeans that ruthless and impetuous people

Longman thinks many of the prophetic descriptions of restore people are highly enigmatic because...

In the actual return from the exile a temple is rebuilt, but it didnt fit Ezekiels glorious description

According to longman the list of charges climaxes with


What was wrong with Israel's policies in 8:1-14?

Israel/Ephraim sold herself to lovers, political alliance.

What does Amos 4 say about the Israelites sacrifices?

Its what they "love to do"

According to Hosea 4:1-14, 5:1-7, & 6:1-3 the major theme is:

Knowledge of God

"The land mourns..." this disaster was because of:

Lack of knowledge of GOd

In Amos 5 Amos says about the Israelite worship services that they should do except ____.

Let justice roll on like a river, and righteousness like a never-failing stream

What is not true of Ezekiel?

Like Isaiah Ez receives a vision of God in the temple

What is true about Hosea?

Lo-Ammi means not my people, Lo-Ruhamah means not loved, God told Hosea to take an adulterous wife.

Which of the following NT books uses Ezekiel?


In Ezekiel 43...

The Glory of the Lord returns to Jerusalem

According to Hosea what is israels main problem?

The Israelites deserted the Lord to give themselves to prostitution.

what was God's response to Habakkuk's second complaint?

The righteous will live by faith

What does Amos 2 say about Israel's sins?

They sell the righteous for silver, and the needy for a pair of sandals.

Amos charges the foreign nations with

War crimes

Ezekiel 2-3 describes Ezekiel's call as a prophet and he is compared to a _____.


Which of the following explains exekiel's vision in chapter 1 best?

What the 4 living creatures looked like with wheels, mobility

What does Amos say in chapter 5

Woe to you who long for the day of the Lord. Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a stream. I hate, I despise your religious feasts, I cannot stand your assmeblies. NOT "the Lord is in his temple, be silent"

what is true about habakkuk?

complains that God doesnt listen to him, contains dialogue between God and hab who is not satisfied with God's responses to his questions, prophesied after 626 BC. NOT TRUE: lacks faith and complains

According to Longman, the following statements are true about Ezekiel except

when Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem, he killed Zedekiah whom he made king of judah about a decade earlier but rebelled against him later

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