bio final

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In pea plants, spherical seeds are dominant to dented seeds. In a genetic cross of two plants that are heterozygous for the seed shape trait, what fraction of the offspring should have spherical seeds?


In a population of unicorns, the allele for sparkly horns (H) is completely dominant over the allele for opalescent horns (h). If you have a population of 250 unicorns and 220 of them have sparkly horns, what is the frequency of the dominant allele?


The Julian date for May 20, 1937 is


Suppose you are using a microscope with 20x ocular lenses and a 80x objective lens. What is the total magnification?


If a gene has two alleles, and allele A has a frequency of 83 percent, then allele a has a frequency of:

17 percent.

The first eukaryotic cell is thought to have evolved at least _____ million years ago.


If your field diameter is 4600 μm at 40x, what will your field diameter be at 100x?


In the plant disk lab experiment we manipulated the [1] of CO2 compared to the [2] control. This treatment caused the disks to float [3] compared to the control disks. This is an indication that the disks were completing [4].

1: amount 2: positive 3: faster 4: photosynthesis

[1] from the air and [2] from the soil plus [3] from the [4] leads to the production of [5] in the [6] and the release of [7] as a [8] of the reaction.

1: carbon dioxide 2: water 3: energy 4: sun 5: glucose 6: plant cell 7: oxygen 8: byproduct

The [1], one of the first plant [2] for [3], is a waterproof, [4], waxy [5] covering the [6] of a leaf.

1: leaf cuticle 2: adaptions 3: living on land 4: thin 5: layer 6: upper and lower epidermis

[1] are leaf [2] that allow for moisture and [3] exchange. They are in the [4], and they are opened and [5] by the [6].

1: stomata 2: pores 3: gas 4: epidermis 5: closed 6: guard cells

Water [1] throughout the entire plant is accomplished by [2] which moves water from [3] to [4] surfaces. This tissue is made of [5] and [6]. In contrast, [7] is made of [8] that move the products of [9] to [10] cells around the plant body.

1: transport 2: xylem 3: roots 4: leaf 5: tracheids 6: vessels 7: phloem 8: sieve cells 9: photosynthesis 10: non photosynthetic

Approximately what percentage of the sun's usable energy, arriving at the surface of a leaf, does the photosynthetic electron transport chain capture?


How many CO2 molecules must enter the Calvin cycle for each molecule of triose phosphate exported from the chloroplast?


The product of the Calvin cycle is a triose-phosphate sugar that is either exported from the chloroplast or used to regenerate RUBP. How many times must each of the reactions in the Calvin cycle take place in order to complete the synthesis of one 3-carbon triose phosphate sugar molecule?


In CAM plants, during the day, _____ are released from the _____ and taken into the chloroplast stroma, where _____ is released for use in the Calvin cycle.

4-carbon organic acid molecules; vacuole; CO2

The lowest magnification objective lens of a typical laboratory microscope is


If there are 100 diploid individuals in a population and 20 are homozygous for B, 60 are heterozygous, and 20 are homozygous for b, what is the allele frequency of B?

50 percent

In the Elephant Interactive experiment, when the elephants hear/ feel an alarm call, they move [A] the water hole. This is an example of [B] [C].

A: away from B: negative C: taxis

Chondrichthyans have [A] skeletons while osteichthyans have [B] skeletons. Please ONLY put the single word needed in each blank. Use the same words we use to describe these groups (hint: look at the NAMES).

A: cartilaginous B: bony

When looking at the generalized life cycle of bryophytes and pteridophytes, we see that the fertilization event produces a [A] zygote that grows by [B]. This growth results in a diploid [C] that has tissue called a [D] which divides by [E] to produce haploid [F]. These structures then divide by [G] to build the multicellular haploid [H] which produces [I] through [J].

A: diploid B: mitosis C: sporophyte D:sporangium E: meiosis F: spores G: mitosis H: gametophyte I: gametes J: mitosis

This structure is a [A] cone which bears [B] each of which develops a [C], which ultimately produces the [D].

A: female B: megaspores C: megagametophyte D: egg

The [A] generation contains both an archegonium which produces [B] and an [C] which produces sperm.

A: gametophyte B: eggs C: antheridium

Cells with one set of chromosomes are [A], such as we see in [B] produced by gametophytes. But a sporophyte is [C] because its cells contain [D] set(s) of chromosomes.

A: haploid B: gametes C: diploid D: two

The final part of true scientific work is the publication of a manuscript containing the [A] of the inquiry/experiment. The manuscript must contain careful details of the work done so that the experiment is [B] and the validity of the work can be confirmed.

A: procedure B: repeatable

A behavior starts with [A] which is detected by sensory receptors. Next, it is evaluated by the central nervous system, a process referred to as [B]. The central nervous system determines a [C], which is a pattern of nerve impulses directed by the central nervous system and the sequence of muscle contractions that are initiated. All behaviors arise via natural selection and are therefore [D], a benefit to the organism.

A: stimulus B: neural integration C: response D: adaptive

Which of the following are produced directly as a result of the movement of electrons through the photosynthetic electron transport chain?


Which of these are products of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis that are required by reactions in the Calvin cycle?


In photosynthesis, the reduction of 3-phosphoglycerate to form carbohydrate requires:



Above the ground, may take in water or nutrients from the air.

The carbon and nitrogen cycles are related to one another because:

All of these choices are correct. microorganisms have important roles in the cycling of each.

Xanthophyll pigments:

All of these choices are correct. reflect yellow light. prevent formation of reactive oxygen species. convert light energy into heat. absorb light energy.

Assuming that transpiration rate remains constant, which of the conditions requires larger forces to pull water through the xylem?

All of these choices are correct. taller tree drier soil fewer xylem vessels smaller diameter xylem vessels

What factors influence the rate of CO2 diffusion into a leaf?

All of these choices are correct. the CO2 concentration inside the leaf the CO2 concentration outside the leaf the extent to which the stomata are open

NH4+ (ammonium ion) plays an important role in the nitrogen cycle, and is excreted by many aquatic organisms. Why is the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen necessary if there is a readily available source of biologically usable nitrogen already present in aquatic biomes?

Ammonium ions will eventually be oxidized to nitrogen gas (N2) that will be returned to the atmosphere.

Which pair of traits do reptiles have that make them more successful on land than amphibians?

Amnion layer and scales

What is the possible significance of the finding that genes related to bacteria and archaea occur in the eukaryotic genome? Select all that apply.

An archaeon may have engulfed a bacterium to form a eukaryotic cell. These genes may be the result of horizontal gene transfer.

A stem segment several internodes long (Stem 1 in the figure shown) is placed upside down (apical end down) in a humid chamber. After several days, the stem looks like Stem 2.What letter indicates the location on Stem 2 of the release of apical dominance due to auxin depletion?


Which of the statements best defines cavitation?

Cavitation is the formation and expansion of gas bubbles in the xylem.

In the floating leaf disk assay, you placed several floating disks in a dark area for several minutes. Why do you expect the leaf disks in the treatment to sink?

Cellular respiration uses up the oxygen that would otherwise cause the disks to float.

All of the types of plants demonstrate an alternation of generations except:

Chara and Coleochaete.

Which of the statements is evidence supporting the hypothesis that eukaryotic chloroplasts originated from cyanobacteria?

Chloroplasts and cyanobacteria have similar DNA sequences for shared genes.

Imagine a hypothetical habitat where there are many simple and complex multicellular organisms of roughly the same size. A new predator is introduced into the habitat that feeds by taking bites of the organisms, rather than consuming them entirely. Given this, which of the statements is most likely?

Complex multicellular organisms will suffer more, because vital differentiated cells that the rest of the organism requires will be lost.

A mutant version of mouse-ear cress (Arabidopsis thaliana) has been engineered to convert it from a long-day plant to a short-day plant. What is responsible for triggering the development of flowers in this plant?

Day length decreases back to a critical length, causing an appropriate decrease in Pfr : Pr ratio and increased expression of genes required for flowering.

A strawberry farmer's crop has been devastated by a fungal infection. The farmer searches for any fungi-resistant strawberry plants in his fields, but finds none. Why?

Due to vegetative reproduction, his plants are not genetically diverse.

Consider the figure shown. The bars show changes in primary productivity with and without arbuscular-like mycorrhizal associations for a group of plants that evolved early in the history of terrestrial (land) plants. Which of the statements supports the data shown in the figure?

Endomycorrhizal associations increase primary productivity in these plants.

Phylogenies based on sequences from organellar genomes and nuclear genomes from the same group of species yield phylogenetic trees with different branching patterns. How is this possible?

Endosymbiosis makes this possible. The genome of the chloroplast is more closely related to members of the group in which it originally evolved, whereas the nuclear genome of the engulfing organism has its own evolutionary trajectory.

What would non-avian reptiles have to evolve in order to fly like avian reptiles?


What is a major cost of endothermy?

Energetic expense.

Humans are ________


Why have more groups within the archaeplastids not developed complex multicellularity?

Evolution is not goal-oriented, resulting in complex multicellularity; each group is successful with its current morphology.

A millimeter is smaller than a micron.


Which of the answer choices do scientists think might have been the first electron donor to arise?


In plants and algae, ____ is the source of the electrons needed for photosynthesis.


During photosynthesis in plants and algae, ____ is oxidized and ____ is reduced.

H2O; CO2

In photosynthesis, light energy drives the transfer of electrons from _____ to _____.

H2O; sugar

Place the following experiment settings you used to examine transpiration rates in order of least amount of transpiration to highest amount of transpiration.

Humid conditions, Ambient conditions, LED conditions, Incandescent conditions

Why does the presence of high concentrations of salts in soil pose a problem for plants? Select all that apply.

If excluded by the root, the salts can make it harder for the root to extract water from the soil. If the salts are not filtered from the transpiration stream, they can damage the plant.

is a type of preservation where there is essentially no organic matter preserved.


Which of the statements is correct regarding C4 plants as compared with CAM plants?

In C4 plants, CO2 capture and the Calvin cycle happen in different cell types, whereas in CAM plants, CO2 capture and the Calvin cycle happen at different times.

Animals inherited a sexual life cycle from their protistan ancestors. In what way have animals modified the life cycle characteristic of most protists?

In animals, the diploid zygote undergoes multiple rounds of mitotic cell division after sexual fusion takes place.

Recent studies indicate that the addition of iron to areas of the ocean could increase productivity. Increased productivity could be beneficial for many reasons. What may be one of the largest negative impacts that could occur with "fertilizing the oceans with iron"?

Increased productivity could result in higher respiration rates and regions of depleted oxygen in the ocean.

Which of these true statements could contribute to a plausible hypothesis for why the alternation of generations evolved in the earliest land plants? Select all that apply.

It allowed one generation to specialize in fertilization and the other in dispersal. The biopolymer sporopollenin first evolved to protect the diploid stage of green algae.

A marine biologist discovers a new species of green algae, which, under the microscope, appears to be multinuclear. Which of the options is likely true of these algae?

It is coenocytic.

If the photosystem shown is photosystem II, what will happen to the excited electron from the part labeled 2?

It will be passed to an electron acceptor.


Large, central, usually straight and thick.

A botanist is studying the effects of different oomycete species on potato plants. She exposes one set of plants to an oomycete species having several avirulence (AVR) proteins. She exposes another set of plants to an oomycete species having a single AVR protein. What do you expect will be the results of her experiment?

Mortality will be higher in plants exposed to the oomycete species having several AVR proteins.

In which lettered location in the figure would you find carbohydrate synthesis taking place?

N: stroma

Which of these molecules contributes to the energy that is stored in carbohydrate during the Calvin cycle?


Which of the answer choices is a form of nitrogen that can be utilized by plants?


Is the nitrogen cycle different in marine biomes than in terrestrial biomes?

No, because all nitrogen ultimately comes from the atmosphere.

In the lab, you isolate a chlorella mutant that is unable to switch xanthophyll pigments into the inactive, non-heat-dissipating form. If you released that mutant into a small pond shaded by trees, would the mutation spread, and why?

No, because xanthophyll dissipates absorbed light as heat, and in low light environments, such dissipation would decrease photosynthesis and therefore growth.

You are on an expedition in a tropical rainforest. You notice a tall plant with large, long, conical purple flowers that produce nectar. When you ask your guide about the plant, she pulls out a large pink fruit from her bag and explains that it is from the plant with the purple flowers. After tasting the fruit, you decide to bring the plant back home and cultivate it in a greenhouse. You remember seeing a particular butterfly on the purple flowers during your trip to the rainforest. After obtaining a few of these insects, you release them into the greenhouse. A few weeks later, the pink fruit plant is growing! In the process, though, a few butterflies have escaped. Is this an environmentally safe situation?

No, the butterflies may not have a natural predator in this environment; thus, they could displace native species that consume nectar.

How many molecules of NADPH are required for 12 molecules of RuBP to be carboxylated by rubisco?

None of the other answer options is correct. 36 12 24 10

Why is bulk flow a necessary condition of complex multicellularity?

Organisms exhibiting complex multicellularity are large and have cells/tissues that are not in contact with their environment. Systems that can overcome the limits of diffusion must evolve for basic physiologic processes to occur.

An experiment was performed on planarians. The distanced a planarian moved was measured for 5 minutes. Then, the planarian was given caffeine, and its movement was measured for another 5 minutes. This was repeated for multiple planarians, and the averages of all planarian movement with and without caffeine is shown in the following graph. What do the results of this graph suggest for planarians and caffeine?

Planarian movement is not really affected by caffeine.

Bitter cassava is often preferred as a crop over sweet cassava because it produces higher yields (more pounds of cassava per hectare planted) in the presence of herbivores. Which of the statements poses a hypothetical relationship?

Plants produce chemicals to deter herbivores. Bitter cassava stores toxic compounds in its tissues. Bitter cassava should incur less damage, and therefore have higher yields.

Primary producers are present in every biome, including the deep sea. How can primary producers exist in the deep sea when sunlight does not penetrate to these depths?

Primary producers in the deep sea use energy from chemical reactions to drive the reduction of CO2 to organic compounds.

Bilaterian animals are divided into two monophyletic groups, the _____ and the _____, which are supported by patterns of comparative anatomy, comparative embryology, and molecular sequence data.

Protostomia; Deuterostomia

Imagine that sexual reproduction could occur between hyphae that were the same mating type. How might this affect rates of evolution in fungi?

Rates of evolution would decrease, because genetic variation would reduce.

Which compound is required for the carboxylation step of the Calvin cycle?


The Calvin cycle includes 15 enzymes, most of which are involved in:

RuBP regeneration.

Which of the following correctly describes the role of rubisco in the Calvin cycle?

Rubisco incorporates CO2 from the atmosphere into an organic molecule.

The term protist lacks phylogenetic accuracy because it represents a paraphyletic group. Which of the statements reflects the paraphyly of protist taxa?

Some eukaryotic lineages evolved from protists, and they are not included in the group called protists.

The first law of thermodynamics states that energy can be transformed from one state to another, but it cannot be created or destroyed. Taking this into consideration, what can be said about the energy transferred between levels in a trophic pyramid?

Some of the energy in a trophic level is converted to heat and is unavailable to the next level of the trophic pyramid.

Which statement correctly describes the relationships among species in a phylogenetic tree?

Species with only one node separating them are more closely related than species with more than one node separating them.

If Earth had no oceans, would temperatures at the equator be hotter or colder than they are now?

Temperatures would be hotter.

Sulfate, nitrate, and ferric iron are readily available, exist in appreciable amounts, and act as terminal electron acceptors in anaerobic respiratory pathways. If multiple electron acceptors existed before 575 million years ago, why do we not see evidence of complex multicellularity earlier in Earth's history?

The concentration of gaseous oxygen necessary for complex multicellularity did not occur until 575 million years ago.

Using only the information in the phylogeny shown, indicate which of the statements could explain why the group Dikarya has more species than all other fungal taxa on the tree combined. Select all that apply.

The dikaryotic condition provides more genetic variation and opportunities for evolution of new species. Dikaryotic fungi, with greater genetic variation, may have lower rates of extinction than other groups of fungi.

Which of the answer choices is an advantage of having two slightly different photosystems in the chloroplasts?

The electrons can be elevated to a higher energy level than is possible with a single photosystem.

A high school student is carrying out a science project. She plants alfalfa seeds, and encloses an area planted with one set of alfalfa seeds within a box covered in red cellophane (which reflects light of red wavelengths). She leaves another set of planted alfalfa seeds uncovered. What do you expect she'll find in these two alfalfa populations when her science project is over?

The germination rate will be higher in the uncovered seed set.

Which of the following statements about the UConn Greenhouse are true? (check all that are true!)

The greenhouse is open to the public and you can visit it during regular business hours The greenhouse contains species that are extinct in the wild The greenhouse has over 2500 species of plants

The lion's mane jellyfish can be up to 8 feet wide. In spite of its large size, it has no structures for bulk flow to deliver oxygen to its cells. How can it be so large and yet lack a mechanism for bulk flow?

The jellyfish is filled with tissue made of structural cells that are not metabolically active. Therefore, a mechanism to transport oxygen to its interior is not necessary.

You are growing plants hydroponically (rooted in an aqueous solution rather than soil). The solution for the control group of plants contains normal levels of salts and nutrients, while the solution for the treatment group has a high concentration of large molecular weight solutes that are excluded by roots. You find that the plants in the treatment group are on average smaller than those in the control group, but there is no significant difference between the groups in the amount of CO2 being fixed by the average plant. What differences at the cellular level between groups would you expect to make an important contribution to the difference in size of the shoots?

The length of cells in the elongation and mature zones would be larger in the control group.

Why is it significant that pollen contains a multicellular male gametophyte instead of just male gametes?

The non-gamete cells of the male gametophyte control the growth and development of the pollen tube.

A researcher creates a mutant pea plant in which cytokinins are overexpressed and gibberellic acid is underexpressed. What is the most likely phenotype of this mutant pea plant?

The pea plant would be shorter with more branches compared to wild-type plants.

An experiment was performed on 10 small arthropods called "pill bugs". The animals had a choice between a dark environment and a light environment. They could freely move between either environmental condition. The results of their choice are shown in the graph.

The pill bugs perform negative phototaxis when given a light stimulus.

Spore production in fungi is an important part of reproduction. What is the adaptive significance of the protective coat found around fungal spores?

The protective coat keeps the spore viable until environmental conditions allow fungal growth.

A researcher is carrying out an experiment where she labels a protein with a fluorescent tag (so she can visualize its location in a cell) and introduces this tagged protein into the lumen of a single thylakoid. She observes her treated cells periodically and notices that the labeled protein can move between grana and is always in the lumen, but is never observed in the stroma. What can she deduce?

The protein likely travels through a common lumen shared by thylakoid membranes and grana, and cannot easily diffuse through the thylakoid membrane.

Suppose a plant is exposed to a toxin that causes the thylakoid membranes to become much more permeable to protons than normal. Which of the following would be true?

The reduction and regeneration steps of the Calvin cycle would slow down and eventually stop.

Most terrestrial biomes are defined by their average annual temperature and precipitation. The range of values can be organized in such a way to produce the figure shown.Current predictions of rainfall change in the West have indicated that rainfall may decrease by as much as 40 cm in some areas. Imagine a savannah location that experiences 100 cm of average annual rainfall and an average annual temperature of 20°C. If rainfall decreased by 40 cm per year, what would you expect to occur?

The region would be classified as a desert.

Which of the outcomes would occur if a moss had a mutation that inhibited the production of sporopollenin?

The spores would dry out more quickly.

Imagine that you are studying the turgor pressure at two different ends of a sieve tube. One end of the sieve tube is located within a mature leaf, and the other end is located within the roots. When comparing the turgor pressure within the sieve tube at these two locations, what would you expect to find?

The turgor pressure will be greater at the leaf end.

As a population geneticist, you find a species of snails with more genetic diversity than humans. What does this mean?

There is more variation in the gene pool of snails than humans.

If the Earth spun on an axis that was perfectly perpendicular to the equator, how might this affect latitudinal differences in incoming solar radiation?

There would still be latitudinal differences because incoming solar radiation would be spread across a greater area at the poles than at the equator.

In the past, species of sponges, cnidarians, and ctenophores were referred to as "lower" or "primitive" animals because of their relatively simple body plans and lack of any sophisticated organ differentiation. Why are the terms "lower" or "primitive" not that useful as descriptors for these organisms?

These groups have been around for millions of years; therefore, their evolutionary path has been successful in spite of limited complexity.

The figure shown illustrates a part of the Calvin-Benson experiments that led to our understanding of the Calvin cycle. What is happening here?

They are dripping photosynthetic cells into hot alcohol to quickly stop the reactions of photosynthesis.

Which of these best describes the benefit to early photosynthetic organisms gained by having two different photosystems in one cell?

They could use water as an electron donor.

Which of the following is true when comparing the Calvin cycle and light-harvesting reactions of photosynthesis?

They take place in different compartments of the same organelle.

If steelhead were removed from the web, what would you predict would happen to the numbers of tuft-weaving chironomids?

They would decrease.


Thick, lateral, storage


Thin, branching, as in grasses and ferns.

Which of the statements is true?

Tracheids are short and narrow, whereas vessel elements can be much longer and wider.

_____ are shorter and typically narrower than _____.

Tracheids; vessels

Which of the statements about transpiration is true?

Transpiration drives the movement of water from the roots to the leaves.

Two key problems that early land plants faced included:

Upright support for their body and staying hydrated

Theoretical predictions suggest that the North Pole should be cooler than it actually is. What helps to warm regions at high latitudes?

Warm air from the equator moves toward the poles before descending.

What is parenchyma?

a plant cell type that carries out most the metabolic functions of the plant

What is collenchyma?

a plant cell type that supports the plant body, particularly in young plants, and which is flexible so as to not restrain future growth

sclerenchyma cell

a rigid supportive plant cell type which possesses thick secondary walls

Which of the following must have arisen after the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis?

aerobic cellular respiration

When the leaf disks are put under negative pressure in the syringe, what is being removed from the disk and specifically where is it being removed from?

air from between the spongy mesophyll cells

The type of life cycle shared by all land plants is

alternation of generations

Assuming that all is working properly in photosynthesis, which of the following is at a higher energy level?

an excited-state antenna chlorophyll molecule

A scientist takes a cross section from a conifer. She notices a small nucleus contained within a lignified cell wall. This cell is most likely:

an immature tracheid cell.

A researcher has been studying lichens in his hometown. Since he began his study, he has noticed several lichens dying in the vicinity of a new factory. What is most likely causing the decrease in lichen populations?

an increase in industrial pollutants in the area

Which of the groups contains vessels as their primary form of water transport?


The Ecdysozoa include:


A researcher discovers a new species of fungus that forms hyphae, but not septa. This fungus also lacks multicellular fruiting bodies and does not appear to form either endomycorrhizae or ectomycorrhizae with plants. How should this fungus be classified?

as a zygomycete

If a stem is severed from its root system:

auxin traveling down through the stem in the phloem will accumulate at the cut end and trigger the initiation of root meristem.

Which of the statements helps explain why there are abundant air spaces between mesophyll cells in leaves?

because CO2 diffusion is faster in air than in water

Which of the plants would likely be the first to colonize a newly formed volcanic island (an environment of bare rock with no developed soil)?


In the spring, you pass by a rocky outcrop dripping with water and covered with a carpet of short green plants. In the summer, you notice that water is no longer dripping off the rock, and the plants appear brittle and dry. In the fall, the rock is again wet, and the plants now appear soft and green. These plants are most likely:


How do fungi digest their food sources? Select all that apply.

by extending hyphae into a food source (e.g. an animal carcass) by secreting enzymes externally, directly into their surrounding environment

The acquisition of traits necessary for complex multicellularity occurred independently in plants and animals, but took place in a specific order. In what order did these processes evolve?

cell adhesion molecules, a mechanism of communication, bulk flow

In sponges, the cells responsible for generating water currents that facilitate gas exchange and nutrition are the:


According to this phylogeny, bilaterians (animals with bilateral symmetry) are most closely related to:


The high silica content in grasses and the thick enamel layer on horse teeth are examples of:


This force, which exists between adjacent water molecules, facilitates transpiration.


For an ecological study, you monitor herbivore-plant interactions in a rainforest and notice that mammalian herbivores avoid the leaves of a particular species of plant. However, a number of tiny herbivorous insect generalists that feed by piercing individual plant cells with their mouthparts appear capable of completing their entire life cycle feeding on this same species. You hypothesize that in this species the chemical defenses are:

contained in a latex stored in vascular canals.

The waxy substance on leaf surfaces is the:


Which of these is thought to be the first group of organisms able to use H2O as an electron donor in photosynthesis?


The organisms believed to be the first to use two different photosystems in a single photosynthetic electron transport chain are the:


Which of these is responsible for the transport of electrons between photosystem II and photosystem I?

cytochrome b6f

Assuming the stomata are open to the same degree, the rate of transpiration should _____ on a rainy day compared with a sunny day, because the relative size of the H2O concentration gradient from the inside to the outside of the leaf would _____.

decline; decrease

Chemicals called uncouplers can make membranes permeable to small molecules and ions. What effect might uncouplers have on photosynthesis?

decreased ATP production because the proton gradient would decrease

Glacial expansion correlates with _____ amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere and temperatures _____ than those measured in 1950.

decreasing; lower

Which of the terms describes the process by which a fertilized egg develops into a multicellular organism with many different cell types, each with different structures and functions?


How does the metabolism occurring in chloroplasts differ from that of mitochondria?

different electron acceptors and electron sources

As in many other animals, the endoderm in ctenophores functions in:


In the Calvin cycle, ATP is required to:

donate a phosphate group to 3-PGA.

If angiosperms never existed, how would the environmental conditions of today's rainforest regions probably be different? These regions would be: Select all that apply.

drier and colder

It is thought that the evolution of two photosystems from one photosystem likely involved:

either transfer of genetic material or gene duplication and divergence.

Which plant-fungal symbionts exchange nutrients with their host plant most efficiently?

endomycorrhizal symbionts

The process in which one cell takes up residence in another cell is called:


Antennae work with reaction centers by providing:

energy transfer.

Close observation of the fruiting bodies of cup fungi (ascomycetes) shows that when asci of cup fungi forcibly eject their spores into the air, they tend do so in groups (many asci at once) instead of one at a time. Furthermore, spores released during one of these group events tend to go higher into the air than do spores released from a single ascus. This observation suggests that the simultaneous spore release by multiple asci is likely an adaptation that:

enhances the ability of spores to penetrate the layer of stagnant or unmoving air above the fruiting body.

Place the following in order from broadest to smallest interval (most inclusive to least inclusive).

eon, era, period, epoch

Cyclic electron transport enhances ATP production because:

excited electrons are transferred from PS I back to plastoquinone.

A monocot has a single structure called a "Primary Leaf".


Amphibians are the first chordates with an amniotic egg layer.


Animals produce a multicellular haploid generation like plants do.


Bryophytes and pteridophytes are both gametophyte dominant.


Bryophytes and pteridophytes are similar in that they both have a single spore release event from the sporophyte.


Bryophytes produce antheridia but not archegonia.


Bryophytes produce spores and pteridophytes produce pollen.


Crocodiles can breathe under water.


Eukaryotes conduct all of the photosynthesis that occurs in the ocean.


Fish only have one type of scale.


Gymnosperm sperm are flagellated.


In animal cells, most ATP synthesis takes place in mitochondria, but in plant cells, most of the ATP used is made in the chloroplasts.


Live birth is a synapomorphy of amphibians.


One of the synapomorphies of angiosperms is wood.


Only very tall land plants (those with vascular tissue) exhibit alternation of generations in their lifecycles.


Paired appendages is a synapomorphy of lancelets (Amphioxus).


Pteridophytes are very small compared to bryophytes due to the need for spores to have water so they can swim to the antheridia.


Styles are a male flower part.


The Calvin cycle is a relatively constant process, the rate of which is independent of factors such as temperature and nitrogen concentration.


The rates of photosynthetic production of CAM plants are higher than C3 plants because they can store carbon until it is needed.


The vascular cambium produces secondary xylem and phloem, and is involved in secondary growth.


Cellular respiration occurs in the cytoplasm.

false, it occurs in the mitochondria

Which events occur in plants as a result of decreased photoperiod? Select all that apply.

flowering formation of bud scales

Pollinating insects are in part responsible for _____ diversity.

flowering plant

During photorespiration, the phosphoglycolate (PGO) produced by RuBP oxygenation is eventually converted to phosphoglycerate (PGA); 75% of the carbon in PGO is recovered. How many molecules of PGO are required to generate two molecules of PGA through this route?


From where does the oxygen come that is produced as a by-product of photosynthesis?

from the breakdown of water

When walking through the woods around campus, you and a friend spot a patch of moss. Excited to show your friend how cool plant biology is, you turn to them and say, "those are..."


It is thought that approximately 90% of plant species went extinct during the Carboniferous Period, approximately 320-290 million years ago. Which of the graphs represent the changes that likely occurred in carbon dioxide and oxygen levels? The solid black line depicts CO2 levels. The y-axis represents levels of oxygen or carbon dioxide. The dashed line represents O2 levels. The left side of the x-axis represents the time of the extinction event. As you move to the right, the x-axis represents years since the extinction event.

graph H

In the early 20th century, an experiment was conducted to determine how large the forces are that allow leaves to pull water from the soil. The rate at which water flowed from a reservoir into the cut tip of an actively transpiring plant was _____ the flow rate through the branch tip when it was subsequently attached to a vacuum pump.

greater than

Which wavelengths of visible light does chlorophyll reflect the most?


Land plants are descended from:

green algae

_______ cells contain one set of chromosomes, whereas _______ cells contain two sets of chromosomes.

haploid, diploid

Which of the choices is one of the many contributing factors to high levels of rainfall at the equator?

high levels of solar radiation at the equator

Suppose a mutation arises in a population of sunflowers that results in xylem vessels twice as large in diameter as the wild-type vessels. These mutant xylem vessels will have _____ water transport capacity, and will be _____ susceptible to cavitation from freezing.

higher; more

Choanoflagellates are single-celled eukaryotes that feed on bacteria. In the presence of their food bacteria, some choanoflagellates develop multicellular structures in which the individual choanoflagellate cells are attached to one another. Based on this observation, it may be assumed that:

in the presence of food bacteria, each choanflagellate gets more food when feeding in a cluster than they would when feeding individually.

When the forces pulling water through the xylem are large, the risk of vessel collapse is _____, and the chance that an air bubble will spread from one vessel to another is _____.

increased; increased

Anything that can change, or be changed, in an experiment is called a

independent variable

With the endosymbiotic hypothesis in mind, what structure within modern-day chloroplasts is likely derived from the plasma membrane of ancestral cyanobacteria that took up residence within a eukaryotic cell?

inner membrane

The animal group with the most species is the


The most diverse group of arthropods is the:



is one of several formed bodies with specialized functions, suspended in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells.

Which plastid helps plants store food?


Which of the sequences best represents the flow of energy through living systems?

light → photosynthesis → carbohydrate → cellular respiration →ATP → heat

NADPH production in photosynthesis requires:

light, electrons, and protons.

Which of these groups includes almost half of all animal phyla?


Which of the conditions would stimulate guard cells to open?

low levels of CO2 in the leaf

The fluid-filled interior compartment of the thylakoid network is referred to as the _____ in specialized membranes.


Refer to the figure shown. In which lineage of extant land plants did vascular tissue first evolve? Click the figure to view it full size.


A genetic mutation that caused the inhibition of mitosis would most likely have the greatest effect on the _____ of a plant.


The third germ layer to appear in the animals is the _________.


Reactive oxygen species are detoxified in order to:

minimize damage to membranes.

In addition to chloroplasts, which organelle of eukaryotic cells is believed to have originated by endosymbiosis?


Which cell structures are present in mature sieve tube cells, but not in mature vessel elements? Select all that apply.

mitochondria cytoplasm smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Based on your knowledge of how different plant groups have evolved arborescent (treelike) forms, which of the pairs of plant groups have large, tree-sized plant forms that evolved independently? Select all that apply.

monocots and eudicots lycophytes and ferns ferns and seed plants

According to this phylogeny, which of the answer choice correctly lists the sequence in which multicellularity, tissues, and bilateral symmetry arose, from the oldest characteristic to the most recent?

multicellularity, multiple tissues, bilateral symmetry

When the brine shrimp were presented with red light, they displayed

no response

Which of these is a pair of chordate synapomorphies?

notocord and pharyngeal gill slits

The evolution of land plants occurred how many times and from what ancestor?

once, from a green alga

The term "dominant generation" refers to:

one multicellular stage that is long-lived and capable of photosynthesis

Kinesis and taxis are forms of

orientation behavior

In the Calvin cycle, NADPH is:


The _________ is a type of tissue specialized for capturing light.

palisade mesophyll

Which of the following is NOT a key feature found in leaves?


The study of the seasonal pattern and timing of periodic events in an organism's life is the study of


Vascular cambium is one of two lateral meristems; the other is cork cambium. A plant grows in diameter primarily through divisions of the vascular cambium. If you pull a small piece of bark off a tree and look at the bark's inside surface, what tissue are you looking at? Ignore any remaining cells of vascular cambium that may be left.


The process by which plants use light, carbon dioxide, and water to produce carbohydrates and oxygen is known as __________.


Imagine a flower color controlled by a simple genetic system where the R allele codes for red flowers and the r allele codes for white. If this is a case of incomplete dominance between the R and r allele, what would you expect to see in the phenotype of the heterozygous individuals?


During which of the processes does the cytoplasm of two hyphal cells fuse to form a dikaryotic (n + n) cell?


Review the figure shown. Which of the shared derived characters separates ferns and horsetails from the gymnosperms and angiosperms?

pollen and seeds

Cnidarians share a common body plan that takes two forms. The free-floating form is called a medusa, whereas the sessile form is called a:


Water flows from vessel to vessel through pits, which are:

primary cell walls that separated the neighboring cells as they grew.

Many photosynthetic prokaryotes are capable of cyclic electron transport only. It is likely that such organisms can _____ but not _____.

produce ATP; reduce CO2

The occurrence of photorespiration _____ CO2 and _____ ATP.

produces; consumes

The two types of body symmetry are

radial and bilateral

Which step of the Calvin cycle would be affected first by a lack of NADPH?


Which of the statements describes characteristics of eukaryotic cells but not of prokaryotic cells?

relatively large genome, dynamic cytoskeleton, compartmentalized metabolic processes

Select the organs that make up the "structural triad" of a plant.

roots, stem, leaves

The growing season is the portion of the year when a plant can grow successfully. The growing season is determined by:

seasonal variations in temperature and precipitation.

Recall that sedimentary rocks, living organisms, oceans, and soil are all carbon reservoirs. If the carbon in each of these reservoirs was instantly transformed into atmospheric CO2, which reservoir would contribute the most CO2 to the atmosphere?

sedimentary rocks

A researcher discovers a mutant pea plant that is missing the Casparian strip. What process will be affected in this mutant?

selectivity of mineral nutrients absorbed by roots

Apical meristems are found in

shoots and roots

Which of the senses is not analogous to a sensory pathway by which plants can detect herbivores?


The flower of an angiosperm that relies on wind to disperse pollen will be:


You find a pteridophyte with beautiful velvety brown tissue on the underside of its leaves. This tissue is

sori which contain the sporangia

Which of these characteristics would you expect to find in a member of the Bilateria?

specialized head region

You run the floating leaf disk assay on a set of dark green spinach leaves and light green iceberg lettuce leaves. You find that the spinach leaves float up sooner than the lettuce leaves do. What is a plausible source of bias or error in your experiment?

spinach has more chlorophyll than lettuce, which generates more photosynthesis over the same period of time

Insects exchange gases through pores called _____, which connect to an internal system of tubes called _____, which are in turn connected to respiring tissues.

spiracles, trachae

The sporophyte produces _____ and the gametophyte produces _____

spores, gametes

When walking through the woods around campus, you and a friend spot a patch of ferns. Excited to show your friend how cool plant biology is, you turn to them and say, "those are..."


The structure(s) that allow gases, such as CO2, to diffuse into and out of a leaf are the:


Which of the choices are characteristics of bryophytes? Select all that apply.

stomata desiccation resistance water-conducting cells

What important characteristics unique to land plants are thought to be critical evolutionary advances that contributed to their success on land? Select all that apply.

stomata xylem cuticle

Of all the green algae, which are most closely related to land plants?



structural, hold up shoots that will fall over.

Photosynthesis is the pathway used to synthesize carbohydrates from:

sunlight, CO2, and H2O.

What is responsible for most of the uptake of water and nutrients performed by roots?

the first tissues of the zone of cell maturation, which have epidermal root hairs and a developed Casparian strip

Transpiration is best defined as:

the loss of water vapor from leaves.

Approximately 40% of living ferns are tropical epiphytes, a fact that supports the hypothesis that:

the origin and eventual domination of angiosperms in tropical forests both displaced and created new opportunities for other plant lineages.

Review the figure shown. What was actually measured in order to create part C of the graph?

the ratio of 12C:13C carbon isotopes occurring in grass-eating horse teeth fossils

In vascular plants, water transport works only if:

the water column is continuous between leaves and soil.

Which of the choices are examples of convergent evolution? Select all that apply.

the water-conducting tissues of some bryophytes and that of ferns the vascular cambium of quillworts (Isoetes) and that of angiosperms

Photorespiration occurs because:

there is more O2 than CO2 in the atmosphere.

Chloroplast ATP synthases are powered by the flow of protons from the:

thylakoid lumen to the stroma.

In the chloroplasts of plant cells, the absorption of light energy and the movement of electrons along an electron transport chain occur in the _____, and the synthesis of carbohydrates takes place in the _____.

thylakoids; stroma

What is the role of the PEP carboxylase enzyme during both CAM and C4 photosynthesis?

to capture CO2 in the form of 4-carbon organic acids

Plants require the most water _____, but water is also critical _____.

to replace the water vapor lost to transpiration; as an input to photosynthesis reactions

An angiosperm reproduces using flowers.


Animals are heterotrophs.


Collectively, most photosynthesis carried out in the ocean is performed by single-celled organisms as opposed to large, multicellular marine plants.


Feathers are a synapomorphy of birds.


Filaments are male flower parts.


In order to accept the alternate hypothesis, we must show support for rejecting the null hypothesis.


Rubisco can function as either a carboxylase or an oxygenase.


Statistical p-values are based on the assumption that the null hypothesis is true.


Taxis is an orientation behavior where an organism moves toward or away from a stimulus.


The products of the Calvin cycle are 3-carbon sugars.


True lungs is a synapomorphy of amphibians.


Turtles, like birds, have a beak with no teeth.


Xylem cells conduct sugars from the leaves to the rest of the plant.


The term 'alternation of generations' in plants is due to the existence of

two multi-cellular phases

Limits to the capacity of the _____ to store _____ can limit the rate of carbohydrate production in CAM leaves.

vacuole; organic acids

What is phloem?

vascular plant tissue consisting of living cells that transport sugar and other organic nutrients throughout the plant body

Which of the factors causes stomata to close?

water loss

Xylem transports _____, whereas phloem transports _____.

water; sugars

Photosystem I is a _____ than photosystem II.

weaker oxidant and a stronger reductant

When stomata are open and a plant is transpiring normally, how does water move from the soil into the root xylem? Select all that apply.

without the plant doing any additional work on the fluid due to a tension that pulls the water upward driven by evaporation from the leaves

Water is transported from the soil to the leaves in the:


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