Bible Unit 7

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Returning to Elisha after his experience of healing, ______________ confessed faith in the God of Israel.


His stern and aggressive attack upon immortality and idolatry made ________ an outstanding king of_________________.

Asa Judah

These two kings of Israel mark the beginning and ending respectively of _________________ reign in ____________________: Jeroboam and Ahab

Asa's Judah

Joash came to the throne in Judah ___________________.

At the age of seven, in the seventh year of Jehu's reign of Israel in the seventh year of Athaliah's reign in Judah

During the first six years of Jehu's reign in Israel _____________ reigned in Judah


With a heart lifted up in pride, _______________ usurped the priestly function of burning incense on the alter of incense.


Jehu subtly ordered the false prophets in Israel to proclaim throughout all Israel a solemn assembly for ____________.


Israel would go into _________________ beyond _________________, a prediction of the ___________________________________.

Captivity Damascus Assyrian Captivity

The historical verity of the book of Jonah was confirmed by the words of __________________ in _________________

Christ Matthew 11:29-32

What was Jehu's commission from the Lord?

Destroy worshipers of Baal

Jeroboam was also told that Israel would be ____________ from their _______, a likely prediction of the __________________.

Displaced Land Assyrian Captivity

After his first appearance before Ahab, Elijah went next to Zarephath near Sidon


The account of Elijah's ministry is included in both 1 Kings and 2 Chronicles


How long did Asa, son of Abijah, reign in Judah?

Forty-one years

The experience of Hosea in his marriage to _________________ was illustrative of_________ love for ________________

God's Israel

Jonah called of God to preach in _______________________.


Hosea was he last prophet to the _________________ kingdom


What action of Asa was outstanding in his reign as King of Judah?

He removed idolatry from the kingdom

Chronologically, the last king of Israel to reign in Samaria was


How did Athaliah impose wickedness upon Judah?

Influenced the reign of husband and son. Jeroram and Ahaziah, she introduced Baal worship, and reigned for six years.

The end of the long period of hostility between the two kingdoms, Israel and Judah, was evidenced by and alliance between __________ of Judah and ________ of Israel for war against Syria at Ramoth-gilead

Jehoshaphat Ahab

The name Joel means

Jehovah is my God

The man anointed by the Lord to be king in Israel and commissioned by him to destroy the house of Ahab was ______________________.


Two kings were killed on the same day in the same city by __________


In spite of God's signs and warnings at Bethel, _____________ refused to repent


Unrepentant sin led God tp pronounce judgment upon both ____________ and ____________.

Jeroboam Israel

Hosea's ministry began during the reign of _____________________ in Israel and concluded during the reign of __________________ in Judah.

Jeroboam II Azariah

Jonah's ministry was during the reign of ___________________ in ____________, according to ___________________________.

Jeroboam II Israel 2 Kings 14:25

Which kings of Israel mark the beginning and ending respectively of Asa's reign in Judah?

Jeroboam and Ahab

Joel probably ministered to Judah during the reign of ___________ who was closely identified with the priest_________________.

Joash Jehoiada

This outline was suggested for the study of Jonah

Jonah's call and disobedience Chapters 1&2 Jonah's prayer can deliverance Chapter 2 Jonah's preaching and Nineveh repentance Chapter 3 Jonah's disagreement and God's instruction Chapter 4

By his servant, God warned Jeroboam that a child would be born in the house of David, ______________ by name, who would destroy the ______________.

Josiah alter at Bethel

Amos was a native to ________, but a prophet to________________.

Judah Israel

From the content of the book, Joel obviously lived in _________ and quite probably in _______________________.

Judah Jerusalem

God sent a servant from _________________ to warn Jeroboam at _____________.

Judah Bethel

Concerning the transfer of the his land and in contrast to Ahab, Naboth had respect for ___________________________.

Law of Moses

What appears to have been Rehoboam's first step away from the Lord (cite reference)?

2 Chronicles 12:1 he forsook the law of the Lord

Ahab was defeated and slain in the battle at Ramoth-gilead in fulfillment of the prophecy of __________


A sign from God confirming the word of the Lord to Jeroboam was the rending of the _______ and the scattering of the _____________.

Alter Ashes

The reasons for judgment upon Edom predicted by Obadiah were probably related to Edom's and ______________.


Probably the first prophet to Judah of this period was _____________.


Hosea's ministry spanned approximately _____________________________.

One and a half century

The leaders mentioned by Joel were ________________.


With the coronation of Joash in Judah, the ____________ of Baal were slain and the ____________ of Baal were ___________.

Priests alters destroyed

Who were the first three kings of the Southern kingdom (Judah) in the order of their succession?

Rehobaom Abjah Asa

Forsaking the Law of the Lord appears to have ______________ first step away from the Lord.


In addition to the rending of the alter, another clear sign from the Lord to ____________ was the ___________ of his hand.

Rehoboam withering


Reigned in Judah forty-one years

Amos called upon Israel to __________________ and to manifest in the fruit of ____________________:_______________________________.

Repent Repentance Righteousness

The name Obadiah means ____________________.

Servant of Jehovah


Slew king Nadab

The guilt and responsibility for the division of the kingdom rested upon ___________________ and _________________________.

Solomon Rehoboam

Seeking to evade God's call, Jonah set out for _____________ which was probably in the ______________ direction.

Tarnish opposite

Joel called the people to meet in the __________________.


These two conditional promises came from the Lord to Jeroboam by Ahijah the prophet

Ten tribes would be ripped out of the hands of Solomon's son and given to Jeroboam That his house would be established on Israel like the house of David

Write the outline of Obadiah

The announcement of Judgment 1-9 The reason for judgment 10-16 The restitution of Judah 17-21

During Athaliah's massacre of the royal family, one child was hidden by Jehosheba ___________

The daughter of Jeroboam sister of Ahaziah

The theme of Joel is '____________________'

The day of the Lord

Who were the ancestors of Jesus' day?

The people conquered by Tiglathpileser and relocated in Samaria after the Assyrian Captivity of Israel.

Why was Judah victorious over Israel under Abijah?

They relied upon the Lord

To receive the promises, two conditions would be required of Jeroboam

To keep the Lords commandments He must walk in God's way

Elijah's first announcement to Ahab was withholding of rain according to God's word


Elijah's first appearance in the Old Testament was before King Ahab


From her scant supply of meal and oil, widow of Zarephath fed Elijah first; and then her supply lasted throughout the duration of the drought


No other prophet in mentioned so frequently in the New Testament as Elijah


The widow of Zarephath only had enough meal and oil left to prepare one serving for her and her son


Upon the death of Rehoboam, his son Abijah reigned in Jerusalem


Another clear sign from the Lord to Jeroboam was the _________ of his ______________, which was restored through ____________.

Withering hand prayer

The fourth and final king of Israel in the dynasty of Jehu was _____________________.


In response to Rehoboam's decision and in fulfillment of the word of the Lord, the ten northern tribes rebelled ________________ and made ______________________.

against Rehoboam Jeroboam King

The northern tribes and Jeroboam appealed to Rehoboam at Sechem to

alleviate the oppressive measures instituted by Solomon


came to the throne at the age of seven

Hosea was sent to Israel with a message of __________________.

divine love

The word of the Lord came to Elijah at Zarephath instructing him to ______________________ and promising him to _______________.

go show himself to Ahab Send rain upon the earth

In spite of the zealous manner in which Jehu carried out his mission against the house of Ahab and worshipers of Baal he ______________________.

he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam took no heed to walk in the law of the Lord did not destroy the idolatry of calf worship

In 1 Kings 14:22, where was the responsibility for evil placed?

his heart he did not prepare his heart before the Lord

Jeroboam both sinned and led Israel to sin by observing _____________________ and by offering _____________________.

installed feasts he instituted upon sacrifices he made

The expression referred to as the theme of the book (4:11) occurs frequently in the writing of the prophets and may refer to either a _______________ event or a _____________________ event, or ____________.

literal historical predicted end time both

Rejecting the good counsel of the elders, Rehoboam accepted the bad advice of the young men, who advocated

more oppressive measures

Joel predicted the ____________________ on the ___________________ as quoted by ______________ in _____________________.

out pouring of the spirit Day of Pentecost peter Acts 2:16-21

Israel's impenitence was anticipated and their judgment was _________________________.


In spite of God's signs and warnings, Jeroboam refused to ____________.


Jonah's preaching in Nineveh brought


Obadiah is the __________ (in length) book in the Old Testament


Jeroboam was told that his ___________ would die and that his ____________ would be destroyed

son house

Later historians used the Philistines and Arabians collectively for the people living _____________ and __________ of Judah.

south east

Ignoring God's promise and endeavoring to establish his kingdom by his own hand, Jeroboam made __________________ and declared __________________________________.

two golden calves them the gods of Israel

God's promise not to __________________ and to ______________, which HE did in the ______________________________.

utterly destroy the house of Jacob David Lord Jesus Christ


was king for three years


was slain while drunk in Tirzah by one of his captains


was stoned at the commandment of the king of Judah


was the son of the most infamous king of all preceding kings in Israel

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