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A major difference in the physiological reaction to physical versus psychological stressors is that only physical stressors

(no difference)

On the basis of existing evidence, the following conclusion about ANS (autonomic nervous system) emotional specificity is warranted:

- There is not enough evidence to conclude that there is a different pattern of ANS activity associated with each emotional state. - The ANS does not respond in the same way to all emotional stimuli.

At rest, a neuron:

- has a membrane potential around -70 mV - is polarized

All set-point systems are __________ systems. (A set point is a theory that states everyone's body has a genetically determined range of weight and temperature that their body will try to maintain to stay at optimal health)

negative feedback systems (homeostatis, as in biology, or equilibrium, as in mechanics.)

The clusters of nerve fibers in the PNS are called


Endorphins are


Many buttons contain two sizes of vesicles; the larger ones typically contain


Autoreceptors of a neuron are sensitive to the neuron's own


Conduction of action potentials along an axon is


As compulsive drug taking develops, control of drug taking is thought to shift from the

nucleus accumbens in the ventral striatum to the dorsal striatum.

Many of the dopaminergic neurons with cell bodies in the ventral tegmental area synapse in the

nucleus accumbus

K complexes and sleep spindles

occur during stage 2 sleep are EEG waves

The anterolateral system is particularly responsive to

pain and temperature

Slow-wave sleep seems to play a particularly important role in the recuperative effects of sleep. The following is major evidence for this conclusion:

- people regain only a small portion of their lost sleep following a period of sleep deprivation, but regain most of their lost stage 4 - volunteers who have reduced the amount that they sleep each night have usually accomplished this without substantially reducing the amount of stages 3 and 4 sleep

A major contribution of H.M.'s case was that:

- was the first to strongly implicate the medial temporal lobes in memory - effectively challenged the views that memorial functions are diffusely and equivalently distributed throughout the brain - showed that there are distinct modes for short-term and long-term memory - provided evidence of memory without conscious awareness

Neurons recycle

-neurotransmitter molecules that have been drawn back into the terminal buttons after being released -the breakdown products of neurotransmitter molecules that have been degraded in the synapse by enzymes. -vesicles that have been integrated into the button membrane during exocytosis

Which is considered to be the most prevalent inhibitory neurotransmitter in the mammalian CNS?


Projections to the visual cortex from the lateral geniculate nuclei terminate in cortical layer


Which of the following provides the most detailed three-dimensional view of the structure of the living human brain?


Adrenergic neurons release


Consolidation is

a distinct process that serves to maintain, strengthen and modify memories that are already stored in the long-term memory.

Currently, consolidation is thought to last

a very long time

Glucocorticoids are released from the

adrenal medulla

The efferents that innervate extrafusal fibers are known as

alpha motor neurons

The 8-to-12 Hz EEG waves that are often associated with relaxed wakefulness are called

alpha waves

Haloperidol is a potent

antischizophrenic drug d2 receptor ligand

In comparison to metabotropic receptors, ionotropic receptors produce effects that

are longer lasting more diffuse more prevelant

When a small-molecule neurotransmitter molecule binds to an ionotropic receptor, the

associated ion channel opens or closes

An area of cerebral cortex that receives substantial input from more than one sensory system is classified as

association cortex

Posterior parietal cortex is considered to be

association cortex

Which of the following are thought to play a role in reducing excessive neurotransmitter release?


Where do action potentials originate?

axon initial segment, adjacent to the axon hillock

The main source of the brain's acetylcholine is the

basal forebrain

Once released, neurotransmitter molecules typically produce signals in postsynaptic neurons by

binding to postsynaptic receptors

Lithium has often been used to treat

bipolar affective disorder

The reference point for many stereotaxic atlases of the rat brain is


Gray matter of the spinal cord is largely composed of

cell bodies and unmyelinated interneurons

Each amygdala is a

cluster of many nuclei

Current theories of the function of the basal ganglia emphasize their

cognitive functions

According to the text, drug addicts are people who

continue to use a drug despite the drug's adverse effects on their health and social life, and despite their efforts to stop.

A temporary or reversible lesion can be produced by

cooling the target brain structure or injecting an anesthetic into it.

The transmission of postsynaptic potentials is

decremental and rapid

According to the James-Lange theory, different emotional stimuli induce __________ patterns of autonomic nervous system activity.


Dopamine is not an effective treatment for Parkinson's disease because

dopamine doesn't penetrate the blood-brain barrier

The dorsal stream flows from primary visual cortex to

dorsal prestriate cortex then to inferotemporal cortex.

A state of decreased sensitivity to a drug as a result of previous exposure to the drug is called

drug tolerance

The amygdala appears to be involved in the __________ component of memory, whereas the cerebellum appears to be involved in the __________ component.

emotional; sensorimotor

According to the James-Lange theory of emotion,

emotions occur as a result of physiological reaction to events

The study of all mechanisms of inheritance other than the classic genetic code and its expression is called


Which of the following is not found in neurons that release norepinephrine?


Most of the body's energy reserves are stored in the form of


High-acuity vision is mediated by the


Clusters of neural cell bodies in the CNS are called


Disorders characterized by extreme feelings of anxiety and severe stress responses in the absence of an apparent precipitating stimulus are classified as

generalized anxiety disorders

The most commonly employed physiological measure of stress is the level of circulating


muscles are protected from damage caused by excessive contraction by

golgi tendon organs

Simple cells of the primary visual cortex

have receptive fields with static "on" and "off" areas that are separated by a straight edge.


helps cells to take in glucose to be used for energy

Long-term potentiation has been most frequently studied in the


Which neural structure has a particularly dense population of glucocorticoid receptors?


Negetive feedback systems in the body tend to maintain


Narcolepsy is most often considered to be a disorder of

hypersomnia (excessive sleepiness)

Many hunger and satiety peptides have receptors in the


The amygdala is thought to activate the appropriate sympathetic and behavioral responses to threat via the __________, respectively.

hypothalamus and PAG

Which of the following is not an amino acid neurotransmitter?


The intrafusal fibers are

innervated by an efferent neuron known as the gamma motor neuron

The main reason why LTP (long term potentiation) is one of the most widely studied neuroscientific phenomena is that it

involves a synaptic change similar to the synaptic change that has been hypothesized to be the basis of memory storage.

Conduction of action potentials in myelinated axons

is faster than in unmyelinated axons

The wave of absolute refractoriness that follows an action potential

keeps the action potential from spreading actively back along an axon towards the cell body

The cerebellum is thought to store memories of

learned sensorimotor skills

Ionotropic receptors are linked to

ligand activated ion channels

As a consequence of digestion, three different forms of energy are delivered to the body:

lipids, amino acids, and glucose

Which of the following is not one of Ekman and Friesen's primary emotional expressions?


The role of the gamma motor neuron is to

maintain muscle spindle sensitivity, regardless of muscle length

Many of the people who experience clinical depression also experience recurring periods of


The amygdala is thought to play a role in

memory for the emotional significance of experiences

The particular glial cells that engulf cellular debris and trigger inflammation are


The dissociative anesthetics, such as ketamine,

mimic the negative symptoms of schizophrenia by acting as antagonists of glutamate receptors

Cataplexy is common in cases of


Adhering to the surface of the brain is the

pia mater

In its resting state, a neuron is said to be


According to the incentive-sensitization theory of drug addiction, as an addict habitually consumes the drug, the

positive-incentive value of taking the drug increases.

Second messengers are formed in the

post synaptic neuron

cocaine hydrochloride

reduces the reuptake of dopamine from synapses by blocking dopamine transporters.

The retina-geniculate-striate system is organized


After release, most neurotransmitters are deactivated through


Cocaine and amphetamines in high doses can produce a temporary disorder that is similar to


Each facial expression __________ on the left side of the face.


In laboratory animals, cortical EEG signals are commonly recorded through

stainless steel skull screws

Bilateral lesions of the __________ selectively disrupt circadian cycles.

superchiasmatic neclei

The tip of your nose is

superior and dorsal

Neurotransmitters are often stored in

synaptic vesicles

Stress disrupts the performance of

tasks mediated by the hippocampus

The existence of complementary color afterimages supports

the opponent process theory

Co-occurrence has been shown to be critical for the induction of LTP. Co-occurrence refers to the requirement for simultaneous activity in

the presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons

Clinical depression and anxiety are comorbid disorders, which mean

they tend to occur in the same individuals

Drug tolerance is a shift in the dose-response curve

to the right (therefore, in tolerant subjects the same disease has less effect and a greater does is required to produce the same effect)

When a motor neuron fires, all of the muscle fibers of its motor

unit contract together

The receptive field of a visual neuron is the area of the

visual field within which the suitable visual stimulus can influence the firing of the neuron

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