Bio exam 2

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Energy Conservations are measured with this unit


In theory, yeast cells conducting alcoholic fermentation produce about 1 kg of ethanol for every 2 kg of glucose. Where does the extra kilogram of mass go?

It is released as carbon dioxide gas.

Which of the following statements is incorrect about turgor pressure?

It occurs in organisms with cell walls when placed into a hypertonic environment.

Potential energy of a cyclist is highest at this point

The top of a hill

active transport

This type of membrane transport moves substances through membrane proteins and requires energy

The CFTR receptor moves chloride ions out of a cell by active transport. This is an example of

a reaction requiring the input of ATP. ATP powers most reactions in cells where the reaction would otherwise not be spontaneous

the area of the cell where glycolysis occurs.


In eukaryotic cells, the electron transport chain occurs in the

mitochondrion, The electron transport chain occurs in and across the inner membrane of the mitochondrion.

A red blood cell placed in a hypertonic solution will


According to the study, which of the following is/are true? Select all that apply.

*In regions with a high incidence of cholera, you would likely also find a high incidence of cystic fibrosis. *In areas where cholera is prevalent, individuals with one faulty CFTR gene copy have an advantage over individuals with either two normal or two faulty CFTR gene copies. *Because individuals with cystic fibrosis seldom reproduce, the disease will eventually disappear from the population.

Select all statements for this molecule (in pictures is atp molecule)

*this molecule takes part in coupled reactions *Putting this molecule through an energy-requiring reaction could yeild ATP *Type of nucleotide

Place the steps of the light reactions in the order in which they occur.

1.Photosystem II captures a photon of light. 2.Photosystem II captures a photon of light.1CorrectCorrect Energy is passed to the reaction center of photosystem II. 3.A pair of electrons is excited in the reaction center of photosystem II. 4.Excited electrons are passed through electron transport chain, producing ATP. 5.Excited electrons are passed through electron transport chain, producing NADPH.

What is the theoretical yield of ATP from the cellular respiration of one glucose molecule?

36, Cellular respiration (theoretically) produces 36 ATP per glucose molecule.

What are the products of the light reactions? Select all that apply.

ATP, NADPH, The light reactions use the energy in sunlight to produce ATP and NADPH.

Classify each label listed on the left as applying to aerobic respiration or fermentation, or both. Labels that apply to both processes should be dragged to both categories.

Aerobic respiration- ATP synthase, Krebs cycle, electron transport chain, oxygen, glycolysis, NADH, produces ATP Fermentation- ethanol, lactic acid, glycolysis, NADH, produces ATP

Classify each description into all the categories to which it applies. Some descriptions may be used more than once.

C4 Plants- Fix CO2 into a flour-carbon molecule first. Conduct the Calvin Cycle in bundle sheath cells. Physically separate the Calvin cycle from oxygen-rich spaces in the leaf. CAM Plants- Fix CO2 into a flour-carbon molecule first. Conduct the Calvin Cycle in Mesophyll cells. Open stomata only at night to fix CO2. C2 Plants- Conduct the Calvin cycle in mesophyll cells. Oxygen binds to rubisco more frequently in hot, dry climates,

The chemical formula for glucose is

C6H12O6, Glucose is the most common 6 carbon sugar in nature.

During what stage(s) of photosynthesis is glucose produced?

Carbon reactions

In the section "Investigating Life: Does Natural Selection Maintain Cystic Fibrosis?," those with the genetic mutation in the protein are resistant to cholera infections. What did the scientists hypothesize about the relationship between cystic fibrosis and cholera resistance?

Carriers with one copy of the defective CFTR gene have increased resistance to cholera compared to those with no defective copies.

In the section "Investigating Life: Does Natural Selection Maintain Cystic Fibrosis?," which infection did researchers hypothesize that the CFTR protected cystic fibrosis patients against?


Which of the following toxins would interfere with the electron transport chain by preventing the formation of a proton gradient?


Consider the graph below. What question are the scientists answering with these data?(in pictures)

Dose the number if normal CFTR proteins affects how much fluid accumulates?

physical laws of energy apply to

Energy conversions

What is released at each step of an electron transport chain?

Energy, The electron transport chain extracts energy in a stepwise fashion

Leaves appear green because they absorb green wavelengths of light.

False, Chlorophyll molecules in leaf cells absorb blue and red light and reflect green light.

Oxygen is a product of the electron transport chain.

False, The electron transport chain uses oxygen and generates water.

Most biologists agree that the light reactions are less important than the carbon reactions.

False, The light reactions and the carbon reactions are both critical for life on Earth for the oxygen and organic compounds provided.

How do the products of glycolysis and Krebs cycle relate to the electron transport chain?

Glycolysis and the Krebs cycle produce the molecules that shuttle electrons to the electron transport chain. Electron carrier molecules, NADH and FADH2, produced in the reactions of glycolysis and the Krebs cycle, donate electrons to the carrier proteins of the electron transport chain.

Review the study described in "Investigating Life: Hot Plants Offer Heat Rewards." Using the graph shown below, categorize the terms and phrases on the left with the correct part of the experimental design on the right. Some categories may be used more than once.(in pictures)

IV= Activity level of beetles, temperature DV= Co2 production rate Standard variable= Beetle species In this experiment, the CO2 production rate of the beetles depends on their activity level and on the temperature. Therefore, CO2 production rate is a dependent variable, and beetle activity level and temperature are independent variables. The same species of beetle was used for all studies. Because beetle species is held constant, it is a standardized variable.

Light reactions overview Use the terms on the left to complete the sentences on the right.

In general, the light reactions convert light energy into chemical energy. Electrons excited by photosystem II produce a(n) proton gradient, with a higher concentration in the thylakoid space than in the stroma. When photosystem II replaces two electrons that it excited and ejected, it uses water and produces oxygen gas. in the light reactions, chlorophyll molecules in photosystems I and II harness the energy in light. The end result of the light reactions is the production of chemical energy in the form of ATP and NADPH. Photosystem II uses light energy to excite electrons, which the electron transport chain uses to produce a higher proton concentration in the thylakoid space than in the stroma. Photosystem II uses water to replace the electrons it sent to the electron transport chain. This results in the production of oxygen.

Light reactions: reactants and products Below is an image of the light reactions in the thylakoid membrane. Some parts have been removed. Label the anatomy in the image with Thylakoid space, Thylakoid membrane, and Stroma.Then, drag H2O, ATP, and NADPH to where they react or are formed.

In photos, Photosystem II splits water to replace the electrons it ejects. Splitting H2O creates oxygen and two hydrogen ions as by-products (not shown). ATP is produced at the large purple structure called ATP synthase on the bottom of this image. NADPH is produced at the end of the electron transport chain.

Why is cellular respiration important?

It generates ATP, which cells can use to do work. Cellular respiration uses glucose and oxygen to produce ATP, which cells can use to do work.

Which of the following statements is correct about turgor pressure?

It is necessary to keep plants from wilting. It is the force of water against the inside of the cell wall. It is maintained by osmosis. It occurs organisms with cell walls when placed into a hypotonic environment. Turgor pressure occurs when enough water is taken up by cells with cell walls that the cellular contents are pressurized and push against the wall.

What organisms conduct photosynthesis? Select all that apply.

Many types of bacteria, algae, plants

The image below shows a normally functioning mitochondrial electron transport chain. The alternative pathway seen in flowers of Philodendron solimosense diverts electrons away from the transport chain before they reach the third and fourth membrane proteins. What are the consequences of diverting these electrons from the transport chain? (Select all that apply. in pics)

More hydrogen ions are transported into the intermembrane compartment.More hydrogen ions are transported into the intermembrane compartment. Correct ATP synthase generates fewer ATP per unit time.ATP synthase generates fewer ATP per unit time. Correct The reproductive success of pollinators is decreased. The reproductive success of pollinators is decreased. Correct More ATP are generated per glucose molecule.More ATP are generated per glucose molecule. Correct More energy is lost as heat. If electrons do not flow to the last two proteins of the mitochondrial electron transport chain, then those proteins do not pump hydrogen ions across the membrane into the intermembrane space. Hydrogen ions move down their concentration gradient through a channel in ATP synthase, which produces ATP. If fewer hydrogen ions are in the intermembrane space, then ATP synthase operates more slowly. Since ATP synthase is operating more slowly, the efficiency of respiration decreases. This means that fewer ATP are generated for each glucose molecule. The energy that is not harnessed in ATP molecules is lost as extra heat in the alternative oxidase pathway. Also, increased heat production increases the chance of pollination because beetle pollinators save energy by producing less CO2 in the higher temperatures within the flowers of Philodendron solimoesense. The energy saved by the beetles also enhances the reproductive success of the beetles.

During fermentation pathways, what molecule is regenerated that is essential for glycolysis to continue, allowing the production of a small amount of ATP in anaerobic conditions?

NAD+, Fermentation regenerates NAD+, allowing glycolysis to continue.

Categorize labels as reactants or products of photosynthesis. Some labels are neither reactants nor products and therefore should not be used.

Reactant- water and carbon dioxide Products- Glucose and oxygen

Which of the following will pass through a cell membrane most easily?

Small nonpolar molecules

The ---- binds to the--- site on an enzyme

Substrate; active


The cell captures and engulfs large particles

Aerobic respiration uses oxygen as its final electron acceptor at the end of the electron transport chain.


Enzymes speed up chemical reactions.

True, Enzymes speed chemical reactions without themselves being used up in the reactions.

Electrons from water are used to replenish those removed from chlorophyll during the light reactions.

True, Photosystem II breaks down water to produce oxygen.

Plants need water to fill their cells and to perform the light reactions.

True, Plant cells are full of water, like other cells, but they also use water as a raw material in the light reactions.

Redox reactions involve the loss of an electron by an electron donor, and a gain of an electron by an electron acceptor.

True, Redox stands for oxidation-reduction.


Water moves into a red blood cell, without the help of proteins. Your potted ivy plant is wilted, but perks up after you water it

simple diffusion

a nonwater molecule moves down its concentration gradient, without the help of a carrier molecule or energy input.

Many toxins are known to kill organisms by interfering with cellular respiration. Which poison blocks the Krebs cycle by inhibiting the formation of acetyl-coA?


The most abundant pigment in plant leaves that absorbs blue and red light is called _____.

chlorophyll a, Chlorophyll molecules absorb blue and red light and reflect green light.

Leaves of many plants change colors in the fall because

chlorophyll in the leaves degrades with shorter days and cooler temperatures. When chlorophyll disappears from leaves, the accessory pigments are left behind.

An enzyme can only bind one reactant at a time.


kinetic energy of the cyclist is highest here

going down the hill

graph question

in photos

Chloroplast structure Match each image with its label.

in pics, Granum, Chlorophyll a, Photosystem ii, ATP, Phospholipid

Fill in the diagram to explain the relationship between cellular respiration and photosynthesis.

in pictures

Select the two main groups of chemical reactions in photosynthesis.

light reactions and carbon reactions

Energy conversions, kilocalorie, calorie, potential energy, kinetic energy, Entropy, First law, second law

look at pic of diagram

most enzymes are


Glycolysis and the Krebs cycle do not capture all of the potential energy in a glucose molecule because

some energy is always lost as heat during chemical reactions. Any chemical process loses energy at each step due to the regular increase in entropy.

Reduction is the gain of electrons.

true, Reduced molecules are those that have gained electrons in redox reaction.

As glucose is oxidized, energy is released.

true, The reactions of cellular respiration fully oxidize a glucose molecule into carbon dioxide molecules. In each of the multiple steps of oxidation, energy is released.

Aerobic respiration includes glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and electron transport chain.

true, There are three parts to cellular respiration

The reactants of photosynthesis are

water and carbon dioxide, in photosynthesis, water and carbon dioxide are converted into oxygen gas and glucose.

Reactants in a chemical reaction are the molecules that are assembled together or broken down to form products. The reactants in photosynthesis arewater and carbon dioxide.

water and carbon dioxide.

Osmosis is best defined as the movement of

water molecules across a membrane from an area of high water concentration to an area of lower concentration.

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