Bio 1150 Exam Questions/Concepts

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"true-nucleus", animals/plants/fungi/protists, ~10x size of prokaryotic cells, have membrane-bound organelles, oldest fossils are ~1.8 or 2.3 billion

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck -using certain body parts develops them better -these could be passed to offspring

(theory of acquired inheritance

Sixth Major Extinction Event:

12% of bird species threatened/endangered 200 spp. plants in US extinct since records kept 30% all fishes extinct or severely endangered 123 freshwater species in US extinct since 1900 32% all amphibians extinct or severely endangered

Ligers are the offspring of male lions and female tigers. Most ligers die in utero or shortly after birth. Those that do survive are often sterile. Occasionally, ligers can produce live offspring, but those offspring are of poor health. How would you describe these facts in terms of reproductive barriers? A. gametic isolation B. reduced hybrid viability C. reduced hybrid fertility D. hybrid breakdown E. All of the above except (A)

All of the above except (A)

The Supergroup Unikonta contains Animals Fungi Amoebas None of these All of these

All of these

Evolution = a change in _____________ in a(n) _____________over time. A. Allele frequencies...individual B. Allele frequencies...population C. Genetic diversity...biological community D. Skills ...individual E. Location...population

Allele frequencies...individual

Which of the following statements best supports the endosymbiosis theory? a. Mitochondria reply on mitosis for replication b. Chloroplasts contain DNA but translation does not occur in chloroplasts c. Vacuoles have double membranes d. Antibiotics that inhibit protein synthesis in bacteria can have the same effect on mitochondria e. None of these is good support for the endosymbiosis theory

Antibiotics that inhibit protein synthesis in bacteria can

Morphological (oldest):

Based on appearance

Which of the following is a correct statement about slime molds? • Cellular slime molds have haploid zygotes. • Cytoplasmic streaming helps distribute nutrients and oxygen in cellular slime molds. • In plasmodial slime molds, the haploid condition is the dominant part of the life cycle. • Cellular slime molds have fruiting bodies that function in sexual reproduction. • Cellular slime molds form masses when food is scarce, but their cells remain separated.

Cellular slime molds form masses when food is scarce, but their cells remain separated.

What nutritional mode do you use? a. Photoautotroph b. Chemoautotroph c. Photoheterotroph d. Chemoheterotroph e. Pizzatroph


Which is most likely the ancestor of animals? a. Trypanosomes b. Diplomonads c. Ciliates d. Rhizarians e. Choanoflagellates


Which level(s) of classification do human share with black bears? a. Genus and family b. Order and class c. Order through domain d. Class through domain e. Kingdom

Class through domain

Which of the following are often photosynthetic? a. Diatoms b. Ciliates c. Ampicomplexans d. Dinoflagellates e. Amoebas

Diatoms, Ciliates, Dinoflagellates

Organisms are classified hierarchically

Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species

Which structure(s) play direct roles in permitting bacteria to adhere to each other or to other surfaces? A. Capsules B. Fimbriae C. Plasmids D. All of the above E. (A) and (B) only

E. (A) and (B) only

Which supergroups do not contain major clades of photosynthesizers? a. Excavates b. SAR c. Archaeplastids d. Unikonts

Excavates, Archaeplastids

What environment stimulates evolution of drug-resistant pathogens? A) presence of an enzyme called penicillinase B) colonization of host C) pathogens without cell walls D) excess antibiotics

Excess antibiotics

Hybrid breakdown

First generation hybrids are fertile, but when they mate with another F1 or either of the parent species, the F2 generation is feeble or sterile

Which of these is not a member of Archaeplastida? • Plants • Fungi • Green Algae • Red Algae • Charophytes


Which of the following reproductive types of isolation illustrates postzygotic barriers? A) habitat isolation B) mechanical isolation C) temporal isolation D) hybrid breakdown

Hybrid breakdown

Mechanical isolation

Incompatible male and female genitalia or pollen/stigma (in flowers)

Behavioral isolation

Individuals may not recognize each other as conspecifics


Interactions with the environment

A molecular clock relies on the assumption that _____. a. Molecules are stable for long periods of time b.A molecular clock relies on the assumption that _____. a. Molecules are stable for long periods of time b. Mutations in DNA occur at a constant rate c. Matings are random in populations d. Prokaryotes are more easily classified than eukaryotes e. Derived traits have arisen recently

Mutations in DNA occur at a constant rate

A bacterium lives on the surface of a leaf, where it obtains nutrition from the leaf's nonliving, waxy covering while inhibiting the growth of other microbes that are plant pathogens. If this bacterium gains access to the inside of a leaf, however, it causes a fatal disease in the plant. Once the plant dies, the bacterium and its offspring decompose the plant. What is the correct sequence of ecological roles played by the bacterium in the situation described here? A. Mutualist, recycler, pathogen B. Mutualist, pathogen, recycler C. Recycler, mutualist, pathogen D. Recycler, pathogen, mutualist

Mutualist, pathogen, recycler

Are fishes a monophyletic group? A) yes B) no C) As long as you exclude sharks and rays. D) As long as you exclude whales.


Consider the mammal eye and the squid eye. They look similar, but they originated mostly independently. Are they homologous structures? Why? A) No, they evolved independently in different ancestor species B) Yes, they evolved from a single common ancestor C) Yes, eyes are homozygous traits D) No, eyes are heterozygous traits

No, they evolved independently in different ancestor species


Patterns in the geographic distribution of species

Habitat isolation

Species live in different areas, do not meet

Temporal isolation

Species live in the same area, but reproduce at different times

Gametic isolation

Sperm cannot fuse with egg; proteins on surface of gametes do not recognize each other

Which of the following is a cause of mass extinction? A. New mutations decrease fitness. B. The environment changes more rapidly than species can adapt. C. Species stop evolving. D. Individuals stop reproducing. E. Natural selection temporarily stops working.

The environment changes more rapidly than species can adapt.

Which is an incorrect statement about "red tides"? • They cause massive fish kills. • They are produced by periods of explosive growth, or blooms. • Coastal waters change color due to pigments within plastids. • Molluscs may accumulate toxins that cause illness in humans who consume them. • They are caused by protists, which move by means of cilia.

They are caused by protists, which move by means of cilia.

Why are some traits considered vestigial? A) They improve the fitness of the individual who has them B) They change in response to the environment C) They existed a long time ago D) They are reduced in size, complexity and function

They are reduced in size, complexity and function

Phylogenetic (newest):

Unique evolutionary lineage

What does a Streptococcus look like? a. a cluster of rod-shaped bacteria b. a chain of spherical bacteria c. a unicellular spiral-shaped bacteria d. a unicellular rod-shaped bacteria e. paired spherical bacteria

a chain of spherical bacteria

If the mitochondria and chloroplasts in eukaryotic cells resulted from endosymbiosis, what features might we expect these organelles to contain? A. a plasma membrane, DNA, and ribosomes B. a plasma membrane, nucleus, and ribosomes C. nucleus, DNA, and ribosomes D. a plasma membrane, nucleus, and cilia E. nucleus, ribosomes, and cilia

a plasma membrane, DNA, and ribosomes

What is(are) the feature(s) of prokaryotes that enable(s) them to adapt so quickly? A. short generation time B. genetic diversity in prokaryotes, which can possibly arise by transformation, transduction, or conjugation C. ability to transfer advantageous alleles D. rapid proliferation, which increases chance of mutation E. all of the above

all of the above

Adaptive radiation A) Results in climate change. B) increases extinction rates. C) allows new species to occupy different habitats. D) observes trends in the fossil record. E) is a method for absolute dating of fossils.

allows new species to occupy different habitats.

Two species of leopard frogs live in the same pond, but have different mating calls. This is an example of a _________ reproductive barrier. a. behavioral b. hybrid breakdown c. temporal (timing) d. habitat isolation e. mechanical


The cladogram indicates that crocodiles are more closely related to ______ than to ______. a. birds . . . pterosaurs b. snakes . . . birds c. birds . . . lizards d. turtles . . . birds

birds . . . lizards

How does a molecular clock measure time? A) by observing that some genes and other regions of genomes appear to evolve at different rates B) by detecting gene irregularities that result from natural selection C) by counting the number of inferred nucleotide substitutions over branches of phylogenies D) by using few gene mutations to calibrate the clock

by counting the number of inferred nucleotide substitutions over


change above the species level


change below the species level

In a sample of pond water, a new organism is identified with the following characteristics: It consists of 70 cells surrounded by rigid cell walls that join the cells together. Inside each of these identical cells are mitochondria and chloroplasts. Such an organism would most likely be classified as a A) colonial photosynthetic eukaryote. B) fungal photosynthetic eukaryote. C) colonial photosynthetic prokaryote. D) multicellular photosynthetic eukaryote. E) colonial eukaryotic fungus.

colonial photosynthetic eukaryote.

Which of the following groups of eukaryotes is a Protist?? • fungi • animals • diatoms • land plants


You spot a sea snake while you are in a boat on the ocean and note how similar it looks to a snake that lives in central Illinois. However, you know that they are most likely separate species due to which of the following reproductive barriers? A. behavioral isolation B. gametic isolation C. ecological/habitat isolation D. temporal isolation

ecological/habitat isolation

Which of the following have a thicker, simpler cell wall? A. bacillus B. gram-negative bacteria C. coccus D. gram-positive bacteria

gram-positive bacteria

Both ancestral birds and ancestral mammals shared a common ancestor that was terrestrial. Today, penguins (which are birds) and seals (which are mammals) have forelimbs adapted for swimming. What term best describes the relationship of the bones in the forelimbs of penguins and seals, and what term best describes the flippers of penguins and seals? A) homologous; homologous B) analogous; homologous C) homologous; analogous D) analogous; analogous

homologous; analogous


is a difference in rate or timing of development, and generates dramatic morphological diversity

One certainty about protists is that they are not A) unicellular B) eukaryotic C) symbionts D) monophyletic E) mixotrophic


You are confronted with a box of preserved grasshoppers of various species that are new to science and have not been described. Your assignment is to separate them into species. There is no accompanying information as to where or when they were collected. Which species concept will you have to use? A) biological B) phylogenetic C) ecological D) morphological


Which of these describes Protists: A. monophyletic B. paraphyletic C. polyphyletic D. extraphyletic


Which of the following gets its energy from sunlight and its carbon from ingesting other organisms? A. photoautotroph B. chemoautotroph C. photoheterotroph D. chemoheterotroph


A mixotroph uses _______________ and ____________________ to meet its nutritional needs. • photosynthesis and phagocytosis • photosynthesis and endosymbiosis • endosymbiosis and phagocytosis • mutualism and parasitism • mutualism and predation

photosynthesis and phagocytosis

Some molecular data place the giant panda in the bear family (Ursidae) but place the lesser panda in the raccoon family (Procyonidae). Consequently, the morphological similarities of these two species are probably due to A) inheritance of acquired characteristics. B) sexual selection. C) inheritance of shared derived characters. D) possession of analogous structures.

possession of analogous structures.

The fossil record shows that species remain constant for long periods of time, but then speciation episodes occur rapidly. This is indicative of A. gradualism. B. punctuated equilibrium. C. allopatric speciation. D. sympatric speciation.

punctuated equilibrium.

Mass extinctions a. cut the number of species to the few survivors left today b. resulted mainly from the separation of continents c. occurred regularly, about every million years d. were followed by periods of warmer climate e. were followed by diversification of surviving species

were followed by diversification of surviving species

Which of the following evidence supports the endosymbiotic origin of mitochondria and plastids? • Not all eukaryotes have plastids. • Eukaryotes are combination organisms. • Chloroplasts and mitochondria have their own DNA similar to bacterial chromosomes. • The most basal eukaryotic lineage consists of organisms without conventional mitochondria.

• Chloroplasts and mitochondria have their own DNA similar to bacterial chromosomes.


"pre-nucleus", bacteria, ~1/10 size of eukaryotic cells, lack membrane-bound organelles, oldest fossils (~3.5 billion ya)

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