BIO183 Test 2

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Which of the following molecules most closely resembles ATP?

A nucleotide

The proton-motive force generated during oxidative phosphorylation is used to drive the activation of which of the following?

ATP synthase

The main products of the citric acid cycle (also called Krebs cycle) are


Organisms that generate their own food by converting inorganic molecules into organic ones are called:


Enzymes catalyze chemical reactions by

Lowering the activation energy necessary to start the reaction

In plant cells, most of the ATP to be used by the cell is produced by which of the following?


The scenario below describes which type of enzyme inhibition?

Non-competitive inhibition or allosteric inhibition

Which of the following best describes an endergonic reaction?

ΔG > 0, and the reaction requires the addition of free energy

The small intercellular connections made of the protein connexin that allow the passage of small molecules such as Ca++ and ATP between adjacent animal cells are known as...

Gap junctions

When anaerobic metabolism (fermentation) takes place in mammalian muscle cells, which of the following are produced?

2 ATPs and lactic acid

The 2 main stages of photosynthesis, in chloroplasts are

Light-dependent reactions and Calvin cycle

Which of the following factors would have the ability to denature a protease commonly found in your stomach (at a pH of approximately 2.0)?

Placing the enzyme in a neutral pH environment (pH = 7.0) or Placing the enzyme in an environment containing the wrong salt concentration or Placing the enzyme in the oven (around 350 degrees C)

In cellular respiration, which of the following are products of glycolysis?

Pyruvate, ATP, and NADH

Which of the following justifies the need for a cyclic electron flow in the thylakoid membrane

The Calvin cycle uses more ATP than NADPH

During cellular respiration, glycolysis takes place in which of the following?

The cytoplasm

What is the purpose of stomata on the underside of leaves, in green plants?

They allow the movement of CO2 in and O2 out of leaves

Photorespiration can best be explained by which of the following?

When temperatures get high, plants close their stomata, and the increased level of O2 in the mesophyll causes rubisco to work as an oxygenase instead of a carboxylase

The fermentation process that leads to the production of ethanol is most likely to takes place in


Hypothetically, an enzyme that was allosterically activated can still be inactivated by a competitive inhibitor.


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