BIO101 Unit 1

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Which of these sub-cellular structures is found in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes?


Drag the organelles to the appropriate bins.

Animal cells only: lysosome Plant cells only: central vacuole, chloroplast, cell wall Both animal and plant cells: cytoskeleton, cytoplasm, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, nucleus, Golgi apparatus, plasma membrane, ribosomes

Which organ system is responsible for delivering glucose molecules to cells?

circulatory system

By definition, a theory

is supported by a large body of evidence.

Food processors are phasing out the use of which types of fats, because research has shown them to be particularly unhealthy?

saturated and trans fat

__________ bonds hold the oxygen and hydrogen atoms in a molecule of water together.

Polar covalent

Drag the labels to their appropriate locations in this diagram. First use pink labels to identify the atoms and charges. Then use blue labels to identify the bonds. Labels can be used once, more than once, or not at all.

a. H b. O c. H d. + e. - f. Hydrogen bond g. Polar covalent bond

When you eat a hamburger, the protein in the meat is useful for providing ___________.

amino acids used in building other molecules

Which of the following lists the steps of the process of science in correct order? Observation, communication, outcomes, and testing Observation, communications, testing, and outcomes Observation, testing, communication, and outcomes Any of the above are correct.

Any of the above are correct

How might rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations lower the pH of the oceans?

As CO2 concentrations rise, excess CO2 is absorbed by the oceans. CO2 in the oceans can react chemically with water to form acid.

While observational studies can suggest correlations, they cannot determine causation. Controlled experimental studies are needed to determine causation. Which of the following experimental designs would yield the strongest evidence for whether or not sweetened beverages cause hypertension in laboratory rats? In each experiment, the rats are split into two groups. After 30 days, the rats' blood pressure is measured.

Group 1 Group 2 Diet standard standard Drink carbonated water carbonated water with sugar

Drag the correct description under each cell structure to identify the role it plays in the cell.

Nucleus - Stores the genetic information i the form of chromosomes in the cell. Often called brain of the cell. Lysosome-Breaks down macromolecules using digestive enzymes. Also called suicidal bags of the cell. Mitochondria-Converts the chemical fuel into packets of chemical energy that can power the cells and often called power house of the cell. Ribosome-Work with mRNA to synthesize proteins. Smooth ER-Site of lipid synthesis and doesn't have ribosomes attached to it and hence smooth ER. Often transports materials across the cell and cells.

Which four elements make up the bulk of living cells?

Oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen

You see a display for a new diet pill in a grocery store. The display includes a stack of color-printed handouts claiming the average user of the product loses five pounds per week while taking the product. Which of the following would indicate that the handout is not a reliable source?

The intent of the handout is to convince the consumer to buy the diet pills

Can you identify the cellular structures involved in protein synthesis? Drag the labels to the appropriate locations on this diagram of a eukaryotic cell. Use targets of Group 1 for the cellular organelles and targets of Group 2 for the molecules.

a. nucleus b. endoplasmic reticulum c. ribosome d. Golgi e. vesicle f. DNA g. RNA h. protein

Drag the labels to the appropriate locations on this molecule. Not all labels will be used.

a= Glycerol b= Double bond c= Single bond d= Unsaturated fatty acid e= Saturated fatty acid f= Triglyceride

1. The term for a solution with a low pH number, such as lemon juice or vinegar, is ___. 2. The term for a solution that has an equal concentration of H+ and OH- is ___. 3. The term for a solution with a high pH number, such as ammonia or bleach, is ___. 4. An acid is a compound that donates ___ to a solution. 5. The higher the pH number, the higher the concentration of ___ in a solution. 6. A substance that accepts H+ when they are in excess and donates H+ when their concentration drops is called a(n) ____.

acidic neutral basic H+ OH- buffer

Which of the following features would be useful in identifying pseudoscience?


Starch and glycogen are complex carbohydrates made by joining together long chains of __________ molecules.


Which curve shows the course of the reaction in the presence of an enzyme--the black curve or the red curve? Which line represents the activation energy for that reaction--a, b, or c?

red curve, line b

Hunt and her team designed an experiment to test her hypothesis about the effect of BPA on mice. They administered daily doses of BPA to groups of female mice over three, five, or seven days and then tested these mice for genetic abnormalities that occur during meiosis, the division of chromosomes during egg formation. Drag the labels to identify the components of Hunt's experiment. Labels may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

Dosage 0 ng/g BPA: control Dosage 20 ng/g BPA: treatment Dosage 40 ng/g BPA: treatment Dosage 100 ng/g BPA: treatment Dosage of BPA administered is: independent variable Length of time over which mice were exposed to BPA is a(n): independent variable The percentage of mice displaying genetic abnormalities is a(n): dependent variable

1. In 2016, atmospheric CO2 was at ___ ppm, and oceanic pH was at ___. 2. Under the Optimistic scenario, CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere will increase but will remain under ___ ppm through 2090. 3. Under the Middle Ground scenario, CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere will get close to, but are not projected to exceed ___ ppm by 2090. 4. Under the Pessimistic scenario, CO2 concentrations in the ___ atmosphere are projected to exceed ppm by 2090. 5. Across all three scenarios, ocean pH falls below ___ by 2090. 6. From the information in the graphs, you can conclude that oceanic pH and atmospheric CO2 concentration are ___ correlated. 7. Although not reflected in this graph, you can infer that as atmospheric carbon dioxide increases, oceanic carbon dioxide concentrations also increase, suggesting that the two variables are ___ correlated.

400, 8.1 600 700 800 8.0 negatively (or inversely) positively (or directly)

Drag type of experiment on the left to the example of experiment on the right.

Blood concentrations of BPA in college students are compared to their recent consumption of canned food items: Natural The feeding behavior of fish in streams that receive acidic runoff from strip mines is compared to the feeding behavior of fish in unaffected streams: Natural The deformity rate in baby birds from nests in pesticide-sprayed fields is compared to the deformity rate in birds from nests in unsprayed fields: Natural Tumor development is compared in mice exposed to five dosages of a known carcinogen in the laboratory: Manipulative Foraging activity levels are compared in tadpoles exposed to four concentrations of toxic metals in the laboratory: Manipulative Growth of corn plants is compared in field plots sprayed with three different dosages of weed killer: Manipulative BPA concentrations in the urine of people with diabetes are compared to BPA concentrations in the urine of people without diabetes: Natural

Can you match the characteristics with the correct organelle? Sort each structure or function depending on whether it describes a chloroplast or a mitochondrion.

Chloroplast - organelle of photosynthesis, produces O2 as a waste product, found only in plant cells and some algae, converts solar energy to chemical energy, contains thylakoids Mitochondrion - organelle of cellular respiration, produces CO2 as a waste product, found in both animal cells and plant cells, harvests chemical energy from food

What is the function of the oily barrier formed by fatty acid tails in the phospholipid bilayer?

Create a boundary between the cytosol and extracellular fluid

Use the graph and your knowledge of enzymes to identify the three true statements about enzymes.

Enzymes lower the overall energy input needed for a reaction to occur. By binding to reactant molecules, enzymes make it easier for the bonds in the molecules to break apart. Reactants cannot convert to products without an initial input of energy to start the reaction.

The following graph shows the average pH of the ocean over the last 20 million years of Earth's history. What can be concluded from the graph? Select all that apply.

In the last 20 million years of Earth's history, the average pH has never gone below 8.0. Average ocean pH has fluctuated over the millennia from just over 8.0 to about 8.3.

Can you identify the steps in the scientific method that correspond to Hunt's experiments? Drag each statement under the step in the scientific method that it demonstrates.

Observation: The eggs of mice in plastic cages washed with harsh soaps displayed problems during cell division that caused genetic abnormalities. Question: Could bisphenol A form the plastic be affecting the mice in the damaged cages? Hypothesis: The frequency of genetic abnormalities in mice is affected by exposure to bisphenol A. Prediction: If mice are exposed to elevated levels of bisphenol A, the frequency of genetic abnormalities in these mice increase

There are many types of studies that can be conducted to make observations about biological phenomena. Observational studies and controlled experimental studies are two such types. Sort each of the following descriptions according to whether it describes an observational study or a controlled experimental study.

Observational Study: makes observations without directly manipulating test subjects, can only determine correlation, not causation Controlled experimental study: deliberately changes one variable while holding others constant, can determine causation

Drag the correct description under each cell structure to identify the role it plays in the cell.

Plant cell wall- strong, protective structure made from cellulose fibrils Central vacuole-regulates cytoplasm composition, creates internal pressure, and stores cell compounds Chloroplast-makes food by converting light energy into chemical energy Mitochondrion-converts chemical fuel into packets of chemical energy (ATP) that can power the cell Golgi apparatus-modifies and packages proteins

Not properties of all living things

Requires another individual to reproduce Eats other organisms to gain energy Individuals evolve over time Composed of many cells

In what ways are the chemical reactions of photosynthesis and cellular respiration similar?

both release heat as a waste product

1. The ideal osmotic environment for an animal cell is a(n) ___ environment. 2. An animal cell placed in a(n) ___ solution will gain water, swell, and possibly burst. 3. There is a net diffusion of water out of an animal cell when it is placed in a(n) ____ solution. 4. The ideal osmotic environment for a plant cell is a(n) ___ environment. 5. A plant cell placed in a(n) ___ solution will lose water and plasmolyze. 6. A plant cell surrounded by a(n) ___ solution will be flaccid (limp).

isotonic hypotonic hypertonic hypotonic hypertonic isotonic

Can you sequence the following levels of biological organization from smallest to largest?

molecule cell tissue organ organism population community ecosystem biosphere

1. A relative risk (RR) of 1 means the risk of heart disease is ___ compared to an equivalent intake of carbohydrates. 2. An RR greater than 1 means the risk of heart disease is ___ compared to an equivalent intake of carbohydrates. 3. An RR less than 1 means the risk of heart disease is ___ compared to an equivalent intake of carbohydrates. 4. The RR for ___ is 0.81, suggesting that increasing intake of this type of fat by 5% decreases the risk of heart disease. 5. The RR for ___ is the lowest among the fats tested, suggesting that these fats are most beneficial for cardiovascular health. 6. The RR for ___ is 1.17. For each 5% increase in energy consumed in this form of fat, there is a 17% increase in heart disease risk. 7. The RR of ___ is the highest among the types of fats tested, suggesting that these fats pose the greatest health risk. 8. For each increase of 2% in energy from trans fats, there is a ____ % increased risk of heart disease.

the same higher lower monounsaturated fat polyunsaturated fat saturated fat trans fat 93

The following graphs represent the future projections from Part B. Drag the labels to their appropriate locations on the graphs.

y-axis (300-900): atmospheric CO2 (ppm) y-axis (7.6-8.2): oceanic pH x-axis (2030-2090): year yellow line: optimistic purple line: middle ground red line: pessimistic

Many scientific studies of dietary health effects are observational. Compared to experimental studies, observational studies can extend over a longer time period, use a more representative population, and measure disease outcomes in addition to risk factors for disease.In an observational study, researchers enlist a study group, and use questionnaires and medical tests to quantify participants' health behaviors and status at the start of the study. The researchers continue to collect data on the participants over many years. Information about each particpant's diet, lifestyle habits, risk factors, and disease outcomes are all recorded and analyzed.A landmark study of this type -- called the Nurses' Health Study -- was begun in 1976 with more than 120,000 female nurses. Data from a subset of this group (80,082 women) was used to study dietary fat intake from 1980 to 1994. One goal of that study was to measure the effect of dietary trans fats on cardiovascular health.Do you understand how the Nurses Health observational study of dietary fats was set up and carried out? Sort the statements into the appropriate bins depending on whether they represent factors that varied from participant to participant at the start of this study, factors that were consistent from the start of the study, and factors that were measured in the study.

1.Factor(s) that varied from the start of the study: smoking status (smoking vs. non-smoking), percentage of different types of fats eaten, total food intake, activity level 2.Factor(s) kept consistent from the start of the study: sex of participant 3.Outcome(s) measured in the study: deaths from coronary heart disease, number of non-fatal heart attacks

1. A(n) ___ bond forms when one atom gives up one or more electrons to another atom. 2. Atoms or molecules with a net electric charge due to the loss or gain of one or more electrons are ____. 3. A(n) ___ bond involves the sharing of electron pairs between atoms, also known as a molecular bond. 4. When one pair of electrons is shared between two atoms, a ___ bond is formed. 5. When two pairs of electrons are shared between two atoms, a ___ bond is formed. 6. A ___ bond is a type of chemical bond where a pair of electrons is unequally shared between two atoms. As a result, one end of the molecule has a slightly negative charge and the other a slightly positive charge. 7. Atoms involved in a ___ bond equally share electrons; there is no charge separation to the molecule. 8. A weak bond called a ___ bond results from an attraction between a slightly positive region in a molecule and a slightly negative region in the same or a different molecule.

1.ionic 2.ions 3.covalent 4.single 5.double 6.polar 7.non polar 8.hydrogen

As explained in the GraphIt! activity, the way ocean acidification works is that atmospheric carbon dioxide reacts with seawater to produce carbonic acid, resulting in increased acidity (measured by lower pH values). The change in pH is due to the H+ ions released as the carbonic acid molecule dissociates, forming bicarbonate ions and H+ ions. Furthermore, the H+ ions combine with carbonate ions present in ocean water, forming more bicarbonate ions. In summary, excess carbon dioxide leads not only to lower pH, but also to lower carbonate levels and higher bicarbonate levels. The decrease in carbonate levels affects calcification rates for organisms that build their shells from calcium carbonate (CaCO3); less carbonate means less calcium carbonate can be formed. The following graph depicts the relationship between atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations and calcification rates in corals.

Although not reflected in the graph, based on how ocean acidification works, the relationship between oceanic pH and coral reef calcification rates can be predicted to be positively (or directly) correlated. True Coral reef calcification rates are projected to steadily decline as atmospheric CO2 concentrations increase. True As atmospheric CO2 concentrations reach 560 ppm, or double the preindustrial level, the coral calcification rate is projected to be reduced by more than two-thirds from what it was at the preindustrial level. True The data in this graph could also be plotted as a pie chart. False Declining coral calcification rates suggests a decrease in the level of bicarbonates and an increase in the level of carbonates in seawater. False As atmospheric CO2 concentrations reach 840 ppm, or three times the preindustrial level, the calcification rate will be reduced to 30 mmol/m2/day. False

Plant cells and animal cells have many things in common, but they do have some structures that are unique, too. Which of the following structures are found in plant cells but not in animal cells?

Chloroplast and cell wall are found in plant cell and absent in animal cell. All others (ribosome,nucleus,golgi apparatus and mitochondria) are present in both animal and plant cells.

People who consumed more than one sweetened beverage per day had an increased risk of developing hypertension. (These data show that people who consumed sweetened beverages (with sugar or artificial sweeteners) more than 30 times a month (~ once a day) had increased risk of developing hypertension compared to those who drank them less than once a month. While these results demonstrate a correlation between sweetened beverage consumption and hypertension risk, they do not demonstrate causation. Additional studies are needed to determine the cause of the increased risk.)

People who consumed more than one sweetened beverage per day had an increased risk of developing hypertension. -Supported by the data People who drink sweetened beverages once a week will have a lower risk of developing hypertension than those who drink sweetened beverages once a day. -Not supported by the data People who drink sweetened beverages at least once a day will develop hypertension sometime in their lives. -Not supported by the data The sweeteners in the beverages cause an increase in risk for hypertension. -Not supported by the data

One way that researchers study the effects of trans fats on people's health is by setting up controlled experiments. For example, in an experimental feeding trial, participants agree to stick to specific diets that the researchers prescribe. In this case, the researchers might vary the proportions of saturated, unsaturated, and trans fats in the diet of each participant. Throughout the study, the health status of the participants is monitored closely. Suppose that you are a researcher designing an experimental feeding trial. How would you set up your study and what limitations would you face? Drag the labels onto the flow chart to identify the elements and limitations of your experimental design.

Hypothesis: Trans fats have a negative effect on cardiovascular health. Prediction: Eating more trans fats will lead to greater cardiovascular health problems. Experiment: Feed some people a diet high in trans fats and feed others a diet low in trans fats. Data Collection: Take blood samples to measure fat and cholesterol levels in the two groups. Practical Limitations: Is it possible to completely regulate peoples diets? Are other lifestyle factors affecting cardiovascular health? Ethical Limitations: Are we putting individuals health at risk?

Properties of all living things

Reproduces its own kind Responds to the environment Complex, but well-ordered, structure Populations evolve over time Takes in, converts, and expels energy

Diffusion Drag the labels to their appropriate locations on the diagram.

a. side with higher concentration of molecules b. plasma membrane c. side with lower concentration of molecules d. diffusion causes a net movement of molecules down their concentration gradient

1. The type of test that changes only one variable at a time in order to isolate the results is known as a _______ experiment. 2. The one variable that is manipulated by a scientist as a potential cause in an experiment is the ________variable. 3. The _______variable is the factor a scientist observes to see the effect of the change made. 4. A ________establishes a base line for an experiment. 5. A _______ is a group in which no response is expected. 6. A _______ is a group in which a known response is expected. 7. In a ________ experiment, the researchers--but not the participants--know who receives the treatment and who does not, to eliminate subjective bias. 8. In a _______ experiment, neither the participants nor the researchers know who receives the treatment and who does not.

controlled independent dependent control group negative control positive control single-blind double-blind

The oceans play an important role in regulating the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by absorbing atmospheric CO2. Atmospheric CO2 reacts with seawater to produce carbonic acid, resulting in increased oceanic acidity (measured by lower pH values). In 2016, Earth's atmosphere broke a record that had stood for approximately 16 million years: atmospheric CO2 levels measured at or above 400 ppm for the entire year. This increase in CO2 from a pre-industrial level of 280 ppm has already had an impact on oceanic pH, which has declined from pH 8.2 to pH 8.1 over the same time period -- a 30% increase in acidity. Scientists are studying how atmospheric CO2 concentrations and oceanic pH may change in the future. In work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, researchers Denis Pierrot, Ernie Lewis, and Douglas Wallace developed a model to show how atmospheric CO2 levels and oceanic pH may change under three different carbon emission scenarios: An optimistic scenario A middle ground scenario A pessimistic scenario For more information about each of these scenarios, see Hint 1. The following data reflect predictions from Pierrot, Lewis, and Wallace's model. How could this data be best represented graphically?

line graph

The ____ of a cell is where most of a cell's DNA is kept. After a molecule of RNA is made from a gene, it leaves the nucleus for site of protein manufacture, called the ____. The ____ convert chemical energy from glucose into molecules of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). In animal cells vesicles called ____ contain strong digestive enzymes to break down food, invading microbes, or work out cellular parts. The sites of photosynthesis in plants are the ____.

nucleus ribosome mitochondria lysosome chloroplast

Each spring, high school students, college interns, and retirees count and weigh tiny glass eels in streams that feed into the Hudson River. They report their observations to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Hudson River Estuary Program and the National Estuarine Research Reserve System, who depend on volunteers to help build a database of information about glass eels. The observations that these volunteers make would best be described as __________.

observational studies

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