BIO 212- Module 5 Homework

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Rank the order of events to describe the passage of food through some phagocytic protozoans. Begin by completing this sentence: food enters the (#1). End by completing this sentence: waste products exit the cell via the (#4). You must decide what goes at #2 and #3.

#1 - Cytostome #2- Phagocytic vacuoles become acidic. #3 - Phagocytic vacuoles generates blebs. #4 - Cytoproct

Check any of the following protozoan groups that contain hydrogenosomes.

- Euglenozoa - Parabasalia - Excavata

Which of the following were once considered fungi due to their unique "slimy" appearances?

- Labyrinthulids - Stramenopiles - Diatoms

Gardnerella is believed to be a bacterial agent of the human disease _________.

Bacterial vaginitis

What is the most widely respected resource for bacterial identification?

Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology

What name is given to asexual protist cell division?

Binary fission

Diatoms (Bacillariophyta) can reproduce by _________.

Both sexual and asexual means

____________ is used to manufacture butanol.

C. acetobutylicum

____________ is the causative agent of botulism.

C. botulinum

Where could you find Giardia spp. from the group Fornicata in nature?

Contaminated streams

Why are substrate hyphae particularly well suited for bacteria like Streptomyces spp., which live in soil? (Check all that apply.)

- Because hyphae provides more surface area for hydrolytic enzymes to degrade substrates - Because Steptomyces spp. compete with fungi, which also produce hyphae

Drag the diseases to their causative organism's genus in order to test your knowledge of pathogens within class Actinobacteria.

Corynebacterium - Diphtheria Mycobacterium - Tuberculosis - ​​​​​​Leprosy Actinomyces - Lumpy jaw in cattle - Periodontal disease Actinomadura - Actinomycetoma Nocardia ​​​​​​- Opportunities infection in AIDS patients.

In humans, Ureaplasma urealyticum and Mycoplasma hominis are _________.

Common parasitic microorganisms of the genital tract, and their transmission is related to sexual activity

cellular slime molds


Amoeba that lack a cell wall or other external support structures are termed ________ amoeba.


A microorganism that must grow and reproduce within host cells is known as a(n) __________.

Obligate intracellular pathogen

These isolates were found to possess an ____________ , suggesting they are Gram-negative.

Outer membrane

If the micronucleus of a Paramecium protist were removed or silenced, the microbe would be able to continue its metabolic functions but would not be able to undergo conjugation.


Bacterial fermentation of sugars usually results in ___________ end products whereas breakdown of proteins and amino acids results in the formation of __________ end products.

acidic; alkaline

Filamentous fungi are well suited to saprotrophy for at least two reasons. First, they secrete hydrolytic enzymes that enable the ________________ of complex organic nutrients. Second, their long hyphae increase the __________________ ratio, which increases the rate of nutrient absorption. Together, these factors make it possible for fungi to use the process of _____________ to acquire nutrients.

degradation or decomposition surface area to volume osmotrophy

For protists, which of the following nutritional strategies uses reduced organic molecules and CO2 as carbon sources?


The protist cell membrane is termed the __________.


When they are deprived of both nitrate and ammonia, around 5 to 10% of filamentous cyanobacteria develop into _________, which can fix atmospheric nitrogen.


_________ fungal species are self-fertilizing and produce sexually compatible gametes on the same mycelium.


A phenol red glucose broth with a Durham tube can detect

acid production. glucose fermentation. production of gas.


helps the organism orient to light

Contractile vacuole

maintain water regulation

Why are many of the medically important compounds, such as antibiotics, produced by actinobacteria considered "secondary metabolites?" (Check all that apply.)

- Because these compounds are not used in "primary metabolism" during active, logarithmic growth. - Because these compounds are only produced when actinobacteria are grown in industrial settings.

Many drugs used to treat tuberculosis inhibit the synthesis of mycolic acids. Select the statements that accurately describe this approach to treatment. (Check all that apply.)

- Such treatment inhibits plasma membrane synthesis. - Such treatment inhibits cell wall biosynthesis. - Such treatment would not significantly inhibit a patient's normal microbiota.

Like other obligate intracellular parasites, Chlamydia bacteria have small genomes. This reflects the fact that _________.

- reticulate bodies transport many metabolites and nutrients from their hosts across the bacterial plasma membrane - elementary bodies obtain most of the nucleotides, amino acids, and ATP needed for growth from their host

However, when the nucleotide sequences of ____________ genes were analyzed, it was determined the isolates were more closely related to Gram-positive bacteria.

16s RNA

How many paramecia are generated by the end of conjugation?


Why do dinoflagellates move in a whirling-like fashion?

A dinoflagellate has two flagella: one wrapped around the middle (or girdle) and the other at the pole of the cell. These flagella propel the cell in two directions simultaneously; the net result is to whirl.

If you were researching a Gram-positive bacterium with an outer membrane containing mycolic acids linked to an arabinogalacten layer, what type of stain would you use for viewing it?

Acid-fast stain

Which characteristic describes the morphology of Rhizaria?


Identify the characteristics of the hyperthermophilic phyla Aquificiae and Thermotoga.

Aquificiae - Deepest, oldest branch of bacteria - Microaerophilic - Chemolithotroph that oxidizes hydrogen with oxygen as the terminal electron acceptor Thermotoga - Can grow anaerobically - 24% of genes are similar to archael genes - Have outer sheath-like envelope Both phyla - Gram negative rods - Thermophilic

Examples of bacterial hyperthermophiles include _________.

Aquificiae and Thermotoga

___________ causes gas grangrene and food poisoning.

C. perfringens

____________ is the causative agent of tetanus.

C. tetani

Match the following protist structures with their cellular locations.

Cell membrane - plasmalemma Outer gelatinous region - ectoplasm Inner fluid region - endoplasm Cell membrane plus a rigid layer just beneath it - Pellicle

The phylum Bacteroidetes is very diverse, contributing to the digestion of cellulose, agar (a component of seaweed), ___________ (found in arthropod shells and fungal cell walls), proteins, and many other macromolecules.


Drag each genera to their corresponding taxonomic class in order to review your knowledge of members of Clostridia and Bacilli

Clostridia - Veillonella - Heliobacterium Bacilli - Streptococcus - Leuconostoc - Lactobacillus - Listeria - Enterococcus - Bacillus - Staphylococcus

Fungi are important _________ that degrade complex organic materials in the environment to simple organic compounds and inorganic molecules, such as carbon.


Usually, however, there is a delay between cytoplasmic and nuclear fusion. This produces a ____________ stage in which cells contain two separate haploid nuclei (N + N), one from each parent.


Which of the following organism groups can cause "red tide"?


In addition to its metabolic versatility, B. subtilis is also capable of forming ____________ at times of nutritional deprivation, and can also grow as a ____________ . These characteristics, including the fact that it is ____________ , make it an ideal organism for researchers to study.

Endospores; biofilm; nonpathogenic

Which organism group could be found infecting the GI tracts of people and is considered the third leading cause of parasitic death worldwide?


Many bacterial species can be identified by Gram stain alone.


Which of the following are examples of the more traditional phenotypic approach to bacterial identification?

Gram stain morphology ability to ferment glucose growth and colony morphology on differential media

Lab: Now that a pure culture as been isolated for you, what would be a good starting procedure to begin classifying your unknown organism?

Gram staining

As the most well-studied ____________ organism, Bacillus subtilis serves as a model organism for analysis of bacterial molecules and processes such as cell division and ____________ .

Gram-positive; gene regulation

After a period of this existence, the two nuclei fuse and undergo meiosis to yield ____________ spores.


Sexual reproduction in zygomycetes results in the production of zygospores. Meiosis often occurs just before germination of zygospores, generating new hyphae and the formation sporangia. Are the spores within these sporangia haploid or diploid?


Which organelle is used by Trichomonadida organisms for the production of ATP energy?


Which of the following best describes the morphology of Chlamydomonas?

Individuals have two flagella of equal length at the anterior end, with a single nucleus and a large chloroplast.

Acellular slime mold


Actinoplanete spores are unusual because in some species they are _________.

Motile by flagella

Bacteria and archaea assigned to one class, order, family, or genus are sometimes reassigned to a new taxonomic rank. Check all the reasons listed below that may account for such taxonomic reorganization.

New isolates are found with novel genetic features Reexamination of key gene sequences such as 16S rRNA genes New isolates are found with novel metabolic features

The organism can carry out a number of diverse metabolic pathways including aerobic and anaerobic respiration using ______________ as the terminal electron acceptor, as well as mixed acid ____________ .

Nitrate; fermentation

The protist cell membrane is termed the ________.


Dictyostelium discoideum can form a large cellular mass called a __________.


Drag the descriptions to their corresponding term in order to test your knowledge of amoeboid structures.

Pseudopodia: False feet for locomotion and feeding Lobopodia: Rounded pseudopodia Filopodia: Plasma membrane covered by materials Reticulopodia: Net mesh of pseudopodia Naked amoeba: Lack of cell wall Testate amoeba: Long narrow pseudopodia

If you were studying a bacterium that uses snapping division, what would you look for under the microscope?

Rows of cells lined up side by side

Although conidia are the major form of dissemination for filamentous ascomycetes, some also produce _________, which are compact masses of hyphae that can survive the winter.


Which of the following best describes the molecular signaling that occurs in Dictyostelia?

Several of the internal, starving cells within the pseudoplasmodium release cyclic AMP inducing the aggregation of many cells into a "slug form."

The establishment of the class Negativicutes began with the isolation of bacteria from human ____________ .


If you were studying Bifidobacterium, what would you look for under the microscope?

Slightly curved rods that are swollen at one end

The fusion of haploid protist cells is called _________.


The establishment of the class Negativicutes suggests that as more bacteria are isolated from nature, current ____________ assignments may sometimes be changed to account for new information.


Where do you find Trichonymphida and Trichomonadida in nature?

Termite gut

Which of the following best describes why Peronosporomycetes and Labyrinthulids were once considered fungi?

They were often found attached to decaying matter and had the appearance of slime

Which organism causes African Sleeping Sickness?

Trypanosoma gambiense

Which organism group could be found in almost any environment where they will remain moist? (This includes glacial meltwater, marine environments, tide pools, lakes, and streams. Free-living forms are known to dwell in ventilation ducts and cooling towers, where they feed on microbial biofilms.)


Important anaerobic, chemoheterotrophic cocci (usually in the diplococci form) that are parasites of homeothermic (warm-blooded) animals and inhabit the human tongue belong to the genus _______.


Sometimes both the cytoplasm and haploid nuclei fuse immediately to produce the diploid ____________ , as seen in higher eukaryotes.


This is seen in both ______________ and basidiomycetes, so these are sometimes referred to as dikaryotic fungi.



associated with the synthesis and storage of starch

Staphylococcus sp. respire using oxygen as the terminal electron acceptor although in anaerobic conditions, like Bacillus subtilis, some _________.

can reduce nitrate to nitrite and fermentatively convert glucose principally to lactate

Which of the following are cultural or growth characteristics that can be helpful in identifying a microorganism?

growth pattern in a broth culture colony morphology oxygen requirement preferred growth temperature

One unifying feature of Stramenopila is the possession of __________ flagella at some point in the life cycle.


Desulfotomaculum is an endospore-forming genus that reduces sulfate and sulfite to ________ ________ during anaerobic respiration.

hydrogen sulfide

Listeriosis, an important food-borne infection, is caused by the pathogen Listeria _________.


Although the phylum Deinococcus-Thermus stains Gram positive, its cell wall is layered with a(n) ________ membrane.


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