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In spite of the plagues, the Pharaoh refused to allow the ____________ to go. It was only after the tenth plague, namely, the death of the first male-born children, that Pharaoh changed his mind.


After crossing the Red Sea, Moses led the people through the wilderness of ______________


God had reigned over Israel from the covenant at ________________


Eventually ________________ became idolatrous, failed to keep God's commandments and incurred the wrath of God.


Struggle for succession with Adonijah at the start of ___________ reign as king. He suceeded his father David.


When David died he was succeeded by his son ____________


Who built the lords temple in Jerusealem?


Who? Some biblical books are attributed to him: Books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Book of Wisdom and some of the Psalms (72, 127) iv) Kings and Queens came to hear his wisdom


Solomon was unwise when he burdened the people with heavy _____________ and ____________

taxes work

Under the leadership of Joshua, God helped the Israelites to conquer _________ and settle on the land


Judah also fell in 586 BC due to idolatry refusal to listen to the warnings of the prophets of ______________


As punishment for his unwise policies and decisions, Solomon's kingdom was transferred to one of his servants, ____________.


The people of the Northern Kingdom installed ______________ as their king and made Shechem (Samaria) their capital


In Midian, Moses married Zipporah, one of the seven daughters of the priest of Midian called ___________(Exo. 3:1). He kept the flock of his father-in-law, and on one of his pastoral duties, he was called by God in the episode of the "Burning Bush."


Solomon was unwise when he He gave twenty cities in ______________ to Hiram King of Tyre in exchange for cedar-wood


The Lord appeared to Solomon as he was at_____________, the most important high place of the time


God is the almighty; He is the Lord of all. This means the ____________ is not almighty and lord of all.


The judges appeared in Israel during the settlement __________________ They appeared at the time when the Israelites, who hitherto, had been a bunch of wandering people, were now getting used to a settled life.


When the Israelites sinned, __________ would punish them from time to time by allowing foreign nations to conquer and plunder them when they had no visibile leaders and went off track


There were three promises accompanying the call of God to Abraham. These are: -

1. God said He would make of Abraham a great nation and bless him; 2. Blessing for the nations. Those who bless Abraham, He would bless them and those who curse him, He would curse them. Thus, through Abraham, all peoples would be blessed. 3. The Lord will give him the land of Canaan.

The significance of Abraham's call and his positive response to the call are that (three things)

1. God takes the initiative to save man and His salvation is for all people. 2. Abraham (and the Israelites) play a mediatory role in God's salvation of people. 3. The migration from the Ur of the Chaldeans (Mesopotamia) is the result of a divine call and it shows the faith response of Abraham, the father of faith.

Moses lived in Midian for how many years?


Solomon was unwise when he had He had a lustful desire which led him to marry _____________ and keep___________. This led him to building altars of their god and worshiping these gods

700 wives 300 concubines

When Solomon died c. ___________, he was succeeded by his son, Rehoboam. Soon afterwards, some elders from the northern tribes came to request Rehoboam to reduce their burden. The burden included ________________ ___________, costly building projects

932 BC taxes forced labor

After Terah died, ________was called by God to leave Haran and continue the journey. God said to him, "Leave your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land which I will show you"


Their history of the patriarchs begins with____________ a man acclaimed as full of faith, and continues with Isaac and Jacob.


When ______________died at the age of 175 years, his two sons, Isaac and Ishmael, buried him in the Machpelah cave (Gen. 25:7-8).


At age 99, God appeared to Abraham once again and made an everlasting covenant with him (Gen. 17:1-27). In this covenant; i. God repeated all the former promises - many descendants, father of nations, blessing of people. ii. God changed Abraham's name from __________ ("God is exalted father") to Abraham ("father of many nations") (cf. Gen. 16:1, 17:1). The sign of this ___________ was circumcision - all males of Abraham's household were to be circumcised. Abraham trusted in God and obeyed Him

Abram covenant

The two hundred years from 922 BC when Jeroboam began to rule, down to 722 BC when the Northern Kingdom fell to the______________were mostly taken up by war. There were battles against Assyria, border disputes with Judah, revolt by subject peoples such as Moab.


The split between Israel and Judah brought a greater division and rivalry among the people of God. For example, the two kingdoms constantly fought around the border in the tribal area of______________


Their worship was divided. While Jerusalem had the Temple and remained the place of worship for Judah, Jeroboam built shrines at __________ and ____________These shrines were to serve as places of worship so that the people there will not go to Jerusalem to worship

Bethel Dan

It was Terah's wish to take the family to _____________ but on the way, they settled in Haran where Terah died


At 75 years, he took his wife Sarai (changed later to Sarah), Lot, his nephew, and some servants and set out for___________ . They journeyed through ______ and settled in Shechem. At the oak of Moreh, Abraham and his family built an altar to the Lord


The Passover has significance also for ____________ who celebrate it at Easter to commemorate Jesus' death and Christian salvation from sin and eternal death.


For the sake of ___________ God promised to remove the kingdom from Solomon at a later time, and that one tribe would remain faithful to Solomon


Saul's family, Jonathan and Michal, loved _________


The line of ____________ (i.e. Judah), however, failed to maintain an exemplary spiritual posture. Its kings and people refused to listen to the prophets of God, who predicted imminent catastrophe (Hos. 7:13-1b; Amos. 3:9-4:13; Is. 6:16-20). This eventually resulted in the exile of Judah into Babylon which took place c. 586 BC and lasted till 538 BC.


Who? Anointed by Samuel in 1 Sam. 16. He was also a good musician and played for the king (1 Sam. 16:14-23). Grew in popularity after defeating Goliath the Philistine (1 Sam


_________ also achieved many victories against tha nations. Examples, Philistines (2 Sam. 18), Moabites (2 Sam. 8), Syrians, Edomites, etc. Thus, the Lord gave him victory wherever he went but he got lazy. he over-relaxed and became complacent after many victories (2 Sam 11:1-27). he failed to meet his responsibilities of justice or being accessible to his people. his own house fell apart with his son, Absalom, leading a rebellion against him (2 Sam. 15:1-37; 18:1-33; 19:8-16). he was weak in settling the dispute in appointing his successor


Many of the judges had "defect" or "disadvantages". For example, _____________ was a woman; Jephthah was half - Jew; Samson had a weakness for Philistine _____________, etc

Deborah women

The people would cry to God and God would raise a leader to save them. As long as the leader was alive, the people were faithful to God, but as soon as (s)he died, they went back to sin. This state of affair of apostasy, oppression, appeal and deliverance is called the _____________________

Deuteronomic Cycle.

The story of Joseph forms the background and introduction to the __________ narrative. With time, the whole family of Jacob moved to Egypt and came to settle there (Exo. 1:1 ff.), marking the beginning of Israel's stay in Egypt.


Solomon is often regarded the "wisest man" that ever lived and his reign over Israel is described as the _____________________

Golden Age

Joshua was qualified to lead the people of Israel because of these four reasons:

He led the onslaught against the Amalekites (Ex. 17:9-14). He served as Moses' assistant on Mt. Sinai (Ex. 32:17; 33:11) He is described as a "wise leader" (Deut. 34:9). Eliezer the high priest commissioned him for the role of leading the Israelites into the Promised Land (Num. 27:23). After this, Moses died at the age of 120 years.

David had many political and military achievements (3)

He made Jerusalem the capital, later called the "city of David" He expanded the kingdom exponentially Brought the Ark of the covenant to Jerusalem

Why is David known as the ideal king?

He recognized his shortcomings Submitted completely to the Lord Never engaged in idol worship

When Moses grew up, he identified with the _______________. One day, he killed an Egyptian taskmaster who maltreated a Hebrew (Exo. 2:11-12). At another time, he separated two Hebrews who were fighting but the one in the wrong accused him of playing the judge and intending to kill him as he did the Egyptian previously.


Solomon continued the good relations of his father David with other Kings, for instance _________________

Hiram King of Tyre

David is usually described as the ________ king.


There was struggle against the growing power of the Aramean state of Damascus in Syria. The military attacks of the Syrian king, Ben-Hadad (also called Hazael) constantly posed a threat to the very existence of ____________


_____________ married 4 wives and gave birth to 12 sons. The sons of Jacob conspired and sold their brother Joseph ot Egypt (Gen. 37:1 ff.). Although he initially faced with numerous challenges, Joseph later rose to become a prominent person in Egypt (Gen. 41:1 ff.).


As long as _____________ was alive, the Israelites were treated well by their Egyptian hosts. But this situation changed some years after his death


Some years after _____________ died, there arose a new Pharaoh who did not know ____________ or the salvation he had brought to Egypt. The Pharaoh was an absolute monarch, considered as divine and the most powerful person in Egypt. He was afraid of the increasing numbers of the Hebrews, seeing it as a threat to Egypt (because they could join an invading force to wreak havoc on Egypt). The Pharaoh adopted austere measures to reduce the strength and numbers of the Hebrews.


2. Reasons Pharaoh tried to reduce the numbers of the Hebrews in Egypt When_____________ was alive in Egypt, the Israelites were treated well by their Egyptian hosts. But this situation changed some years after his death. Some years after___________ died, however, there arose a new Pharaoh who did not know Joseph or the salvation he had brought to Egypt. He was afraid of the increasing numbers of the ___________. He was afraid they could ________ the country. The Pharaoh saw the number of the Hebrews as a threat to Egypt because they_______________________________to wreak havoc on Egypt. Measures to reduce their numbers (i) Oppression through ___________ - The Hebrews provided cheap labor for Egypt. (ii). The building of Pithom and Ramses (Exo. 1:11-14)- They made mortars and bricks to construct these two store-cities. (iii) Seeking the services of Hebrew midwives, ___________ and ___________(Exo. 1:15-17) - The Pharaoh asked them to kill every male-born Hebrew they help deliver. (iii) ______________of male-born sons by the Egyptians (Exo. 1:22) - Next, the Pharaoh asked his own people, the Egyptians, to drown all male-born Hebrews in the Nile river.

Joseph Joseph Hebrews overrun could join an invading force hard labor Shiprah Puah Drowning

At the end of his leadership, _______________ led the people to renew their covenant-relationship with God at Shechem (Jos. 24). During this covenant renewal, he asked the people to choose to worship God alone and be faithful to His commandments (Jos. 24:24).


____________ and ___________were the two heroes in the darkest hour of Israel's apostasy. It was therefore fitting that the Lord selected one of them to lead His people. The lot fell on______________because he had been prepared all along for the task of leadership.

Joshua and Caleb Joshua

From a religious standpoint, the kings of _______________ were far superior to the kings of Israel


________ had the priesthood and the temple in the city of Jerusalem. he also had very strong prophets who condemned apostasy and called the nation back to repentance whenever they strayed from the covenant and commandments of God.


_____________, on the other hand, enjoyed a bit more stability because: - 1. the Davidic dynasty remained in power throughout the century. Unlike the North, most of the dynasty of David continued unbroken The exception is when Athaliah ruled. When her son, Ahaziah, was killed during the revolt of Jehu, she assumed the throne, the only woman in Israelite history to have ruled on her own

Judah Athaliah

Anointing of David as king of_________ ( 2 Sam. 2:1ff) and king of all ___________ (2 Sam 5)

Judah Israel

______________ were men and women who were chosen by God to deliver His oppressed people from the hands of foreign dominations.


After the death of __________ (1 Sam. 31, 2 Sam 1), David ascended the throne of Israel

King Saul

_________ became jealous of David and tried to kill him

King Saul

_________ as an institution developed late in Israel unlike the other nations around Israel


At________, however, Moses showed lack of faith and so God excluded him from entering Canaan, the land of promise. Moses asked the Lord not to leave His people without a shepherd but to appoint someone to lead them. God had ____________ appointed and he became the leader of the people.

Meribah Joshua

Moses then realized that it was unsafe for him to continue to stay in Egypt. Moses fled to __________ (which borders the eastern part of the Red Sea, in the Gulf of Aqaba).


It was around the time of the Hebrew slavery that a child was born to a Levite man and woman, namely, Amram and Jochebed (Exo. 6:20). The parents hid the child for three months but seeing that they could no longer hide him, the mother put him in a basket and laid him on the Nile River. The child was later found by the daughter of the Pharaoh and trained by his own mother and brought back to the court of the Pharaoh. He was named __________, meaning "drawn out of water".


The judges of Israel were national heroes who lived and worked in the period from after the death of ___________ till the time of ___________. They helped the people of Israel to overcome their enemies and to remain faithful to God

Moses Samuel

The __________________ (also called Israel) was made up of ten ___________tribes.

Northern Kingdom 10

That night, the Lord struck all the first-born male children of the Egyptians so that there was a great cry in the land. Pharaoh then ordered Moses and Aaron to leave with the Hebrews and their livestock at once to sacrifice to God in the wilderness. The Egyptians even presented the Hebrews with gifts of silver, gold and clothes. The ____________ became such a memorable event in the history of Israel, and they celebrated it annually to commemorate their exodus from Egypt (Exo. 13:1-10).


____________________ refused to listen to them, and so the northern tribes separated themselves from the southerners


Before Solomons death, Israel was on the brink of division. After his death, the kingdom got divided between his son ___________, and one-time servant,__________________

Rehoboam Jeroboam

______________ remained the king of Judah in the south, ruling over the tribe of Judah and half-tribe of Benjamin (remnants of Simeon), with _______________ as his capital.

Rehoboam Jerusalem

During ___________ judgeship, Israel made a request for a king to rule over them


Who? Had excellent trade relations and political alliances, often cemented by marriage. For example, he made alliance with the king of Egypt (1 Kgs. 3:1) He prayed for wisdom to govern Israel wisely He built the magnificent Temple for the Lord in Jerusalem and a great palace Israel became a nation of international repute and dignity.


_______________ recognized the following God's faithfulness and kindness to his father and himself. He was a young ruler who needed guidance. He needed a discerning heart for governance, to know right from wrong and administer justice.


_______________Walked by God's commands and according to the statutes of his father David.


Abraham's father was called____________and his family lived in the Ur of the Chaldeans (located now around the Euphrates area in southern Iraq


___________yet the fire did not consume the bush. When Moses drew near to have a better look at this spectacle, a voice called out saying, "Do not come near, put off your shoes, for the ground on which you are standing is holy" (Exo. 3:5).

The bush was burning

Why did the Israelites want a king

They preferred monarchy (rule of kings) to theocracy (rule of God). They were unhappy and literally fed up with the failures of the judges and their sons. They wanted the kings to lead them into battles.

When Joshua died (Jos. 24:29-30), the Israelites did not have any visible leaders and Israel was grouped into _________________.


What were the roles of the kings of Israel?

Viceroys of God Religious leadership Moral leadership custodians of israels laws

What did Solomon ask God for?


Measures to Reduce Hebrew numbers were (3)

opression through hard labor kill every male born hebrew/drown using the services of midwives

Among the Israelites, the _______________ came to signify God's special relationship with them, that of all the nations of the world, they had been set apart as God's chosen people.


In the _____________________ of visible leaders, the people sinned again and again, by rejecting God, worshipping other gods and forgetting about the covenant.


They were ______________________ who were called by God in times of crises to save Israel from the oppression of enemy nations. The judges led and worked with the Israelites in the period after Joshua till the period of Samuel.

charismatic military leaders

2. The judges were not ___________ judges: They did not sit in courtrooms to settle cases or dispense justice according to law. Rather, they were people God used to save the Israelites in their difficult moments. Of the judges, only Deborah and Samson settled cases and dispensed justice.


God assured him once again that the promises would come true and Abraham believed (Gen. 15:1-6). God then made a _______ with him as a seal of his promise and His faithfulness (Gen. 15:6).


Exodus means


One of the promises accompanying the call of Abraham was that God was going to bless him and make him the father of many nations (Gen. 12:1-3), i.e., Abraham was promised many ___________. For a long time Abraham thought he would be ____________ but god promised him this was not the case.

descendants childless

When it became evident that the Hebrews would not return, the Pharaoh ordered his army to chase them up. They caught up with them by the Red Sea. God allowed His people to pass through the Sea as by a dry land, but the Egyptians __________-


With the ______________, God forms the Israelites into a people and Israel as well gets an identity as a people and a nation.


God picks people not because they are ___________ but because He wants to make them good. Thus, God can work with weak human instruments.


When God entrusts responsibilities, _________________________ He assures Moses that Aaron would accompany him to seek permission from Pharaoh and added that the task would be a difficult one, but He would be with him

he offers assistance

The judges of Israel played the following significant roles: -

helped Israelites to do what is right and lead holy lives they were military leaders and delivers example gidian and the midinites acted as covenant covenors acted as arbitors (some)

Judgeship was not a_________________ or ______________ position. It was not a position that could be passed on from father to son or inherited by later generations. Rather, it was God who called persons to be judges at any particular time.

hereditary dynastic

While__________________started early in Israel, it started late in Judah because there were many good kings there who rejected idolatry during their reigns, thus saving Judah from the same fate experienced by Israel in the Assyrian Captivity of 722 BC.

idol worship

Among the Israelites, the ________________came to signify God's special relationship with them, that of all the nations of the world, they had been set apart as God's chosen people.


The biblical word ___________ comes from the Hebrew word "shofet" (plural, "shofetim"), which means "ruler." It was used primarily in referring to God who was the ruler of Israel (Is. 33:22). Later, it was applied to the men and women He chose to lead His people.


The position of the ____________ was therefore not up for automatic grasp by sons and relatives at the death of a judge.


. Monarchy/Kingship in Israel Kingship as an institution is a _________________ in Israel. God was recognized as king. It was during ___________ judgeship that the Israelites made a request to have kings to rule over them (1 Sam. 8:4) Reasons for requesting for a king ______________ and ___________ among the judges Israel wanted to be like the _______________ The people wanted kings to ___________ them in battles They preferred _________________ to the _____________ (the rule of God). The Roles of kings 1. ________________: - In Israel, kings were viceroys of God. They acted on His behalf since God was the real king of Israel. 2. __________________: - The kings of Israel were primarily religious leaders. They were to ensure that Israel remained faithful to the worship of God. 3. _________: The kings of Israel were also moral leaders of God's people. They were expected to live exemplary lives. 4. _________________________: - The kings of Israel were also custodians of Israel's laws. They were expected to obey these laws and help the people to do same

later development Samuels corruption instability other nations lead monarchy theocracy Viceroys of God Religious leadership Moral leadership Custodians of Israel's laws

It was in Midian that Moses recieved his call to

lead the Hebrew people out of Egypt

When the Pharaoh allowed the Hebrews to leave his country, he thought they were making a three-day pilgrimage to worship God in the wilderness (Exo.5:1, 8:27) and come back. He did not know that the Hebrews intended to _________________

leave forever

The judges were ______________ (tribal heads): They led sections of the tribes of Israel to war. They did not lead a united Israel, because Israel at this time was a loose collection of tribes which came together only in times of crisis. Besides, the tribes were under no obligation to come together for any military campaign. Thus, the authority of the judges did not encompass all the tribes of Israel but only a few of them.

local leaders

What were gods promises to abraham (simple)

many descendants father of nations blessing of peoples

Thus, God saved His people once more and the Hebrews, believing that their deliverance from Egypt was a great ________________which could only be achieved by God, sang a hymn of praise to God (Exo. 14:31-15-18).


After the split of the __________ the nations of Israel and Judah faced similar problems but followed different paths.


God had reigned over Israel from the covenant before kings through ____________, ___________, and the judges

moses joshua

The following constitute the __________ and _______________of the judges of Israel: - 1. The judges were charismatic leaders: The judges were recognized by the "spirit of God" which seized them and used them for His work. All the judges had the divine charisma, evidence to the people that God's spirit rested on them. This spirit enabled them to deliver the people in times of crises

nature characteristics

God saves the Israelites from slavery in Egypt through Moses (around 1250 BC), and the people respond with faith. The ____________ becomes a ritual, a liturgy that commemorates the exodus and celebrated annually.


The _____________ are the great ancestors and founding fathers of the Jewish nation (Israel).


On their journey, God caused the Hebrews to take the longest route possible, to equip them and strengthen them. They were guided by the Lord in a _______________ by day and a _________________ by night (Exo. 13:21). These were signs and directions of the way to the Hebrews and the visible evidence of God's presence with His people.

pillar of cloud pillar of fire

God sent ___________on the land of Egypt (ten of them, namely, Nile into blood, frogs, ants, flies, cattle, boils, hails, locust, darkness and death of first-born).


The Northern Kingdom of Israel was unstable_____________


The call was a challenge to Abraham and a test of his faith and love of God. He was to leave his land, his father's house and family, to follow a voice he was not familiar with. Yet, Abraham's response was


Moses is fearful, non-committed and indecisive but God makes him___________It is not about God but what He wants to do with and through Moses.


God then told Moses that He had seen the affliction of His people in Egypt and was going to deliver them through the hand of Moses himself. Moses protested that he was not qualified to go to Egypt to lead the people of Israel out of that land neither was he eloquent enough to speak before Pharaoh (Exo. 3:11-12). God assured him that He would be with him as a sign that He had sent him. Moses then asked the name of the one sending him. God said, "I am that I am" (Yahweh). God reveals His personal name to Moses. This is a profound personal revelation of God's identity "I am who I am" (from the Hebrew, hayah, to be, Exo. 3:14. Adonai - My Lord).


Moses sought and got permission from Jethro to go back to Egypt. He met with Aaron, his brother, and some elders of the Hebrews and told them the mission God had given him. Afterwards, he and Aaron went to seek permission from Pharaoh to give the Hebrews a three-day off to sacrifice to their God in the desert. The king refused them the permission and instead asked that the Hebrews be asked to work without straws. Moses appealed to God again and he was assured once more. Yet, the sufferings of the Hebrews continued


The Hebrews were to do the following on the night: - i] Kill an unblemished year-old lamb, roast it and eat it in haste. Everything was to be consumed with nothing left behind (Exo. 12:3, 5, 8-10). ii] The heads of the families were to sprinkle the blood of the lamb on the lintels of their houses, a sign for the Destroyer to pass over their houses (Exo. 12:12-13). iii] Eat the roasted lamb with unleavened bread and bitter herbs, to remind them of their sufferings in Egypt (Exo. 12:8). (iv) Dress up for the journey, with belts around their waists, sandals on their feet and staffs in their hand. It was the Lord's Passover (Exo. 12:11).


When God promised Abraham that he would have a son, both Abraham and his wife, Sarah, were advanced in age (100 and 91 years, respectively). Yet Abraham believed (Gen. 18:10:15). True to their faith, they had a son in their old age Abraham named his son, Isaac, meaning, "God has brought laughter to me." (Hb. yishak - laughed). Isaac was a relatively shadowy figure who serves as a link in the stories of Abraham and Jacob. His story is told in just a few chapters of Genesis (Chaps. 21-28). The most important event of his life was his near sacrifice on Mt. Moriah


The judges played significant roles in the life and history of Israel till such time that Israel became a nation strong enough to choose her own ___________


At age 100 and 91 years respectively, Abraham and Sarah had a son and they named Isaac. As soon as the child was born, God asked Abraham to __________ him , i.e., to offer his only child on a mountain in Moriah


The exodus serves as model/pattern of "_______________" in the Bible (i.e., the parting of the sea, the Passover lamb, etc.).


______________is a movement from the state of danger or evil and fear into a state of safety and goodness.


Example of the wisdom of Solomon? Judgment on the two women who lay claim of the _____________

same child

Name of the two midwives

shifra and puah

3. Definition of Judge The word "judge" (Hebrew, __________"), means "ruler." It was used primarily for God as ruler of Israel (Is. 33:22). Then it was applied to the men and women He chose to lead His people. Judges were _____________________, men and women who were chosen by God to deliver or save His oppressed people from the hands of _______________ dominations Roles of Judges 1. They helped the Israelites to do what was right in the sight of God and to__________________ after a period of sinfulness. 2. They were military leaders and deliverers. The judges of Israel led the tribes in ______________against oppressing foreign nations. 3. They acted as ______________ - conveners. The judges helped the Israelites to remember the ethos of the covenant. 4. Some of the judges acted as arbiters. _______________, for instance, was a judge in the sense of the word.

shofet charismatic military leaders foreign live holy lives wars covenant Deborah

Year after year, the Hebrews celebrate(d) the Passover to remind them of how by a powerful hand, God saved them from _______________ in Egypt, and to boost their confidence that this same God will preserve them forever (Exo. 12:26-27; 13:8).


On the night of the ___________ plague, the Hebrews were told to get ready for God was going to strike the Egyptians hard. He was going to send the "angel of destruction" to put to death all the first-born male children of the Egyptians and save the Hebrews.


Abraham was to sacrifice the child because of his faith commitment to the covenant. Abraham made the journey with Isaac, two servants, wood and fire. When they reached the place and was ready to sacrifice Isaac, an angel of God called from heaven _________________in place of Isaac. The angel also reaffirmed God's promises to Abraham because he had shown deep faith in God

to stop him and provided a ram in isaccs place

Solomon's _______________ surpassed that of all the kings of the East and West. To him is attributed 3000 proverbs, 1005 songs, great teachings on topics from plants to animals


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