Biology chapter 10 quiz

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What percentage of the kittens will be calico and male? (1 pt.)


If you have two horses that are both heterozygous for both traits, trotting and mane. What ratio of the offspring would you expect to be curly maned and a pacer? Explain why you can answer this question without constructing a Punnett square. (2 points)


In horses, straight maned M and trotter T are considered dominant traits, and curly maned m and pacer t are considered recessive traits. A curly maned pacer horse is mated to one who is homozygous dominant for both traits. What would you expect their offspring to look like? What is the genotype? Explain why you can answer this question without constructing a Punnett square. (3 points)

100% straight mane tracer

How many girls did II-1 and II-2 have? How many have Huntington's Disease?

2 1

Orville Zombie has purple hair and is married to Opal Zombie who brags that she has the bluest blue hair in the valley. How many of Opal children will be able to brag about their blue hair also. How many will take after their father?

2 2 Hh Hh Hh hh

What percentage of the kittens will be black and male? (1 pt.)


What percentage of the kittens will be calico and female? (1 pt.)


A white flowered plant is crossed with a plant that is heterozygous for the trait. What percentage of the offspring will have purple flowers?

50% PP Pp Pp Pp

How many children did individuals I-1 and I-2 have?


For each genotype, indicate whether it is heterozygous (HE) or homozygous dominant (HOD) or homozygous recessive (HOR) (4 pts.).

AA _HOR___ Bb __HE__ Cc _HE___ Ee _HE___ ff _HOR__ _GG _HOR__ hh _HE___ HH _HOR___

A woman with type A blood is claiming that a man with type AB blood is the father of her child, who is also type AB. Could this man be the father? Show the possible crosses; remember the woman can have AO or AA genotypes.


A man with AB blood is married to a woman with AB blood. What blood types will their children be and in what proportion?


A person with type O blood is married to a person with type A blood (unknown genotype). They have 6 children, 3 of them have type A blood, three of them have type O blood. What is the genotype of the two parents?


A woman with type A blood (genotype: AO) is married to a type B person (genotype: BO). What blood types will their children have?


A man who has type B blood (genotype: BB) is married to a woman with type O blood. What blood type will their children have?


Is blood typing an example of codominance, complete dominance or incomplete dominance?


In goats, a recessive gene causes the goats to "faint" when they are startled. A farmer breeds two goats (that have never fainted) and their first offspring faints two days after its birth. What must the parent's genotypes have been? Show the cross that resulted in this offspring. Show you work or you will not receive credit for your answer. (1 pt.)

GG Gg Gg Gg

mutations are those that occur in cells that form gametes and can be passed on to future generations.


Show the cross for a pure breeding short haired guinea pig and a long haired guinea pig. What percentage of the offspring will have short hair

HH_____ x___Hh_____ HH Hh Hh Hh 25%

In guinea pigs, the allele for short hair is dominant. What genotype would a heterozygous short haired guinea pig have? What genotype would a purebreeding short haired guinea pig have? What genotype would a long haired guinea pig have?

Hh hh HH

Which members of the family above are afflicted with Huntington's Disease?

I1, II2, II3, II7, III3

Indicate the 2 individuals that you know must be the carriers of hitchhiker's thumb.

III1 and III2__

How would you name the 2 individuals that have hitchhiker's thumb?

IV1 and IV3__

Name 2 IV generation colorblind males.

IV1 and IV5

Label the image below to test your knowledge of the inheritance of ABO blood types.

I^aI^b i^Bi I^AI ii

Individuals with develop as sterile males, although they have an extra X chromosome (XXY).

Klinefelter syndrome

A pea plant is the F1 offspring of a true-breeding plant with purple flowers and a true-breeding plant with white flowers. This plant is crossed with one that has white flowers (recessive). How many of the plants in the next generation will have white flowers? Show you work or you will not receive credit for your answer. (1 pt.)

PP Pp Pp pp

For each of the genotypes below, determine the phenotype (3 pts.).

PP _____purple_____________________ _Pp ______purple____________________ _pp ________white___________________

Round seeds are dominant to wrinkled

RR ______round_____________________ Rr ______round_____________________ rr ___wrinkled________________________

A homozygous round seeded plant is crossed with a homozygous wrinkled seeded plant. What are the genotypes of the parents? What percentage of the offspring will also be homozygous?

RRxrr 0%

Olivia Zombie is married to Odo Zombie. Both of them have purple hair. They have 100 children. What is the hair color of their children and in what proportion?

Red _25%_______ Blue _25%_____ Purple __50%______ HH Hh Hh Hh

Rrxrr What percentage of the offspring will be round?

Rr rr Rr rr 50%

Set up the square for each of the crosses listed below. The trait being studied is round seeds (dominant) and wrinkled seeds (recessive) (4 pts.). What percentage of the offspring will be round?

RrxRr Rr Rr Rr rr 100%

mutations are not passed on to future generations but can have drastic effects on the individual in which they occur.


In humans, tongue rolling is a dominant trait, those with the recessive condition cannot roll their tongues. Bob can roll his tongue, but his mother could not. He is married to Sally, who cannot roll her tongue. What is the probability that their first born child will not be able to roll his tongue? Show you work or you will not receive credit for your answer. (1 pt.)

TT Tt Tt Tt

Select all of the following that are true regarding nondisjunction and trisomy 21 (Down syndrome).

The older the mother, the higher than chances of producing a child with Down syndrome. The older the mother, the higher than chances of producing a child with Down syndrome. Correct Nondisjunction during sperm production can lead to sperm gametes with abnormal numbers of chromosomes. Nondisjunction during sperm production can lead to sperm gametes with abnormal numbers of chromosomes. Correct

Select all of the following that are true regarding nondisjunction and trisomy 21 (Down syndrome).

The older the mother, the higher than chances of producing a child with Down syndrome. The older the mother, the higher than chances of producing a child with Down syndrome. Correct Nondisjunction during sperm production can lead to sperm gametes with abnormal numbers of chromosomes. Nondisjunction during sperm production can lead to sperm gametes with abnormal numbers of chromosomes. Correct Trisomy 21 is always the result of nondisjunction that occurs during meiosis I.

Females with, have only a single X chromosome (and no Y chromosome).

Turner syndrome

The two sex chromosomes are and . Females are designated XX, and males are designated XY.

X, Y, XX, XY

Nondisjunction of the Y chromosome can produce fertile males.


Show the cross of a female calico cat with a black male? (2 pts.)

X^By_______ x _X^BX^R_______

The chromosome is small and contains less genes than its dissimilar partner.


Zombies can have red, blue, or purple hair. The allele that controls this trait is INCOMPLETELY DOMINANT, where purple hair is caused by the heterozygous condition. Show a "key" for the genotypes and phenotypes of hair color. Use the letters "H" and "h" for the alleles.

__HH____ = Red Hair (dominant) __Hh____ = Purple Hair_ _hh____ = Blue Hair

hy does individual IV-7 have colorblindness?

_because mom was a carrier and dad was affected

he phenotype of an organism is determined by which their chromosomes possess for a specific trait.


A diploid individual contains two alternative forms, or what for each gene.


If a particular genetic trait is , it appears in both sexes fairly equally.


Of the 23 pairs of human chromosomes, pairs 1-22 are called , while pair 23 is made up of chromosomes.

autosomes, sex

Why are there no male calico cats? (1 pt.)

because males can only be black or orange never calico

8. Ophelia repeats the process a year later. This time she has a litter of 5 Zombies, all of which have purple hair. What was the father's hair color in this case?

blue HH Hh Hh Hh

Ophelia Zombie is not married but she wants to have children. She goes to a fertility clinic where she is fertilized by an anonymous sperm donor. Ophelia has red hair. 5 months later, a litter of Zombies is born, of the eight babies in the litter, 4 of them have red hair, and 4 of them have purple hair. What color hair did the babies' father have?

blue HH Hh Hh Hh

Other mutations are called induced mutations and are the result of exposure to radiation or toxic .


Genes are located on , which contain one allele for each gene.


How are individuals III-1 and III-2 related


If a particular genetic trait is , then every child exhibiting the trait will also have at least one parent exhibiting the trait.


There are no carriers for Huntington's Disease- you either have it or you don't. With this in mind, is Huntington's disease caused by a dominant or recessive trait?


Mendel observed that alleles can be dominant or recessive, and the dominant allele typically masks the expression of the other allele.

dominant, dominant

Phenotype can be altered by influences.


The pedigree to the right shows a family's pedigree for colorblindness. Which sex can be carriers of colorblindness and not have it?


Parents transmit information about traits to their offspring in units called


This set of alleles is referred to as the organism's


The particular alleles that an individual has are the individual's , whereas the appearance of an individual is called its

genotype, phenotype

One example of a sex-linked recessive disorder is , a condition in which the blood clots slowly or not at all.


Also in a karyotype, pairs of chromosomes, one of the pair from the male parent and the other from the female parent, are arranged in descending order of size.


If the two alleles are the same, the individual is said to be ; if the two alleles are different, the individual is said to be

homozygous, heterozygous

In some pairs of alleles, dominance is exhibited when the heterozygote has an intermediate phenotype.


In the pink heterozygotes, the expression of the alleles is between that of either homozygote.


Because the disease alleles reside on the X chromosome, any who inherits a mutated allele will develop the disease because the other sex chromosome is a Y chromosome that lacks any alleles of those genes.


In a pedigree, are designated by squares and by circles.

males, females

A trait is most likely to exhibit continuous variation if it is controlled by

many genes, each with several possible alleles.

Chromosomes carry genes from parent to offspring and are distributed to gametes during ; each gamete receives one copy of each chromosome and therefore one allele for each .

meiosis, gene

A gene is a permanent change in the sequence of bases of DNA.


This disorder is caused by a of a gene that encodes a protein necessary for blood clotting.


If nondisjunction occurs during meiosis I, as shown in the image below, what are the possible gametes that can be produced? Click on all the boxes that apply.

n+1, n-1

If nondisjunction occurs during meiosis II, as shown in the image below, what are the possible gametes that can be produced? Click on all the boxes that apply.

n+1, n-1

A is a chart of a family's history with regard to a particular genetic trait.


The term refers to the outward expression of a trait, either physically, microscopically, or metabolically.


is determined by the expression of alleles.


In Japanese four-o'clocks, flowers can be red or white, and the incomplete dominant from a mating of the two exhibits the color .


These changes in bases can affect production, protein activity, or have no effect on protein production at all.


Olga Zombie has red hair and marries Oliver Zombie who has blue hair. They have 32 children. What is the color of these children's hair?

purple HH Hh Hh hh

If a particular genetic trait is , then both parents of a child exhibiting the trait may not exhibit the trait.


The pedigree to the right shows a family's pedigree for hitchhiker's thumb. Is this trait dominant or recessive?


Some mutations are due to errors in DNA .


Humans who have gained or lost a may reach maturity, but with somewhat abnormal features.

sex chromosome

If a particular genetic trait is , it is usually only seen in males.


Recessive disorders are caused by mutated alleles residing on the X chromosome.


With this in mind, what kind of trait is colorblindness (use the table above)?

sex-linked/recessive _

The offspring of the pink flowers can be red, white, or pink, making it clear there is a(n) pair of alleles involved.


In a karyotype, chromosomes are in their replicated state and consist of two joined at the centromere.

sister chromatids

is one example of an environmental effect that can dramatically affect phenotypic development.


When an XX gamete (produced by nondisjunction) combines with an X gamete, a triple X female results.

triple X

For diploid organisms, each cell contains ___ alleles for each trait, one allele on a chromosome from the mother and the other on a chromosome from the father.


How are individuals III-2 and II-4 related? I-2 and III-5?

uncle/niece grandma/grandson

To illustrate this concept, arctic foxes produce more pigment in their fur when exposed to temperatures.


Is it possible for individual IV-2 to be a carrier? Why?

yes because parents are heterozygous

One of Opal's children is born with shocking red hair. Is Orville Zombie the father of this child? But wait, Opal swears that she has been faithful, she claims the hospital goofed and got her baby mixed with someone else's. Is Opal the mother of the red haired child? Explain your answer.

yes blue and purple are recessive genes and when they mix you can get the dominant red color HH Hh Hh hh

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