Bill Clinton, served 1993 to 2001 (Democrat)

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"The Wall"


1996 Bin Laden Fatwa


Pakistan acquires nuclear weapons



Bosnia NATO operation Kosovo NATO operation War Powers Act violation?

Somalia (Mogadishu)

Secure port, airport, and US embassy. Established humanitarian relief and wiped out starvation with 2 years. Returned 2 years later to help evacuate UN forces who had taken over.

Osama bin Laden

(1957-2011) Saudi Arabian multimillionaire and leader of the terrorist organization al-Qaeda. He is responsible for numerous terrorist attacks on the United States including the destruction of the World Trade Center.

First attack on World Trade Center

(Feb. 1993)

U.S.S. Cole

(attacked in port in Yemen in 2000), ship attacked by terrorist in the Middle East

Haiti 1994

(U.S. intervention in 1994) Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Troubled Caribbean island nation where a president's murder led Wilson to send in the marines and assume American control of the police and finances, President Clinton, with the help of Joint Chiefs of Staff and former President Carter, negotiated with the forces of General Raoul Cedras for the safe return of President Aristide to power; he was re-instated only to lose his seat, win it again, and be removed by the US, Aristide, elected president 1991: populist priest, ousted by military coup (liberation theology) popular with the masses but not with the military or the elite; Refugees flee after the military coup; Military junta backs down, Aristide back in power, 2000 election, Aristide elected again Violence continues, people turn against Aristide, US intervenes, takes Aristide to safe place then has new elections


(first base), 351 African country in which more than two million people have died in the recent civil war between Muslims and non-Muslims

Ramzi Yousef

(indicted by Grand Jury 1994- arrested in Pakistan in 1995), sent to the World Trade Center (by unknown); product of al-Qaeda camp in Afghanistan; learned bomb-craft; lit four 20 foot long fuses and expected to see the buildings fall; the buildings swayed but did not fall, 1993 World Trade Center bombing; member of Al Qaeda


(second base starting 1996), the soviet army entered afghanistan in 1978. they started fighting the soviets. the us provided training and weapons to anti-Soviet forces. they defeated soviets, leading to the rise of the taliban who provided a safe heaven for al queda and attack of 9/11, was an Islamic oligarchy, but had its first democratic elections in 2004, after the defeat of the Taliban, 1979,The Soviet Union sent troops into neighboring Afghanistan to support its Communist government against guerilla attacks by fundamentalist Muslims.

Middle East peace talks


Palestine Liberation Organization

A political group that claims to represent all Palestinians and to be working toward gaining an independent Palestinian nation., (PLO) a political and paramilitary organization. It is recognized as the "sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people" by over 100 states with which is hold diplomatic relations, and has enjoyed observer status at the UN since 1974. The PLO was considered by the US and Israel to be a terrorist organization until the Madrid Conference in 1991.


Civil war broke out in Yugoslavia. As the Communist regime fell, Yugoslavia was divided up into Serbia, Bosnia-Hergezovenia, Macedonia, Croatia and Slovenia. Fighting soon broke out inside these areas, as Serbs attempted to gain control of the entire territory. The Serbs instituted a policy of "ethnic" cleansing, whose goal was to force non-Serbs out of all areas that the Serbs conquered., This country existed from 1918 until 1991 when civil war broke out and the former communist regime here fell. After that, this country was divided up into into Serbia, Bosnia-Hergezovenia, Macedonia, Croatia and Slovenia.

Presidential Daily Brief

December 4, 1998

George Tenet

Director C.I.A., Head of the CIA, CIA did not do enough to prevent the attacks on 9/11, after the attacks Tenet immediately increased the size and capability of the CIA's special operations component

Sayyid Qutb

Emerged as the leading ideologue of radical Islamists, believed in Divine Sovereignty, essence of society should be to live by Islamic Law, ideology gave birth to violent, radical Islamic jihad groups, executed by the Nasser regime for his call to overthrow it, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood; disapproved of the materialism and violence associated with the Western world

F.A.A. counter-terrorism

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Bogdan Dzakovic - Witness before the 9/11 Commission. 14- year Counter-terrorism expert in the Security Division of the Federal Aviation Administration. Team leader of the FAA's Red (Terrorism) Team, which conducted undercover tests on airport security through simulated terrorist attacks. Former team leader in the Federal Air Marshal program. Former Coast Guard officer. Steve Elson - Former Special Agent with the U.S. Navy, DEA and FAA. Specialist in Counterterrorism, Intelligence, and Security. Twenty-two years military experience, primarily in Naval Special Warfare. Retired Navy SEAL. Nine years service with the FAA and DEA. Mr. Elson holds a Masters Degree in National Security Affairs/Naval Intelligence with a focus on terrorism. Lt. Col. Brian F. Sullivan - U.S. Army Military Police (ret). Former Special Agent for the FAA's New England Region Security Division, where he was a Risk Program Management Specialist. A graduate of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College.

1998 Bin Laden Fatwa

Fight in self-defence Urging Jihad against Americans 1. U.S. Military bases in Sadi Arabia 2. U.S. humiliates Arab Muslims 3. U.S. Alliance with Israel is intended to destroy muslim soveirghnty in the middle east

Iraq Liberation Act

Firs time that US policy publicly called for regime change in Iraq

Jean-Bertrand Aristide

Haiti's president that returned to power after a 3 year exile; the first president to be elected democratically, Clinton put American NATO troops in former Yugoslavia to return this man to power in Haiti, but this led to a bombing campaign in Kosovo

Sandy Berger

National Security Advisor to President Clinton starting in 1997, National Security Advisor. He advised during Operation Desert Storm and was also one of the prominent actors in the Camp David 2000 Summit.

NATO expansion

Nato had originally been created to combat the threat of the soviets during the cold war era, but following the fall of the berlin wall, the decision to expand NATO to countries formerly of the warsaw pact was brought up, and widely debated. The debate was over the clause in NATO that stipulated an attack on one was an attack on all and that extending the organization to other eastern European countries formerly in the Warsaw pact would ruin any chance the us had at promoting a democratic Russia if Moscow saw it as a threat. The three countries, Poland, hungary and the Czech republic were added despite kennans staunch opposition to the extension.


No-Fly Zones maintained U.N. sanctions maintained U.N. oil for food program Weapons inspectors expelled Operation Desert Fox, p. 218 of textbook Iraq Liberation Act, 1998

East Africa Embassy attacks

On Aug. 7, 1998, the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, were bombed by terrorists, leaving 258 people dead and more than 5,000 injured; The bombings are widely believed to have been revenge for American involvement in the extradition, and alleged torture, of four members of Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ) who had been arrested in Albania in the two months prior to the attacks; In response to the bombings, President Bill Clinton ordered Operation Infinite Reach, a series of cruise missile strikes on targets in Sudan and Afghanistan on August 20, 1998, announcing the planned strike in a prime time address on American television.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

Pakistan Mastermind behind 9/11, planned attacks Third highest man in Al Qaeda Captured in Pakistan. On trial in Manhatten. The mayor wants him moved out of New York, the principal architect of the 9/11 attacks; earned a degree in mechanical engineering in North Carolina (indicted by Grand Jury 1996- captured in Pakistan in 2003)


See Presidential Directive, p. 226 of textbook, Tensions between the two major ethnic groups, the Tutsi and the Hutu, exploded into violence. In 1994 an estimated 200,000 or more people, mainly Tutsi, had died in massacres. An estimated 2 million Tutsi and Hutu fled to refugee camps in neighboring Zaire and other countries., • 800,000 Tutsis slaughtered from April-June 1994 • UN withdrew peacekeepers and failed to act to prevent it • France intervened in late-June to set up a "safe zone" -ICTR founded to punish those responsible (death penalty again not allowed)

Cruise missile strike into Afghanistan in response

The August 1998 bombings of Afghanistan and Sudan (codenamed Operation Infinite Reach by the United States) were American cruise missile strikes on terrorist bases in Afghanistan and a pharmaceutical factory in Sudan on August 20, 1998. The attack was in retaliation for the bombings of American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania which killed 224 people (including 12 Americans) and injured 5,000 others.

Millennium plot

The Year 2000 attack plots were terrorist attacks planned to occur on or near January 1, 2000: the bombing of four sites in Jordan, the bombing of Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), and the bombing of the USS The Sullivans.[1] The first two plots were foiled by law enforcement agencies; the third was aborted after a mistake occurred. While the various attacks were planned to occur around the same date, there is no evidence that the three plots were coordinated in any way.

the Caliphate

The successors to Muhammad.

Sharia Law

The system of Islamic law, sometimes called Qu'ranic law. Unlike most Western systems of law that are based on legal precedence, Sharia is based on varying degrees of interpretation of the Qu'ran., it is the legal framework within which public and some private aspects of life are regulated for those living in a legal system based on Muslim principles. This is important to human geography because it affects many people around Muslims around the world.


a holy struggle or striving by a Muslim for a moral or spiritual or political goal, a holy war waged by Muslims against infidels

Al Qaeda

a network of Islamic terrorist organizations, led by Osama bin Laden, that carried out the attacks on the US embassies in Tanzania and Kenya in 1998, the USS Cole in Yemen in 2000, and the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in 2001, The "base" for Bin Ladin to carry out his holy war. Osama Bin Ladin created it in 1989. Otherwise it is known as a radical Islamic group who has control of Afghanistan, and a chapter in Iraq

Richard Clarke

counter-terrorism advisor to President Clinton, Worked for the State Department during the presidencies of Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and was chief counter-terrorism adviser under George W. Bush, but the position was no longer given cabinet-level access. Was sharply critical of the Bush Administration's attitude toward counter-terrorism before the 9/11 and of the decision to go to war with Iraq.

Yasir Arafat

leader of the Palestinian Liberation Organization and his goal was the destruction of Israel, First leader of PLO- Palestinian liberation organization. Used aggressive terrorism to try to destroy Israel. Very actice throughout the 1970's and 1980's. To try to make peace with Israel, was put incharge of Palestinean Authority (PA).

Operation Desert Fox

mission to attack Iran's nuclear weapons programs ordered because Saddam Hussein refused to allow UN weapons inspectors int Iraq, President Bill Clinton launched this operation, under which several Iraqi military installations were bombed in 1998, four days of intense bombing on Baghdad, a major four-day bombing campaign on Iraqi targets from December 16-19, 1998 by the United States and United Kingdom. The contemporaneous justification for the strikes was Iraq's failure to comply with United Nations Security Council resolutions as well as their interference with United Nations Special Commission inspectors. Did not go over well in the international community

Peace treaty between Israel and Jordan

signed by Rabin and King Hussein, 1994 declaration in the Rose Garden of the white House,


strict Muslim group in Afghanistan that has imposed rigid rules on society, including prescribed clothing styles for men and women, restrictions of the appearance of women in public, and regulations on media; might support terrorists, a group of fundamentalist Muslims who took control of Afghanistan's government in 1996, Conservative Islamic group that took control of Afghanistan after the Soviet Union withdrew it troops; driven from power by U.S. forces in December, 2001, because of its harboring of suspected terrorists.

Les Aspin

the United States Secretary of Defense under President Bill Clinton; In an appearance before a congressional committee to answer questions about the Somalia disaster, Aspin made an unfavorable impression and appeared weak in response to the detailed probing and criticism of his performance. The president publicly defended Aspin but made clear that the White House was not involved in the decision not to send armor reinforcements to Somalia. Several members of Congress called on Clinton to ask for Aspin's resignation. On 15 December 1993 President Clinton announced Aspin's resignation, for personal reasons. Given the problems that Aspin encountered during his short term, most obviously the losses in Mogadishu, observers assumed that the president had asked him to step down. Speculation in the media centered on the Somalia embarrassment and on Aspin's differences with the Office of Management and Budget over how much the Defense budget should be cut.


the calculated use of violence (or threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature

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