Bio Final

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what are the small circles of DNA that exist within the bacterial cytoplasm in addition to the bacterial chromosome


what is a chain of round bacteria called


what is vertical gene transfer

the transmission of genetic material from parents to offspring during reproduction

which of the following are RNA viruses that have DNA polymerase


how do retroviruses differ from other RNA viruses

retroviruses have a unique infection technique of their host cells

which has an unusual characteristic in that their circular DNA does not have genes for making the proteins needed to replicate and produce new viruses


Which characteristic defines a virus?

viruses cannot metabolize

What are sub viral agents that depend on co-infection of a host cell with a helper virus?


the most common mode of reproduction in bacteria is:

binary fission

small hairlike structures made up of protein on the surface of bacteria are called


plasmids of bacteria often have genes involved in

antibiotic resistance

the DNA molecule is packaged into thread-like structures called


what is the purpose of sex pili

To transmit DNA between bacteria

humans have ______ pairs of chromosomes


What is the protein coat of a virus called?


What is the correct unit of measurement for the size of most viruses?


Which statement about viruses is false?

Viruses can manufacture proteins

which statement about bacteria is true

a large percent of bacteria are pathogenic

the bacterium that causes botulism disease is harmless until it:

contains a certain prophage DNA

another name for horizontal gene transfer is

lateral gene transfer

According to the progressive hypothesis, viruses may have originated as mobile genetic elements such as


_____________ are those that have been almost eradicated and then suddenly recur, causing an epidemic

re-emerging viruses

when a virus penetrates the host plasma membrane and moves into the cytoplasm it is called:


What is the purpose of phage therapy

to target specific bacteria in the body and destroy them

What type of conversion occurs when a bacterium carrying viral genes takes on new, atypical characteristics?


What is a prophage?

it is phage DNA that is integrated into viral DNA

at what stage of a lytic infection are phage components put together to make new viruses?


at what stage of the lysogenic cycle would a prophage appear


the genome of most plant viruses consists of what kind of RNA


which statement about an F factor is false

It is found in recipient cells, not donor cells.

What are the viruses that attack bacteria?


how do bacteria move

By means of a rotating flagella

What is commensalism?

a relationship between individuals of two species in which one benefits and the other derives benefit nor harm

prokaryotes divide using a process called

binary fission

Which if the following are responsible for some very serious diseases, including ebola hemorrhagic fever

diarrheal diseases

before an animal cell's membrane fuses with a virus, the virus must first:

duplicate its DNA

Which hypothesis asserts that viruses are remnants of cellular organisms and evolved from small cells that were parasites in larger cells

regressive hypothesis

most bacterial cells can keep from bursting in a hypotonic environment because of:

a rigid cell wall

which of the following are rod-shaped bacteria


how do some bacteria respond to adverse environmental conditions

bacteria from endospores

a bacterium that uses the oxidation of inorganic compounds to provide energy for manufacturing nutritious organic compounds is a:


which of the following cause disease and often death

diarrheal diseases

which structure acts like a motor for the bacterial flagellum


bacterial conjugation is related to

horizontal gene transer

Which of the following is the most common structure of a virus


viral proteins can damage host cells by which process?

overwhelming the host cell with a large number of viruses

Why is penicillin ineffective against gram-negative bacteria

penicillin cannot reach the thin peptidoglycan layer easily because it is protected by the bacterias outer membrane

Which of the following typically occurs all at once and results in rapid cell lysis?

phage release

peptidoglycan consists of

sugars crosslinked with proteins

although bacteria lack membrane-bound organelles, such as chloroplasts and mitochondria, they can still preform the functions of these organelles by localizing certain metabolic enzymes on:

the plasma membrane

some bacteria avoid being phagocytized by a goat's immune system by means of:

their capsule or slime layer

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