Bio 1407

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Carbon dioxide levels in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid affect pH. This enables the organism to sense a disturbance in gas levels as _____. 1) the medulla oblongata, which is in contact with cerebrospinal fluid, monitors pH and uses this measure to control breathing 2) stretch receptors in the lungs cause the medulla oblongata to speed up or slow breathing 3) the brain alters the pH of the cerebrospinal fluid to force the animal to retain more or less carbon dioxide 4) the brain directly measures and monitors oxygen levels and causes breathing changes accordingly


To become bound to hemoglobin for transport in a mammal, atmospheric molecules of oxygen must cross _____. 1) five membranes-in and out of the cell lining the lung, in and out of the endothelial cell lining an alveolar capillary, and into the red blood cell-to bind with hemoglobin 2) four membranes-in and out of the cell lining the lung, in and out of the endothelial cell lining an alveolar capillaryand then bind directly to hemoglobin, a protein dissolved in the plasma of the blood 3) one membrane-that of the lining in the lungs-and then bind directly to hemoglobin, a protein dissolved in the plasma of the blood 4) two membranes-in and out of the cell lining the lung-and then bind directly to hemoglobin, a protein dissolved in the plasma of the blood


What role do chloride cells play in osmoregulation of marine fish with bony skeletons? 1) They are involved in excretion of excess salt. 2) They mediate the movement of salt from seawater through their gills. 3) They actively transport chloride into the gills. 4) They actively transport salt across the basolateral membrane of the rectal gland.


Which event of the cardiac cycle occurs when systolic blood pressure is measured? 1) The ventricles contract, carrying blood into the aorta, and blood flows into the relaxed atria. 2) The atria and ventricles contract simultaneously. 3) The atria contract while blood flows into the relaxed ventricles. 4) The atria and ventricles are relaxed, and blood flows into the atria.


Which of the following statements comparing respiration in fish and in mammals is correct? 1) The movement of the respiratory medium in mammals is bidirectional, but in fish it is unidirectional. 2) In blood, oxygen is primarily transported by plasma in fish, but by red blood cells in mammals. 3) A countercurrent exchange mechanism between the respiratory medium and blood flow is seen in mammals but not in fish. 4) The respiratory medium for fish carries more oxygen than the respiratory medium of mammals.


What is the function of a circulatory system? 1) It brings a transport liquid into close contact with all cells in the body. 2) It is the site of blood cell production. 3) It acts as a reservoir for the storage of blood. 4) It exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide with the outside air.

#1 This transport liquid exchanges gases, nutrients, and wastes with the cells in the body.

Hagfish (Eptatretus cirrhauts) are a jawless marine vertebrate that are isotonic with their environment and are considered to be osmoconformers. How might this interesting adaptation limit the habitat that the hagfish can tolerate? 1) Osmoconformers do not face the same pressures as osmoregulators and can live in any marine environment. 2) Hagfish habitat is limited by the salinity of the environment. 3) Hagfish are not limited by salinity. 4) Individual hagfish will adapt to different salinities over their lifetime and, therefore, can inhabit any marine environment.


Most of the carbon dioxide produced by humans is _____. 1) bound to hemoglobin 2) converted to bicarbonate ions by an enzyme in red blood cells 3) simply dissolved in the plasma 4) transported in the erythrocytes as carbonic acid


Sharks live in seawater. Their tissues are isotonic to seawater, but their concentrations of sodium ions, potassium ions, and chloride ions in cells and extracellular fluids are similar to those of freshwater fishes. How is that possible? 1) They excrete large quantities of electrolytes. 2) Urea and trimethylamine oxide contribute to intra- and extracellular osmolarity in shark tissues. 3) Their blood is hypotonic to their tissues. 4) Metabolic intermediates of sharks tie up intracellular chloride and potassium ions.


What is the function of the left ventricle? 1) It receives oxygenated blood from the lungs. 2) It pumps oxygenated blood around the body via the systemic circulation. 3) It pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs via the pulmonary circulation. 4) It receives deoxygenated blood from the lungs.

#2 The left ventricle receives oxygenated blood from the lungs and pumps it to the rest of the body.

The circulatory systems of bony fishes, rays, and sharks are most similar to _____. 1) those of sponges, where gas exchange in all cells occurs directly with the external environment 2) those of humans, where there are four pumping chambers to drive blood flow 3) the portal systems of mammals, where two capillary beds occur sequentially, without passage of blood through a pumping chamber 4) those of birds, with a four-chambered heart


Which event occurs first during diastole? 1) Blood flows into the relaxed atria while the ventricles contract. 2) The atria and ventricles contract simultaneously. 3) The atria and ventricles are relaxed, and blood flows into the atria. 4) The atria contract while blood flows into the relaxed ventricles.


An oil-water mixture works as an insecticidal spray against mosquitoes and other insects because it _____. 1) clogs their bronchi 2) prevents gases from leaving the atmosphere 3) interferes with gas exchange across the capillaries 4) blocks the openings into the tracheal system


The fluid with the highest osmolarity is _____. 1) plasma in birds 2) plasma in mammals 3) distilled water 4) seawater in a tidal pool


Why do the circulatory systems of land vertebrates have separate circuits to the lungs and to the rest of the body? 1) Blood is pumped to the lungs to be oxygenated before being pumped to the rest of the body. 2) Land vertebrates are bigger and require more tubing to reach all areas of the body. 3) The circuits increase the amount of surface area available for the diffusion of gases and nutrients in the body. 4) The large decrease in blood pressure as blood moves through the lungs may prevent efficient circulation through the rest of the body.


Carbon dioxide enters the blood at the _____. 1) capillaries of the lungs 2) capillaries of the abdominal organs 3) capillaries of the hind limbs 4) capillaries of the head and forelimbs 5) capillaries of the head, forelimbs, abdominal organs, and hind limbs

#5 In these capillaries oxygen diffuses into, and carbon dioxide diffuses out of, body tissues.

Stroke occurs when _____. 1) a blood clot enters and blocks one of the coronary arteries 2) the walls of an artery in the leg accumulate deposits and lose their flexibility and elasticity 3) the pacemaker of the heart becomes defective, producing an irregular heartbeat 4) a blood clot dislodges from a vein and moves into the lung, where it blocks a pulmonary artery 5) a blood clot enters the cerebral circulation, blocking an artery and causing the death of brain tissue

#5 Once deprived of oxygen, brain cells begin to die within a few minutes. Because brain cells rarely divide in adulthood, they cannot be quickly replaced.

What are the 5 main types of epithelial tissue?

1) Cuboidal 2) Simple columnar 3) Simple squamous 4) Pseudostratified columnar 5) Stratified squamous

What are the 3 types of muscle tissue?

1) Smooth 2) Skeletal 3) Cardiac

Blood is

1) a liquid plasma matrix 2) used in transport

Loose connective tissue is

1) a loose weave of fibers 2) used widely as packing material 3) used to hold organs in place

Cartilage is

1) a rubbery collagenous matrix 2) seen in flexible parts of skeleton 3) used in support 4) found at the end of long bones, such as the femur

What are the 6 types of connective tissue?

1) cartilage 2) loose connective tissue 3) adipose tissue 4) blood 5) bone 6) fibrous connective tissue

Bone is

1) collagen fibers in calcium salts 2) found in the rigid parts of the skeleton 3) used as support

Fibrous connective tissue is

1) parallel fibers 2) tendons and ligaments 3) used as connection between bone and muscle

Choose the correct statement from the list below. 1) Free fatty acid absorption occurs in the small intestine. 2) Fat digestion begins in the stomach with the activation of trypsinogen to trypsin. 3) Fats are fully digested after passage through the mouth and stomach. 4) Bile salts from the pancreas are essential to the digestion of fats

1. Fat digestion is not complete until pancreatic lipases finalize fat digestion in the small intestine.

Choose the correct statement from the list below. 1) Protein digestion begins in the small intestine with the activation of trypsinogen to trypsin 2) Proteins that are consumed in the diet are absorbed as individual amino acids following digestion. 3) The stomach has a high pH which allows for the activation of digestive enzymes. 4) Mechanical digestion of proteins is more important than chemical digestion.

2. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein.

Choose the correct statement from the list below. 1) Carbohydrates are fully digested after passage through the stomach . 2) Bile salts from the gall bladder are essential to the digestion of carbohydrates. 3) Carbohydrate absorption occurs primarily in the large intestine. 4) Carbohydrate digestion begins in the mouth with salivary amylase.


When the air in a testing chamber is specially mixed so that its oxygen content is 10 percent and its overall air pressure is 400 mm Hg, then PO2 is _____. 82 mm Hg 4 mm Hg 400 mm Hg 40 mm Hg

40 mm Hg

A patient with a blood pressure of 120/75, a pulse rate of 70 beats/minute, a stroke volume of 70 mL/beat (milliliters per beat), and a respiratory rate of 25 breaths/minute will have a cardiac output of _____. 2,800 mL/minute 1,000 mL/minute 4,900 mL/minute 1,750 mL/minute

4900 mL/minute

A stroke volume of 70 mL/cycle in a heart with a pulse of 72 cycles per minute results in a cardiac output of about _____. 50 liters per minute 5 liters per minute 50 milliliters per minute 0.5 liters per minute

5 liters per minute

_____ in carbon dioxide in your red blood cells, which causes _____ in pH, causes your breathing to speed up. An increase ... a rise An increase ... a drop A decrease ... a rise A decrease ... a drop Actually, it is the rise and fall of oxygen, not carbon dioxide, that controls breathing.

An increase........a drop Water and carbon dioxide combine, in the presence of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase (found inside red blood cells), to form carbonic acid, which dissociates to hydrogen ion and bicarbonate. The higher concentration of hydrogen ions leads to a drop in pH.

_____ is secreted by the _____ and acts to emulsify _____ in the _____. Lipase ... small intestine ... fats ... small intestine Trypsin ... pancreas ... fats ... small intestine Nucleases ... pancreas ... nucleic acids ... stomach Amylase ... salivary glands ... starch ... stomach Bile ... liver ... fats ... small intestine

Bile ... liver ... fats ... small intestine

____, produced by the _____ and stored by the ____________, emulsifies fats in the small intestine.

Bile; liver; gall bladder The smaller fat droplets present a greater surface area for the action of lipases.

Tentacles, pincers, claws, venomous fangs, jaws, and teeth that kill their prey or tear off pieces of meat or vegetation are all adaptations of which type of feeders?

Bulk Feeders

Bile is continuously produces by the liver and stored in the gall bladder until ________ triggers its release.


How does connective tissue differ from the other 3 major tissue types?

Connective tissue often consists of relatively few cells embedded in an extracellular matrix.

________ is the relaxation phase of the cardiac cycle during which the chambers of the heart are relaxed and blood can enter them passively.


What is the function of epithelial tissue?

Epithelial tissues act as a barrier against mechanical injury, pathogens, and fluid loss.

Which process is not required for an animal to obtain energy from food? Excretion. Ingestion. Secretion. Digestion.


True or false? The circulatory systems of land-dwelling vertebrates are composed of two pumping circuits: the systemic circulation, which is a lower-pressure circuit to the lung, and the pulmonary circulation, which is a higher-pressure circuit to the rest of the body.

False. The pulmonary circulation is the lower-pressure circuit to the lung, whereas the systemic circulation is the higher-pressure circuit to the rest of the body.

True or false? One advantage of having a tube-like digestive tract is that digestion of all compounds can take place simultaneously down the tract.

False. One advantage of having a tube-like digestive tract is that digestive processes with different requirements (for example, an acidic or basic environment) can be separated within the tract.

True or False? The liver is a component of the alimentary canal.

False. The alimentary canal is the tube through which food passes, beginning at the mouth and ending at the anus. The liver is an accessory organ of digestion and not part of the actual canal through which food passes.

What is the function of interstitial fluid?

It takes up nutrients and oxygen from the blood plasma for transfer to active cells, and the active cells are the source of wastes and carbon dioxide for transfer to the blood plasma.

What type of epithelial tissue, found in the intestines, absorbs nutrients?

Simple Columnar Epithelium

Which tissue, found in the lungs, permits gas exchange by diffusion?

Simple Squamous Epithelium

What type of epithelial tissue lines kidney tubules?

Simple cuboidal cells, which allow for both secretion and absorption

What type of epithelium would you expect to find covering a surface subject to physical forces?

Stratified epithelium

You just received a freshwater aquarium as a gift and decide to add more fish. When you get to the pet store, you find that the most beautiful fish are saltwater animals, but you decide to buy them anyway. What will happen when you put your expensive saltwater fish in your freshwater aquarium?

The cells of the fish will take up too much water, and the fish will die.

Which of the following is a correct statement about an organism and its environment? 1)An animal is a closed system that is separate and distinct from its environment. 2) The interstitial fluid is the exchange medium between body cells and the circulatory system in vertebrate animals. 3) The gastrovascular cavity provides the nutrient exchange surface in mammals. 4) Animals isolated from their environments live longer than those exchanging matter with the environment. 5) None of the choices is correct.

The interstitial fluid is the exchange medium between body cells and the circulatory system in vertebrate animals.

Interstitial fluid is _____. the internal environment inside animal cells found only in the lumen of the small intestine identical to the composition of blood a common site of exchange between blood and body cells

a common site of exchange between blood and body cells

Malnutrition is:

a failure to obtain adequate nutrition. This results from a diet that lacks one or more essential nutrients or consistently supplies less chemical energy than the body requires.

Stomach cells are moderately well adapted to the acidity and protein-digesting activities in the stomach by having _____.

a thick, mucous secretion and active mitosis of epithelial cells

When digested, proteins are broken down into _____.

amino acids

In fresh water, fish can use the abundant water passing through their gills to excrete ______ rapidly enough so that it never reaches toxic levels in the blood. _________ is the easiest, lowest energy _______ waste.

ammonia; Ammonia; nitrogenous

The digestion of starches, such as amylose, begins with the _____

amylase secreted by the salivary glands.

Evolutionary adaptations that help diverse animals directly exchange matter between cells and the environment include ____. _ an external respiratory surface, a small body size, and a two-cell-layered body _ a large body volume, a long, tubular body, and a set of wings _ a gastrovascular activity, a two-layered body, and a torpedo-like body shape _ an unbranched internal surface, a small body size, and thick covering

an external respiratory surface, a small body size, and a two-cell-layered body

Blood pressure is highest in the _____. aorta inferior vena cava superior vena cava pulmonary artery capillaries

aorta The aorta, which carries blood that has just left the left ventricle, has the highest blood pressure.

Arteries carry blood _____. away from capillaries away from the heart and away from the lungs to the heart and away from the lungs to the heart only away from the heart only

away from the heart only

Cyanide poisons mitochondria by blocking the final step in the electron transport chain. Human red blood cells placed in an isotonic solution containing cyanide are likely to _____. be unaffected switch to anaerobic metabolism retain the normal cell shape, but the mitochondria will be poisoned lyse as the cyanide concentration increases inside the cell

be unaffected

The diagnosis of hypertension in adults is based on the _____. measurement of fatty deposits on the endothelium of arteries measurement of the LDL/HDL ratio in peripheral blood percentage of blood volume made up of platelets blood pressure being greater than 140 mm Hg systolic and/or greater than 90 mm Hg diastolic

blood pressure being greater than 140 mm Hg systolic and/or greater than 90 mm Hg diastolic

When digested, fats are broken down into _____.

both glycerol and fatty acids

The _____ has(have) the thinnest walls. aorta capillaries inferior vena cava pulmonary artery right ventricle

capillaries The thin walls of the capillaries facilitate gas exchange.

During most daily activities, the human respiration rate is most closely linked to the blood levels of _____. nitrogen carbon dioxide carbon monoxide oxygen

carbon dioxide

Different types of food are eaten by various groups of animals, but it is usually true that ____________________.

cellulose digestion in ruminant mammals occurs before the ingested foods reach the small intestine

The presence of fatty acids and amino acids in the stomach contents triggers the small intestine to secrete a hormone known as ______.

cholecystokinin, or CCK

Triglycerides are coated with phospholipids, cholesterol, and proteins to form _________.


Triglycerides are coated with other molecules to form ________, which can be transported in the water-based lymph and blood because their surfaces are _________.

chylomicrons; hydrophilic

A neuron consists of ____________.

dendrites, a cell body, and axons.

Countercurrent exchange in the fish gill helps to maximize _____. active transport osmosis blood pressure diffusion


Atria contract _____. during systole during diastole immediately after systole just prior to the beginning of diastole

during systole

The production of red blood cells is stimulated by _____. erythropoietin immunoglobulins low-density lipoproteins epinephrine


To maintain homeostasis freshwater fish must _____.

excrete large quantities of water

Chylomicrons leave the epithelial cells by ________.


A fat molecule also includes one, two, or three __________ molecules.

fatty acid

If, during protein starvation, the osmotic pressure on the venous side of capillary beds drops below the hydrostatic pressure, then _____. hemoglobin will not release oxygen the pH of the interstitial fluids will increase fluids will tend to accumulate in tissues plasma proteins will escape through the endothelium of the capillaries

fluids will tend to accumulate in tissues

Your small intestine can absorb ____ without their being further digested. starches fats proteins fructoses nucleic acids


The secretion of ________ by the ______ begins the digestion of proteins.

gastric juice; stomach

A fat molecule is composed of two types of smaller molecules, including only one molecule of ______.


Cattle are able to survive on a diet consisting almost entirely of plant material because cattle _____.

have cellulose-digesting, symbiotic microorganisms in chambers of their stomachs

Compared with the interstitial fluid that bathes active muscle cells, blood reaching these muscle cells in arteries has a _____. greater bicarbonate concentration higher PO2 lower pH lower osmotic pressure

higher PO2

A fatty acid includes a carboxyl group (-COOH) at one end as well as a long ________.

hydrocarbon chain

What acid is responsible for stomach acidity? hydrochloric acid carbonic acid sulfuric acid acetic acid sodium hydroxide

hydrochloric acid

In the lumen, bile salts keep fat droplets small. Otherwise, the fats would form large droplets because they are _______.


Lipase breaks down triglycerides into fatty acids and mono- glycerides, which are able to diffuse directly across the membrane of an epithelial cell because they are _______.


The hydrocarbon chains found in fats store a lot of energy. They also make fats _______, or insoluble in water.


An decrease from pH 7.4 to pH 7.2 causes hemoglobin to _____. release all bound carbon dioxide molecules give up more of its oxygen molecules increase its binding of H+ bind more oxygen molecules

increase its binding of H+

Villi and microvilli in the small intestine _____.

increase the surface area to increase the efficiency of nutrient absorption

The body fluids of an osmoconformer would be _____ with its _____ environment hypoosmotic; saltwater isoosmotic; freshwater isoosmotic; saltwater hyperosmotic; saltwater

isosmotic; saltwater

Chylomicrons are transported in the ______ to veins.


From the pulmonary veins, blood flows to the _____. right atrium left atrium aorta capillaries of the lungs posterior vena cava

left atrium

From the pulmonary veins, blood flows to the _____. right atrium left atrium aorta capillaries of the lungs posterior vena cava

left atrium

Pulmonary veins carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the ___________.

left atrium

Pulmonary veins carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the _____________.

left atrium

Compared with a smaller cell, a larger cell of the same shape has _____. _ a smaller average distance between its mitochondria and the external source of oxygen _ less surface area per unit of volume _ a smaller cytoplasm-to-nucleus ratio _ less surface area

less surface area per unit of volume

In the lumen of the small intestine, _____ breaks ___________ down into ____________ and ___________.

lipase; triglycerides; monoclycerides; fatty acids

Bile is produced by the ______ and stored by the ______ until it is secreted into the small intestine.

liver; gall bladder

The lacteal contains ______.


Starch can be broken down into the disaccharide known as _____. lactose glucose sucrose fructose maltose


Starch is composed of many _______ units.


Starch is a carbohydrate composed of __________

many monomers (many monosaccharide units).

A fat molecule with only one fatty acid is called a __________.


In the epithelial cells, __________ and _________ are re- assembled to form __________.

monoglycerides; fatty acids; triglycerides

Fructose is a _________

monosaccharide. Monosaccharides can be absorbed without having to be broken down into smaller units.

The absorption of fats differs from that of carbohydrates in that _________.

most absorbed fat first enters the lymphatic system, whereas carbohydrates directly enter the blood

The water-soluble vitamins _______

must be consumed in adequate amounts each day because excess is flushed out of the system.

Jahasz-Pocsine and co-workers found a correlation between gastric bypass surgery and neurological complications. Surgeons performed gastric bypass surgery on 150 patients at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Neurology Clinic. Of the 150 patients, 26 experienced neurological complications related to the surgery. What is the most likely cause for the neurological complications?

nutrient (for example, vitamin and mineral) deficiencies

Bulk feeding is:

obtaining food by eating relatively large pieces of food. Ex: humans and snakes

Filter feeding is:

obtaining food by straining small organisms or food particles from the surrounding medium. Many aquatic animals are filter feeders.

Fluid feeding is:

obtaining food by sucking nutrient-rich fluid from a living host. Mosquitos are fluid feeders, as are hummingbirds and bees.

Substrate feeding is:

obtaining food from something that you live ON or IN. ex: maggots

In a fish, blood circulates through __________, whereas in a mammal, it circulates through __________.

one circuit; two circuits

Terrestrial animals are _____ that musts obtain water from the environment.


The pressure produced by the difference in solute concentration across a membrane is called:

osmotic pressure

Secretin stimulates the _______ to secrete ________.

pancreas; bicarbonate

Cholecystokinin (CCK) stimulates the ______ to secrete ______.

pancreas; pancreatic enzymes

In marine sponges, intracellular digestion of peptides is usually immediately preceded by ________.


The mammalian trachea and esophagus both connect to the ____.


Starch is a type of _____.


From the capillaries of the abdominal organs and hind limbs, blood flows to the _____. right atrium left atrium aorta capillaries of the lungs posterior vena cava

posterior vena cava

From the capillaries of the abdominal organs and hind limbs, blood flows to the _____. right atrium left atrium aorta capillaries of the lungs posterior vena cava

posterior vena cava

Blood returns to the heart via the _____. aorta pulmonary arteries pulmonary veins aorta and pulmonary arteries aorta and pulmonary veins

pulmonary veins

Blood returns to the heart via the _____. aorta pulmonary arteries pulmonary veins aorta and pulmonary arteries aorta and pulmonary veins

pulmonary veins

An enlarged cecum is typical of _____.

rabbits, horses, and herbivorous bears

The lower esophageal sphincter surrounds the upper opening into the stomach. If this sphincter failed to properly constrict, there might be a problem with ________________.

regurgitation of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus, commonly called "heartburn"

From the anterior vena cava, blood flows to the _____. right atrium left atrium aorta capillaries of the lungs posterior vena cava

right atrium

From the anterior vena cava, blood flows to the _____. right atrium left atrium aorta capillaries of the lungs posterior vena cava

right atrium

The _________ are "front-end" fermenters, with mutualistic microbes residing in chambers or sections of the stomach.


The ___________ are not part of the alimentary canal but contribute digestive enzymes to break down food in the mouth.

salivary glands

Which structure is not part of the alimentary canal?

salivary glands

Historically inaccurate diagnosis of acid reflux disorders and gastric ulcers has been improved by _____.

screening for H. pylori infections

The acidity of the stomach contents triggers the __________ to secrete ________.

small intestine; secretin This, in turn, stimulates the pancreas to secrete bicarbonate.

Mechanical digestion is important because:

smaller pieces of food have more surface area for chemical digestion than do larger pieces of food.

Digestive secretions with a pH of 2 are characteristic of the _____.


Protein digestion begins in the _____.


Which of the following develops the greatest pressure on the blood in the mammalian aorta? systole of the left ventricle diastole of the right atrium systole of the left atrium diastole of the right ventricle

systole of the left ventricle

The ________ blood pressure is the peak blood pressure, resulting from contraction of the ventricles.


The force driving simple diffusion is _____, while the energy source for active transport is _____.

the concentration gradient; ATP

Phagocytosis is:

the ingestion of a smaller cell or cell fragment, a microorganism, or foreign particles by means of the local infolding of a cell's membrane and the protrusion of its cytoplasm around the fold until the material has been surrounded and engulfed by closure of the membrane and formation of a vacuole: characteristic of amoebas and some types of white blood cells.

The agents that help emulsify fats are produced in _____.

the liver

Most of the digestion of fats occurs in _____.

the small intestines

A fat molecule with three fatty acids is called a __________.

triacylglycerol, or a triglyceride

In an epithelial cell, fatty acids and monoglycerides combine to form ________, which are ________.

triglycerides; hydrophobic

A human red blood cell in an artery of the left arm is on its way to deliver oxygen to a cell in the thumb. To travel from the artery to the thumb and then back to the left ventricle, this red blood cell must pass through _____. two capillary beds three capillary beds one capillary bed four capillary beds

two capillary beds

Adipose tissue is

used for storage, insulation and padding

Which of the following events would be predicted by the Bohr shift effect as the amount of carbon dioxide released from your tissues into the blood capillaries increases? The amount of oxygen in _____. venous blood would decrease arterial blood would increase arterial blood would decrease venous blood would increase

venous blood would decrease

Among humans, increased interest in food intake normally occurs ____________________________________.

via chemical signals released when the stomach is empty

What is the main component of gastric juice? inactive pepsin amylase hydrochloric acid water bile


The fat-soluble vitamins _______

will accumulate in the body, so care must be taken not to consume too much, as they can be toxic in very high concentrations.

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