Bio lecture

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The most fit phenotype is assigned a fitness value of ______. 10 2 1 100


Which of the following is true of evolutionary forces in natural populations? A. Evolutionary forces can alter allele frequencies in natural populations B. Evolutionary forces have no affect on allele frequencies in natural populations

B. Evolutionary forces can alter allele frequencies in natural populations

Sexual selection is a type of natural selection in which the evolution of certain traits is driven by which of the following types of competition? Competition between males and females Competition for mates Competition with predators Competition between unrelated individuals

Competition for mates

Which type of selection favors individuals at one extreme of a phenotypic range who have greater reproductive success in a particular environment? Balancing selection Disruptive selection Stabilizing selection Directional selection

Directional selection

Which type of selection acts to eliminate individuals which are intermediate on a phenotypic range? Disruptive selection Stabilizing selection Directional selection

Disruptive selection

What is p? in hardy-weinberg

Domaint trait

True or false: Within the same species, females and males usually employ the same reproductive strategy. True False


What term quantifies reproductive success of a phenotype? A. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium b. Evolution c. Competition d. Fitness


What is the cause of the sixth mass extinction? Emerging diseases Plate tectonics Human activity A cooling Sun An asteroid

Human activity

Review the following list of processes that can alter the genetic make up of a population. Which one is considered by scientists to be primarily responsible for evolution? Genetic drift Immigration of new individuals in a population Mutation Natural selection

Natural selection

What process may lead to speciation when a population adapts to its environment in such a way that it becomes reproductively isolated from other populations? Natural selection Polyploidy The founder effect Genetic drift A population bottleneck

Natural selection

Evolutionary change within a population can result from which of the following? A. Experience B. Natural selection C. Migration D. Mutations

Natural selection Migration Mutations

What is meant by the term allopatric? Occurring in the same area Occurring in the same habitat type, but in different areas Occurring in the same area, but in different habitats Occurring in geographically separated areas

Occurring in geographically separated areas

The sex that is most choosy in selecting a mate is generally the sex that invests the most energy and time in producing and rearing offspring. Which of the following refers to the investment of time and energy? Parental investment Life-history Reproductive strategy Sexual selection

Parental investment

Which type of selection favors individuals with intermediate phenotypes and selects against individuals with extreme phenotypes? Diversifying selection Sexual selection Directional selection Stabilizing selection

Stabilizing selection

When little or no evolutionary change in a species occurs for a long time, that time period is known as which of the following? Gradualism Inertia Equilibrium Stasis


The diversification of Drosophila species in the originally vacant niches and frequently isolated habitat patches of the Hawaiian Islands is an example of which of the following? Gene flow Behavioral isolation Adaptive radiation Reinforcement

Adaptive radiation

How do postzygotic isolating mechanisms prevent successful interspecies hybridization? Members of different species come into contact, but do not recognize one another as potential mates. The egg cannot be fertilized by sperm of another species following a successful mating attempt. Members of different species attempt to mate but are unsuccessful due to anatomical differences. Although fertilization is successful, the resulting hybrid is unable to develop or reproduce.

Although fertilization is successful, the resulting hybrid is unable to develop or reproduce.

Which evolutionary mechanism changes genotype frequencies but does not change allele frequencies? A. Assortative mating b. Genetic drift c. Natural selection d. Migration

Assortative mating

The phenomenon, where dark forms of moths become more prevalent than light forms in industrialized areas, is known as

industrial melanism

According to the theory of blending Inheritance, offspring were expected to be phenotypically __________________ relative to their parents, which would dilute any new genetic variants.


Fossils that contain characteristics of two separate groups of organisms are called _________ fossils.


What is systematics? The study of evolutionary relationships among organisms The study of changes in the genetic makeup of populations over time The science of describing, naming, and classifying organisms The study of the relationship between genotype and phenotype

The study of evolutionary relationships among organisms

The term heterozygote ______________ refers to situations in which heterozygotes are more fit then either homozygotes.


Genetic drift has a greater impact on which of the following? A. Medium sized populations b. Large populations c. Small populations

c. Small populations

Varieties of which of the following organisms are the result of artificial selection? Galápagos finches cats corn oak trees pigeons dogs

cats corn pigeons dogs

Structures that have evolved separately but look very similar ____________ evolution; in contrast, structures that evolved through modification from a common ancestral trait are _________ structures.

convergent homologous

structures that have evolved separately but look very similar exhibit _____________ evolution; in contrast, structures that evolved through modification from a common ancestral trait are _______________ structures.

convergent homologous

__________________ selection favors individuals at one extreme of a phenotypic range. Those individuals usually have greater reproductive success in a particular environment


Beaks in African black-bellied seedcracker finches are small or large, but not intermediate in size. This is an example of _________________ selection.


In natural populations, most genes A. are not variable. B. possess only one allele. C. are monomorphic. D. exhibit variation.

exhibit variation.

Which of the following are reasons why island trees belong to plant families that typically do not have tree members (for example the sunflower family)?

Tree seeds rarely make it to isolated islands The tree niche is empty and so a flower can evolve through natural selection to be tree-like

Darwin's __________ likely evolved after an ancestral species colonized the Galapagos Islands and underwent character displacement as they adapted to the vacant ecological ___________ available.

finches, niches

In __________ - __________ selection, the fitness of a phenotype depends on the proportion of individuals in the population that have that phenotype.

frequency dependent

Promoting or constraining evolutionary change via the movement of beneficial or detrimental alleles into or out of a population is an effect of gene flow. gene transfer. natural selection. genetic drift.

gene flow

Promoting or constraining evolutionary change via the movement of beneficial or detrimental alleles into or out of a population is an effect of gene flow. gene transfer. genetic drift. natural selection.

gene flow.

Evolutionary change cannot occur in populations with no _____________ variation.


The processes that lead to evolutionary change are mutations, natural selection, _________ drift, gene flow and ____________ mating.

genetic, non random

Assortative mating changes ______ frequencies but does not change ______ frequencies. A. genotype; heterozygote B. allele; homozygote C. genotype; allele D. allele; heterozygote

genotype; allele

The accumulation of small changes at a relatively steady pace is known as stasis gradualism punctuated equilibrium adaptive radiation reinforcement


The idea that evolution occurs over time through the accumulation of small changes at a relatively steady pace is known as


Reproductive ____________ is the key to the process of speciation.


β-catenin, Bmp4, PtchI, and Lbh are genes that determine the size and shape of the cichlid .


J. W. Tutt proposed that ________ colored peppered moths were more visible to predators on trees without lichens.


Sexual selection influences: A. mating success. b. individual genotypes. c. fitness. d. mate choice.

mating success. fitness. mate choice.

One of the most successful studies in showing evolution by natural selection is the one done by Peter and Rosemary Grant on the Galápagos islands; these scientists studied a bird that was referred to by the common name of __________. ____________ finch.

medium ground

Changes in allele frequencies within a population may result from ___________________, which are changes in the nucleotide sequences of an organism's DNA.


The primary process responsible for evolution is

natural selection

Ground finches with large bills are favored during times of drought, while ground finches with small bills are favored during times when water is abundant. This is an example of balancing selection oscillating selection stabilizing selection diversifying selection

oscillating selection

The energy and time each sex invests in producing and rearing offspring is known as .________________________________

parental investment

Economically important organisms that have been modified significantly through artificial selection include fruit flies pigs cattle corn

pigs cattle corn

Some genes can affect multiple aspects of an organism's phenotype. This phenomenon is known as ______


In chickens, the same gene that affects a hen's comb also affects the rate at which the hen lays eggs. Tis is an example of pleiotropy. artificial selection. heterozygosity advantage. natural selection.


______________ is the state of a cell or organism having more than two paired sets of chromosomes.


In _______. isolating mechanisms a hybrid zygote is formed, but it is unable to survive or reproduce due to developmental or genetic problems.


Ecological isolation, behavioral isolation, and temporal isolation are examples of _________________ unavailable correct isolating mechanisms.


____________. selection is a type of natural selection in which competition for mates drives the evolution of certain traits.


In 1896, J. W. Tutt proposed that light colored moths were more visible to predators on sooty trees that have lost their lichens due to pollution trees that have died due to heavy pollution the trunks of white birch trees

sooty trees that have lost their lichens due to pollution

A long period of little or no evolutionary change in a species is known as .


Fast swimming marine predators such as dolphins, sharks, and tuna, have a _________ body shape that minimizes ____ in the water.

streamline, friction

Species that are species can occur in the same location and are phenotypically different.


___________ is the study of the evolutionary relationships among organisms.


warbler finches

v= sharp w= g= power

As a result of epistasis, the selective advantage of an allele would be the same in all genotypes. would vary from one genotype to another.

would vary from one genotype to another.

Which of the following situations are consistent with partial reproductive isolation? Members of two populations live in the same habitat, so they are less likely to mate with members of their own population. Hybrid offspring have lower fitness than non-hybrid offspring, but some hybrids survive and reproduce. Members of two populations live in the same habitat, but they do not breed due to differences in their mating rituals. Members of two populations mate primarily with members of their

A. Hybrid offspring have lower fitness than non-hybrid offspring, but some hybrids survive and reproduce. b. Members of two populations live in the same habitat, but they do not breed due to differences in their mating rituals. C Members of two populations mate primarily with members of their own population, but occasionally hybridize.

Which of the following provide evidence that natural selection occurs in peppered moths? A. Melanic moths become more abundant than light forms in polluted areas. b. Melanic moths become more abundant than light forms when clean air legislation is implemented. c. Light moths become more abundant than melanic forms in polluted areas. D. Light moths become more abundant than melanic forms when clean air legislation is implemented.

A. Melanic moths become more abundant than light forms in polluted areas. B. Light moths become more abundant than melanic forms when clean air legislation is implemented.

What is the ultimate source of all new alleles? A. Mutation B. Natural selection C. Nonrandom mating D. Genetic drift

A. Mutation

Genetic variation in a population results from evolutionary forces that cause changes in...... A. allele frequencies B. population size C. predatory habits D. migration rates

A. allele frequencies

Evolution can result from any process that changes the ______ composition of a population. A. genetic B. age C. habitat D. male/female

A. genetic

The amount of genetic variation present in naturally occurring populations is A. significant. B. very little. C. practically nonexistent. D. insignificant.

A. significant.

New mutations are not a major factor affecting the allele frequencies in a population because A. individuals who harbor new mutations are rapidly eliminated from the population by selection B. the number of alleles in a population is very high C. the rate at which new mutations occur is low

C. the rate at which new mutations occur is low

What types of conditions may lead to adaptive radiation? A duplication of chromosome sets via allopolyploidy Formation of islands through volcanic activity and subsequent colonization A species occurs in an environment with few other species and many resources Gene flow between previously isolated populations that are recently reconnected A catastrophic event leading to mass extinction

Formation of islands through volcanic activity and subsequent colonization A species occurs in an environment with few other species and many resources A catastrophic event leading to mass extinction

Which of the following is the most direct evidence for evolution? Homologous organs Marsupials in Australia Fossils Darwin's finches


Which of the following agents of evolutionary change occurs when alleles move from one population to another? A. Mutations B. Gene flow C. Assortative mating D. Natural selection

Gene flow

What process can promote speciation through random changes between isolated populations? Natural selection Gene flow Genetic drift Adaptive radiation

Genetic drift

Many 19th century scientists believed that natural selection always favored an optimal form, and therefore would tend to reduce or eliminate which of the following? A. Genetic variation B. Heterozygosity C. Equilibrium D. Population genetics

Genetic variation

How does genetic drift affect allele frequencies? A. It eliminates all new mutations. B. It increases the frequencies of beneficial alleles that are heritable. C. It changes allele frequencies randomly. D. It increases the frequencies of beneficial alleles that are not heritable.

It changes allele frequencies randomly.

By favoring different phenotypes at different times, oscillating selection acts in which way? It completely eliminates genetic variation in a population. It maintains genetic variation in a population. It decreases genetic variation in a population to some extent without eliminating it completely.

It maintains genetic variation in a population.

Geographic isolation can accelerate speciation due to which of the following reasons? It counteracts the effect of natural selection. It increases the level of mutation. It restricts gene flow. It increases the level of genetic drift.

It restricts gene flow.

Select all of the following that contributed to the adaptive radiation of Darwin's finches on the Galápagos Islands. Repeated instances of gene flow from the mainland Lack of many types of mainland birds Allopolyploidy Vacant ecological niches Geographic isolation

Lack of many types of mainland birds Vacant ecological niches Geographic isolation

Which of the following statements about the reproductive strategies of males and females is true? Males and females often have different reproductive strategies. Males and females always have different reproductive strategies, regardless of the species in question. Males and females of the same species always have the same reproductive strategy.

Males and females often have different reproductive strategies.

What type of selection affects traits that influence an individual's chances to find a mating partner or be chosen as a mating partner? Stabilizing selection Balancing selection Directional selection Diversifying selection Sexual selection

Sexual selection

Which of the following are limitations of the biological species concept? Reproductive isolation cannot explain speciation in organisms that reproduce asexually. The biological species concept is not an effective way to understand the existence of species in nature. Interspecies hybridization occurs in nature more often than was thought. It is difficult to determine whether geographically isolated species would interbreed in nature as they do in artificial settings.

Reproductive isolation cannot explain speciation in organisms that reproduce asexually. Interspecies hybridization occurs in nature more often than was thought. It is difficult to determine whether geographically isolated species would interbreed in nature as they do in artificial settings.

Which characteristic of cichlids enabled them in their evolutionary radiation? Extra set of lateral fins Enlarged gills Wider tail fin Second set of functioning jaws

Second set of functioning jaws

The fittest phenotype produces, on average, which of the following? a. The most physically fit offspring b. The greatest number of surviving offspring c. The healthiest offspring

The greatest number of surviving offspring

What appears to determine variations in the coloration, size and maturation of guppies in northeastern South American streams? The temperature of the stream The amount of dissolved salts in the stream The relative proportion of sunlight and shade The location of streams relative to waterfalls

The location of streams relative to waterfalls

What is gene flow? A. The change from one allele to another. B.. The increased survival of individuals with beneficial alleles. C. The accumulation of mutations in a gene over time. D. The movement of alleles into or out of a population.

The movement of alleles into or out of a population.

What is fitness? a. The relative likelihood that a genotype will survive b. The ability to maintain an internal environment that is suitable for cellular functions c. The relative likelihood that a genotype will contribute to the gene pool of the next generation d. The ability to exercise for a prolonged period of time

The relative likelihood that a genotype will contribute to the gene pool of the next generation

Select all of the following criteria that must be present for natural selection to occur and cause an evolutionary change in a population. A. The variation must be the result of environmental differences. b. The variation must have a genetic basis. c. The variation must result in differences in the number of offspring surviving in the next generation. D. The variation must exist among individuals.

The variation must have a genetic basis. The variation must result in differences in the number of offspring surviving in the next generation. The variation must exist among individuals.

What can likely happen to uncommon alleles in small, isolated populations as a result of genetic drift? a. They are likely to be lost. b. They are likely to increase in heterozygotes. c. They are likely to form the next generation. d. They are likely to increase in frequency.

They are likely to be lost

Which describes male guppies located below South American waterfalls where predation is high? They exhibit drab coloration. They mature later. They exhibit bright coloration. They grow to larger sizes.

They exhibit drab coloration.

In a laboratory experiment, researchers placed guppies in three different types of pools: no predation, low predation, and high predation. Researchers hypothesized that predation is a selective force and that large, brightly colored guppies are more conspicuous to predators. Based on that, what would you predict the guppies will look like in the pool with high predation after 10 generations? They should be very large, but not very brightly colored They should be large and brightly colored They should be very small and very brightly colored They should be smaller and not very brightly colored

They should be smaller and not very brightly colored

In genes that are epistatic in nature, an allele's selective advantage may vary from one individual to another based on their genotype. selection on one allele would have no effect on other alleles. certain alleles can never confer a selective advantage. an allele's selective advantage will always be different in different individuals.

an allele's selective advantage may vary from one individual to another based on their genotype.

In __________- selection, humans choose the parents of the next generation, while in __________. selection, organisms that survive and reproduce are those that pass their genes on.

artificial, natural

Polyploid individuals can arise in two ways. In , ail of the chromosomes come from a single species and in two species may hybridize.

autopolyploidy allopolyploidy

In a population of seahorses, red seahorses on average produce 125 offspring and brown seahorses produce 75 offspring. What is the fitness of the brown phenotype? a. 1 b. 0.6 c. 0.4 d. 1.4

b. 0.6

Why does selection occur? A. Because individuals move between populations and mix their genes. b. Because some individuals in a population possess more favorable phenotypes than others. C. Because individuals must adapt to be able to survive in challenging environments. D. Because evolution strives to develop better traits.

b. Because some individuals in a population possess more favorable phenotypes than others.

When researchers raised guppies in laboratory pools with high levels of predation, the guppies in those aquariums became smaller and drab in coloration as a result of natural selection after about 10 generations. became larger and brighter in coloration as a result of natural selection after about 10 generations. became larger and brighter in coloration as a result of natural selection after just 1 generation. became smaller and drab in coloration as a result of natural selection after just 1 generation.

became smaller and drab in coloration as a result of natural selection after about 10 generations.

According to the _____________ species concept, species are distinguished by whether gene flow occurs between populations.


_______________ isolation is another term for environmental


In theory, if mutation rates were high enough, alleles could be maintained in a population if the population size is small. only if the alleles are favored by natural selection. even if the alleles are not favored by natural selection.

even if the alleles are not favored by natural selection.

Genetic variation is necessary for ________________ change to occur.


In the laboratory setting, selection for a trait in fruit flies has consistently lead to a strong, predictable evolutionary response has never achieved a consistent, predictable evolutionary response has had mixed responses (as predicted for some traits but not for others)

has consistently lead to a strong, predictable evolutionary response

Consider a gene with two alleles, A1 and A2. If the fitness of A1A2 individuals is higher than the fitness of both A1A1 and A2A2, we are observing non-random mating. heterozygote advantage. inbreeding. outbreeding.

heterozygote advantage.

Structures that are derived from a common ancestor but with different appearance and function are called ____________ structures, while __________ structures refer to structures that have little or no function but were functional in an ancestor.

homologous, vestigal

One consequence of mass extinctions is that dominant species may go extinct, allowing other species to undergo adaptive _________ to use the newly freed resources.


What is q? in hardy-weinberg


Gene flow may (choose all that apply) remove alleles from a population. maintain Hardy-Weinberg conditions. reduce evolutionary change. promote evolutionary change. introduce new alleles to a population.

remove alleles from a population. promote evolutionary change. reduce evolutionary change. introduce new alleles to a population.

Although the biological species concept can be useful when distinguishing among species, it is not as effective when pertaining to organisms that commonly undergo ___________ with other species and produce viable offspring.


Galapagos finches with powerful thick beaks typically eat large grubs seeds insects fruits


Molecular analysis of lactase DNA __________ in humans shows that genes for that enzyme have __________ evolved in Africa and Europe to produce the same result.

sequences independently

In frequency-dependent selection the fitness of a phenotype depends on the frequency of mutations leading to that phenotype. the fitness of a phenotype depends on the frequency of matings between individuals with that phenotype. the fitness of a phenotype depends on its frequency in the population.

the fitness of a phenotype depends on its frequency in the population.

True or false: Genetic drift, mutations, and nonrandom mating are three agents that can act to produce evolutionary changes in a population.


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