Bio 106- MIDTERM

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36)Which one of the following is not a sign of diabetes mellitus?A)Polydipsia B)Acidosis C)Moon face D)Polyphagia E)Polyuria

Moon face

39)Which gland is located in the upper thorax, posterior to the sternum? A)Thyroid gland B)Testes C)Parathyroid glands D)Thymus E)Pancreas


7)Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is secreted by the parathyroid glands in response to low blood concentration of calcium ions. This mechanism operates by a ________. A)steroid stimulus B)neural stimulus C)hormonal stimulus D)messenger stimulus E)humoral stimulus

humoral stimulus

47)A woman complains of frequent urination and thirst. A urinalysis test does not show increased sugar in her urine. What condition would you rank as the likely cause of her symptoms? A)Cushing's syndrome B)Diabetes insipidus C)Diabetes mellitus D)Cretinism E)Gigantism

Diabetes insipidus

1)Which system produces chemical messengers known as hormones? A)Immune system B)Endocrine system C)Muscular system D)Integumentary system E)Nervous system

Endocrine system

65)Which type of leukocyte kills parasitic worms by deluging them with digestive enzymes? A)Basophil B)Monocyte C)Neutrophil D)Eosinophil E)Lymphocyte


33)Where does the body store excess glucose as glycogen in response to the presence of insulin? A)Kidney B)Liver C)Spleen D)Stomach E)Pancreas


90)The most common type of blood in the U.S. population is ________. A)A B)B C)AO D)AB E)O


97)Which of the following blood disorders is more likely to occur as we age? A)Hemolytic disease of the newborn B)Hemophilia C)Sickle cell anemia (SCA) D)Pernicious anemia E)Physiologic jaundice

Pernicious anemia

38)Some people purchase melatonin as an over-the-counter medication. For what specific purpose? A)Growth of hair and nails B)Sleep aid C)Increase metabolism D)Calcium supplement E)Blood glucose regulation

Sleep aid

2)How would you classify a hormone that is made from cholesterol, such as a sex hormone? A)Amine hormone B)Protein hormone C)Prostaglandin D)Peptide hormone E)Steroid hormone

Steroid hormone

66)Place these leukocytes in order from the most common to the least common: 1) basophil 2) eosinophil 3) lymphocyte 4) monocyte 5) neutrophil A)5, 2, 3, 1, 4 B)5, 3, 4, 2, 1 C)5, 3, 2, 4, 1 D)3, 4, 5, 1, 2 E)1, 2, 3, 4, 5

5, 3, 4, 2, 1

9)Which of these anterior pituitary hormones regulates the endocrine activity of the cortex region of the adrenal gland? A)Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) B)Luteinizing hormone (LH) C)Thyrotropic hormone (thyroid-stimulating hormone, or TSH) D)Growth hormone (GH) E)Prolactin (PRL)

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

88)What is the process whereby the binding of antibodies to antigens causes RBCs to clump? A)Hemostasis B)Hemolysis C)Clotting cascade D)Agglutination E)Coagulation


80)A blood clot traveled to a small vessel in Mr. Zeng's lungs and became lodged there. How should this moving clot be named? A)Hemophilia B)Leukopenia C)Petechiae D)An embolus E)A thrombus

An embolus

73)Placing pressure on a cut will constrict blood vessels manually, and encourages ________. A)vascular spasms B)platelet plug formation C)agglutination D)coagulation E)the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin

vascular spasms

82)Bleeding disorders can result from the lack of ________. A)vitamin C B)vitamin A C)vitamin D D)vitamin K E)vitamin B12

vitamin K

58)Which of the following red blood cell disorders may provide a better chance of surviving where malaria is present? A)Aplastic anemia B)Sickle cell anemia (SCA) C)Pernicious anemia D)Hemolytic anemia E)Polycythemia

Sickle cell anemia (SCA)

41)Which of the following is not an effect of testosterone on males? A)Deepening of the voice B)Sperm production C)Development of heavy bones and muscles D)Stimulation of the posterior pituitary E)Growth of facial hair

Stimulation of the posterior pituitary

4)In the second-messenger system, what serves as the first messenger? A)ATP B)mRNA C)The hormone D)Cyclic AMP (cAMP) E)DNA

The hormone

83)Which of these steps of hemostasis results in the creation of long, hairlike molecules of insoluble fibrin? A)The release of tissue factor (TF) by damaged tissues B)The release of serotonin by anchored platelets C)The vasoconstriction of the damaged vessel D)The reaction between thrombin and fibrinogen E)Platelet plug formation

The reaction between thrombin and fibrinogen

72)What enzyme joins soluble fibrinogen proteins into long molecules of fibrin during coagulation? A)Calcium B)Thrombin C)Prothrombin D)Tissue factor E)PF3


17)Which of these hormones prods the thyroid gland to release thyroxine (T4)? A)Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) B)Thyrotropic hormone (TH) or thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) C)Gonadotropic hormones D)Luteinizing hormone (LH) E)Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)

Thyrotropic hormone (TH) or thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)

76)Why do you think Mrs. Gonzalez was prescribed heparin, an anticoagulant? A)To inhibit the formation of clots B)To increase vascular spasms C)To enhance hematopoiesis D)To inhibit release of erythropoietin E)To enhance the formation of clots

To inhibit the formation of clots

35)Ms. James is 73 years old and lately has had to urinate frequently. Her urinalysis test confirmed high levels of glucose in her urine. This finding points to a diagnosis of ________. A)diabetes mellitus, type 2 (adult onset) B)diabetes mellitus, type 1 (juvenile) C)hyper aldosteronism D)Addison's disease E)diabetes insipidus

diabetes mellitus, type 2 (adult onset)

31)The "fight-or-flight" response triggers the release of ________. A)melatonin B)prolactin (PRL) C)epinephrine D)growth hormone (GH) E)antidiuretic hormone (ADH)


61)The two major groups of white blood cells are ________. A)leukocytes and erythrocytes B)granulocytes and leukocytes C)neutrophils and basophils D)platelets and megakaryocytes E)granulocytes and agranulocytes

granulocytes and agranulocytes

56)Erythrocytes ________. A)lack a nucleus and most organelles B)possess lobed nuclei and cytoplasmic granules C)travel by diapedesis through the walls of vessels D)are the least common of all formed elements E)clot blood

lack a nucleus and most organelles

52)In a centrifuged blood sample, the buffy coat situated between the formed elements and the plasma contains ________. A)leukocytes and erythrocytes B)erythrocytes only C)leukocytes only D)leukocytes and platelets E)platelets and erythrocytes

leukocytes and platelets

60)Jordan works in a hematology lab and processed a blood report showing 22,000 white blood cells/mm3 of blood for a patient. He suspects this patient has a bacterial infection leading to________. A)anemia B)leukopenia C)sickle cell anemia (SCA) D)polycythemia E)leukocytosis


37)The pineal gland produces ________. A)thymosin B)estrogen C)melatonin D)cortisol E)insulin


63)A stubborn infection continues to persist for Nyisha. A blood test reveals a bacterial infection, which is confirmed by an excessive number of ________. A)lymphocytes B)eosinophils C)monocytes D)basophils E)neutrophils


64)The most numerous of the white blood cells are the ________. A)neutrophils B)monocytes C)eosinophils D)basophils E)lymphocytes


28)The enzyme produced by the kidneys when blood pressure drops, stimulating a release of aldosterone, is called ________. A)renin B)cortisone C)vasopressin D)cortisol E)angiotensin II


71)An immature RBC that still contains some endoplasmic reticulum is called a(n) ________. A)megakaryocyte B)agranulocyte C)reticulocyte D)granulocyte E)hemocytoblast


50) The gland that produces melatonin is indicated by_________. A)Label C B)Label A C)Label D D)Label B E)Label J

Label A

49) The gland that produces thymosin is indicated by A)Label F B)Label J C)Label C D)Label A E)Label D

Label F

84)Which organ is largely responsible for the synthesis of clotting factors? A)Pancreas B)Kidneys C)Liver D)Thyroid E)Spleen


42)Which two hormones act together to bring about menstruation in females? A)Aldosterone and cortisol B)Cortisol and cortisone C)Progesterone and estrogen D)Progesterone and prolactin E)Testosterone and estrogen

Progesterone and estrogen

15)Which endocrine gland is situated at the base of the throat, just inferior to the Adam's apple? A)Thyroid gland B)Pituitary gland C)Pineal gland D)Adrenal gland E)Thymus gland

Thyroid gland

59)White blood cells differ from red blood cells because only they contain ________. A)a nucleus and most organelles B)cytoplasm C)the iron-containing molecule called hemoglobin D)the ability to transport both oxygen and carbon dioxide E)a biconcave shape

a nucleus and most organelles

96)Compatibility testing for agglutination of donor RBCs by the recipients' serum is called ________. A)cross matching B)blood typing C)hemolysis D)hemodialysis E)transfusion reaction

cross matching

11)The hormone that stimulates follicle development by female ovaries and sperm development by male testes is ________. A)follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) B)antidiuretic hormone (ADH) C)prolactin (PRL) D)glucagon E)luteinizing hormone (LH)

follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)

26)Rising blood levels of aldosterone cause the kidney tubules to ________. A)increase absorption of hydrogen ions B)increase absorption of potassium ions C)decrease excretion of calcium ions D)increase absorption of sodium ions E)decrease excretion of potassium ions

increase absorption of sodium ions

6)Rising levels of parathyroid hormone (PTH) will inhibit its further hormone release. This type of control mechanism is best described as ________. A)negative feedback mechanism B)positive feedback mechanism C)direct gene activation D)second-messenger system E)neural stimulation

negative feedback mechanism

100)While cross matching an unknown blood type, agglutination was observed with neither the anti-Anor the anti-B sera. You evaluate these results to indicate that the unknown blood contains________. A)A antigen B)AB antigen C)B antigen D)O antigen E)no antigens

no antigens

27)Tetany resulting from uncontrolled muscle spasms may indicate a malfunction of the ________. A)posterior pituitary B)adrenal cortex C)pineal gland D)thymus E)parathyroid glands

parathyroid glands

20)The body's major metabolic hormone, which is actually two iodine-containing hormones, is called________. A)growth hormone (GH) B)calcitonin C)adrenaline D)thyroid hormone E)prolactin (PRL)

thyroid hormone

53)Which of the following does not correctly characterize blood? A)Blood is cooler than body temperature. B)The pH range of blood falls between 7.35 and 7.45. C)Blood accounts for a volume of 5 to 6 liters in healthy adults. D)The color of blood ranges from scarlet red to dark red or purple depending on the level of oxygenation. E)Blood has a characteristic metallic, salty taste.

Blood is cooler than body temperature.

79)What is blood serum? A)Blood plasma minus the clotting proteins B)Erythrocytes and leukocytes C)Blood plasma minus vitamin K D)Formed elements and plasma E)Leukocytes and platelets

Blood plasma minus the clotting proteins

89)Which blood type contains the A antigen only? A)Blood type A B)Blood type B C)Blood types A and AB D)Blood type O E)Blood type AB

Blood type A

91)Molly has blood type A and her daughter has blood type B. Why can't Molly donate blood to her daughter? A)Mothers cannot donate blood to their daughters. B)Blood type B contains anti-A antibodies, which will agglutinate type A blood. C)Only fathers can donate blood to their daughters. D)Blood transfusions cannot be performed among relatives. E)Blood types A and B will coagulate during a transfusion.

Blood type B contains anti-A antibodies, which will agglutinate type A blood.

93)Which blood type(s) can a person with blood type O receive? A)Blood type A B)Blood type B C)Blood type A, B, AB, or O D)Blood type O E)Blood type AB

Blood type O

23)Which of these hormones regulate calcium levels in the body? A)Calcitonin and parathyroid hormone (PTH) B)T3 and T4 C)Melatonin and glucocorticoids D)Oxytocin and prolactin E)Insulin and glucagon

Calcitonin and parathyroid hormone (PTH)

3)Which one of the following is not typical of the changes that follow the binding of a hormone to its target cells? A)Mitosis is stimulated. B)Plasma membrane permeability changes. C)Proteins are synthesized in the cell. D)Cellular mutations occur. E)Enzymes are activated or inactivated.

Cellular mutations occur.

74)What is the final step of hemostasis in which the formation of a blood clot is accomplished? A)Agglutination B)Vascular spasms C)Erythropoiesis D)Formation of a platelet plug E)Coagulation


32)Mr. Lee has been working extra hours for weeks since he is covering for several employees in his department who are out. The long hours and additional stress have left him feeling extremely exhausted. How will his body respond to this long-term stress? A)Insulin will decrease blood glucose levels. B)Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) will reduce blood volume and blood pressure. C)Glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids will increase sodium and water retention, blood sugar, blood volume, and blood pressure. D)Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) will decrease urine volume and increase blood volume. E)Thyroxine levels will be controlled by hormonal stimulation.

Glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids will increase sodium and water retention, blood sugar, blood volume, and blood pressure.

21)Without iodine in the diet, which thyroid gland disorder may result? A)Pituitary dwarfism B)Cretinism C)Graves' disease D)Myxedema E)Goiter


12)Tia is 31 years old and has been diagnosed with acromegaly. Which hormone is she hypersecreting? A)Prolactin (PRL) B)Oxytocin (OXY) C)Testosterone D)Estrogen E)Growth hormone (GH)

Growth hormone (GH)

51)What is not contained in the plasma of blood? A)Hormones B)Gases C)Nutrients D)Plasma proteins E)Hemoglobin


54)What component of a red blood cell binds and transports oxygen? A)Hemoglobin B)Albumin C)Mitochondria D)Thrombin E)Fibrinogen


81)Which of the following is a blood clotting disorder? A)Anemia B)Polycythemia C)Hemophilia D)Leukopenia E)Leukocytosis


92)Hemolysis most likely will occur when ________. A)an Rh-negative person receives the second transfusion of blood that is Rh positive B)an Rh-negative person receives the first transfusion of blood that is Rh positive C)any person receives blood type O during a transfusion D)an Rh-positive person receives the first transfusion of blood that is Rh negative E)platelets cling to the ruptured endothelium of a blood vessel

an Rh-negative person receives the second transfusion of blood that is Rh positive

13)Releasing and inhibiting hormones produced by the hypothalamus influence the activities of the________. A)thyroid gland B)pineal gland C)posterior pituitary gland D)anterior pituitary gland E)adrenal gland

anterior pituitary gland

87)For a person with blood type A, the body perceives blood type B as a(n) ________. A)thrombus B)agglutinin C)antigen D)hormone E)antibody


62)Shakira is taking an antihistamine medication due to several itchy mosquito bites. This medication blocks the release of histamine from ________. A)basophils B)monocytes C)eosinophils D)lymphocytes E)neutrophils


95)While cross matching an unknown blood type, agglutination was observed with anti-A serumonly. This blood type is ________. A)blood type A B)blood type B C)blood type AB D)blood type O E)blood type A or AB

blood type A

14)The two hormones released by the thyroid gland are ________. A)prolactin (PRL) and oxytocin B)calcitonin and thyroid hormone C)oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone (ADH) D)calcitonin and parathyroid hormone (PTH) E)thyroid hormone and parathyroid hormone (PTH)

calcitonin and thyroid hormone

5)Being lipid soluble, steroids can do all the following except ________. A)diffuse through the plasma membranes of target cells B)activate genes to transcribe mRNA for protein synthesis C)enter the nucleus D)catalyze a reaction that produces cyclic AMP (cAMP) E)bind to receptor proteins within the nucleus

catalyze a reaction that produces cyclic AMP (cAMP)

46)A young child is small for his age and shows signs of mental impairment. Given his symptoms, you conclude he may have ________. A)goiter B)Graves' disease C)cretinism D)myxedema E)pituitary dwarfism


70)The average functional lifespan of an RBC is ________. A)one year B)100—120 days C)50—75 days D)the body's lifetime E)20—30 days

100—120 days

77)Blood normally clots in approximately ________. A)30 minutes B)5 to 10 minutes C)15 minutes D)1 minute E)3 to 6 minutes

3 to 6 minutes

86)Severe shock that can be fatal occurs with blood loss exceeding ________. A)30 percent B)20 percent C)10 percent D)50 percent E)5 percent

30 percent

57)On average, how many red blood cells are present in a cubic millimeter of blood? A)150,000 B)10 million C)5 million D)25 billion E)1,000

5 million

25)Which of these hormones is released by the adrenal medulla? A)Aldosterone B)Cortisone C)Glucocorticoids D)Sex hormones E)Epinephrine (adrenaline)

Epinephrine (adrenaline)

55)Which formed element is the most abundant in blood? A)Basophil B)Lymphocyte C)Eosinophil D)Platelet E)Erythrocyte


43)Which hormone is produced by the kidneys to stimulate production of red blood cells by the bone marrow? A)Secretin B)Erythropoietin C)Relaxin D)Resistan E)Cholecystokinin (CCK)


40)What two groups of steroid hormones are made by female ovaries? A)Estrogens and progesterone B)Gonadotropic hormones and thyrotropic hormones C)Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) D)Testosterone and estrogens E)Androgens and testosterone

Estrogens and progesterone

22)Graves' disease is accompanied by a condition in which the eyes bulge or protrude anteriorly. This condition is known as ________. A)Goiter B)Moon face C)Buffalo hump D)Exophthalmos E)Myxedema


78)What does fibrin contribute to the process of coagulation A)Fibrin promotes the formation of a platelet plug. B)Fibrin is an enzyme that joints soluble fibrinogen proteins together. C)Fibrin causes platelets to become sticky and attracts more platelets to cling to the damagedsite. D)Fibrin promotes vasoconstriction and the resulting spasms of blood vessels. E)Fibrin forms a meshwork that traps RBCs and forms the basis of the clot.

Fibrin forms a meshwork that traps RBCs and forms the basis of the clot.

30)Daniella has been diagnosed with Addison's disease. Which of the following is probably NOT one of her signs or symptoms? A)Inability to cope with stress B)Weak muscles C)Bronze skin tone D)Hypoglycemia E)High blood pressure and edema

High blood pressure and edema

44)Which hormone, produced by the placenta, stimulates the ovaries to continue producing estrogen and progesterone so that the lining of the uterine is not sloughed off in menses? A)Oxytocin B)Human placental lactogen (hPL) C)Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) D)Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) E)Luteinizing hormone (LH)

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

18)Alcohol inhibits the secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH). What impact will this have on the body? A)Increased presence of blood in the urine B)Increased water retention by the kidneys C)Increased swelling (edema) in the body's tissues D)Decreased urine output E)Increased thirst and dehydration

Increased thirst and dehydration

24)What stimulates the release of calcitonin? A)Increasing level of blood glucose B)Another hormone C)Increasing level of blood sodium ions D)Increasing level of blood calcium ions E)Decreasing level of blood calcium ions

Increasing level of blood calcium ions

34)Which of the following hormones decreases blood glucose levels? A)Glucagon B)Growth hormone C)Glucocorticoids D)Epinephrine E)Insulin


69)Which of the following is not a descendent of the myeloid stem cell line? A)Basophil B)Platelet C)Erythrocyte D)Monocyte E)Lymphocyte


99)Assess the following features of a blood cell seen under the microscope to determine the specific type: a large nucleus that occupies the majority of the cell and stains dark blue-purple; cytoplasm is pale blue; and the cell appears to lack granules. A)Neutrophil B)Monocyte C)Erythrocyte D)Basophil E)Lymphocyte


67)What multinucleate cell gives rise to thousands of anucleate fragments known as platelets? A)Basophil B)Macrophage C)Megakaryocyte D)Erythrocyte E)Eosinophil


45)As the efficiency of the ovaries declines in middle age, a woman's ability to bear children ends.What is this known as? A)Pregnancy B)Menstruation C)Puberty D)Menopause E)Menses


48)Pat, a 68-year-old woman, has high levels of TSH and low levels of thyroxine (T4). She is often tired and has gained weight. For what condition would you evaluate her? A)Myxedema B)Addison's disease C)Graves' disease D)Cretinism E)Diabetes mellitus


98)A separated sample of blood reveals the hematocrit composes 72 percent of the volume of bloodwhile the plasma contributes 38 percent of the blood volume. The buffy coat makes up less than 1percent of this sample. Which is likely the correct interpretation of these findings? A)Polycythemia B)Leukopenia C)Pernicious anemia D)Hemophilia E)Sickle cell anemia (SCA)


19)Where are the parathyroid glands located? A)On top of the kidneys B)Within the mediastinum C)Directly below the Adam's apple D)Posterior surface of the thyroid gland E)Within the pancreas

Posterior surface of the thyroid gland

16)Which two hormones play a role in promoting the milk reflex and in stimulating and maintaining breast milk production in a nursing mother's breasts? A)Prolactin (PRL) and oxytocin B)Parathyroid hormone (PTH) and thyroid hormones C)Growth hormone (GH) and glucagon D)Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and thyroid hormones E)Prolactin (PRL) and antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

Prolactin (PRL) and oxytocin

68)Where does hematopoiesis occur to produce new red blood cells? A)Synovial membrane B)Articular cartilage C)Epiphyseal line D)Red bone marrow E)Yellow bone marrow

Red bone marrow

29)Which of the following is a function of the mineralocorticoids, such as aldosterone? A)Increase blood glucose levels B)Help resist long-term stress C)Regulate salt content of the blood D)Decrease edemaE)Suppress inflammation

Regulate salt content of the blood

94)The immune serum used to prevent maternal sensitization to Rh antigens is ________. A)interleukin B)agglutinin C)fibrinogen D)RhoGAM E)serotonin


10)What is the primary effect of prolactin? A)Stimulate and maintain milk production after childbirth B)Stimulate follicle development in the ovaries C)Promote milk ejection in a woman nursing her infant D)Trigger ovulation of an egg from the ovary E)Stimulate contractions of the uterus during breastfeeding

Stimulate and maintain milk production after childbirth

85)What does treatment of hemophilia often involve? Hemophilia: when blood does not clot properly A)Vitamin K supplements and vitamin B12 injections B)Transfusion of plasma and vitamin K supplements C)Vitamin K supplements only D)Transfusion of plasma or injections of missing clotting factor E)Injections of missing clotting factors and vitamin B12 injections

Transfusion of plasma or injections of missing clotting factor

8)Select the statement that best describes the function of tropic hormones. A)Tropic hormones stimulate the thymus gland to secrete hormones. B)Tropic hormones stimulate nervous tissue to produce neurotransmitters. C)Tropic hormones stimulate the pineal gland to secrete hormones. D)Tropic hormones stimulate other endocrine glands to secrete hormones. E)Tropic hormones stimulate production of prostaglandins.

Tropic hormones stimulate other endocrine glands to secrete hormones.

75)Which one of the following represents the proper sequence of hemostasis? A)Vascular spasm, platelet plug formation, coagulation B)Vascular spasm, coagulation, platelet plug formation C)Coagulation, platelet plug formation, vascular spasm D)Coagulation, vascular spasm, platelet plug formation E)Platelet plug formation, coagulation, vascular spasm

Vascular spasm, platelet plug formation, coagulation

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