Bible test 2/27/23

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What is Job 28: 28 say?

Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil, is understanding

Name three ways about the love relationship between Solomon and the Shulammite woman in this book.

Crazy love, very descriptive, goat, seeking each other with uncontainable, spontaneous, metaphorical descriptions.

What is one of the most difficult books in the Old Testament?


What important lessons does Ecclesiastes have for a teenager?

Enjoy use and remember God but know there is judgment later

What is the message of Ecclesiastes? the Greek word Ecclesiastes means, "the ________ " or "the_________" Ecclesiastes is the complex verdict of a sage in search of the key to finding and understanding the __________ of life. The conclusion of his experimental, and observe it all investigation is that life is an incomprehensible __________ to be enjoyed it as a gift from the creator and Judge. Ecclesiastes is not._________ then outlook

Enjoying God's, incredible, mysterious gift of life; teacher, preacher, significance, enigma, pessimistic

What is the message of song of songs?

Exaltation of married love

Song of songs is the ________ of all songs


Give three points that you have about God's plan for romantic love

For the enjoyment and pleasure of one man and one woman, god centered, love unconditionally, God has someone for us, love is sacred

What is the divine retribution theology of Elihu and jobs three friends?

God gives people what they deserve

What key Hebrew word is repeated 38 times in Ecclesiastes?


What's one concern with Solomonic authorship of Song of Songs?

How can a man with 700 wives and 300 concubines right such a love poem about the love between one man and one woman

How does this help us better understand this word?

It shows that many things in life are temporary

What are three possibilities for an interpretation of Song of Songs?

Literal - a man and a woman Historical - God and His people, Israel Typical - Christ and His church

To what can this word refer to?

Mist or vapor

Song of songs does a book that applauds _________. Got himself created man and woman, and brought them together into _________ relationship. Song of songs explorers and extols the incredible, ___________ , and _________ joys of that relationship.

Pure human, love, intimate, physical, emotional

What is the end of the book say?

Put in the world, dear God, and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of a man

The book of Ecclesiastes captures Solomons wistful reflections about a life given to seeking__________ in all human pursuits.


What are psalms also known as and they are the what of the Jewish nation?

The Psalter, hymnal

What is the message of proverbs?

The fear of the Lord produces wisdom

How is the word often translated into English?

Vanity, meaningless

What are the poetic books also known as?

Wisdom literature

Do the poetic book support the divine retribution theology?

Yes, particularly proverbs

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