BIO111 Test 4 (Chapters 16-20)

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Herbivory is an example of a _____ interaction.


In terms of + (this member of a species pair benefits from the interaction), - (this member of a species pair is harmed by the interaction), and 0 (this member of a species pair is unaffected by the interaction), predation can be described as a __________ relationship.


characteristics of reptiles

-Egg laying (Amniotic egg) -Completely terrestrial (lungs for respiration) -Chelonia (turtles and tortoises), Crocodilia (Alligators and Crocs), Squamata (Snakes and Lizards) -3-chambered heart

How are animals different from fungi?

Animals obtain food by ingestion, and fungi obtain food by absorption.

Nitrification is indicated by the letter(s) _____.


__________ (meaning ''spiny skin'') have a water vascular system that functions in locomotion, feeding, and gas exchange.


__________ are the simplest bilaterian animals and lack a body cavity.


function of angiosperms

Flowers also provide protection for the ovule

coniferous forest

Forest populated by cone-bearing evergreen trees; mid temp., low precipitation

What is represented on the x-axis of this graph?

Individuals' life spans as a percentage of the maximum life span for the species

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria is(are) indicated by the letter(s) _____.

D and E

Which of the following is true about the carbon cycle?

Decomposers release CO2 as a result of cellular respiration when they break down wastes and dead material, producers take in CO2 from the atmosphere when they perform photosynthesis.

What do we call the threadlike filaments that most fungi are composed of?


characteristics of echinoderms

Internal skeleton made of ossicles, radial symmetry, water vascular system, complete digestive system, regenerate limbs, reproduce sexually

__________ have a body plan with three main parts: a visceral mass, a mantle, and a foot.


Which one of these is a nitrite?


Which one of these is a nitrate?


___________ have a pseudocoelom and are the simplest animals that have a complete digestive tract.


Which of the following characteristics of chordates turns into the spinal cord?

Nerve cord

Which of the following correctly ranks the levels of ecological hierarchy from least inclusive to most inclusive?

Organism, Population, Community, Ecosystem, Biome, Biosphere

In 1958 federal law restricted the movement of soil and plants from areas where fire ants were established. Why was this law unsuccessful in stopping the spread of fire ant colonies?

People were unaware of the federal law and, when they moved, transported plants bearing fire ant colonies; a single mated queen can be transported without being noticed; and many states thought to be free of fire ant colonies already had them.

Which of the following terms refers to the region of an aquatic environment in which photosynthesis can occur?

Photic zone

function of gymnosperms

Pine, fir, spruce, and cedar are all examples of conifers that are used for lumber, paper production, and resin

A group of snails (of the same species) lives in a garden that also includes beetles and tomato plants. What level(s) of ecological organization does the group of snails belong to?

Population, Community, Ecosystem

characteristics of cnidarians

Radial symmetry, tentacles with stinging cells

Which type of biome has many grasses, some scattered trees, and many grazing animals, such as zebras and antelopes?


characteristics of sponges

Sessile, filter feeders, reproduce both sexually and asexually, osculum, asymmetric

_________ are sessile animals that have specialized cells called amoebocytes and choanocytes.


At 50% of maximum life span, how does survivorship for a Type I curve compare to survivorship for a Type III curve?

Survivorship for a Type I curve is nearly 1,000 times as great as survivorship for a Type III curve.

__________ limits the distribution of organisms that can survive in a given habitat based on how hot or cold it gets.


Which characteristic is common to all chordates?

They all have a notochord sometime during their life cycle.

Why is a percentage scale used for the x-axis rather than actual ages?

This scale allows you to compare species with widely varying life spans on the same graph.

characteristics of annelids

Triploblastic Bilateral symmetry Metameric with tagmatization Complete digestive tract Setae Ventral Nerve Cord

Which of the following is an abiotic factor?


________ is essential to life because it makes up the majority of all cells.


________ can be important in shaping terrestrial ecosystems by allowing animals to cool and even influencing the way plants grow.


characteristics of type III survivorship curve

a lot of offspring but don't take care of them offspring die off quickly in the beginning

From 1930 to 1939 fire ants spread inland about 60 miles from their point of introduction in Mobile, Alabama. What was the cause of their spread over this distance?

a natural spread

The definition of a density-dependent factor is __________.

a population-limiting factor whose effects intensify as the population increases in density

Insects, such as the grasshopper in the image, have ________.

a three-part body: head, thorax, and abdomen

The uptake of small nutrient molecules from the environment is known as __________.


Which of the following is a population?

all of the redwood trees that live in a particular forest

Nitrifying bacteria convert _____ to _____.

ammonium ... nitrites

The _________, a key adaptation for reptiles, has a waterproof shell that encloses the embryo and its life-support system.

amniotic egg

You discover an organism that has scaly skin and is aquatic but returns to the land to reproduce. What else would you expect to find in this organism?

amniotic egg

A group of animals called ____________ have several adaptations for living on land but must return to the water to breed.


Desert owls are inactive during the day and active at night. They also have small bodies. This describes _____ adaptation to the hot and dry desert.

anatomical and behavioral

Horned lizards are desert animals that are active during the day. Their skin and kidneys are efficient at conserving water; when they get hot, they move to the shade so they can cool off. This describes _____ adaptation to the hot and dry desert.

anatomical, behavioral, and physiological

In the image, the segmented body of the worm suggests that it is a(n) ________.


In flowering plants, meiosis in a(n) ________ produces spores that develop into the male gametophytes.


polar ice

area of icy waters located at the north and south poles; low temp., low precipitation

Which of these is a biotic component of an environment?

bacteria on the surface of your skin

Cacti are desert plants with C4 metabolism. In addition, cacti bloom at night. This describes _____ adaptation to the hot and dry desert.

behavioral and physiological

From 1940 to 1970 fire ants spread through many southern states, sometimes at a rate of 100 miles in a year. What was the cause of their spread over this distance?

being transported along with plants and soil

An example of a mutualism, or +/+ relationship, is ________.

between corals and unicellular algae

One key adaptation of animals was the evolution of a(n) ___________, a fluid-filled gap between the outer wall of the body and the outer wall of the digestive system.

body cavity

characteristic of amphibians

both in water and on land (ex. tadpoles)

The living plants that are most similar to the first plants to bear gametangia are the _____.


Least complex to most complex

bryophytes, ferns, gymnosperms, angiosperms

Which series of terms correctly illustrates the sequence of the origin of modern groups of plants?

bryophytes, ferns, gymnosperms, angiosperms

3 characteristics of ferns

don't have seeds, vascular, close to the ground because they don't have vasculature

A(n) ___________ consists of all of the abiotic and biotic factors in an area.


A(n) ___________ is an organism that generates heat within its body; a(n) _____________ is an organism that must obtain heat from the environment.

endotherm, ectotherm

All animals are _____________, organisms with cells that are relatively large, complex, and contain membrane-enclosed organelles such as the nucleus.


Which type of plant has vasculature but does not have seeds?


_____ are an example of seedless vascular plants.


In prairie grasslands, periodic ________ is an important disturbance, allowing for certain plants to be triggered to grow.


The figure shows a simple worm. Bilateral symmetry and a highly branched gastrovascular cavity all suggest that the worm is a(n) ________.


3 characteristics of angiosperms

grows flowers, they pollinate, vascular, can produce fruit

Angiosperms are most closely related to _____.


If seed production had never evolved, which organisms would be missing in today's landscape?

gymnosperms and angiosperms only

What are the two defining features of the class Mammalia?

hair and mammary glands

Species that exhibit an equilibrial life history typically ________.

have long lives

characteristics of fish

have scales and live entire life in water, fins steer them, breathe through gills

What does the term "tetrapod" mean?

having four feet

cow grazing on grass to obtain nutrition


All animals eat other organisms in order to gain building materials for the body. This makes them ____________, since they obtain necessary energy and chemical building blocks from the environment.


characteristics of type I survivorship curve

high survival rate have few offspring but care for them extremely well

One of many filaments making up the body of a fungus is called a ________.


A combination of biological, chemical, and cultural methods for sustainable control of agricultural pests is called __________.

integrated pest management (IPM)

Ecology is the study of ________.

interactions between organisms and their environments

squirrels fighting birds for the bird feeder (competition of different species for same resources)

interspecific competition

A non-native species that has spread far beyond the original point of introduction and causes environmental or economic damage is called a(n) __________.

invasive species


kind of high temps., low precipitation, successible to fires, can be found in California

characteristics of type II survivorship curve

moderate number of offspring survival naturally and steadily decreases through age

Which of the following lists characteristics of plants?

multicellular, eukaryotic, and photosynthetic

bees and pollen


The densely branched network of fungal filaments is a _________.


A _________ is a close association of fungi and plant roots that is beneficial to both.


Denitrifying bacteria convert _____ to _____.

nitrates to nitrogen gas

_____ removes nitrogen from the atmosphere.

nitrogen fixation

3 characteristics of bryophytes

non-vascular, rely on water for reproduction, moss is most common example

A(n) ___________ is an individual living thing, such as a plant, an animal, or a bacterium.


When a(n) _______ matures, it becomes a fruit.


Meiosis in a(n) ________ results in a spore that develops into a female gametophyte, which produces an egg.


An organism that derives its nutrition from a living host is called a __________.


mosquitos and hosts


In species that exhibit a Type II survivorship curve, individuals are no more likely to die at one stage of the life cycle than another.


What are the two major factors determining the distribution of terrestrial biomes?

temperature and rainfall

A human who just ate a hamburger is eaten by a shark while swimming. The shark is acting as a _____.

tertiary consumer

A four-limbed, land-dwelling vertebrate is generally known as a(n) __________.


Which of the following is an example of primary succession?

the colonization of a newly formed volcanic island

3 characteristics of gymnosperms

vascular, have seeds, known as evergreens

What important role do fungi play in many ecosystems?

They decompose organic material.

Example of an invertebrate.

a sponge

temperate grassland

biome characterized by deep, nutrient-rich soil that supports many grass species, high temp, low precipitation, prone to fires

Function of Bryophytes

form dense mats over the soil and prevent soil erosion by running water

Which of these was the dominant plant group at the time that dinosaurs were the dominant animals?


characteristics of mammals

hair, sweat glands, mammary glands, and four chambered hearts

Basidia produce spores by a process known as _____.


For species with a Type III curve, most individuals reach the maximum life span.

not supported

__________ are elements required for growth and can affect the ability of an ecosystem to sustain life.


What do the follow factors mean regarding populations? Size, age structure, density, life history, growth rate

size: the number of individuals in the population age structure: how many different individuals fall into a certain age group density: how many organisms are present in a specific habitat life history: what are the major milestones in an organisms life growth rate: reproduction rate

Unique features of vertebrates include the presence of a(n) ________.

skull and a backbone

Most ecosystems on earth are powered by ________ energy, which drives photosynthesis in plants and algae.


Which of the following describes the number of different species in the community?

species richness

Producing millions of spores is an important evolutionary adaptation of fungi because ________.

spores can germinate only in the right environmental conditions (moist, where there is food), so producing many spores increases the chances that at least one will end up in an area of those conditions

Pollination occurs when a pollen grain lands on a(n) _________.


Fungi release digestive enzymes into their _____.


temperates broadleaf forest

temperature can range, plenty of rain

A feature unique to mammals includes ________.

the presence of hair

Would you expect desert plants to have a thin or thick cuticle?

thick because desert plants need to retain water in this dry environment

All animals except sponges have _________, groups of cells that work together to perform a specific function.


Which biome is characterized by an extensive canopy that allows little light to penetrate to the ground and by the presence of epiphytes?

tropical rain forest

Which biome is characterized by the presence of permafrost?


For a species with a Type II curve, less than ____% of individuals survive for 50% of the maximum life span.


Plants evolved from green algae approximately _____ million years ago.


Assimilation is indicated by the letter(s) _____.


While on a biological expedition, you discover a new species with the following characteristics: it has an exoskeleton, exhibits bilateral symmetry, and has jointed appendages. What phylum does this newly discovered organism belong to?


___________ have jointed appendages and an exoskeleton that must be shed to permit growth.


characteristics of mollusks

Bilateral, complete gut, mantle, radula, hemocoel

tropical rain forest

Biome near the equator with warm temperatures, wet weather, and lush plant growth; high temp, high precipitation

________ factors that make up an environment.


What type of invertebrate has stinging tentacles that help it to defend itself and capture prey?


_________ exhibit two radial body forms, the polyp and the medusa, and use stinging cells to capture prey.


An ecologist is studying the diet of a group of desert-dwelling scorpions, which have many types of potential prey (insects, small mammals, etc.). She tracks the scorpions to see how much they eat of each prey species. What level of ecological organization is she studying?


characteristics of arthropods

Cuticle, jointed appendages, segmented body parts, open circulatory system, compound eyes

Which of these biomes is characterized by little rainfall?


An earthworm that feeds on the remains of plants and animals is acting as a _____.


A male gametophyte, which produces sperm, is also known as a(n) __________.

pollen grain

What are different pathways by which carbon could get from one tree into another tree?

A rabbit eats leaves from the tree, taking in carbon. The rabbit performs cellular respiration, releasing CO2 into the atmosphere. Another tree takes in the CO2 from the air and incorporates the carbon into its tissues, a tree burns in a forest fire, releasing CO2 into the atmosphere. Another tree takes in the CO2 from the air and incorporates the carbon into its tissues, a tree performs cellular respiration, releasing CO2 into the atmosphere. Another tree takes in the CO2 from the air and incorporates the carbon into its tissues.

__________ factors are nonliving factors that make up an environment.


Which of the following factors is not a way to measure the health of a population?

Abiotic factors

What does the primate phylogenetic tree show?

All primates descended from a common ancestor.


An area of grassland with scattered trees and bushes. hot temperatures and low precipitation, prone to fires


An extremely cold, dry biome; low temp, low precipitation, perm frost


An extremely dry area with little water and few plants; cacti, high temp., low precipitation

_____________, also known as segmented worms, have a closed circulatory system.


Which of the following statements about the classification of primates are true?

Apes and monkeys are anthropoids, monkeys are primates and anthropoids.

According to this graph, species that exhibit a Type III curve typically produce large numbers of offspring.

cannot be determined from this graph

Suppose a plane is forced to make an emergency landing on a desert island. The passengers must use the resources in their new environment to survive. The number of people who can survive depends on the availability of these resources. This is an example of ________.

carrying capacity

This is an image of a(n) _____.


clown fish using anemones as a habitat, anemone doesn't get anything in return


A(n) __________ consists of all of the organisms that live in the same area at the same time.


Which of these is the largest terrestrial biome on Earth?

coniferous forest

The ________ help(s) plants retain water.


As a group, fungi are _____.


In the ocean, communities of plants, algae, and animals are distributed according to the depth of the water and distance from shore. Light reaches organisms in the __________, where microscopic ____________ and multicellular algae provide food for the animal community. Light levels in the ________ are too low to support photosynthesis. The seafloor is called the __________. Fishes and marine mammals swim in open water known as the _________. A distinctive biome called a(n) _________ is found where a freshwater stream or river merges with the ocean.

photic zone, phytoplankton, aphotic zone, benthic realm, pelagic realm, estuary

A(n) ___________ is a group of individuals of the same species living in a particular geographic area.


spider and prey in web


A cow eating grass is an example of a _____.

primary consumer

In an ecosystem, phytoplankton are _____.


function of ferns

provide microhabitats, as well as shelter and shade to small animals

Cnidarians display ______________, meaning that their bodies can be divided any way through the center point to yield two even halves. Other animals display _______________, meaning that their bodies can only be sliced lengthwise through the midline to produce two even halves.

radial symmetry, bilateral symmetry

Adaptations that evolved in the group of animals called the ____________ have allowed them to complete their life cycles entirely on land.


When a human eats a steak, the human is acting as a _____.

secondary consumer

After fertilization occurs, an ovule develops into a(n) ________.


Techniques used, or are being considered for use, in controlling the spread of fire ants include _____.

setting baits that kill the queen when they are carried back to the nest, applying chemical powders that kill the colony, introducing a protist to infect the fire ant queen and her eggs, and introducing a fly that lays eggs in fire ants so that the eggswill hatch into larvae that eat their way into the ants' heads, which will then fall off

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