Bio 2 Chapter 29

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Describe how a plant grows from germination.


10. Jessica is preparing a plate of fruits for a party and cuts through a cantaloupe (Cucumis melo). A tough outer rind and soft, juicy tissue encloses many seeds. Knowing her friends will categorize this fruit, she panics! She runs to her biology book, opens it to table 29.2 on page 128 (or above) and what does she categorize this fruit as?

It's a berry called a pepo


Male reproductive part -supporting filament + pollen-producing anther at tip

5. Compare the development of typical eudicot and monocot embryos.

In a eudicot, the embryo transfers nutrients from teh endosperm to its seed leaves. In a monocot, the nutrients are stored in the endosperm


In angiosperms, a nutrient-rich tissue formed by the union of a sperm with two polar nuclei during double fertilization. Provides nourishment to the developing embryo in angiosperm seeds.


In flowering plants, the structure inside an ovary that contains the female gametophyte and eventually (if fertilized) becomes a seed.

8. The seed coats forms from the__________.


Three Ways to Classify Fruits

Is the fruit dry or fleshy? How did the fruit arise? What parts of the flower gave rise to the fruit?


of seed plants, haploid spore that forms in an ovule and gives rise to an egg-producing gametophyte


of seed plants, haploid spore that give rise to pollen grain


unit of a flower's corolla; often showy and conspicuous


-Animal pollination vectors


-the stalk that hold the anther

how did multiple fruit arise?

Individually pollinated flowers fuse

5. Meiosis of cells in pollen sacs forms haploid___________.


From outermost to innermost, which is the correct order of the whorls of floral parts?

Sepal, petal, stamen, pistil


Sweet fluid that rewards pollinators & activates pollen


Swollen stem; base of flower

What are the asexual reproduction mechanisms for plants?

Vegetative reproduction Tissue culture propagation

composite flower

a flower with multiple flowers on a single receptacle

mature male gametophytes

a. Pollen tube together with its contents


cluster of blooms on a stalk


embryonic shoot


fleshy Berry with leathery rind, partitioned sections


fleshy Berry with tough, thick outer rind


fter fertilization, develops into a seed

The gametophyte generation produces , which are .

gametes haploid


inside the ovary, where the female gametophyte forms

•"Grains" =

monocot seeds -Corn, wheat, rye, oats, barley

irregular flower

not symmetrical, solitary flower, example: orchid No petals?


period of temporarily suspended metabolism


-ring of petals

What is the typical number of whorls of modified leaves on a flower?

A typical flower consists of four rings (whorls) of modified leaves.

12. Exposure to _______can trigger seed germination

All can be triggers

mature female gametophytes

Consists of several cells, one with two nuclei

Perfect flower

Contains both male and female floral parts: stamen(s) and pistil(s)

Which of the following terms best describes the process by which spores are produced by the sporophyte generation?


Imperfect flower

Missing either male or female floral parts: stamen(s) or pistil(s)

Incomplete flower

Missing one or more of the four parts: sepal(s), petal(s), stamen(s), pistil(s)

Which of the following floral parts make up the pistil?

Style Stigma Ovary


to resume metabolic activity after dormancy

. The sporophyte generation produces which are

spores haploid


the female reproductive structure that becomes the fruit of a plant


the outermost whorl of sepals

female flower parts

-Carpels = stigma + supporting style + ovary -Ovary: enlarged base of carpel in which 1+ ovules form Ovule: structure in which female gametophytes are produced Stigma: upper part of carpel; receives pollen; held up by style


-the male part of the plant

Double fertilization steps

1.Fertilization begins as pollen is stimulated to germinate by nectar enzymes on the stigma of a receptive carpel 2.A pollen tube containing two sperm nuclei begins to grow through the style toward the ovary 3.Fertilization is completed when one sperm nucleus fuses with an egg nucleus to form a diploid (2n) zygote 3.The second sperm nucleus fuses with two egg nuclei to form the triploid (3n) endosperm cell 3.The zygote forms the embryo (2n) & the endosperm (3n) forms the cotyledons

Animal Pollination Vector: Flies attracted too

Colour: Pale, dull, dark brown or purple Odor: Putrid

Animal Pollination Vector: Moths attracted too

Colour: Pale/dull red, pink, purple, white Odor: Strong, sweet, emitted at night

Animal Pollination Vector: Birds attracted too

Colour: Scarlet, orange, red, white Odor: None

A flower that contains stamens and pistils that mature at different times is most accurately described by which of the following?

Correct answer.Perfect

fruit Indehiscent

Dry fruit wall does not split; usually one seed

fruit Dehiscent

Dry fruit wall splits on seam to release seeds

Which of the following describes a flower that is composed of sepals, petals, stamens, but no pistils?

Incomplete, imperfect

Which of the following describe the egg cell of a female flower? Select all that apply.

Single nucleus Haploid

Which floral structure is involved in the production of pollen grains?


What is meant by double fertilization?

That pollen tube grows from the stigma through the style and let go of two sperm cells. 1st sperm cell with the egg and forms 2n zygote 2nd sperm cell fuses with endorspern other cell and forms a 3n endomsperm (nutritive tissue in seeds of flowering plants)

How many cells make up the mature pollen grain of flowering plants?


How many copies of the plant genome are present in the endosperm after double fertilization?


15. Domesticated banana plants produce seedless fruit because they are________.


9. Seeds are mature___________; fruits are mature__________.

c. Ovules;ovaries


•eudicot seeds -Lentils, peas, coffee, cacao

Life cycle of flowering plants is dominated by

•the sporophyte

Animal Pollination Vector: Beetles attracted too

Colour: Dull white or green Odor: None to strong

Animal Pollination Vector: Bats attracted too

Colour: Dull white, green, purple Odor: Strong, musty, emitted at night

13. A new plant forms from a stem that broke off the parent plant. This is an example of________.

Asexual reproduction

Vegetative reproduction--

Asexual reproduction -growth of new roots & shoots from parent plant Propagating plants from cuttings (e.g., apple trees) Grafting = fusing cuttings of one plant onto another plant

Tissue culture propagation--

Asexual reproduction Lab technique in which individual plant cells are induced to form plant embryos

Animal Pollination Vector:Bees attracted too

Colour: Bright white, yellow, blue, UV Odor: Fresh, mild, pleasant

Animal Pollination Vector: Butterflies attracted too

Colour: Bright, such as red, purple Odor: Faint, fresh


Fleshy fruit, one seed enclosed by a hard pit


Fleshy receptacle tissue surrounds core with seeds

double fertilization

Formation of zygote and first cell of endosperm

Pollen grain--

Immature male gametophyte of a seed plant

Style opens up when

Ova are mature

2. An animal pollinator may be rewarded by______________ when it visits a flower (check all that apply).


Describe vegetative reproduction and give some examples.

Vegetative reproduction is when a when flowering plants reproduce asexually by growing new roots and choose from extension of the parent plant.




unit of a flower's calyx, typically photosynthetic and inconspicuous

Male flower parts the stamen

•Filament -Supports anther •Anther -Site of pollen production

seeds form after

•double fertilization -zygote ---> embryo -endosperm ---> food store à cotyledons


-sticky part of the flower that catches pollen

anther is

-the pollen producing part of the flower

What is an endosperm? What is it's ploidy?

3n (Three copies)

Complete flower

Composed of all four parts: sepal(s), petal(s), stamen(s), pistil(s)


-hold the flower to the stem


-largest, brightest colorful modified leaves of the flower

What is meant by pollination syndromes?

-"Pollination syndrome" = common traits shared by flowers that rely on the same pollinators


-Secretes nectar -Catches & activates pollen with nectar enzymes


A mature ovary of a flower that protects dormant seeds and aids in their dispersal.

Double fertilization--

A mechanism of fertilization in angiosperms, in which two sperm cells unite with two cells in the embryo sac to form the zygote and endosperm.

Describe or draw the life cycle of a typical flowering plant.

A typical flowering plant has a sporophyte dominant life cycle. A gametophye grws inside of the ovule, where fertilization of the egg takes place. This matures into a seed, which will grow the sporophyte generation by mitosis. Pollen is the male gametophyte, it developes in the anther. When the pollen grain meets the stigma, pollination has occured. The pollen grain has 2 sperm nuclei that will go to the ovule to fertilize the egg.

Explain the roles of meiosis and mitosis in the life cycle of a flowering plant.

A typical flowering plant has a sporophyte dominant life cycle. A gametophye grws inside of the ovule, where fertilization of the egg takes place. This matures into a seed, which will grow the sporophyte generation by mitosis. Pollen is the male gametophyte, it developes in the anther. When the pollen grain meets the stigma, pollination has occured. The pollen grain has 2 sperm nuclei that will go to the ovule to fertilize the egg.

Describe in detail how seeds are formed (a step by step list might be useful)?

An embryo and endosperm begin to develop after double fertilization in ovule capsella The embryo is heart-shaped when its two cotyledons start forming endosperm tissue as the parent plant transfer nutrients into it. In eudicots like capsella, nutrients are transfered from endosperm into cotyledons as the embryo matures. The developing embryo becomes shaped like a torpedo when the enlarging cotyledons bend A tough seed coat forms around the mature embryo and the enlarged cotyledons

4. In flower, the structures that produce male gametophytes are called________; the structures that produce female gametophytes are called______.


3. The_______of a flower contains one of more ovaries in which eggs develop, fertilization occurs and seeds mature.


11. Cotyledons develop as part of___________.

Embryo sporophytes

6. The_____________are parts of a mature seed.

Embryo, food reserves, and seed coat


Female reproductive flower -stigma + supporting style + ovary

In flowering plants, which of the following are parts of the sporophyte generation? Select all that apply.

Flowers Stem .Roots Leaves

2. What is the relationship between pollen vectors and flower evolution?

Flowers have evolved to attract certain pollinators. Color, odor, nectar, pollen, and shape have all evolved to increase likelihood a pollinator will come to that flower.


Modified leaves -outer whorl of sepals


Modified leaves inner whorl of petals

How did aggregate fruit arise

One flower, several unfused carpels; becomes cluster of several fruits

How did simple fruit arise

One flower, single or fused carpels

What part of the flower gave rise to true fruit?

Only ovary wall and its contents

From what tissue is a fruit derived?


What part of the flower gave rise to Accessory Fruit

Ovary and other floral parts, such as receptacle


Pollen sacs inside -Site of pollen production

The arrival of pollen grain on a receptive stigma is called____________.


What is the difference between pollinator and pollination vectors?

Pollination vectors - Can be wind or anything in the environment. Water too. Pollinator specifically animals

What is happening with honeybees and CCD?

Population of honey bees is decreasing

6. Explain the function of seeds and how they form.

Seeds are the reproductive unit of a flowering plant. They form in the ovuale of the ovary. Seeds are able to be carried far from the parent plant which is an adaptation.

Describe the lifecycle of a typical flowering plant (a diagram or step by step list with both male and female life cycles might be useful!)

Sporophyte = 2n spore-producing plant body - Gametophyte = 1n gamete-producing structure - Megaspore = 1n spore that gives rise to an egg-producing gametophyte - Microspore = 1n spore that gives rise to a pollen grain

In flowering plants, which generation forms the plant body, including leaves, stems, and roots, and how many copies of the genome are present in its cells?

Sporophyte, two copies

The megagametophyte refers to which of the following?

The female gametophyte generation

The first fertilization of double fertilization occurs when the sperm cell of the pollen grain meets the egg cell of the embryo sac. What is the second fertilization event?

When the second sperm cell of the pollen grain meets the central cell of the embryo sac

Describe how a seed is adapted to survive in its environment.

Will Not germinate without water


a ring of modifed leaves around the base of the flower

What are the different categories of fruits? (a table or drawings might be helpful here).



in flowering plants, the lower part of a pistil that produces eggs in ovules -Houses ova -Ova- --> seeds -Ovary ---> the fruit


in monocots, a rigid sheath that protects the embryonic shoot


long stalk that holds the stigma -Raises stigma -Opens when ova are mature

The ___________________ is the male gametophyte generation of the flowering plants. The embryo sac is the female

pollen grain gametophyte .


the female part of the flower, sometimes called pistil

Pollination vector--

•Environmental agent that transfers pollen grains from one plant to another

Describe the main parts of the flowers (a diagram/drawing might be useful here)

•Peduncle - stem •Receptacle - foundation •Sepals / Calyx -Protect bud -Support petals •Petals / Corolla -Attract insects with color & odor


•a mature ovule that consists of an embryo sporophyte, endosperm, & a seed coat


•arrival of pollen on a receptive stigma (or cone)

What is pollination?

•arrival of pollen on a receptive stigma (or cone)


•specialized reproductive organs of angiosperms

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