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A general eukaryotic cell is typically in the area of

10-100 micrometers.

As a result of glycolysis, there is a net gain of ________ ATPs.


Both parents are heterozygous for Tay-Sachs disease (an autosomal recessive disorder). Three children in a row were born with Tay-Sachs disease. What is the chance that a fourth child will have Tay-Sachs disease?


The number of ATP produced during aerobic cellular respiration from one glucose molecule is


Which of the following examples describes genetic drift?

A forest fire kills all plant life south of a highway.

Identify which of the following statements is not true.

ATP is comprised of a sugar, base, and two phosphate groups.

Which of these is not a fungal disease (mycosis)?

All of the choices are fungal diseases.

Refer to the figure shown here. Which of the following would not have been a selective agent or pressure that could lead to the reduction in hindlimbs through time?

Before moving into the ocean, smaller legs were advantageous to escaping predators on land.

A couple has three children, two of which have blonde hair. The third child and both parents have dark hair. What can be determined about the gene for hair color in this family?

Blonde hair color is an autosomal recessive trait.

Which formula is a hydrocarbon?


There are several methods of gene editing, including ________, the most widely used method.


The central dogma of molecular biology states that the information contained within genes flows in which direction?

DNA to mRNA to protein

You discover a green, filamentous multicellular eukaryote growing at the edge of a pond. How could you determine if the organism is a green alga or a plant?

Determine if the organism protects and nourishes its embryos.

Cancer cells have abnormal chromosomes because they express telomerase when they should not.


Dominance causes an allele to become more common.


The genetic code in bacteria is different than the genetic code in animals and plants.


The only single-celled organisms are prokaryotes, such as archaea and bacteria.

False because some eukaryotes, including protista, are single-celled.

Parents with the dominant phenotype cannot have offspring with the recessive phenotype.

False, because both parents could carry the recessive allele.

A finch population with heritable variation in beak size arrives on an island where only large seeds are available as a food source. Describe the process of natural selection that would follow.

Finches with larger beaks will more easily eat the large seeds and are thus more likely to survive and produce offspring with similarly large beaks. The frequency of large beaks within the population will increase.

Which statement about fungi is incorrect?

Fungi produce gametes that are motile.

Which of the following organelles would be abundant and in close proximity to the cell plate in a plant cell undergoing cytokinesis?

Golgi apparatus

Replacement electrons for the reaction center of photosystem II are derived from


How does ATP synthase obtain the energy to produce ATP?

Hydrogen ions flow down a concentration gradient from the thylakoid space to the stroma through ATP synthase, releasing energy that can be used to produce ATP from ADP + Pi.

Which of the following is not a property of water?

It is denser when frozen than when liquid.

Which one of the following statements is true?

Natural selection can only work on variation that already exists.

Which statement regarding the scientific method is false?

Original hypotheses are formed after an experiment.

Refer to the figure. Which of the following is true regarding the labeled plasma membrane?

Parts W and Z are hydrophilic.

Which of the following is not associated with proteins?

Proteins are used to produce DNA.

If a true-breeding tall pea plant is crossed with a tall pea plant of unknown parentage, which of the following is correct?

Some short individuals may appear in the F2 generation.

Managing emerging diseases such as SARS is just one of the many challenges facing science today.


Which of the following is best associated with a coupled reaction?

The metabolic reaction requires energy from ATP.

Which is not an important characteristic of the Galápagos Islands in the context of Darwin's theory of evolution?

The multiple islands all had an identical environment.

What does the field of proteomics study?

The structure and function of cellular proteins and how they interact to contribute to traits.

The garden pea was a good model for Mendel's genetics experiments. Which of the following is not true regarding this model organism?

There was only one variety of pea available to Mendel.

Which of the following statements is not true of all viruses?

Viruses have envelopes.

A bacteria's genetic material can include

a circular chromosome, plasmids, and latent bacteriophage DNA.

A silent mutation is more likely to occur as a result of

a point mutation that does not change the amino acid encoded within the gene.

A human egg with 22 chromosomes that is fertilized by a normal sperm will result in

a zygote with monosomy.

The beaks of birds are well suited to the type of food they eat. This result arises from

adaptations that occur as part of natural selection leading to a closer and closer fit between organisms and their environment.

The filled-in squares of a Punnett square represent

all possible combinations of gametes based on a cross between the two parents.

The protein derived from a particular gene is different when it is found in a neuron than in a muscle cell. This is most likely due to

alternative mRNA processing.

Some proteins within a cell can be viewed with

an electron microscope.

The figure below shows a cell in the mitotic stage of


Which one of the following is the smallest unit of matter that has all the properties of an element?


Which of the following is not an application of transgenic organisms?

bacteria that undergo mutations frequently

A cell being observed under a microscope has a cell wall, plasma membrane, ribosomes, and chromosomal material that is not found in a nucleus. Based on this information, the cell could be a

bacterial cell.

A karyotype shows chromosomes arranged by

banding patterns, size, and shape

Elaborate courtship behavior in animals, such as with the blue-footed boobies of the Galápagos Islands, is an example of which of the following reproductive barriers?

behavioral isolation

As you hike up a mountain, you realize that the plants and animals present at the base are not the same as those at the top. This observation is the basis of


Bases can

both take up hydrogen ions and release hydroxide ions.

Which variable will determine the coat color in Himalayan rabbits?

both the genetics and environment will determine the coat color


can be used to remove damaged or malfunctioning cells.

By-products of cellular respiration include

carbon dioxide and water

When glucose is broken down to CO2 and H2O, ________ energy is released and converted into ________.

chemical potential; ATP

Which of the following is not caused by an emerging virus?


The reaction center of photosystem I consists of what type of molecule?

chlorophyll a

Chromosomes are made from

condensed chromatin.

Chromosome 7 may lose an end piece resulting in Williams syndrome. This is an example of a(n)


The various species of honeycreepers have an assortment of different bills, but all honeycreeper species have a similar size and body shape. This is an example of

descent with modification.

Which of the following is not an example of artificial selection?

different styles of potatoes: fried, mashed, baked, etc.

Which of the following terms best describes entropy?


Simple diffusion across a plasma membrane is called passive transport because it

does not require energy from the cell.

When during the cell cycle are chromosomes visible?

during mitosis

A covalent bond occurs when

electrons are shared between two atoms to complete their octets.

In order to clone adult animals, scientists typically begin with a(n)

enucleated egg.

Molecules move from greater to lesser concentration through a transport protein in

facilitated diffusion

Humans store excess polysaccharides in the form of


Ex vivo gene therapy differs from in vivo gene therapy in that

in vivo gene therapy involves directly introducing the gene into the body.

Which of the following processes does not contribute to creating genetic variability in the offspring?


Which of the following is not one of the most common elements in living things?


In the human life cycle,

meiosis produces haploid gametes, and fertilization creates a diploid cell that divides by mitosis to produce a new individual.

A child with bluish-purple skin is found to lack the enzyme diaphorase and is subsequently diagnosed with which genetic disorder?


What organelle is used during the process of cellular respiration?


f the survivors of an original population survived due to specific phenotypes that they possessed, then this event is an example of

natural selection

The process of ________ leads to organisms that are ________ that environment.

natural selection; adapted to

If people with freckles preferentially mated with other people with freckles, this would be an example of

nonrandom mating.

A defect in DNA ligase would most likely cause

normal replication, but gaps remain in the sugar-phosphate DNA backbone.

ATP is a molecule used for energy transport inside the cell. The components of ATP are a nitrogen-containing base, a pentose sugar, and three phosphate groups. Given this structure, ATP is a(n)

nucleic acid.

Below is a diagram of a bacterium. What structure does Y represent?


Specialized cells differ from one another because they

only express certain genes.

Cold weather can change what aspect of a Himalayan rabbit?


Which feature is found in all cells?

plasma membrane composed of phospholipids

Two species are said to be closely related if they

possess a common ancestor.

Unicellular organisms undergo mitotic division to

produce new organisms

Which of the following represents the phases of mitosis in their proper sequence?

prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

Microevolution is not influenced by which of the following?

random mating

Which of the following is a property of acids?

release hydrogen ions when dissolved in a liquid

This figure represents


Bacteria that secrete digestive enzymes into their surroundings in order to decompose nonliving organic matter are called


Which of the following allows a cell to decipher the genetic code?


Which of the following is not a symptom of Down syndrome?

tall stature

Critical to the theory of evolution, Darwin needed to include an idea that was not generally accepted by scientists or society at that time. That idea was that

the Earth must be very old

Eukaryotic cells move their organelles using

the cytoskeleton.

Which of the following is not a type of potential energy?

the energy of a ball rolling down a hill

Which of the following individuals would be considered the fittest?

the individual that has the greatest number of offspring

ATP synthase derives energy for the generation of ATP from

the movement of hydrogen ions down their concentration gradient from the thylakoid space to the stroma.

The possibility of Down syndrome increases as the mother's age increases because

the possibility of nondisjunction increases.

Chromosomes for karyotyping are often obtained from a blood sample. Red blood cells, however, cannot be used for this purpose because

they lack nuclei.

The innermost compartment of a chloroplast formed by the interconnected thylakoids is the

thylakoid space.

Hydrolysis of sucrose, a disaccharide, results in

two monomers.

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