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Unit 1 Test Much evidence has been discovered to support biological theories such as cell theory and germ theory, and no evidence has been found to prove these theories incorrect. Which statements are true about theories in general? 2 answers

- Theories are broad and useful explanations for how the world works. - Theories are dynamic and complex, and constantly subject to revision.

Unit 1 Test Scientists' understanding of viruses has advanced greatly in the last fifty years. Which statements give evidence to support the classification of viruses as nonliving? 3 answers

- Viruses do not respond to changes in the environment around them. - All viruses are parasites and depend entirely upon living cells for their existence. - Viruses must infect living cells in order to reproduce.

Unit 2 Test Amino acids are named after two of their functional groups: the amino group (NH2), which acts like a base, and the carboxyl group (COOH), which acts like an acid. Amino acids also contain a third functional group, often called the R group. In alanine, the R group is a methyl group (CH3). In serine, the R group is a methyl alcohol (-CH2OH). fill in the blanks: Two amino acids unite by forming a(n)_________Two amino acids unite by forming a(n) Choose... peptide ionic hydrogen oxygen bond between them and releasing a molecule of________. oxygen hydrogen water carbon dioxide . The union of many amino acids forms a macromolecule called a__________carbohydrate lipid protein nucleic acid .

- peptide - water - protein

Unit 2 Test A scientist is studying two isotopes of sodium, labeled A and B. In Isotope A, each of the atoms has 11 protons, 12 neutrons, and 11 electrons. What could be the atomic structure of Isotope B?

11 protons, 13 neutrons, and 11 electrons

Unit 1 Test The Western North Pacific gray whale was once nearly extinct due to commercial whaling, but now is recovering under protected status. The map shows the range and distribution of the Western North Pacific gray whale. Look at the map. Which statement BEST explains why policies based on national boundary lines do not always succeed in protecting marine species like this whale?


Unit 2 Test Practice Jan is researching a procedure to synthesize valine from glucose and other compounds. The procedure involves several chemical reactions. Most likely, one of the reactions will accomplish which of these tasks?


Unit 2 Test Practice What structural feature does glucose share with larger organic molecules, including DNA and proteins?


Unit 3 Test Practice Marcus is developing a model to compare the cells of prokaryotes, such as bacteria, and the cells of multicellular eukaryotes, such as a plant or animal. He begins by drawing a model of a bacterial cell. Which strategy would be MOST USEFUL for modeling the cells of the multicellular eukaryote?


Unit 3 Test Practice Which of the following activities occurs in both prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells?


Unit 3 Test Practice Nayla is planning an investigation on the role of osmosis in maintaining homeostasis. She plans to study red blood cells in a liquid suspension, similar to blood plasma. For Nayla to observe the greatest variety of osmotic activity in the red blood cells, she should test the effect of which of these independent variables?


Unit 3 Test Practice Stewart is investigating how plants maintain homeostasis in response to the amount of water that is available to them. As part of the investigation, he studies a plant that receives sufficient water and has straight, upright stems and firm leaves. He also studies another plant that was grown in dry soil, and that has wilted stems and leaves. When Stewart examines the cells of the plants under a microscope, which organelle will display the GREATEST difference between the two plants?


Unit 2 Test Practice Glucose is an example of a_________polysaccharide disaccharide monosaccharide . Many glucose molecules may join together to form a__________protein lipid carbohydrate , such as__________carbonic anhydrase cellulose RNA .

? ? ?

Unit 1 Test Practice Living organisms are made up of units called __________ , and they____________to generate offspring. The genetic code for living things is carried in__________ , which conveys instructions for_________. Living things obtain and use____________ , and respond___________ to in their environment. They_____________ and maintain___________ , a stable internal environment. Word Bank - DNA, Growth and Development, Cells, Materials and Energy, Reproduce, Homeostasis, Stimuli, Evolve

Cells Reproduce DNA Growth and Development Materials and Energy Stimuli Evolve Homeostasis

Unit 3 Test Practice How could this model be changed to BEST represent a specialized leaf cell?

Add chloroplasts because leaves are where photosynthesis occurs.

Which of the following statements is part of the cell theory?

All cells are produced from existing cells.

Unit 2 Test What is the effect of an enzyme on the energy of a chemical reaction?

Enzymes decrease the activation energy of the reaction.

Unit 2 Test Practice Which of these statements describes how organisms could use molecules of glucose? I. Several glucose molecules could be assembled into a larger molecule. II. Glucose molecules could be broken apart to form smaller molecules. III. The atoms of glucose molecules could be combined with other elements to form a different molecule.

I, II, and III

Unit 2 Test A teacher assigns the following experiment to a class. Draw an outline of a bird's feather, and color one half of the outline with a thick coat from a wax crayon. Leave the other half uncolored. Next, sprinkle a few drops of water on both halves of the feather. You will observe that the water soaks into the plain paper. The waxy coat, however, allows the paper to remain dry. Water forms tiny beads on top of the wax instead of soaking through it The results of the experiment MOST STRONGLY support which conclusion about the polarity of lipid molecules?

Lipid molecules are nonpolar because they repel water molecules, which are polar.

Unit 1 Test Practice Evolutionary theory has become the central organizing principle of biological science. Could this scientific theory ever become a scientific law?

No, because a theory is a complex explanation that does not become a law.

Unit 1 Test Practice After analyzing the results of the experiment, Valerie asks if her hypothesis should be classified as a theory. Which is the best response to Valerie's question?

No, because a theory is a highly reliable explanation that incorporates many well-tested hypotheses.

Unit 1 Test Practice Valerie designed and conducted an experiment on pothos plants, which are common houseplants. Her hypothesis is that the direction of light will affect the growth pattern of a pothos plant. To test the hypothesis, she sets up two test groups of pothos plants and observes them three weeks later. The table summarizes the test groups and observations. What are the roles of the two test groups in this investigation?

One is the experimental group and one is the control group, and together they show the effect of the direction of light.

A number of scientists made contributions to cell theory. Which scientist was the first to use a light microscope to observe cells in a slice of cork?

Robert Hooke

Unit 1 Test Which of the following statements about science is accurate?

Science involves collecting and organizing data about the natural world.

Unit 1 Test Tamar is talking about evolution with a friend. The friend says, "It's just a theory, so I don't believe it. When they prove it and it becomes the law of evolution, then maybe I'll change my mind." Which of these possible replies best describes scientific principles or the work of scientists?

Scientific theories do not become scientific laws; they are explanations for natural phenomena based on evidence.

Unit 1 Test Science began out of humankind's natural curiosity to understand and explain the interactions and processes of the natural world. Science aims to use these explanations to understand patterns in nature, as well as to address issues that face the natural world and human society. Which statement BEST reflects the efforts of scientists in pursuing the goals of science?

Scientists review and revise current explanations when new evidence arises.

Unit 2 Test Practice Roger is comparing a model of a sugar molecule to a model of an amino acid. Which of the following evidence statements would be supported by the two models?

Sugars and amino acids are made of the same elements except amino acids also contain nitrogen.

Unit 3 Test Practice In an investigation, plant cells are placed in water that has been tinted blue. The investigators observe the color of the cells changing to blue. What additional observation would be evidence that the cells maintain homeostasis in response to this change?

The central vacuole in the cells increases in size.

Unit 1 Test Practice A griffin is a mythical creature that appears in many stories. It has the head of an eagle and the body of a lion. What role, if any, could the griffin have in the science of biology?

The griffin has no role in biology, because it is not real.

Unit 2 Test Practice Lisa is investigating a chemical reaction involving carbon compounds. Which of these results could NOT occur, according to scientific laws about chemical reactions, matter, and energy?

The mass of carbon in the products is greater than the mass of carbon in the reactants.

Unit 1 Test Practice When news of a scientific discovery is reported, readers must assess the credibility of the claim. In general, which statement indicates a valid and credible claim?

The scientist followed strict standards of investigation and scientific methodology throughout the research.

Unit 1 Test Practice In her report of an investigation, Shira states that the height of a bush is 0.65 meters. Nathaniel states that the height of the same bush is 65 centimeters. How do the statements of the two students compare?

The students used different metric units to state the same height.

Unit 2 Test Amino acids are named after two of their functional groups: the amino group (NH2), which acts like a base, and the carboxyl group (COOH), which acts like an acid. Amino acids also contain a third functional group, often called the R group. In alanine, the R group is a methyl group (CH3). In serine, the R group is a methyl alcohol (-CH2OH). What functional groups will be joined together if alanine and serine molecules combine to form a single molecule?

an amino group and a carboxyl group

Unit 2 Test Which of these molecular structures could be found in a lipid, but not in a carbohydrate, protein, or nucleic acid?

a long chain made only of carbon and hydrogen atoms

Unit 2 Test A team of scientists and engineers is working together to develop a new cleaning product. The team has identified a species of bacteria that gets energy by breaking apart lipids and oils. The team wants to isolate the key substance that the bacteria use for this process, and then adapt the substance for the new cleaning product. Which macromolecule should the team try to isolate from the bacteria?

a protein that specifically binds lipids or oils

Unit 1 Test Dr. Smith reads two research papers that present different conclusions about the same question. He knows the researcher who wrote Paper A, but does not know the authors of Paper B. When asked which paper he thinks has more merit, Dr. Smith replies, "Paper A." Because of Dr. Smith's connection to some of the researchers, he could be exhibiting


Unit 2 Test Human blood has a pH of 7.4. How do buffers in the blood affect the pH?

buffers prevent small amounts of acid or base from changing the pH of blood

Unit 2 Test Practice Atoms of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen are found in all biological macromolecules. Which macromolecules are made ONLY of these three elements?

carbohydrates and lipids

Unit 2 Test What allows the three atoms in a water molecule to stay together?

covalent bonds formed by shared electrons between atoms

Unit 1 Test Testing hypotheses often involves designing experiments. Which of the following is the factor that is observed and measured in an experiment?

dependent variable

The cells of all organisms contain DNA. In cells of which of the following groups is the cellular DNA enclosed in a nucleus?


Unit 2 Test A teacher assigns the following experiment to a class. Draw an outline of a bird's feather, and color one half of the outline with a thick coat from a wax crayon. Leave the other half uncolored. Next, sprinkle a few drops of water on both halves of the feather. You will observe that the water soaks into the plain paper. The waxy coat, however, allows the paper to remain dry. Water forms tiny beads on top of the wax instead of soaking through it. The results of the experiment are MOST USEFUL for explaining which of these functions of lipids in organisms?

forming a waterproof covering on feathers, leaves, and fruits.

Unit 1 Test Michael's grandmother is taking part in an experiment to determine how well a new headache medication works. In this experiment, the people in Group A are taking the new medication. The people in Group B, including Michael's grandmother, are taking a pill that does not contain the new medication. In this experiment, what is Group B?

group B is the control group

Unit 1 Test After her run, Aisha felt thirsty. Thirst was her body's way of telling her she needed more water to maintain _________.


Unit 2 Test The enzyme carbonic anhydrase is a protein that binds to two small molecules: water and carbon dioxide. By holding the two molecules in the proper position, the enzyme allows the two molecules to react to form a product, carbonic acid. The enzyme then releases the product and becomes available to catalyze the same reaction once again. How does carbonic anhydrase change the reaction between carbon dioxide and water?

it decreases the activation energy

Unit 2 Test Practice Two students are developing a computer simulation of a chemical reaction that forms amino acids. Their simulation uses colored spheres to represent atoms of different elements. It uses lines connecting the spheres to represent chemical bonds. For the simulation to be accurate, which of these features should be included?

lines that break and reform between the spheres

Unit 1 Test Camille notices that the leaves of her pothos plant are drooping this morning. The leaves were not droopy yesterday. She decides the plant needs to be watered. What had Camille just done?

made an inference based on past experience and observation

Unit 1 Test Jane Goodall spent years with the chimpanzees of Gombe. Sitting quietly for hours, she watched the animals closely and took notes about their behavior. What was Jane Goodall doing?

making observations

Unit 2 Test Which change to the model would improve its accuracy?

move the protons and neutrons to a small space in the center

Unit 2 Test Which type of macro molecule has the function of storing and transmitting hereditary or genetic information?

nucleic acid

Unit 1 Test practice In biology, the different areas of study are connected and overlap in various ways, with concepts that cut across all disciplines. Which pair of crosscutting concepts are BEST exemplified when birds fly south when winter comes to the United States, and north when spring arrives? Choose one.

patterns; cause and effect

Unit 1 Test Dr. Sanchez and her team have observed an unusual star in the Andromeda galaxy. Their data suggests that the star is being consumed by a nearby black hole. They write a scientific paper about their work and submit it to a scientific journal. Other scientists read their paper and look for the unusual star as well. The other scientists are participating in which of these activities?

peer review

Unit 3 Test Practice Which of the following processes is directly controlled by the cell nucleus?

protein synthesis because DNA in the nucleus contains the instructions for making proteins

Unit 2 Test Which two types of particles are present in equal numbers in an atom, but not in an ion?

protons and electrons

Unit 3 Test Practice A student is developing a model that shows the steps of protein synthesis. The model should include activities in which three structures?

ribosomes, rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus

Microscopes can be used to explore cells. Which of the following types of microscopes is used to produce a three-dimensional image of the surface of a cell?

scanning electron microscope

Unit 2 Test What best describes the relationship between starch and glucose?

starch is a polymer made of glucose monomers

Unit 2 Test Practice A cell gains energy by combining glucose with oxygen in a series of chemical reactions. The products are carbon dioxide and water. What is the source of this energy?

the breaking of chemical bonds within the molecules of the reactants

Unit 2 Test Several different amino acids join together to form a protein. How do any two types of amino acids differ from one another?

the chemical structure of the R group in the molecule

Unit 2 Test What event changes an atom into an ion?

the gain or loss of one or more electrons

Unit 2 Test what property of a water molecule allows hydrogen bonds to form among adjacent molecules?

the polarity of the molecule, which involves a slightly negative oxygen atom and slightly positive hydrogen atoms

Unit 2 Test In a chemical reaction, which event ALWAYS occurs as the reaction proceeds?

the rearrangement of electrons to break or form chemical bonds

Unit 2 Test household bleach has a pH between 12 and 13. from this information, which of. the following BEST describes the bleach solution?

the solution is basic, meaning it has fewer hydrogen ions than hydroxide ions

Unit 2 Test The elements sodium and chlorine react to form the chemical compound sodium chloride. How would you predict the properties of sodium chloride compare with those of its constituent elements?

very different

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