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During the Depression. many Americans reacted By

All of the above

Which of the following best characterizes the writers associated with the literary flowering of the 1920's, such as Sinclair Lewis and F. Scott Fitzgerald?

Criticism of middle class conformity and materialism

Father Coughlin criticized the New Deal because it

Failed to redistribute wealth in a meaningful way

The sentiments expressed in the quotation above are best understood in the context of the

Harlem rennissance movement

Which of the following statements about the Tennessee Valley Authority is correct?

It built dams that made rural electrification possible

The objective of the Bonus Expeditionary Force (Bonus Army) that marched on Wash ingion. in 1932 was to obtain

Payment of money for veterans of WW1

Of his Fourteen Points. Wilson was most concerned with establishing

Point XIV: a general association of nations formed to provide political independence and territorial integrity of all nations

Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon's policies did which of the following?

Reduced income-tax rates for the wealthy to release money for private investment

Woodrow Wilson's statement above was made in justification of his

Refusal to accept the "reservations" proposed by Henry Cabot Lodge in the Senate debate over ratification of the Treaty of Versailles

The "Roosevelt recession" may have been the result of

Roosevelt's decision to cut spending

Which of the following most directly addressed security for capitalists?

Securities and Exchange comission

Which of the following celebrated trials best illustrates the cultural conflict in the 1920's between fundamentalism and modernism?

The John T scopes trials

Which of the following was the most direct result of the policy stated in this excerpt?

The US intervened in many American countries in the early 20th century

In the late nineteenth century, all of the following encouraged American jingoism EXCEPT:

The flooding of american markets by foreign producers

Which of the following most directly contributed to the anti-imperialist sentiments expressed in this excerpt?

The provisions of the peace treaty ending the spainsih american war

The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine justified which of the following?

The right to intervene in the domestic affairs of Latin American countries

the time of this speech in 1934, which of the following groups most opposed Roosevelt's New Deal reforms?

The supreme court

In the period from 1930 to 1940. the changes described in the excerpts above created the strongest links between

The working class and the democratic party

FDR's strongest asset in restoring confidence to the American public was his

confidence, optimism, and ability in public relations

The "Great Migration" out of the South by many African Americans during World War I was most immediatelv the result of

economic opportunities created bY the demands of World War I

President Herbert Hoover approached the task of caring for unemployed workers during the Urea pression by

emphasizing the importance of private charities

In 1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt and Herbert Hoover disagreed most strongly about the desirability

federal relief to individuals

The principles championed by President Roosevelt in the speech above directl challenged the

idissez-faire economic policies of the Gilded Age

The United States home front during the First World War was marked by an increase in all of the following EXCEPT:

support of individual liberties by the Supreme Court

The Palmer Raids of 1919 were conducted against

suspected communists and anarchists

The advertisement pictured above best demonstrates which of the following changes in the early decades of the 20th century

the increasing focus on producing consumer goods

The United States Open Door policy in Asia did which of the following?

›olstered American commercial interests in China

The Great Depression was caused by all of the following factors EXCEPT:

American industries and banks were not involved In the eyropean economy

During the First World War, the Committee on Public Information issued propaganda to persuade the American people of all of the following EXCEPT:

Congress should reject the league of nations

All of the following concerns were addressed during the "Hundred Days" of the New Deal EXCEPT:

Court restructuring

The National Origins Act of 1924 banned immigration entirelv from

East asia

The principal foreign policy issue confronting the Wilson administration between the outbreak of the First World war, 1914 and United States involvement in the conflict in 1917 was the

Freedom of the seas

Which of the following does this excerpt support as the primary cause of the US declaration of war in April of 1917?

Germany's violations of US neutral rights

The era of Prohibition in the 1920s created which of the tollowing?


The sentiments expressed in the passages above were largely responses to

Laissez faire capitalism and economic upheavals

Which of the following was designed to provide long term "job security" for workers?

National Labor Relations Act

By 1936, Roosevelt had succeeded in creating a new Democratic coalition, which was composed of all of the following groups EXCEPT

Northern middle class

Which of the following represents a policy that the authors of the excerpt would most likely support?

President wilsons signing of the jones act in 1916

The two excerpts above are most closely linked to which of the following trends of the nineteenth and/or twentieth centuries?

Progressive efforts to address problems associated with industrial society

The approach Franklin Roosevelt outlines in the speech above Is most consistent wIth the previous efforts of

Progressives in the early 20th century

The National Industrial Recovery Act sought to combat the Great Depression by

Reducing competition

FR's New Deal program contained all of the following EXCEPT:

The attempt to invigorate the economy by lowering tariff barriers

Which of the following historical developments was most likely responsible fOr increasing the etfectiveness of the advertisement above?

The continued development of mass media

All of the following were factors in the failure of the United States to join the League of Nations after the First World War EXCEPT:

The influence of the Soviet Union within the League

The National Labor Relations Act protected workers by providing them with

The power to form unions and engage in collective bargaining

Many anti-imperialists opposed the annexation of the Philippines in 1898 because they believed that

United States colonialism in the Philippines was incompatible with the American belief in self- determination

The issue of freedom of the seas in World War I most closely resembles the cause of which of the following conflicts?

War of 1812

The leader most closely associated with the viewpoint in this excerpt was

William Jennings Bryan

The governemnt used the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act as an excuse to

all of the above

By "normalcy" President Warren G. Harding meant not only peace alter the recent war but also

an end to idealistic crusades and efforts at large-scale reform

When the New Deal program of FDR was threatened by Supreme Court decisions against New Deal measures, the president responded by

calling on Congress to increase the size of the Supreme Court so that he could appoint new members who approved of New Deal legislation

When the Zimmermann message was made public, many people in the US

expressed nationalist anger against Germany

Franklin D. Roosevelt's farm policy was primarily designed to

reduce production in order to , boost farm prices

The palmer raids

reflected the anticommunist hysteria of the post-World War I period

The fundamental thesis of Keynesian economics is that

the federal government should tax highly in times of inflation and the government should spend extensively in times of deflation

This excerpt most directly reflects the continuation of the policy that

the independent nations of the Americas should remain free from European intervention

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