BIO 257

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Which of the following statements about newly emerging or reemerging diseases is FALSE?

They are all caused by drug-resistant pathogens.

Select the FALSE statement regarding bacteria.

They are never photosynthetic.

Which if the following is TRUE regarding viruses?

They are obligate intracellular parasites.

Benefits of normal microbiota include all EXCEPT which of the following?

They damage host tissue, allowing our immune system to rib the body of microbes

Why were Louis Pasteur's experiments with swan-necked flasks so important in helping disprove the theory of spontaneous generation?

They ended arguments that a "vital force" was necessary for spontaneous generation, while preventing contamination from microbes in the air.

_______ are a large group of photosynthetic eukaryotes that includes the multicellular seaweeds and many single-celled forms.


Which of the following are eukaryotes?

algae protozoa fungi helminths

Plague is a _______.

bacterial disease that can be transmitted by fleas

Which of the following are manufactured by microbial fermentation?

beer cheese yogurt

For the name Streptococcus pyogenes, the first part (Streptococcus) indicates the _______ and gives information about the shape of the organism.


What does the scientific name of an organism include?

genus and species

The principle that microorganisms cause certain diseases is called the ____________ Theory of Disease


Which of the following is true regarding all prokaryotes?

lack a nucleus

In eukaryotes, the genetic material is contained within a membrane-bound structure called the


Microorganisms are useful for all of the following EXCEPT

causing disease

Peptidoglycan is found in the ______.

cell walls of bacteria

In algae, photosynthesis takes place in ______, which have chlorophyll, a green pigment.


Technically speaking, viruses are not microorganisms because they are not ______.

composed of cells

Match the terms with their definitions.

domain: The highest level of classification. eukaryote: an organism characterized by having cells containing membrane-bound DNA. prokaryote: An organism characterized by having a cell lacking a membrane-bound nucleus. prion: An infectious agent consisting of only protein. viroid: An infectious agent consisting of only RNA. virus: An infectious agent containing protein, nucleic acids, and sometimes a lipid membrane. spontaneous generation: A hypothesis concerning life arising from dead organic compounds.

An infectious disease that has become more common in the last several decades is referred to as a(n) _______ infectious disease


Tyndall and Cohn's experiments in the 1870s showed the presence of a heat-resistant form of bacteria called a(n)


Membrane-bound organelles are only found in the cell type called a(n)


The scientific name of an organism indicates its domain.


Viruses simultaneously contain DNA, RNA, and protein.


Identify all of the statements that describe positive applications of microbiology.

food production biodegradation commercial products

A testable explanation for an observation is called a(n)


_______ killed more people in 1918-1919 than died in World Wars I and II and the Korean, Vietnam, and Iraq wars combined.


A ______ is the term used for any disease-causing microorganism.


In general, disease-causing organisms are referred to as which of the following?


Cells that do not have a membrane-bound nucleus are called


Without microorganisms, substances required for human life such as O2 and organic nitrogen would ______.

run out

This figure shows the two main forms of microscopic fungi. Panel A depicts a _______ , and panel B highlights a _______

yeast mold

Fungi are a diverse group of eukaryotes. Those that are studied by microbiologists include the unicellular _______ and the multicellular filamentous _______

yeasts molds

Click and drag on elements in order

1. Make an observation about something and ask a question about the situation. 2. Develop an explanation and then devise an experiment to test this explanation. 3. Collect data from this experiment and draw a conclusion. 4. Communicate the methods, results, and conclusions.

If you wanted to increase your chances of isolating a member of the Archaea (and no organisms from another domain), which sample site would you choose?

A 95oC hot spring in Yellowstone National Park.

_______ showed that flasks containing various broths gave rise to microorganisms even when the flasks were boiled and sealed with a cork.

John Needham

Which defines spontaneous generation?

Life arose from non-living matter

_______ is credited with disproving spontaneous generation using broth in swan-neck flasks.

Louis Pasteur

Microorganisms are useful in the study of higher life forms for which of the following reasons?

Microorganisms have the same basic metabolic mechanisms. Microorganisms are cheaper to study. Microorganisms multiply quickly. Microorganisms have the same fundamental genetic properties.

Why do microorganisms serve as important models for study of higher organisms?

Microorganisms have the same fundamental metabolic and genetic properties as other organisms.

Which of the following statements about the influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 is true?

More Americans died of influenza in 1918-1919 than were killed in World Wars I and II, and the Korean, Vietnam, and Iraq wars combined.

In what ways are archaea similar to bacteria?

method of multiplication shapes and sizes energy sources used prokaryotic cell structure

Organisms that populate the human body and which protect it from disease are termed normal


Why do microorganisms serve as important models for study of higher organisms?

microorganisms have the same fundamental metabolic and genetic properties as other organisms.

Compared to the range of types of plants and animals, microbes as a group are ______.

more diverse

Which of the following could survive if there were no prokaryotes on the planet?

none of the answer choices is correct

All of the following statements about smallpox are true except one. Which?

Smallpox is caused by bacteria

Which of the following can be characteristics of algae?

photosynthetic multicellular eukaryotic unicellular

In addition to chlorophyll, some algae have other _______ , which give them their characteristic colors.


Today, the bacteria added to some fermented milk products are advertised as _______.


Archaea, like bacteria, are single-celled _______ that divide via the process of _______ _______

prokaryotes binary fission

What is the only shared feature of all microbes?

small size

Although laboratory stocks of the causative agent still exist, humans have eliminated which of the following diseases?


The concept of living things arising from vital forces in non-living or decomposing materials was known as which of the following?

spontaneous generation

In 1749, John Needham produced results that _______ spontaneous generation when he showed that broths that had been boiled and then sealed with a cork _______.

support; could still give rise to microorganisms

All of the statements regarding archaea are true EXCEPT

they contain peptidoglycan in their cell walls.

Bacteria are useful to study because

they have the same fundamental metabolic and genetic properties as higher organisms.

True or false: Vaccinations have helped reduce the spread of mumps, measles and whooping cough in developed countries.


True or false: We could not survive without microorganisms, but they can also be harmful.


True or false: Without microorganisms, we would run out of certain nutrients.


The microbial world includes three main agents that cannot reproduce independently and are thus considered non-living. These are the _______ _______ and _______

viruses viroids prions

Which of the following are classified as acellular infectious agents?

viruses viroids prions

Emerging infectious diseases are those ______.

whose incidence has rapidly increased in the last several decades

Which of the following can cause an infectious disease to reemerge?

parents refusing to vaccinate their children pathogens becoming resistant to antimicrobial medications

Which of the following statements about bacteria is FALSE?

Most bacteria have been grown in culture and characterized.

Select the TRUE statement regarding viruses.

Most viruses are smaller than bacteria but bigger than mitochondria.

Match the steps of Pasteur's swan-necked flask experiments with the scientific method process. Use the drop down bar to select the correct number to match each statement.

Observation: Sterile broth develops microbial growth when exposed to air Question: Where do the microorganisms come from? Hypothesis: Microorganisms enter from the air Experiment: Construct swan-necked flasks allowing air but no microbes to enter Recording data: Broth remains sterile unless flask is tilted, then growth occurs Conclusion: Spontaneous generation is false. Life comes from pre-existing life.

Which of these scientists were involved in investigating the idea of spontaneous generation?

Redi and Pasteur

The work of John Tyndall and Ferdinand Cohn ______.

explained why some spontaneous generation investigators got different results from those of Pasteur

Algae and protozoa are also referred to as _______ , a diverse group that falls within the domain Eukarya.


Distinguish which of the following statements about the Germ Theory of Disease are true.

- The theory suggests that microorganisms cause certain diseases. - This theory came about during the Golden Age of microbiology - "Germ" can include bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi, or prions - this theory was proved by Louis Pasteur

Which of the following about microorganisms is true?

We could not survive without them.

Decide which of the following is the CORRECT definition of "hypothesis".

a testable explanation of an observation

Identify all the statements that describe the benefits of microbes from a human perspective.

Nitrogen gas is not accessible for use by most organisms without the help of some microbes. Today's environmental oxygen levels may be a direct result of photosynthetic microbes. Microbes degrade/recycle metabolic wastes from other living organisms.

Spallanzani tried to disprove spontaneous generation by performing boiled broth experiments. In some experiments, he boiled broth and sealed the flasks. In others, he boiled broth, sealed the flasks, then cracked the seals. Choose which of the given statements are observations and which are conclusions, and drag and drop them into the appropriate column.

Observation: - Broth in sealed flasks remains clear - Broth in cracked flasks gradually becomes cloudy Conclusion: - Boiled broth in sealed flasks remains sterile - Broth only becomes contaminated if microbes can enter it - Life comes from previous life - Cracking a sealed flask allows microbes to enter the flask

are a large group of photosynthetic eukaryotes that includes the multicellular seaweeds and many single-celled forms.


Which of the following leads to emerging infectious diseases? Check all that apply.

changing lifestyles antibiotic misuse horizontal gene transer failure to vaccinate

Which of the following are microscopic fungi?

molds yeasts

A new organism was found that was unicellular and 1 cm long. The "large" size of this organism alone would

not be useful for identifying it

Most bacteria have rigid cell walls that contain a unique compound called


Which of the following diseases killed one-third of the population of Europe in a four-year span (1347-1351)?


Unlike the term microorganism, the word microbe also includes ______.


Microscopic fungi that are single-celled are called ______, and that that are multicellular and filamentous are termed _______.

yeasts; molds

Which of the following involves genetically modifying bacteria to produce compounds useful to humans?


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