Biblical Counseling - Midterm (READ DESCRIPTION)

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What does intuition say?

"I know it to be true because it feels right."

What does faith say?

"I trust God's Word and believe that God has an answer for life's problems and difficulties."

What does reason say?

"It makes sense to me. It seems logical."

What did empiricism say?

"statistics show" or "this study proves."

What three things do we need to know about Hamartiology?

1. All are sinners. 2. Man is born a sinner. 3. Christ can forgive us of our sins.

What are the levels of the pyramid from the bottom to top?

1. Canon 2. Hermeneutics 3. Exegesis 4. Biblical Theology 5. Systematic Theology 6. Practical Theology

What three things does counseling involve?

1. Change 2. Confrontation 3. Concern

What four things do we need to know about Christology?

1. Christ saves and redeems. 2. Christ gives hope and peace. 3. Christ shows us how to live. 4. His death assures us life.

Who was Carl Rogers - Mirror Counseling (1902-1987)

1. Coined the word "counseling" 2. Was loved by millions because he was calm, soft spoken, and always positive. Had a big influence on children through the avenue of TV. 3. Developed the idea of "self-esteem/self-worth" 4. Grew up in a Christian home and went to seminary 5. Became disillusioned with his theological studies 6. Ate humanism up and never looked back at Christianity. However, his psychology retained a religious or spiritual character. 7. As he grew older, he looked for answers, not in psychology, but in the occult, with mediums, seances, and Ouija boards. He claimed to have communicated with his dead wife. 8. Wrote a book, "A Way of Being" 9. Rogers saw humans as good and perfectible. 10. Humans need only the guidance that was already in themselves.

What five steps should we take with our Biblical text we are using to counsel?

1. Explain - what the text says. 2. Interpretation - What the text means within its context. 3. Illustration - How can I illustrate what I'm trying to teach? 4. Application - How can you help someone live the text? 5. Exhortation - How can you encourage people to change

How do you get to the root of discovering the problem patterns in a counselee.

1. Form a PDI form. (Personal Data Inventory Form) 2. Ask "what is your problem?" 3. Then "what have you done about it?" 4. Finally, ask "what do you want me to do to try to help you?"

Our counseling must require some vision of life...which makes Biblical counseling theological. What six things from God's Word give us a heavenly vision of life?

1. God defines what it is to be a human being, and He describes that in His Word. 2. God knows what is wrong with us and diagnoses the problem in the Bible 3. God always has a prescription to the problems of our lives, and reveals them to us in the Scriptures. 4. His prescription for the wrongs within us are not open for debate. 5. What is wrong with us is what God says is wrong with us. 6. We must have a theological vision of reality, as it relates to finding the solutions to life's problems.

What five things do we need to know about Theology Proper?

1. God is active and personal. 2. God is eternal and unchanging. 3. God is loving, just, and fair. 4. God is all-knowing. 5. The attributes of God are critical.

What are the seven core elements of Biblical Counseling?

1. God must be the center of our counseling. 2. Our commitment to God has epistemological consequences. 3. Sin, in all its dimensions, is the primary problem counselors must deal with. 4. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the answer. 5. The change process counseling must aim at is progressive sanctification. 6. The situational difficulties people face are not the random cause of problems in living. 7. Counseling is fundamentally a pastoral activity and must be church-based.

What are some final thoughts about Freud.

1. He recognized that some suffer traumas, which can be painful. 2. Pain and pleasure are powerful stimuli and do have strong influences on our perceptions and responses to situations. 3. We are filled with variables that make us who we are and what we are, however, none of these factors negate our responsibility before God for our own behavior. 4. Shifting blame to our circumstances or hidden events is dangerous. We are also responsible to how we respond to pain. 5. Freud was a metaphysical materialist, meaning, he did not believe people possessed a soul.

What are the three theological foundational truths that must be in our counseling process

1. Hope (If we cannot offer hope, we are in trouble) 2. Counseling should be done through the Church. 3. The Bible must be opened.

When used properly the Bible will accomplish four things. What are these four things?

1. It will teach us the standard for faith and life. 2. It will convict us. 3. It will correct the individual. 4. It will begin to train us to do right.

Learn to implement listening in the counseling session. How do you implement it?

1. Listening is a part of the counseling process, but it is not the only part. 2. Listening must not be equated with counseling in general. 3. There must be hope given in the counseling process, which requires answers to problems and homework.

What three things do we need to know about Anthropology?

1. Man is created by God. 2. God created two genders. 3. Man has a fallen nature and needs redemption.

What three things do we need to know about Soteriology?

1. Man's only hope is the gospel. 2. Redemption is possible in Christ. 3. Salvation offers new hope and life for us.

Why must our counseling be Biblical?

1. Not all counseling that proposes to be Biblical truly is. 2. All of us need to be growing as Biblical counselors. 3. All of us need counseling, in many areas of life. 4. Our counsel must be grounded in Scripture.

Who was Burrhus Frederic Skinner (March 20, 1904-August 18, 1990)?

1. Professor of psychology @ Harvard from 1958-1974. 2. Published 21 books and 180 articles. 3. Professing atheist/believed people have no purpose or meaning in life. Man has no soul. 4. Known for "behaviorism" psychology. 5. Believed in positive reinforcement 6. Used pigeons and rats to tap on boxes to determine their behavior. 7. Invented the idea of time out.

Why must you have extensive questioning of the counselee as you begin to help them.

1. So they have a chance to come clean. They need to be willing to come clean with their sin/problems. 2. Ask what type questions rather than why type questions.

When we say our counseling should be nouthetic we are saying what five things?

1. The Bible is our guidebook in the counseling process. 2. The counselor should be a believer in Jesus Christ. 3. Our counseling should lead to change for the counselee. 4. Psychology should not be synthesized with our methods of help. 5. Admonishing with the knowledge of hope should be presented.

What three things do we need to know about Bibliology?

1. The Bible is sufficient. 2. The Bible is the Word of God. 3. The Bible has authority over my life.

What are the eight theological terms that relate to Biblical counseling?

1. Theology Proper - God the Father 2. Christology - God the Son 3. Pneumatology - God the Holy Spirit 4. Bibliology - Study of God's Word 5. Anthropology - Creation/Humanity 6. Hamartiology - Doctrine of Sin 7. Soteriology - Doctrine of Salvation 8. Eschatology - Doctrine of the End of Times

What does the word nouthetic mean?

1. To admonish 2. Encourage/build-up 3. Offer hope

What three things do we need to know about Eschatology?

1. We have the hope of eternity. 2. We are promised an eternal home. 3. Our pain and suffering will cease.

What three things do we need to know about Pneumatology?

1. We must be controlled by the Spirit. 2. We must produce the Fruit of the Spirit. 3. We should pray for the filling of the Spirit.

How should we view other philosophies?

1. We should reject integrationism. 2. Counseling is always theological. 3. Beliefs about humankind, God, and values always enter into our counseling. 4. All counseling derives from some type of a worldview 5. How do we connect the biological affects on the body with counseling issues?

How should you call for a commitment from the counselee?

1. Will they commit to doing the homework? 2. Will they commit to doing the counseling? Make them sign an agreement. 3. Will they commit to begin attending church?

What are the eight steps to the counseling process?

1. Your counselee should fill out a PDI (Personal Data Information) form. 2. Go over your PDI shortly after you begin the meeting. 3. Ask the question, "What is your problem?" (pg. 47) 4. Hope should be generated through this counseling session (pg. 47) 5. Your first session is to gather info about the problems you need to address. 6. Give homework for the counseled to work on for the next session. 7. Call for a commitment from the counselee (pg. 50) 8. Direct the counselee to put Christ in His right place (pg. 51)

What is your role as a counselor?

1. Your counseling is different. 2. You have the Holy Spirit 3. You have an inspired guide, the Bible. 4. You have good resources.

God has not called us to a ministry of searching out potential counseling cases. If we are looking for cases to counsel, we become a what?

A busybody

Define hope.

A confident expectation and desire of something good in the future

What must the church develop?

A culture of care

Define Biblical Theology (Pyramid)

A proper theology of the Scripture will bring lasting hope to our counselees. We are all sinners, and because of this, sin's effect on the mind can skew our thinking and reasoning.

What is the focus? (Strategic Plan for Biblical Counseling)

A renewed mind, submitted will, and emotions controlled by the Spirit

Define Canon (Pyramid)

As we counsel, we must understand what the Word of God says. It requires the counselor to come prepared knowing the Word.

Why should you always tell the truth to those you counsel?

Ask your counselee to pray that God will help find the answer if you are unsure what it may be. Your task, as the counselor, is to minister God's Word.

What is the target? (Strategic Plan for Biblical Counseling)

Beyond some type of behavioral change, but rather a motivation to strengthen the inner man of the individual.

Our restoring is for usefulness in the what?

Body of Christ

What is counseling?

Counseling is a conversation where one party with questions, problems, and trouble seeks assistance from someone they believe has the answers, solution, and help.

Why should counseling fundamentally a pastoral activity and be church-based? (Seven Core Elements of Biblical Counseling)

Counseling is connected both structurally and in content to other aspects of the pastoral task; teaching, preaching, prayer, church discipline, use of gifts, missions, worship and so forth.

Don't forget about the counseling comparison chart on Canvas!

Don't forget about the counseling comparison chart on Canvas!

Counseling is neither ____ nor ____. (FTB)

Easy nor simple

Problems will be resolved after one counseling session (T/F)


There is no difference between Christian counseling and Biblical counseling (T/F)

False, there is a difference

Why is the gospel of Jesus Christ the answer? (Seven Core Elements of Biblical Counseling)

Forgiveness for sin and power to change into Christ's image are the greatest needs of mankind. (You and I can change! However, only by the power of Jesus Christ.)

Describe change.

From carnal to spiritual, dark to light, walking in the flesh to walking in the Spirit, etc. This is our aim. Something or someone that has lost its usefulness is changed into something that is now useful for the purpose for which it was made.

Define Systematic Theology (Pyramid)

God's Word is meant to be derived and understood by any growing believer. Remember, what do we have, as believers, that the world doesn't.

Our task is to do ___, in the area of counseling, as the opportunity arises. (FTB)


What did Freud believe?

He saw man as an instinct-ruled beast dominated primarily by the drives of sex and aggression. He created psychoanalysis, a technique that involves the patient lying on a couch and free-associating (saying whatever comes to mind).

What is the goal in our counseling? (Strategic Plan for Biblical Counseling)

Heart transformation and relational restoration

What happened to Freud and his sisters?

His four sisters were killed in Nazi concentration camps. He had over 20 surgeries for cancer. He used opium for experiments on people, and became addicted.

Why must the Christian have the help of the Holy Spirit to counsel?

His presence in the counselor is absolutely essential to all God-pleasing counseling, and it is that presence alone which makes biblical counseling possible

The key is ____ ____ ____ ____, this is vital. The ultimate goal of our counseling should be to glorify God.

How counseling is done.

Why are the situational difficulties people face not the random cause of problems in living? (Seven Core Elements of Biblical Counseling)

Influential aspects of one's life situation do not cause sin. (This would include the environment we grew up in.)

Who started the idea of Nouthetic Counseling? When?

Jay Adams, in 1970 with his book Competent to Counsel. (In 1993 the movement was renamed to Biblical Counseling)

_____ _____ does not look to _____ and _____ for the final answer. We can learn from it, but it should never be our final answer (FTB)

Nouthetic counseling, psychology, psychiatry

Why does our commitment to God have epistemological consequences? (Seven Core Elements of Biblical Counseling)

Other sources of knowledge must be submitted to the authority of Scripture.

Why do we need to know why people come for counseling?

So we can be ready to give an answer

The church should be training what?

Spiritual counselors (Gal. 6:1)

The early church was not perfect. What does this show us?

That we do not have to be perfect to counsel.

Define Practical Theology (Pyramid)

The Bible is sufficient. It effects the thinker's presuppositions about himself, the world, and God. The Bible must have functional control in our life. It must be active and we must allow it to control every area in our life

Why must God be the center of our counseling? (Seven Core Elements of Biblical Counseling)

The Word of God and the work of the Holy Spirit are foundational to all significant and lasting life change. (The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and wisdom is the only worthy goal of counseling.)

What are the tools? (Strategic Plan for Biblical Counseling)

The Word of God, the Spirit of God, and the community of God.

Define Hermeneutics and Exegesis (Pyramid)

The Words of the Bible are inspired. Therefore, when presenting truth to counselees, we must always use the words to offer hope.

Why is sin the primary problem counselors must deal with? (Seven Core Elements of Biblical Counseling)

The problem in believers is remnant sin; the problem in unbelievers is reigning sin.

What does sufficient mean in regards to "Scripture is sufficient"

The state of being adequate; the Bible is all we need to equip us for a life of faith and service.

What does epistemological mean? (Seven Core Elements of Biblical Counseling)

The study of knowledge; how you know things.

What is pre-counseling?

The task of presenting Christ to the unbeliever

Who was Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)

The was the founder of "depth psychology" or "psychoanalysis" counseling. He is known for the "couch" counseling. He was a Jew.

Describe concern.

This element must always be in place. The goal of all Christian counseling is Scriptural change leading to restoration to use. Involved in this is a change toward love.

Describe confrontation.

This implies personal, verbal, face-to-face contact to help that individual change. No hastiness or harshness should involved in the concept of confrontation. In counseling, the counselor is in charge, but does so with love and concern.

What is the aim of nouthetic counseling?

To effect change in the counselee by encouraging greater conformity to the principles of Scripture.

What does it mean to glorify God?

To make Him known

What is the goal of counseling?

To see Biblical change in a life

We must all restore our brothers and sisters in Christ. (T/F)


All Christians should counsel (T/F)

True (But not all can; carnal Christians cannot help carnal people. Gal. 6:1)

Remember the church is the pillar and the ground of what?

Truth (1 Tim. 3:15)

What is the method? (Strategic Plan for Biblical Counseling)

Truth in the context of grace.

Why is the change process counseling must aim at progressive sanctification? (Seven Core Elements of Biblical Counseling)

While there are many ways of changing people, biblical counseling aims for nothing less than transformation into the image of Jesus Christ amid the rough and tumble of daily life.

How does the counselor show respect to the counselee?

With the acronym SOLVER S - Squared shoulders. O - Open stance. L - Lean forward slightly. V - Vocal quality. E - Eye contact. R - Relational posture.

We must be what Christians? (Col. 3:16)


Can you go to another pastor if yours cannot help you?


How do you deal with the unsaved?

You cannot counsel the lost. Use the word pre-counseling if you are counseling an unbeliever.

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