Bio 111 final

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Which characteristic corresponds with Stage 3 of breast cancer?

Cancer extensively spreads to nearby tissue.

Which B vitamins are use to manufacture coenzymes?

Niacin as riboflavin

Which event (or events) occur in the anaphase II phase of meiosis II?

Sister chromatids are pulled apart to opposite poles.

Which event (or events) occur in the metaphase I phase of meiosis I?

Tetrads align along the metaphase plate

The cytochrome c protein is sometimes used to describe the evolutionary relationship between species. This is because

The closer the DNA sequences are between species, the closer they are related on an evolutionary scale.

Several different researchers contributed to the study of the structure of DNA. What did Erwin Chargaff contribute?

The percent of adenine is equal to the percent of thymine and the percent of guanine is equal to the percent id cytosine

Why do conservation groups focus their attention on biodiversity hotspots?

These spots have over half the world's plant species and 43% of all vertebrate species.

What property of phospholipids makes them suitable for the formation of the double player found in membranes?

They have both a hydrophobic and hydrophilic end.

True or false? Enzymes are metabolic catalysts, which means they are involved in speeding up chemical reactions.


In a normal cell, G1 phase us the checkpoint for DNA damage. If the damage is too extensive, the cell will undergo _______.


Which of the following is included in the chromaveolata supergroup? a. Red and green algae b. Dinoflagellates, gold and brown algae c. Fungi, choanoflagellates, animals d. Euglenozoans

b. Dinoflagellates, fold and brown algae

Chromosomes are copied

between the growth phase (G1) and preparation cell division (G2).

Which of the following are characteristics of the Zygomycota major fungal phyla? a. Consists of club fungi, specifically mushrooms b. Contains sac-like fruiting bodies and includes yeast for baking and brewing c. Consists of over 1,000 species, including bread mold

c. Consists of over 1,000 species, including bread mold

During translation, a polypeptide chain is created using an RNA template. Which of the following components is responsible for bringing amino acids to the growing polypeptide chain? a. rRNA b. mRNA c. tRNA d. RNA polymerase

c. tRNA

Normally, cancer cells can evade an immune response because the immune system

has a difficult time identifying cancerous cells.

Each enzyme has a particular substrate because enzymes

have active sites complementary in shape to their substrates.

It is difficult to determine the exact amount of species loss because

most studies are typically focused on plants and animals, fewer studies involve tracking the biodiversity loss of microbes and fungi, and the exact number of current species is unknown.

In gene expression, the goal of translation is to

read codons and incorporate corresponding amino acids into a growing polypeptide chain.

Complete the following sentence: Hemoglobin functions in _____ cells and carries _____ the ball cells of the body.

red blood; oxygen

In a biochemical reaction, the energy of activation is the amount of energy

required to start a reaction.

During DNA replication, the _______ strand is the one being used by the DNA polymerase to provide the new ______ strand of DNA.

template; daughter

The cytochrome c protein is used to describe the evolutionary relationships between species. This is because

the closer the DNA sequences are between species, the closer they are related in an evolutionary scale.

Biodiversity is

the number of species and how many different species are in a given location

Birds and insects both have wings, but we do not consider this similarity as evidence of relatedness because

the wings are not homologous structures with a common ancestral origin.

In a hydrolysis reaction, ______ is added to the polymer to break the bond between monomers.


In chorionic virus sampling, a sample is obtained

with a long suction tube to remove from the site of placenta development.

How does the body recognize "self" cells compared to "nonself" cells?

"Self" cells are marked by glycoproteins called major-his to compatibility complexes (MHCs).

In the evolution of vertebrates, which feature allows for the development of vertebral column?

A notochord.

If you were observing embryonic structures of a tortoise, a chick, and a human, which of the following would not be a similar structure? A. Five finger digits B. Pharyngeal pouches C. Eyes D. Postanal tail

A. Five finger digits

If a gene mutation occurs that results in a premature stop codon in the mRNA sequence, the protein will _______.

Be incomplete

You are reading an article about a person being diagnosed with a type of sarcoma. This type of cancel affects _______.

Connective tissue

_____ is found in the chemical bonds of organic compounds, such as fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.


What is the role of DNA replication?

It links gaps between Okazaki fragments in the lagging strand.

Why are new flu vaccinations required for each new flu season instead of developing a universal flu vaccine?

The flu virus mutates frequently enough that last year's vaccination will no longer target current circulating flu strains.

In a chemical reaction, the energy in ATP is provided by splitting the ATP molecule between the

Adenosine diphosphate and phosphate.

Which group of prokaryotes are considered to be the oldest and love in extreme environments?


Molluscs are ______ and have a well-developed organ system.


True or false? Energy drinks contain large amounts of energy.

False. The "energy" felt by people from energy drinks is actually from the caffeine.

In humans, male gametes are called _____, while female gametes are called _____.

Sperm; eggs

Cytotoxic T cell activation by cell-mediated immunity results in the _______ and apoptosis of infected cells.

production of memory T cells

The endosymbiotic theory process consists of four steps. Rank these steps in order from start to finish for a photosynthetic eukaryote. -The cell gains an endomembrane system. - The cell gains chloroplasts. - The cell gains a nucleus. - The cell gains mitochondria.

1. The cell gains a nucleus 2. The cell gains an endomembrane system. 3. The cell gains mitochondria. 4. The cell gains chloroplasts.

Which of the following is an example of phenotype influences by the environment? A. Sickle-cell B. Blood type C. Cystic fibrosis D. Melanin production

D. Melanin production

Transcription starts with RNA polymerase binding to the start of the gene called a/an ________.


Biodiversity hotspots only cover 2.4% of the world's surface. If we were to lose these areas, we would also lose approximately ___ percent of all plants, and ___ percent of all animal species.

50%; 42%

Mass extinction accounts for almost ___ percent of species that have gone extinct. This is much greater than background extinction.


The following statements relate to either the innate or the adaptive system. Select those that ONLY apply to the adaptive immune system. (Check all that apply.) A. Antibody production B. Cell-mediated immunity C. Antibody-mediated immunity D. Natural killer cells E. Inflammatory response

A. Antibody production B. Cell-mediated immunity C. Antibody-mediated immunity

From the list provided, select the two circumstances necessary for evolution to occur. A. There must be a variation for a trait within a population. B. An advantageous trait must be passed on to the next generation. C. The environment should remain constant. D. All traits in a population should be the same.

A. There must be a variation for a trait within a population. B. An advantageous trait must be passed on to the next generation.

Sea stars are in the phylum echinoderms. From the list provided, select the characteristics that are observed in this phylum. A. They prey on molluscs. B. Most have pentaradial symmetry. C. They are pseudoceolomates. D. They have an incomplete nervous system.

A. They prey on molluscs. B. Most have pentaradial symmetry.

Which of the following structures are associated with the lymphatic system? (Check all that apply). A. Thymus B. Spleen C. Lungs D. Red bone marrow E. Lymph nodes

A. Thymus B. Spleen D. Red bone marrow E. Lymph nodes

In humans, energy stored in food is converted into _____ to perform work by the cells.


Which phylum has been the most successful animal on the planet, with over 1 million species?


Which of the following species belongs in the cartilaginous class of fish? A. Love-finned fish B. Lamprey C. Rays D. Trout

C. Rays

During the division of eukaryotic cells, the _____ assists by dividing the genetic material and cell contents into the two resulting cells.


Your instructor is showing you a model of prophase in mitosis. There is an arrow pointing to a structure holding the two sister chromatids together. What structure is your instructor asking you to identify?


What are the characteristics of the archaeplastids supergroup?

Consists of ancestors to modern plants

Which of the following is the key feature of glycolysis? A. Producing FADH2 B. Producing H20 C. Generating a large amount of CO2 D. Splitting glucose into two pyruvates

D. Splitting glucose into two pyruvates

Telomere length can change with age and the type of cell. Which of the following correctly describes telomere length? A. Telomeres increase as a person ages. B. Telomeres remain constant throughout a person's life. C. Telomeres are the shortest in stem cells. D. Telomeres are the longest in stem cells. E. Telomeres shorten in cancer cells.

D. Telomeres are the longest in stem cells.

Mutations in tumor-suppressor genes and in proto-oncogenes can result in cancer. If both are mutated,

DNA damage will go unrecognized and cell division will increase.

What is the name of the enzyme that fits new complementary DNA nucleotides to synthesize the new daughter strand?

DNA polymerase

In most organisms, the flow of information is from

DNA, RNA, then protein.

A certain species of butterfly varies in color from white to dark blue. The birds found in the same area feed in the white or lightly colored butterflies, leaving butterflies that are darkly colored. This is an example of what type of selection?

Directional selection

True or false? Polymers are formed by hydrolytic reactions of monomers.

False. Hydrolytic reactions break polymers into monomer.

True or false? In breast cancer patients, lymph nodes are biopsied to determine the size of the tumor.

False. Lymph nodes are biopsied to determine if the cancer has spread from its original location.

True or false? Inorganic molecules are important nutrients used in cellular processes to produce energy.

False. Organic molecules are the main source of energy-producing nutrients.

True or false? Sickle-cell anemia limits its sugar defects within the body to the respirator and circulatory systems.

False. Sickle-cell anemia is a systemic disease.

True or false? If a mutation occurs that results in the change of amino acid, this will not alter the shape of the protein, and the protein will function the same.

False. The shape of the protein determines its function.

Which human impact has globally used laces over 85% of species on the endangered species list?

Habitat destruction

Cellular respiration is a process that

Harvests the potential energy found in the chemical bonds of organic molecules.

In a normal cell, topoisomerase

Helps unwind DNA during DNA replication.

Sexual reproduction in fungi is through a process called _______ that results in the formation of a zygote.


DNA is packaged into chromosomes to

Keep the DNA organized and accessible to the cell, compact the large amount of DNA into each cell, and fit within the nucleus of the cell.

Living organisms require energy for

Mechanical work, transport work, and chemical work.

Antimetabolites work by

Mimicking nucleotides, which results in an incorrectly developed DNA molecule.

The F1 generation results from the fertilization of _______.

P gametes

Put the following steps in order. -Primase lays down a segment of nucleotides. -DNA polymerase synthesized a complementary strand. -DNA helicase binds to the origin of replication. -Single-stranded binding proteins keep the double helix separates.

1. DNA helicase binds to the origin of replication 2. Single-stranded binding proteins keep the double helix separated. 3. Primase lays down a segment of nucleotides 4. DNA polymerase synthesized a complementary strand.

Place the following events, of the flow of information in all organisms, in order, within the exception of retroviruses. -Amino acids are linked together to make a protein. -RNA is synthesized to provide codons. -DNA provides the "blueprint" for a protein.

1. DNA provides the "blueprint" for a protein. 2. RNA is synthesized to provide codons. 3. Amino acids are linked together to make a protein.

Place the following events of inflammation in order from the time of tissue damage to the healing process. -clotting factors close the wound -histamines are released -neutrophils remove dead cells -pressure builds, causing a red and tender appearance -macrophages enter the infected area, locate and destroy bacteria of viruses present

1. histamines are released 2. macrophages enter the infected area, locate and destroy bacteria of viruses present 3. neutrophils remove dead cells 4. clotting factors close the wound 5. pressure builds, causing a red and tender appearance

If a breast cancer patient has not responses to treatment and the cancer has spread to the brain, the patient is classified as having Stage _____ cancer.


Which of the following best describes ATP? A. ATP consists of an adenine, ribose, and three phosphate groups. B. ATP contains stored energy between adenine and its sugar. C. ATP contains high energy bonds between its sugar and the first phosphate group. D. ATP consists of an adenine, a deoxyribose, and three phosphate groups.

A. ATP consists of an adenine, ribose, and three phosphate groups.

Which of the following are characteristics of the Ascomycota major fungal phyla? A. Contains sac-like fruiting bodies and includes yeast for baking and brewing B. Consists of over 1,000 species, including bread mold C. Consists of club fungi, specifically mushrooms

A. Contains sac-like fruiting bodies and includes yeast for baking and brewing

This list contains the characteristics of the law of independent assortment and the law of segregation. Select all that contributes to Mendel's law of segregation. (Check all that apply.) A. During meiosis, only one factor is passed on in a gamete B. An individual receives one factor from each parent C. Fertilization results in a new individual with two factors D. Factors are randomly passed on in the gametes E. Any possible combination can occur in a gamete

A. During meiosis, only one factor is passed on in a gamete B. An individual receives one factor from each parent C. Fertilization results in a new individual with two factors

From the list provided, select the roles of complement proteins in the innate immune system. (Check all that apply.) A. Enhancing inflammation B. Lysing cells C. Marking cells for phagocytosis D. Assisting in antigen presenting E. Involved in the secretion of antibodies

A. Enhancing inflammation B. Lysing cells C. Marking cells for phagocytosis

Which of the following best describes the characteristics of a genetic disease? A. It is a change in the genetic information that may be passed in from one generation to the next. B. It may be passed in from one generation to the next. C. It is caused by a change in the genetic information. D. It is always passed on from one generation to the next.

A. It is a change in the genetic information that may be passed in from one generation to the next.

From the list provided, select all statements that relate to mass extinction. A. It occurs in a short period of time. B. It impacts only one species. C. It is a global event. D. It is an isolated event.

A. It occurs in a short period of time. C. It is a global event.

From the list provided, select the characteristics that all plants have. A. Multicellular B. Utilize photosynthesis C. Alternation is generation life cycle D. Vascular tissue

A. Multicellular B. Utilize photosynthesis C. Alternation is generation life cycle

Select three of the components that were proposed by Darwin for natural selection to occur. A. Populations experience differential reproductive success. B. Breeding is done intentionally with the intent to increase the frequency of desired traits. C. Variation within a population is heritable. D. Populations experience competition for resources. E. The variations in a population make no difference in terms of reproductive success.

A. Populations experience differential reproductive success. C. Variation within a population is heritable. D. Populations experience competition for resources.

Which of the following scanning tools is used to look for abnormalities in the breast that could be associated with cancer? A. Screening mammogram B. CT scan C. Diagnostic mammograms D. MRI E. PET Scan

A. Screening mammogram

Which of the following statements best describes the orientation of the two strands of DNA? A. The two strands of DNA are anti-parallel. One strand is oriented 3' to 5' and the other is orient 5' to 3'. B. The two strands of DNA are parallel. One strand is oriented 3' to 5' and the other is oriented 5' to 3'. C. The two strands of DNA are anti-parallel. Both strands are oriented in the 3' to 5' direction. D. The two strands of DNA are parallel. Both strand are oriented in the 3' to 5' direction.

A. The two strands of DNA are anti-parallel. One strand is oriented 3' to 5' and the other is orient 5' to 3'.

Cells within the inside of a tumor secrete growth factors, which cause capillaries to grow toward the tumor. This process is called _______, and contributes to the growth and spread of the tumor.


Which of the following best describes the genetic applications of using CRISPR? A. Depending on the application, the DNA sequence can be targeted and removed, or the DNA sequence can be targeted, removed, and replaced with the correct sequence. B. CRISPR is only used to target and remove a DNA sequence of interest. C. CRISPR can be used to target, remove, and replace a DNA sequence of interest. D. CRISPR can be used target, remove, and replace a DNA sequence of interest.

B. CRISPR is only used to target and remove a DNA sequence of interest.

Linear DNA in the human genome is packaged at several levels. Which of the following represents the levels from least packaged to most packaged? A. Chromosomes, nucleosomes, DNA strand B. DNA strand, nucleosomes, chromosomes C. DNA strand, chromosomes, nucleosomes D. Nucleosomes, DNA strand, chromosomes

B. DNA strands, nucleosomes, chromosomes

Digestion of energy nutrients requires specific enzymes for each molecule. Which is the following is incorrectly matched with its corresponding molecule? A. Fats-lipase B. Sucrose-maltase C. Starch-amylase D. Lactose-lactase

B. Sucrose-maltase

Form the following list, select those that are characteristics of life. (Check all that apply.) A. The ability to move B. The ability to reproduce C. The ability to communicate D. The ability to acquire materials and energy E. The ability to respond to the environment.

B. The ability to reproduce D. The ability to acquire materials and energy E. The ability to respond to the environment.

Which of the following best distinguishes viral genetic material is a living organism? A. Viral genetic material can be either DNA or RNA. B. The viral genome is either DNA or RNA and encoded for fewer proteins. C. The viral genome contains fewer genes, encoding for fewer proteins. D. The viral genome is less prone to mutations.

B. The viral genome is either DNA or RNA and encoded for fewer proteins.

Which of the following statements about mitochondria and chloroplasts provides support for the endosymbiotic theory? A. They have only a single membrane surrounding them. B. They have their own genomes. C. They cannot synthesize proteins. D. They contain genes that are vastly different compared to bacterial genes.

B. They have their own genomes.

From the following list, select all the describe vitamins. (Check all that apply.) A. Vitamins are inorganic molecules. B. Vitamins are used in high-energy pathways. C. Certain vitamins can protect cells from damage. D. Vitamins can act as suppressants. E. Certain vitamins act as hormones

B. Vitamins are used in high-energy pathways. C. Certain vitamins can protect cells from damage. E. Certain vitamins act as hormones

The main difference between Stage 0 and Stage 1 cancer is that in stage 1, the cancer cells have

Begun to spread to a few lymph nodes.

Where are species placed in the hierarchy of biological organization?

Between population and organism

If cancer invades the _______, this can cause an accumulation of blood calcium and may lead to a coma.


Which group of a plants lack vascular tissue and include mosses, hornworts, and liveworts?


Which of the following is an organic nutrient? A. CaCO3 B. NaCl C. C6H12O6 D. H20

C. C6H12O6

Which of the following is scanning tools is a special type of X-ray that is used to determine if the cancer has spread? A. PET Scan B. Diagnostic mammogram C. CT scan D. Screening mammogram E. MRI

C. CT Scan

Which of the following is included in the opisthokota supergroup? A. Dinoflagellates, gold and brown algae B. Red and green algae C. Fungi, choanoflagellates, animals D. Euglenozoans

C. Fungi, choanoflagellates, animals

Which of the following is the correct sequence of events in cellular respiration? A. Citric acid cycle > electron transport chain > glycolysis > predatory reaction B. Glycolysis > citric acid cycle > electron transport chain C. Glycolysis > preparatory reaction > citric acid cycle > electron transport chain D. Citric acid cycle > glycolysis > electron transport chain > preparatory reaction E. Glycolysis > electron transport chain > preparatory reaction

C. Glycolysis > preparatory reaction > citric acid cycle > electron transport chain

Which of the following is the closest extinct relative to Homo sapiens? A. Homo habillis B. Australopithecus sediba C. Homo erectus D. Australopithecus

C. Homo erectus

Which characteristic corresponds with Stage 4 of breast cancer?

Cancer spreads to other organs.

Which organic nutrient class consists of monosaccharide monomers?


Antigenic shift

Causes rapid changes in the influenza virus, was responsible for the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, and can result in an influenza strain that the human immune system has not been exposed to.

Which supergroup consists of dinoflagellates and parasitic sporozoans?


Which event (or events) occur in the prophase II phase is meiosis II?

Condensing of the chromosomes and the nuclear envelope breaks down

Which event (or events) occur in the pro phase I phase of meiosis I?

Condensing of the chromosomes, homologous chromosomes form tetrads, crossing over occurs

One of the most dangerous bacterial infections in the world is the MRSA, otherwise known as "flesh eating bacteria." Since this disease is bacterial, if a scientist wished to create a vaccine against MRSA, they would need to combine MRSA plasma membrane sugars with a spike protein that human immune systems would recognize as a foreign pathogen. As a result, the immune system would recognize as a foreign pathogen. As a result, the immune system would recognize MRSA surface sugars as foreign, reducing the damage from infection. What kind of vaccine is this?

Conjugate vaccine

Which of the following best describes how the flu virus may impact the respiratory system? A. The proteins produced by the virus interfere with the ability of epithelial cells to mice materials in and out of the lung tissue, resulting in the fluid buildup in the lungs. B. Epithelial cells see an increase in function as they try to adapt to the viral load of surrounding cells. C. The immune system prompts a decrease in blood flow, which results in the lungs becoming dry. A hacking cough can be produced. D. All of the answer choices are correct.

D. All of the answer choices are correct.

Which of the following best describes the action of B cells? A. B cells change into plasma cells after encountering an antigen and then produce antibodies. B. B cells develop and mature in the bone marrow. C. B cells carry receptor molecules on their cell surfaces. D. All of the answer choices relate to the actions of B cells.

D. All of the answer choices relate to the actions of B cells.

Which of the following is a likely physiological effect of caffeine? A. Release of proteins in the blood stream B. Extreme increase in diuretic effects C. Decrease in blood glucose levels D. Increased metabolic rate E. Decrease in central nervous system activity

D. Increased metabolic rate

Which of the following statements best describes the structure and function of hemoglobin in the respiratory and circulatory systems? A. The hemoglobin molecule consists of four beta globin polypeptide chains and iron molecules that are involved in fas exchange between the alveoli capillaries. B. The hemoglobin molecule consists of one alpha and three beta globin polypeptide chains and iron molecules that are involved in gas exchange between the blood capillaries. C. The hemoglobin molecule consists of four alpha globin polypeptide chains and iron molecules that are involved in gas exchange between the blood capillaries and the alveoli capillaries. D. The hemoglobin molecule consists of two alpha globin and two beta globin polypeptide chains and iron molecules that are involved in gas exchange between the blood capillaries and the alveoli capillaries.

D. The hemoglobin molecule consists of two alpha globin and two beta globin polypeptide chains and iron molecules that are involved in gas exchange between the blood capillaries and the alveoli capillaries.

The plasma membrane regulates the transport of materials in and out of the cell. What process would be used to move a noncharged molecule across the membrane.


Which of the following is a function of the large intestine? A. Secretion of insulin B. Absorption of amino acids C. Production of amylase to break down starches D. Storage of excess bile salts E. Absorption of water

E. Absorption of water

Which of the following statements is true regarding energy drinks? A. All energy drinks must contain vitamins, food additives, and stimulants, including caffeine. B. Energy drinks are classified as food by the FDA. C. The FDA ensures that claims made by drink manufacturers are verified. D. The FDA heavily regulates energy drinks. E. Energy drinks claim to increase energy levels, mental awareness, and reduce muscle fatigue.

E. Energy drinks claim to increase energy levels, mental awareness, and reduce muscle fatigue.

Which of the following is a passive mechanism used to move materials into and out of the cell? A. Feedback inhibition B. Phagocytosis C. Exocytosis D. Active transport E. Facilitated diffusion

E. Facilitated diffusion

Which of the following statements relates most closely to a disease's R0? A. The number of people in a population that will contract a disease in one hour of exposure to an infected person. B. The number of people in a population that are susceptible to a disease. C. The number of people who contract an illness from a superspeader event. D. The number of people in a population that must be vaccinated in order to provide heard immunity against a disease. E. The number of people who will contract an illness from a single individual in a population with no pre-existing immunity.

E. The number of people who will contract an illness from a single individual in a population with no pre-existing immunity.

Which process is responsive for moving bulk cellular wastes across the cell membrane?


True or false? The closer two organisms are related, the more time there has been for mutations to occur in the genetic information.


True or false? The only way a physician can diagnose cancer is to detect cancer cells in the blood.

False. Cancer cells can present in the blood or in the form of a tumor.

In the small intestines, the role of the lacteals is to absorb ______.

Fat-soluble nutrients

What is the first reaction of the body due to the influenza virus disrupting the normal function of the epithelial cells in the respiratory system?

Fluid accumulation in the lungs

Which researcher used X-ray crystallography to suggest that DNA is a double helix and was highly repetitive?


RBCs are responsible for

Gas exchange throughout the body.

The symbiotic relationship between coral and algal partners may be preserved by

Genetically engineering both to withstand higher water temperatures.

Structures that are passed on from a common ancestor, such as the bone structure of the limb, are called _______ structures. Structures that have the same function but evolved independently, such as wings of bats and birds, are called _______ structures.

Homologous; analogous

The chickenpox virus can remain in host cells by integrating its DNA into the host cell. This virus used the _____ cycle as its main life cycle pathway.


There are three checkpoints during cell division. Which checks for proper alignment or chromosomes?


Lung cancer was the leading cause of cancer-related deaths during the mid-1900s. Which group was most impacted?


Cells have checkpoints to regulate cell division. The G1 checkpoint

May delay cell division, is regulated by growth hormones, allows the cell to move into S phase, and may cause the cell to enter a resting phase.

There are two basic categories that prevent reproduction and therefore prevent speciation. If hybrid offspring survives but is sterile this is an example of

Postzygotic isolation.

B cell activation, through antibody-mediated immunity, results in the

Production of memory B cells, secretion of antibodies, and production of plasma cells.

The _____ does not have a high degree of fidelity, and therefore more mutations can be introduced in the genetic material of RNA viruses.

RNA polymerase

DNA replication is considered to be _______ because the end product consists of one old strand and one newly synthesized strand.


In the alternations of generations life cycle, the zygote divides to produce a _______, and a spore divides to produce a _______.

Sporophyte; gametophyte

Both starch and cellulose are made by stringing together many glucose molecules. However, while starch is easily digested by humans, cellulose is indigestible. The starch polysaccharide has bonds occurring below the sugar rings, while the bonds in cellulose alternate above the ring and below the next ring. How can you explain humans' inability to digest cellulose?

The enzyme that breaks down starch can only fit the specific bond configuration of bonds below the ring.

The influenza virus targets epithelial cells that line the respiratory tract. What is the normal function is epithelial cells?

They form boundaries between the body tissue and internal environments.

True or false? If cells are damaged, they are destroyed and removed from the body. These cells are then replaced with new cells.


True or false? In DNA replication, the leading strand is synthesized continuously, and the lagging strand is synthesized discontinuously. The synthesis JD the lagging strand relies in the formation is Okazaki fragments.


True or false? Negative feedback works to maintain homeostasis within the body.


During previous flu seasons, small variations in the influenza virus resulted in the immune system's inability to fully recognize and respond to flu exposure. As a result, the vaccine was less than 30% effective. This is an example of ________.

antigenic drift

Which of the following cells ingest, digest, and provide an antigen for the immune system to respond? a. T lymphocytes and dendritic cells b. B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes c. Macrophages and dendritic cells d. Macrophages and B lymphocytes

c. Macrophages and dendritic cells

Which of the following is included in the archaeplatida supergroup? a. Euglenozoans b. Fungi, choanoflagellates, animals c. Red and green algae d. Dinoflagellates, gold and brown algae

c. Red and green algae

Fifty percent of endangered species are threatened by the presence of ______ because they have no defense mechanisms against this anthropogenic factor.

invasive species

Physicians will request and analysis of proteins in the blood of possible cancer patients because

proteins from cancer cells are different from normal cells.

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