Bio 103

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What is the scientific method order?

1 Ask question based on observation 2 Do background research 3 Form a hypothesis 4 Test the hypothesis with an experiment 5 Record and study data 6 Draw a conclusion if it is true or false, if it is false go back to step 3 and repeat 7. Report results

Who Are The Prokaryotes?

Bacteria and Archaea

functions include storing nutrients and water, involved in metabolism, retains and degrades wastes, and some color

Central vacuole

Hair-like growths that move back and forth to propel cell; common in single-celled organisms, cells of simple animals (jellyfish, sponges), and our cells (lining of lungs)


what is the blueprint for the entire organism?


Mitochondria are descendents of free-living, oxygen-using bacteria that invaded eukaryotic cells 1.4 billion years ago. Evidence: Mitochondria have their own DNA and ribosomes. Mitochondria reproduce through division, like bacteria

Endosymbiotic Theory

The study of disease distributions and was the biological field utilized


the gradual modification of populations of living organisms over time. It shapes the appearance of all species. It explains why all stinging insects look alike. It helps connect the different subjects of Biology (Anatomy, Biochemistry, Genetics, Ecology, Taxonomy, etc.) ``


Process where vesicles fuse with outer cell membrane for final export outside cell.


T/F statistics are NOT important to a part of the scientific method


T/F, Critical thinking is an emotional argument that analyzes or evaluates information


Often singular tail-like growth used for propulsion (sperm)


what is an example of the biosphere in the hierarchy of the organization of living things?


What type of bond is responsible for the ability of ice to be lighter than water?


Who are eukaryotes?

Includes all other kingdoms—animals, plants, fungi, and protists

what is an example of the population in the hierarchy of the organization of living things?

Indian tribe

stabilize organelles

Intermediate filaments

Three component parts of the cytoskeleton

Microfilaments, Intermediate filaments, macrotubules

largest, composed of tubulin protein, multiple functions


Five Main Components of Eukaryotic Cells

Nucleus, organelles, cytolsol, cytoskelton, plasma membrane

functions to gather/store nutrients, pigments, photosynthesis—chloroplasts


What are the differences between DNA and RNA?

RNA has Uracil in place of thymine, RNA is a single strand

What is the rough endoplasmic reticulum?

Rough- holds ribosomes, smooth, does not have ribosomes. This is the internal delivery system of the cell

The process or means of understanding the natural world through hypothesis testing and is based on observations

Scientific method

A general set of principals, supported by evidence, that explains some aspect of nature Ex: Big Bang Theory

Scientific theory

this is defined as the "amount of heat per unit mass required to raise the temperature by one degree Celsius"

Specific heat

T/F , is the observation of ice being cold an example of inductive reasoning?


T/F a hypothesis is falsible


T/F the correlation of smoking causing lung cancer was made


T/F, Critical thinking uses reasoning and logic


John is lactose intolerant. The -ose ending indicates that John cannot digest a certain: a.sugar b. polysaccharide c. protein d. steroid e. enzyme


glucose and the amino acid tyrosine are members of different classes of biological molecules, but they are alike in that both are _____ that go into making up ______. a. monomers, polymers b. monosaccharides, polysaccharides c. polysaccharides, monosaccharides d. polymers, monomers e. nucleotides, DNA


oxygen and hydrogen differ in their electronegativity. Thus: a. they can share electrons, but unequally b. sometimes oxygen takes electrons completely away from hydrogen c. they can share electrons equally d. hydrogen is attracted to oxygen but does not bond with it e. they have the same number of protons


What is biology?

a division of natural sciences concerned with study of life and loving organisms

What is a hypothesis?

a tentative, testable statement or prediction about what has been observed, typically true or false

Which of the following characteristics are true of all scientific claims? (Select all that apply) a. they are capable of negation through further scientific inquiry b. they can be negated by expert opinion c. they are natural or super natural phenomena d. they stand or fall solely on the basis of evidence e. they are regarded as provisional, pending the addition of new evidence


what is an example of the community in the hierarchy of the organization of living things?

amazon rain forest

each protein is made up from a chain of _____ that folds up into a specific shape that allows the protein to take on its work. The primary structure of a protein is simply because its sequence of ______, while its secondary structure is the shape the protein assumes after having ______.

amino acids, amino acids, folded up

A functional group is a group of _______ that confers a special property on a ______ molecule

atoms, carbon based

What is the hierarchy of organization in living things from lesser organization to greater organization?

atoms, molecule, organelles, cells, tissues, organs, population, community, biosphere

The myoglobin protein, which carries oxygen in muscle cells, has only the first three levels of protein structure In other words, it lacks a quarternary level. From this you can conclude that myoglobin: a. is made of nucleic acids b. is made of only one polypeptide chain c. lacks hydrogen bonds d. is not helical or pleated e. is a fiber


You add sugar to your coffee, and the sugar dissolves. Thus the coffee is the ________ and the sugar is the ________. a. solute, solvent b. solvent, solute c. polar covalent bond, nonpolar covalent bond d. nonpolar covalent bond, polar covalent bond e. ionic bond, hydrogen bond


which of these is not a difference between saturated and unsaturated? a. saturated fats are more likely to be solid at room temperature, unsaturated fats are more likely to be liquid b. saturated fats are a type of cholesterol or steroid, unsaturated fates are a triglyceride c. saturated fates have fatty acids that pick closely together, owning to their straight-line construction d. saturated fats are composed of fatty acids that have no double bonds in their chemical structure. unsaturated fats are composed of fatty acids that have one or more double bonds in their chemical structure. d. All of the above are differences between saturated and unsaturated fats


Neon has an atomic number of 10 an thus has eight electrons in its second energy level. Thus, neon (Select all that apply): a. has a strong tendency to form covalant bonds b. has a filled outer shell c. has no tendancy to form covalent bonds d. is polar e. all of the above


Carbon is an element with an atomic number of 6. Based on this information, which of the following is true? (more than 1 can be true) a. carbon can be broken down into simpler component substances b. carbon cannon be broken down into simpler component substances c. each carbon atom will always have 6 neutrons d. each carbon will always have 6 protons e. number of protons+ number of electrons= 6


Which is not a part of what a critical thinker does? a. raises vital questions and problems b. never shares their thoughts with anyone else c. thinks openmindedly within alternative systems of thought d. gathers and assesses relevant information

b. never shares their thoughts with anyone else

Molecular shape is important in biology because it determines the ability that molecules have to ______ with one another


Carbon is able to serve as life's central element because it: a. is able to bond with hydrogen atoms to form hydrocarbon chains b. will readily bond with water molecules c. has four outer-shell electrons and thus can form stable bonds with many other elements d. has six outer-shell electrons and thus can form stable bonds with many other elements e. forms strong ionic bonds with many other elements


Evolution is a central, unifying theme in biology because: a. it is not a falsifiable hypothesis b. humans have evolved from ancestors we share with present day monkeys c. the enormously diverse forms of life on earth have all been shaped by it d. it has occurred in the past, even though it no longer operates today e. almost all biologists believe in it


Some plants live in bogs in which the pH is about 2. Thus these plants are able to survive in a(n) __________ external environment. a. basic b. buffered c. acidic d. neutral e. alkaline


which of the following statements best describes the nature of a science hypothesis? a. a hypothesis is an idea that is widely accepted as a description of objective reality by a majority of scientists b. a hypothesis must stand alone and not be based n prior knowledge c. a hypothesis is a tentative explanation that can be tested, usually though experimentation d. a hypothesis must deal with an aspect of the natural world never dealt with before e. a hypothesis, when accepted, becomes a scientific law


Steroids are a class of lipids whose central structure includes four ______. Examples include the reproductive hormones _____ and ______. Another class of lipids is important in making up the outer membrane of cells; these are the _______, composed of glycerol, two fatty acids, and a _______ group

carbon rings, estrogen, testosterone, phospholipids, phosphate

The element _____ is central to the molecules that make up the living world. This element comes to its special status because of the great power it has to form stable _______.

carbon, bonds with other elements

carbohydrates are organic molecules that always contain ______,______, and _______. the building blocks of carbohydrates are the simple sugars or ______, which link to form _______.

carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, monosaccharides, polysaccharides ( or complex carbohydrates)

functions include structural strength, limit water absorption, and protection. Composition is cellulose and lignin.

cell wall

differences in animal and plant cells

cell wall, central valcuole, plastids

What is life?

characteristics of all living things

what property of water allows a water bug to walk on the surface of water?


all properly excused scientific experiments must have rigorous controls, meaning that all aspects of the experiment must be held ____ except for the condition, known as a ______, which is being tested for

constant, variable

When two atoms share a pair of electrons, the bonding is referred to as


Long protein strands that help the cell maintain its shape and size.


The internal scaffolding of a cell


protein-rich fluid in which organelles are immersed


A theory, as defined in scientific discourse, is: a. an established fact about the natural world, such as the distance from Earth to the sun b. a long-accepted belief about the natural world c. a concept that is in doubt among most scientists d. a set of principles, supported by evidence, that explains some aspect of nature e. an initial assumption about how some aspect of nature works


Pasteur's experiments on spontaneous generation made correct use of a variable in that Pasteur: a. varied the bacteria he employed with each experiment b. used statistics to prove his hypothesis c. observed the bacteria as the were growing in flasks d. held all conditions constant in each test except one e. was willing to vary to the extent necessary from the standard hypotheses of his day


You received your genetic information from your parents in the form of DNA. This DNA carried the instructions for making: a. carbohydrates such as glycogen b. fatty acids c. phospholipids for making the membranes of your cell d. proteins e. all of the above


a molecule that does not have a net electrical charge at one end as opposed to the other is: a. an isotope b. a polar molecule c. a reactant d. a nonpolar molecule e. a solvent


What property of water makes it able to dissolve a crystal of salt (NaCl)? a. water has partial charges on two sides of the molecule b. water has a higher concentration of electrons on the oxygen molecule than on the hydrogens of the molecule c. water is a polar molecule d. all of the above e. none of the above

d. all of the above

Critical thinking is important for a. science only b. philosophers only c. nobody d. everybody

d. everybody

what property of ice compared to water causes ice to float?


Biologists generally define life in terms of a group of characteristics possessed by living things. Which of the following is not a characteristic of living things? a. all living things possess an inherited information base, encoded in DNA, that allows them to function b. All living things can respond to their environment c. all living things can maintain a relatively constant internal environment d. all living things evolved from other living things e. all living things are composed of more than one cell


Functional groups often confer the general property of _____ on _______ molecules a. hydrophilia; water-based b. hydrophobia; water-based c. stability; carbon-based d. stability; unstable e. polarity; carbon-based


Janine has dry skin, so she uses body oil every morning. The oil seals in some of the water on her skin, so that it doesn't get as dry. This is possible because oils: a. are hydrophilic b. are rare in nature c. have a high specific heat d. are more dense than water e. are hydrophobic


Near an ocean or other large body of water, air temperatures do not vary as much with the seasons as they do in the middle of a continent. This tendency of water to resist changes in temperature is the result of water's: a. high density b. low density c. being a good solvent d. low specific heat e. high specific heat


When you eat starch such as spaghetti, an enzyme in your mouth breaks it down to maltose. Eventually, the maltose enters your small intestine, where it is broken down to glucose, which you can absorb into your bloodstream. The starch is a(n) __________, the maltose is a __________, and the glucose is a(n) __________. a. protein, dipeptide, amino acid b. monosaccharide, disachharide, polysaccharide c. triglyceride, fatty acid, glycerol d. amino acid, dipeptide, protein e. polysaccharide, disaccharide, monosaccharide


A hydrogen bond links an already covalently bonded hydrogen atom with a more ______ atom. In biology, such bonds almost always occur between hydrogen and either _____ or _____

electronegative, oxygen, nitrogen

An ______ is any form of matter that cannot be reduced to a simpler set of component substances through chemical means. Such forms of matter are defined by the number of _____ in their nuclei.

element, protons

Means "True nucleus." Includes all other kingdoms—animals, plants, fungi, and protists. DNA enclosed in membrane, along with other organelles. Multicellular and single-celled, larger size, use oxygen


What is biology's chief unifying principle?


the fats in foods are composed mostly of triglycerides, which are formed from three _______ bonded to a ______. A saturated fatty acid is one that has no double bonds between the _____ of its ________ chain.

fatty acids, glyceral, carbon atoms, hydrocarbon

Atoms tend to bond with one another to the extent that they do not have a _____ outer shell, which means having _____ outer-shell electrons for most elements in living things, but only ____ outer-shell electrons for the simple elements hydrogen and helium.

filled, eight, two

part of the cell that modifies, sorts, and ships proteins to their final destination

golgi complex

in everyday speech, a theory might be little more than a _____, while in science a theory is a general set of _______, supported by evidence, that explains some aspect of ______.

guess, principles, nature

what is an example of the organ in the hierarchy of the organization of living things?


what is an example of the organism in the hierarchy of the organization of living things?


what is an example of atoms in the hierarchy of the organization of living things?


In science, a tentative, testable explanation for an observed phenomenon is referred to as a ______.


A process if coming to understand a body of knowledge about a natural world


Biology can be defined as the study of _____.


HDL and LDL are acronyms for high-density and low-density ___. These molecules are combinations of ___ and ___.

lipoproteins, lipids, proteins

An ionic bond occurs when one atom _____ one or more ______ to another atom and the resulting ions become attached because of their differing _____

loses, electrons, charges

cell recycling. Break down large molecules from food, defective organelles, or old proteins into their monomers for reuse (malfunction linked to many diseases


What is the nucleolus' function?

make rRNA (ribosomal RNA)

Microfilaments—protein actin, used in cell support and movement


The "powerhouse" of the cell • Makes energy (ATP) from sugar (glucose) during a process called cell respiration


what is an example of the organelle in the hierarchy of the organization of living things?


The most important principle in biology, the theory of evolution, concerns the gradual ____ of populations of living things over time, sometimes resulting in the development of new ______.


Arrange the following levels of organization in living things, going from least inclusive to most inclusive; cell, community, molecule, organ, ecosystem, organism

molecule,cell,organ, organism, community, ecosystem

Biological molecules often have a building-blocks quality to them, with smaller ______ linked together to form larger _______.

monomers, polymers

what is an example of the cell in the hierarchy of the organization of living things?


what is an example of the tissue in the hierarchy of the organization of living things?


science concerns itself only with ______ explanations for natural phenomena, as opposed to ______ explanations for these phenomena

natural, supernatural

Any scientific claim must be falsifiable, meaning open to ____ through means of scientific inquiry


Most forms of matter can come in several varieties, called isotopes, in accordance with the number of _____ in their nuclei.


DNA and RNA are necleic acids, which are polymers composed of the monomers called ______, each of which is in turn composed of a _____, a _______, and one of four ______.

nucleotides, sugar, phosphate group, nitrogen-containing bases

membrane-lined information center


What is the simplified version of the scientific method?

observation, question, hypothesis, experiments, conclusion

internal compartments with specific functions


outer cell boundary of eukaryotic cell

plasma membrane

where does the protein in a cell move to export?

plasma membrane

In some of these bonds, one of the linked atoms may exert a greater pull on the shared electrons. When this happens, the result can be a _____ bond, a bond in which differing regions of the resulting molecule take on a difference in ______ in one region, as compared to another.

polar covalent , electrical charge

Means "Before the nucleus." Includes Bacteria and Archaea. DNA localized to a "nucleoid" region not in membrane-enclosed compartments called organelles. Small size, usually single-celled, some need no oxygen


The three fundamental component parts of an atom are the___, which carries a positive charge; the _____ , which carries no charge; and the _____, which carries a negative charge

proton, neutron, electron

The defining characteristic of lipids is that they do not ______ in________.

readily dissolve, water

What is deductive reasoning?

reasoning in which the conclusion is necessitated by, or reached from, previously known facts

What is inductive reasoning?

reasons from the specific to the general

Every finding in science is subject to _____ based on the accumulation of new _______

revision, evidence

Pour some salt into a container of water and stir until the salt is no longer visible. In this situation, the salt is the ______, and the water is the ______, and the uniform mixture of the two substances is a _______.

solute, solvent, solution

pull chromosomes to opposite sides of the cell during cell division.

spindle fibers

The four most important varieties of complex carbohydrates in the living world are ______, which serves as a carbohydrate storage molecule in plants; ______, which serves this same function in animals; _____, which makes up a large portion of plant stems and leaves; and _________, which forms the external skeleton of all arthropods.

starch, glycogen, cellulose, chitin

What did Louis Pasteur do?

studied yeast

Membrane of ER buds off to form balls containing proteins

transport vesicles

An adjustable condition in an experiment


what is an example of molecules in the hierarchy of the organization of living things?


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