Bio111 Final

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Hair texture in humans is an example of incomplete dominance (curly is incompletely dominate to straight). When a curly-haired person mates with a straight-haired person, their offspring all have wavy hair. If two wavy-haired persons mate, the possible outcomes of their offspring for this trait will be:

1/4 curly 2/4 wavy, and 1/4 straight.

How many worldwide influenza monitioring stations are involved in sending data that are used to develop the next annual influenza vaccine?


In humans, assume red hair is recessive to dark hair. What are the chances of a dark-haired couple having a red-haired child if each parent had a red-haired parent?


For naming purposes, which form of influenza would be characterized by the types of H and N spikes found on its surface?


For the following pedigree showing the inheritance of a recessive genetic disease, what does the green circle in the fourth generation represent?

A female with the disease

What role does A. tumefaciens play in producing GM plants?

A. tumefaciens acts as a vector for introducing foreign genes into plants.

Which of the following statements best describes ATP?

ATP consists of an adenine, ribose, and three phosphate groups.

Antigenic shift

All of the answer choices are correct.

Cancer cells __________.

All of the answer choices are correct.

Carbon sinks are reservoirs that hold large amounts of carbon. Which of the following are considered to be carbon sinks?

All of the answer choices are correct.

Cells have checkpoints to regulate cell division. The G1 checkpoint

All of the answer choices are correct.


All of the answer choices are correct.

Living organisms require energy for

All of the answer choices are correct.

Memory B cells are developed after a primary response. These memory cells are activated during a secondary response to

All of the answer choices are correct.

The role of the immune system is to

All of the answer choices are correct.

The ultimate goal(s) of successful plant GMOs is(are) to

All of the answer choices are correct.

What is/are the main goal(s) for obtaining and testing DNA?

All of the answer choices are correct.

Which of the following best describes the adverse health risks and monitoring associated with GMOs?

All of the answer choices are correct.

Which of the following is a potential use for genetically modified animals?

All of the answer choices are correct.

Which of the following is a way that bacteria have been genetically modified?

All of the answer choices are correct.

Which of the following is evidence that weather patterns have changed because of climate change?

All of the answer choices are correct.

Which of the following statements describes DNA?

All of the answer choices are correct.

Which of the following statements explains the relationship between mutations and natural selection?

All of the answer choices describe the relationship between mutations and evolution.

One of the four categories of the innate immune system is the inflammatory system. Its role is to

All the answer choices are correct.

Which pair of enzymes is required to fully break down starch into glucose?

Amylase and maltase

All of the following are examples of extreme weather that are strongly attributed to global climate change EXCEPT

An increase in the number of hurricanes

Which of the following would be detected in a blood test that would indicate the immune system is responding to cancer?


The following statements relate to either the innate or the adaptive system. Select those that only apply to the adaptive immune system. (Check all that apply.)

Antibody production Cell-mediated immunity Antibody-mediated immunity

Desertification is an example of a biome level change that is associated with climate change. Which of the following is associated with desertification?

Associated with poor agricultural practices, including the overgrazing of cattle

You are studying the rate of growth of different nut plants. One vitamin of interest is the B vitamin involved in metabolism of glucose. Which B vitamin would you be studying in these plants?


Fires and volcanic activity are natural events that produce _____.


A method of genome editing that uses the Cas9 enzyme to identify and cut specific nucleotides from the genome is called __________.

CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats)

Genome editing can be accomplished by using


Of the following list of ingredients of an energy drink, which is likely the biggest contributor to the boost of energy felt?


Which of the following is true regarding the benefits of wind energy?

Considered to be nonpolluting

If you added the following vitamins to a glass of water, which one would float to the top and not dissolve?


Mutations in tumor-suppressor genes and in proto-oncogenes can result in cancer. If both are mutated,

DNA damage will go unrecognized and cell division will increase.

During the process of DNA replication,

DNA polymerase links nucleotides together in a complementary new DNA strand.

A stretch of fluorescent single-stranded DNA used to detect the presence of a specific DNA sequence by complementary pairing to it is called a

DNA probe.

Which process provides the nucleotides that are found within a gene or a targeted area of the genome?

DNA sequencing

In most organisms, the flow of information is from

DNA, RNA, then protein.

Which of the following best explains Mendel's Law of Segregation?

Each of two alleles for a given trait segregate into different gametes.

The largest number of ATP molecules is produced in which phase of cellular respiration?

Electron transport chain

Which of the following statements is true regarding energy drinks?

Energy drinks claim to increase energy levels, mental awareness, and reduce muscle fatigue.

From the list provided, select the roles of complement proteins in the innate immune system. (Check all that apply.)

Enhancing inflammation Lysing cells Marking cells for phagocytosis

Which one of the following is a main function of many proteins?

Enzymatic activity

Which of the following traits can you inherit?

Eye color

What is the first reaction of the body due to the influenza virus disrupting the normal function of the epithelial cells in the respiratory system?

Fluid accumulation in the lungs

Organic molecules contain hydrogen and carbon atoms. How many bonds can form with each carbon atom?


Which researcher used X-ray crystallography to suggest that DNA is a double helix and was highly repetitive?


Normal cell division is highly regulated by proteins to prevent mutations from occuring. If the cell division is stalled due to excessive DNA damage, the cell is placed in ______ phase in an attempt to repair the DNA.


At which checkpoint is DNA assessed for accuracy before cell division?


If the codon is CCA, what is the anticodon and what amino acid will be inserted?

GGU, proline

Which of the following best describes the definition of a gene?

Genetic information that produces a product, either proteins or RNA

Which of the following is an example of an alternative energy that uses renewable resources?

Geothermal energy

As global temperatures increase, which of the following scenarios are most likely to happen?

Glaciers and snow coverage decrease.

______ is a product of photosynthesis and is a carbon-based molecule that is the chief source of energy for most organisms.


As influenza A progresses through the respiratory tract, the ______ of the virus identify host epithelial cells and attach to the cell surface.

H spikes

______ contain similar genes but often different alleles. After DNA replication, ______ contain identical alleles combinations.

Homologous chromosomes; sister chromatids

In which stage does the cell spend most of its time?


There are two types of brachytherapy. ______ brachytherapy is when the "seed" is placed in the tumor, and ______ brachytherapy is when the "seed" is placed near the tumor.

Interstitial; intracavitary

Why is ocean acidification problematic for some marine life?

It decreases the amount of carbonate in the oceans, making the creation of shells and other hard structures difficult for marine life.

Why must an engineered DNA polymerase be used in PCR and not the one that occurs naturally?

It must work on single-stranded DNA at high temperatures and attach to a primer.

Why is solar energy considered to be a better option in mitigating climate change?

It releases far less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere compared to burning fossil fuels.

Which of the following disorders are in response to the immune system's inablility to differentiate self from non-self?

Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis

In what way is new technologies beneficial as we work to mitigate climate change?

Many technologies have the potential to reduce the impacts of the greenhouse effect and prevent climate change from getting any worse.

Which of the following is an example of a phenotype influenced by the environment?

Melanin production

Which of the following statements about mutations is FALSE?

Mutations always lead to changes in the structure and function of the protein produced

Which of the following best outlines the path of influenza through the body?

Nostrils, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchus, bronchiole, lungs, alveoli

Which of the following sources of alternative energy involves using uranium or other materials to split the nucleus of an atom?

Nuclear energy

Which of the following is an example of a dehydration synthesis reaction?

Nucleotides forming DNA

Why would a researcher use PCR?

PCR allows a researcher to make many copies of the same gene.

Select three of the components that were proposed by Darwin for natural selection to occur.

Populations experience differential reproductive success. Variation within a population is heritable. Populations experience competition for resources.

Which of the following best describes proteins?

Proteins can be in the form of enzymes used in cellular reactions.

Which process has been used to modify arctic apples to prevent browning?

RNA interference

You are observing a protein structure model that has pleated sheets. Which level of protein structure does this represent?


Which of the following best describes how the environment may play a role in the expression of our genes?

Some phenotypes, including skin color, can be influenced by the environment. The genotype still determines some aspect of skin color, but the interaction with the environment, in the form of sun exposure, can cause variations in the resulting phenotype.

Wallace shared his ideas with Darwin, which led to the book, On the Origin of Species. Wallace contributed his biogeographical studies of the __________.

South Pacific Islands

In which stage of breast cancer would a physician most likely use radiation and chemotherapy to treat a cancer patient?

Stage 4

Disaccharides are carbohydrates that contain two monosaccharides linked together. Which of the following is an example of a disaccharide?


Telomere length can change with age and the type of cell. Which of the following correctly describes telomere length?

Telomeres are the longest in stem cells.

At which point of the respiratory system would sickle-cell disease cause an impact?

The diffusion of gases across the alveoli into the capillaries

Consider the following scenario: A fish that was normally found in freshwater has evolved and can now survive in brackish (containing a mixture of fresh and salt) water. How would this affect other levels of biology?

The evolution of the fish would affect all other levels of biology, including other populations, communities, and ecosystems.

Why are new flu vaccinations required for each new flu season instead of developing a universal flu vaccine?

The flu virus mutates frequently enough that last year's vaccination will no longer target currently circulating flu strains.

The testing and release of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), in particular GM plants, is tightly regulated internationally to prevent any negative effects on the environment or human health. Which of the following statements support researchers' use of cisgenic organisms?

The genome of a cisgenic plant, like the genome of a traditionally bred plant, is not altered with DNA from a different species.

Mendel crossed pea plants dominant for two different traits (tall and green pods) with pea plants recessive for those same two traits (short and yellow pods). This cross resulted in pea plants that had combinations of all four traits (tall with green pods, tall with yellow pods, short with green pods, and short with yellow pods). Which law of inheritance best describes why this happens?

The law of independent assortment

Which statement below best summarizes the overall purpose of the light-dependent reactions?

The light-dependent reactions capture the energy from the sun and transfer it to high-energy molecules.

How does climate change affect earth's oceans?

The pH level of the ocean will shift to a more acidic environment, leading to stress and the possible extinction of many species of shellfish and corals.

Which of the following statements is an accurate description of the stages of gene expression?

The process of transcription makes mRNA from a segment of DNA, and is then translated into amino acids.

Which part of solar energy is important in photosynthesis?

The visible spectrum of light

The influenza virus targets epithelial cells that line the respiratory tract. What is the normal function of epithelial cells?

They form boundaries between the body tissue and internal environments

Which of the following structures are associated with the lymphatic system? (Check all that apply.)

Thymus Spleen Red bone marrow Lymph nodes

Which of the following is the overall goal of PCR?

To create several copies of a segment of DNA in a tube

Which of the following best explains the role of transcription in a cell?

To produce a mRNA molecule to deliver the genetic instructions outside the nucleus.

From the list provided, select all that are provided by studying transitional fossils. (Check all that apply.)

Transitional fossils provide evidence of how a species has changed over time. Transitional fossils provide an estimated timeline of changes. Transitional fossils help calibrate the fossil record by comparing amounts of radioactive compounds.

Gene therapy can involve the replacement of a defective gene. Which type of vector is used to replace the defective gene in ex vivo gene therapy and not used in in vivo gene therapy?


All of the following extreme weather events are strongly linked to human-caused climate change EXCEPT

Volcanic eruptions

Each codon on an mRNA strand codes for:

a single amino acid.

The overall goal of gene expression is to make

a structural protein that can be used by the cell.

The immune system's role is to

actively seek and destroy pathogens.

By interfering with the neurotransmitter receptor of ______, caffeine reduces drowsiness.


What are alleles?

alternative forms of a gene for a single trait, such as blue eyes or brown eyes

In a normal cell, G1 phase is the checkpoint for DNA damage. If the damage is too extensive, the cell will undergo __________.


What is A. tumefaciens?

bacteria used to transfer foreign genes into plant cells

If a gene mutation occurs that results in a premature stop codon in the mRNA sequence, the protein will __________.

be incomplete

If cancer invades the ______, this can cause an accumulation of blood calcium and may lead to a coma.


Adaptive immunity differs from the innate immune system in its abililty to respond to specific pathogen antigens. The antigens trigger

both antibody-mediated immunity and cell-mediated immunity.

Alkylating agents work by

breaking the DNA and introducing mutations.

Radiation is targeted cancer therapy that works by

breaking the DNA and introducing mutations.

Because fossil fuels are the remains of once living organisms, they contain reservoirs of ______ that are released into the atmosphere when they are burned.


There are two forms of geoengineering. They are ______ and ______.

carbon dioxide removal solar radiation management

The purpose of ______ is to pass a copy of a cell's gene to cells in the next generation. The purpose of ______ is to pass the parents' genes onto the next generation.

cell division; sexual reproduction

A mutation in a tumor suppressor gene can lead to cancer because these genes are involved in

checking the DNA for damage during the cell cycle.

The DNA is compacted into multiple ______ that condense and organize the genetic information before cells divide.


The role of vectors in gene therapy is to

deliver the genetic material to the cells of interest.

DNA is a

double strand of nucleotides arranged in a helical structure.

Meiosis is different from mitosis in that meiosis results in

four haploid daughter cells that are genetically diverse, whereas mitosis results in two diploid daughter cells that are genetically identical.

The process of using the information contained within a gene to produce a protein is known as

gene expression.

Photosynthesis takes carbon in from the atmosphere and uses it to form ______, the energy source for all plants and animals to use in cellular respiration.


Since the success of Flavr-savr tomatoes, there has been a

growing trend to produce more GMOs in agriculture.

Cellular respiration is a process that

harvests the potential energy found in the chemical bonds of organic molecules.

Structures that are passed on from a common ancestor, such as the bone structure of a limb, are called ______ structures. Structures that have the same function but evolved independently, such as wings of bats and birds, are called ______ structures.

homologous; analogous

The World Health Organization defines a GMO organism as one that has had its genetic information altered

in a way that would not occur in nature.

According to the evidence of climate change, there has been an overall ______ in water and temperature, and an overall ______ in ice formations.

increase; decrease

The greenhouse effect

is caused by gases such as carbon dioxide trapping heat in the earth's atmosphere.

The contents of genes in viruses are ______ that of living organisms.

less than

At the cellular level, enzymes work by

lowering the activation energy of the reaction.

Which of the following are greenhouse gases?

methane and carbon dioxide

Vitamins are

molecules that assist enzymes in chemical reactions or assist in energy-related pathways.

In normal cells, tumor suppressor genes

monitor the rate of cell division and check newly synthesized DNA for damage before being passed on to daughter cells.

Like all nutrient class, carbohydrates are broken down at multiple points throughout digestion. In the small intestines,

monosaccharides and disaccharides are absorbed.

The intentional change in the genetic material to interfere with its function in a cell or organism is known as


Cells are specialized to form tissues and organs through the control of gene expression. Gene expression is regulated (turning on and off genetic instructions) by

nearby cell signals and environmental factors.

In the influenza strain name A/Singapore/INFIMH-16-0019/2016 A(H3N2)-like virus, this was the ______ strain isolated in 2016 in this region.


In animal cells, DNA is located in the __________.


In eukaryotic cells, translation occurs with the use of free floating ribosomes in the cyptoplasm or ribosomes that are __________.

on the rough endoplasmic reticulum

Small, circular pieces of DNA found in bacterial cells that can be manipulated in developing GMOs are known as


Enzymes are __________.


Physicians will request an analysis of proteins in the blood of possible cancer patients because

proteins from cancer cells are different from normal cells.

By genetically engineering pigs, scientists are investigating ways to

provide organs for human transplants.

A plant whose leaves are reddish-blue is not absorbing light from which wavelengths of the visible light spectrum?

red and blue

In a biochemical reaction, the energy of activation is the amount of energy

required to start a reaction.

This molecule cuts double-stranded DNA at specific locations.

restriction enzymes.

If a scientist was studying methods to reduce the heating of earth by reducing the amount of solar heat from being trapped in greenhouse gases, this scientist would be studying

solar radiation management.

In humans, male gametes are called ______, while female gametes are called ______.

sperm; eggs

All of the following occur in the Calvin Cycle reactions EXCEPT

splitting of water

During translation, a polypeptide chain is created using an RNA template. Which of the following components is responsible for bringing amino acids to the growing polypeptide chain?


During translation, the ______ reads the codon on the mRNA and brings in the cooresponding amino acid.


Chemotherapy works by

targeting points during cell division.

Mutations can occur with a single nucleotide change. The misfolding of the hemoglobin protein results from

the amino acid valine replacing the normal glutamine amino acid in the beta-globin gene.

Nucleic acids serve as

the genetic code.

In what way have AquaAdvantage Salmon been genetically modified?

to grow faster

In gene expression ______ is creating mRNA from DNA; and ______ is creating a protein from the mRNA.

transcription; translation

Hydrolysis of sucrose, a disaccharide, results in __________.

two monomers


use genetic information to synthesize proteins.

Energy drinks do not contain energy. They contain ______ that interact with the body's metabolic pathway.


In chorionic villus cell sampling, a sample is obtained

with a long suction tube to remove cells from the site of placenta development.

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