BIO137 Bone Tissue

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muscle spasms

Hypocalcemia can cause emotional disturbances depression of the nervous system muscle weakness sluggish reflexes muscle spasms

an elevated level of osteoblast activity

If a thyroid tumor secreted an excessive amount of calcitonin, we would expect an elevated level of osteoclast activity an elevated level of osteoblast activity a reduced rate of endochondral ossification increasingly brittle bones


Which of the following is an inorganic component of the bone matrix? proteoglycans glycoproteins collagen hydroxyapatite glycosaminoglycans

hematoma formation--soft callus formation--hard callus formation-- bone remodeling

Which of the following is the correct sequence of events in the healing of a bone fracture Bone remodeling--soft callus formation--hard callus formation--hematoma formation Bone remodeling--hard callus formation--soft callus formation--hematoma formation Hematoma formation--soft callus formation--hard callus formation-- bone remodeling Hematoma formation--hard callus formation--soft callus formation--bone remodeling Soft callus formation--hard callus formation--hematoma formation--bone remodeling


Which one of the following bone cells would have the greatest number of lysosomes? osteoblasts osteoclasts osteocytes osteogenic cells stem cells

mechanical stress on bone remodeling

Wolff's law of bone explains the effect of different diets on bone elongation mechanical stress on bone remodeling temperature on bone growth age on bone growth sex on bone growth

epiphyseal plate

.Achondroplastic dwarfism is a hereditary condition, in which the long bones of the limbs fail to elongate normally because of reduced hyperplasia and hypertrophy of cartilage in the primary ossification center. secondary ossification center. primary bone marrow. secondary bone marrow. epiphyseal plate.

flat bones of the skull

.Intramembranous ossification produces the irregular bones of the vertebrae. flat bones of the skull. long bones of the limbs. short bones of the wrist. short bones of the ankle.

transitional epithelium

.Which of the following tissues are NOT found as part of a long bone except osseous tissue. nervous tissue. adipose tissue. cartilage. transitional epithelium.


A break in a bone that is already weakened by some other disease is called a (n) greenstick open closed pathologic displace


A fracture in which the bone is broken into three or more pieces is called a linear pott comminuted greenstick compound

articular cartilage and epiphyseal plate

A growing long bone in a child has only two areas of cartilage at the epiphysis. These two areas are elastic cartilage and epiphyseal plate. epiphyseal plate and epiphyseal line. primary and secondary ossification centers. fibrocartilage and articular cartilage. articular cartilage and epiphyseal plate.

periosteum; endosteum

A long bone is covered externally with a sheath called ______________, whereas the marrow cavity is lined with _____________. epiphysis; diaphysis diaphysis; epiphysis compact bone; spongy bone periosteum; endosteum endosteum; periosteum

the healing of a fracture

A soft callus forms during endochondral ossification intramembranous ossification bone growth at the metaphysis the remodeling of bone the healing of a fracture

abnormal calcification of a tissus

Arteriosclerosis is one example of ectopic ossification, which means __________ the solubility product has been reached artery mineralization by osteoblasts abnormal calcification of a tissue accumulation of collagenous fibers in blood vessels ossification of an entire blood vessel

parathyroid hormone; increased osteoclast activity

Blood Ca2+ deficiency stimulates __________ secretion, which leads to _____________. calcitonin; more urinary phosphate reabsorption calcitriol; more urinary phosphate excretion parathyroid hormone; increased osteoclast activity growth hormone; increased osteoblast activity thyroid hormone; less urinary calcium excretion

cartilage growth

Bone elongation is a result of cartilage growth. muscle growth. osseous tissue growth. fibrous membrane addition. dense irregular connective tissue addition.


Bone protrudes through the skin in a fracture called complete incomplete closed open displaced


Bone-forming cells are called osteogenic (osteoprogenitor) cells osteoblasts osteoclasts osteocytes osteons

DNA synthesis

Calcium plays an essential role in all of the following EXCEPT muscle contraction exocytosis blood clotting DNA synthesis communication among neurons

cell proliferation

Chondrocytes multiply in this zone of _____ of the metaphysis. reserve cartilage cell proliferation cell hypertrophy calcification bone deposition

hyaline cartilage

In endochondral ossification, the precursor connective tissue is _____________, which is replaced by bone. embryonic mesenchyme fibrous membranes hyaline cartilage transitional epithelium fibrocartilage

central canals

It is common to find _____ in compact bone, but they are not seen in spongy bone Lamellae Osteoclasts Lacunae Central canals Osteocytes

appositional growth

Mature bones are remodeled throughout life via a process known as intramembranous ossification. endochondral ossification. interstitial growth. appositional growth. metaphysical growth.


Osseous tissue is a(an) ____________ tissue. connective epithelial dense regular dense irregular reticular

estrogen; osteoclast activity

Osteoporosis is most common in elderly women because of the lack of ___________, which would otherwise inhibit ____________. dietary calcium; estrogen production osteoblasts; osteoclast activity estrogen; osteoclast activity parathyroid hormone; osteocyte activity exercise; osteoblast activity

soft callus; hard callus

Patches of fibrocartilage formed in the healing of a fracture are called _______, where as the bony collar formed around the fracture is called ________ fracture hematoma; granilation tissue granulation tissue; soft callus fracture hematoma; hard callus granulation tissue; hard callus soft callus; hard callus

yellow bone marrow

Red bone marrow does NOT contain myeloid tissue yellow bone marrow hemopoietic tissue white blood cells red blood cells

spongy bone

Spicules and trabeculae are found in compact bone bone matrix yellow bone marrow red bone marrow spongy bone


Synthesized by the conboned action of the skin, kidney's, and liver, ______ is important to the deposition of bone growth hormone testosterone estrogen calcitonin calcitriol


The _____ is a marginal zone of the epiphyseal plate where, in children and adolescents, bone can be seen replacing the hyaline cartilage metaphysis primary ossification center secondary ossification center osteoid tissue epiphyseal line

marrow cavity

The center cavity of the diaphysis of a long bone is called the ______________ marrow cavity central canal nutrient foramen canaliculus epiphysea line

compact bone

The cortex of the long bone's diaphysis is made of marrow compact bone spongy bone dense regular connective tissue articular cartilage


The expanded head at each end of a long bone is called epiphysis. diaphysis. articular cartilages. periosteum. endosteum.

hydroxyapatite and other minerals; proteins

The hardness of a bone comes from _______, whereas ____________ provide(s) some degree of flexibility. Hydroxyapatite and other minerals; proteins Collagen and elastic fibers; minerals Glycoproteins; proteoglycans Calcium carbonate; calcium phosphate Proteins; collagen


The most common bone disease is osteomyelitis osteoporosis osteosarcoma osteomalacia rickets

osteoclasts; osteocytes

The plasma membrane of ___________ have a ruffled border with many deep infoldings,, whereas ____________ have long, thin, fingerlike cytoplasmic processes. Osteoclasts; osteocytes Osteocytes; osteoclasts Osteoblasts; osteoclasts Osteoblasts; osteocytes Osteocytes; osteogenic cell


The process of dissolving bone and returning its minerals to the bloodstream is known as Mineralization Mineral deposition Crystallization Resorption Ossification

rickets; osteomalacia

The result of blood calcium and phosphate levels being to low for normal deposition is a softness of the bones called ______ in children and _____ in adults. osteomalacia; rickets rickets; osteomalacia osteoporosis; osteomalacia osteomyelitis; osteosarcoma osteomyelitis; osteomalacia

lacunae; osteocytes

The spaces found within the concentric lamellae are called ________, and they contain _____ canaliculi; osteoblasts osteon; stem cell lacunae; osteocytes lacunae; osteoclasts central canal; osteocytes

epiphyseal line

The tiny layer of compact bone that separates an adult's epiphysis from the diaphysis is called the periosteun metaphysis growth plate epiphyseal line diaphyseal line

yellow bone marrow

What would you find in the marrow cavity of the diaphysis of an adult humerus (arm bone)? spongy bone hemopoietic tissue red bone marrow yellow bone marrow compact bone

osteoblasts; osteocytes

When ____________ become enclosed in lacunae, they become cells called _____________. osteogenic cells; osteoblasts osteoblasts; osteoclasts osteoblasts; osteocytes osteocytes; osteoclasts osteocytes; osteoblasts

removal of the thyroid gland

Which of the following does NOT put women at risk for hypocalcemia lactation pregnancy removal of the parathyroid glands removal of the thyroid gland lack of exposure to UV radiation

the first few crystals to form attract more calcium and phosphate

Which of the following exemplifies a positive feedback process happening in bone mineral deposition? The first few crystals to form attract more calcium and phosphate Osteoblasts neutralize inhibitors that prevent bone resorption Osteoclasts secrete acid phosphatase that digests collagen Collagen is digested by enzymes and hydroxyapatite by hydrochloric acid Solubility product is reached in the tissue fluids

lower blood calcium

Which of the following is NOT a function of parathyroid hormone (PTH) promote calcium reabsorption by the kidney's stimulate osteoclast activity lower blood calcium promote calcitrol synthesis inhibit osteoblast activity

storage of red blood cells

Which of the following is NOT a function of the skeleton? store calcium and phosphate ions. storage of red blood cells. provide support for most muscles. protect the brain. protect the spinal cord.

amino acids

phosphate is necessary for all of the following except ATP DNA phospholipids RNA amino acids

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