BIO 243 EXAM 3- CHAP 13

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how many total spinal nerves are there


which nerves make up the cervical plexus?


cervical nerves

C1-C8 (8)

which nerves make up the brachial plexus?


coccygeal nerves

Co1 (1)

which nerves make up the lumbar plexus?


lumbar nerves

L1-L5 (5)

which nerves make up the sacral plexus?


sacral nerves

S1-S5 (5)

thoracic nerves

T1-T12 (12)

cranial nerve VI (6)

abducens no sensory functions has motor function no parasympathetic fibers

cranial nerve XI (11)

accessory no sensory function has motor function no parasympathetic fibers

nerves of the motor branches (deep) of the cervical plexus

ansa cervicalis (superior + inferior roots), segmental + other muscular branches, phrenic

cranial nerve VII (7)

facial sensory function: taste motor function: convey impulses from taste buds of anterior two-thirds of tongue; cell bodies of these sensory neurons are in geniculate ganglion has parasympathetic fibers

nerves of the lumbar plexus

femoral, obturator, lateral femoral cutaneous, iliohypogastric, ilioinguinal, genitofemoral

cranial nerve IX (9)

glossopharyngeal sensory function: taste + general sensory (touch, pressure, pain), monitor O2 + CO2 levels in the blood, help regulate respiratory rate + depth, monitor blood pressure motor function: elevates the pharynx during swallowing, provide motor fibers to parotid salivary glands has parasympathetic fibers

cranial nerve XII (12)

hypoglossal no sensory function motor function: carry somatic motor fibers to intrinsic + extrinsic muscles of tongue, & proprioceptor fibers from same muscles to brain stem. hypoglossal nerve control allows tongue movements that mix + manipulate food during chewing, + contribute to swallowing + speech no parasympathetic fibers

nerves of the cutaneous branches (superficial) of the cervical plexus

lesser occipital, greater auricular, transverse cervical, supraclavicular (medial, intermediate, lateral)

nerves of the brachial plexus

musculocutaneous, median, ulnar, radial, axillary, dorsal scapular, long thoracic, subscapular, suprascapular, pectoral (lateral + medial)

cranial nerve III (3)

oculomotor no sensory function has motor function has parasympathetic fibers

cranial nerve 1 (1)

olfactory sensory function: smell no motor function no parasympathetic fibers

cranial nerve II (2)

optic sensory function: vision no motor function no parasympathetic fibers

mandibular division (V3)

origin + course: fibers pass through skull via foramen ovale function: conveys impulses from anterior tongue, lower teeth, skin of chin, temporal region of scalp + supplies motor fibers to, and carries proprioceptor fibers from, muscles of mastication

maxillary divison V2

origin + course: fibers run from face to pons via foramen rotundum function: conveys sensory impulses from nasal cavity mucosa, palate, upper teeth, skin of cheek, upper lip, lower eyelid

ophthalmic divison V1

origin + course: fibers run from face to pons via superior orbital fissure function: conveys impulses from skin of anterior scalp, upper eyelid, + nose from nasal cavity mucosa, cornea, + lacrimal gland

nerves of the sacral plexus

sciatic- tibial (sural, medial + lateral plantar, medial calcaneal branches) & common personal nerve (common fibular (superficial +deep branches)), superior gluteal, inferior gluteal, posterior femoral cutaneous, pudendal

5 major branches of nerve VII

temporal, zygomatic, buccal, mandibular, + cervical

cranial nerve V (5)

trigeminal- largest cranial nerves sensory function: general sensation motor function: ophthalmic division (V1), maxillary division (V2), mandibular division (V3) no parasympathetic fibers

cranial nerve (4)

trochlear no sensory function motor function: supply somatic motor fibers to (and carry proprioceptor fibers from) the superior oblique muscle no parasympathetic fibers

cranial nerve X (10)

vagus origin + course: only cranial nerve to extend beyond head + neck region. fibers emerge from medulla, pass through skull via jugular foramen, & descend through neck region into thorax + abdomen sensory function: transmit sensory impulses from thoracic + abdominal viscera, from the aortic arch baroreceptors (for blood pressure), the carotid and aortic bodies (chemoreceptors for respiration), and taste buds on the epiglottis. also carry information from small area of skin on external ear. carry proprioceptors fibers from muscles of larynx + pharynx motor function: supply heart, lungs, + abdominal viscera & are involved in regulating heart rate, breathing, + digestive system activity has parasympathetic fibers

cranial nerve VIII (8)

vestibulocochlear sensory function: hearing (cochlear branch) + balance (vestibular branch) no motor function no parasympathetic fibers

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