Biology Chapter 22 Lab

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Which fungal phylum usually carries on sexual reproduction? A) Chytrids B) Ascomycetes C) Basidiomycetes D) Zygomycetes E) Glomeromycetes


________ causes human yeast infections. A) Amanita B) Candida albicans C) Aspergillus D) Claviceps purpurea

Candida albicans

________ is a single-celled fungus that produces yeast infections.

Candida albicans

What creates the holes in bread? A) Air B) Alcohol C) Yeast D) Oxygen gas E) Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide

Which of the following is a by-product of yeast fermentation? A) Carbon dioxide B) Carbon monoxide C) Sugar D) Oxygen gas E) Chitin

Carbon dioxide

Which fungal group produces swimming, flagellated spores? A) Zygomycetes B) Chytrids C) Basidiomycetes D) Ascomycetes E) Glomeromycetes


Which fungi produces toxins (including LSD) that can cause convulsions, hallucinations, and death if consumed by a person? A) Claviceps purpurea B) Chytrid fungi C) Deadly night shade D) Aspergillus E) Candida albicans

Claviceps purpurea

Which of the following fungus causes ergot poisoning, a common cause of death in Europe in the Middle Ages? A) Amanita B) Candida albicans C) Aspergillus D) Claviceps purpurea E) Truffles

Claviceps purpurea

Which fungal group is most commonly found in lichens? A) Basidiomycetes B) Ascomycetes C) Zygomycetes D) Glomeromycetes E) Chytrids


The specialized reproductive structures of club fungi are called A) asci. B) toadstools. C) mycelia. D) zygospores. E) basidia.


Which of the following features are characteristic of fungi? A) Cell walls, feeding by absorption, and usually filamentous bodies B) Cell walls, photosynthesis, and usually filamentous bodies C) No cell walls, feeding by absorption, chemosynthesis D) No cell walls, parasitic, heterotrophic E) Cell walls, chemosynthetic, heterotrophic

cell walls, feeding by absorption, and usually filamentous bodies

Which polysaccharide is produced by both fungi and arthropods? A) Cellulose B) Glycogen C) Glucose D) Fructose E) Chitin


According to the fossil record, the most ancient group of fungi is probably the A) ascomycetes. B) basidiomycetes. C) chytrids. D) zygomycetes. E) glomeromycetes.


The worldwide die-off of frogs has been traced to infection by A) basidiomycetes. B) ascomycetes. C) zygomycetes. D) glomeromycetes. E) chytrids.


Mycorrhizae associations are A) very unusual. B) common; at least 80% of the species of plants form these associations. C) common only to species, such as grasses. D) absolutely necessary for survival. E) common only in nutrient-rich environments.

common; at least 80% of the species of plants form these associations

The importance of fungi to ecosystems is mostly as a(n) A) parasite. B) symbiote. C) predator. D) producer. E) decomposer.


In the environment, fungi that feed off dead organic material are important ________.


Fungi usually obtain food by A) digesting it externally and then absorbing it. B) photosynthesis. C) absorbing it and then digesting it within fungal cells. D) chemosynthesis. E) producing antibiotics that internally destroy bacteria.

digesting it externally and then absorbing it

Fungi that live inside plant leaves and provide protection from insects are A) lichens. B) mycorrhizae. C) endophytes. D) saprophytes. E) photosynthetic.


Fungi that live symbiotically inside plants are ________.


Rusts and smuts are examples of A) fungal plant diseases. B) lichens. C) mycorrhizae. D) yeasts. E) human pathogens.

fungal plant disease

The antibiotic penicillin was originally derived from A) bacteria. B) Archaea. C) fungi. D) plants. E) chemical factories.


Histoplasmosis is caused by A) eating too much yeast. B) inhaling certain fungal spores. C) ergot poisoning. D) Amanita-induced liver failure. E) carbon dioxide inhalation.

inhaling certain fungal spores

Often, the first organisms to colonize a new environment are ________.


Which of the following are among the first organisms to colonize barren habitats? A) Fungi B) Plants C) Mushrooms D) Lichens E) Small mammals


During sexual reproduction, fungi produce haploid spores via ________.


When zygosporangia germinate, they must undergo ________ before forming hyphae. A) meiosis B) sporulation C) mitosis D) fertilization


During asexual reproduction, fungi produce haploid spores via ________.


The mat-like structure composed of hyphal threads that forms the body of most fungi is called a(n) A) ascus. B) septum. C) mycelium. D) zygospore. E) basidium.


When you eat mushrooms on your pizza, you are technically eating the A) seeds. B) chloroplasts. C) fungal leaves. D) mycelium. E) roots.


Figure 22-7 shows a glomeromycete fungus growing in the cell of a plant. The fungus will help the plant get water and minerals and the plant will supply the fungus with some sugar. This relationship is known as A) autotrophic. B) parasitic. C) a mycorrhiza. D) a lichen. E) a Blastoclade.


It is hypothesized that ________ associations may have helped plants colonize dry land.


Some fungi are predators (not parasites) of A) humans. B) wheat. C) chestnut and elm trees. D) nematodes (roundworms). E) spiders.

nematodes (roundworms)

The highly toxic Aspergillus infects A) wheat. B) milk. C) peanuts. D) bread. E) human skin


In a lichen, ________ produce sugars for the fungal partner.

photosynthetic bacteria or algae

Mycorrhizae are symbiotic associations between A) animals and fungi. B) fungi and plant stems. C) algae and fungi. D) algae and plant roots. E) plant roots and a fungus.

plant roots and a fungus

Molds easily contaminate foods because fungi A) are unaffected by cooking. B) produce huge numbers of airborne spores. C) are not visible. D) have haploid bodies. E) produce temporary, visible reproductive structures

produce huge numbers of airborne spores

The conspicuous structures on the surface of a dead tree that indicate a fungus is growing inside are for A) pollination. B) reproduction. C) feeding. D) defense. E) show only.


The fungi in Figure 22-9 are examples of A) reproductive structures. B) mycelia. C) hyphae. D) fairy rings. E) mushrooms.

reproductive structures

Mycorrhizae surround and infiltrate the ________ of vascular plants. A) roots B) stems C) leaves D) flowers E) seeds


Both bacteria and fungi digest food by A) secreting enzymes and then absorbing the smaller molecules. B) forming food vacuoles through phagocytosis. C) ingesting previously decomposed molecules. D) eating only small organisms that they can engulf. E) photosynthesis.

secreting enzymes and then absorbing the smaller molecules

Hyphae are divided into cells by ________.


In ascomycetes, the ascus functions in A) sexual reproduction. B) digestion. C) vegetative growth. D) asexual reproduction. E) photosynthesis.

sexual reproduction

In black bread molds, the ________ produce haploid spores for asexual reproduction.


During alcohol fermentation, yeasts ferment A) carbon dioxide. B) chitin. C) sugar. D) oxygen gas. E) complex carbohydrates.


Chytrids reproduce by ________, which sets this group apart from other fungi.

swimming spores

The name "sac fungi" is appropriate for the ascomycetes because A) they produce seeds in saclike structures. B) they grow well in closed bags. C) the body of the fungus is a saclike shape. D) it is best to carry them in a sack. E) they produce spores in saclike structures.

they produce spores in saclike structures

Ergot poisoning is caused by a ________ produced by the ascomycete Claviceps purpurea


A zygosporangium is produced by A) meiosis of hyphae. B) mitosis of hyphae. C) the union of egg and sperm. D) meiosis of megaspores. E) the union of two haploid hyphae.

union of two haploid hyphae

Single-celled fungi are known as A) chytrids. B) prokaryotes. C) spores. D) club fungi. E) yeasts.


Black bread molds produce diploid reproductive structures called A) asci. B) toadstools. C) mycelia. D) zygosporangia. E) basidia.


What are lichens? A) Algae B) Archaea C) Fungi D) A symbiotic association of algae and Archaea E) A symbiotic association of algae and fungi

A symbiotic association of algae and Archaea

In which environment would you most likely find chytrids? A) A warm swamp B) The back of the refrigerator C) A basket of overripe fruit D) A well-used gym bag

A warm swamp

What gives blue cheeses like Roquefort and Stilton their unique flavor? A) Chytrids B) Ascomycete mold C) Mushrooms D) Yeast E) Alcohol

Ascomycete mold

Which fungus group is responsible for Dutch elm disease and the destruction of the American elm? A) Zygomycetes B) Chytrids C) Basidiomycetes D) Ascomycetes E) Glomeromycetes


Aflatoxins, which are highly toxic, carcinogenic compounds, come from A) corn smut. B) Candida albicans. C) Aspergillis. D) Claviceps purpurea. E) Amanita.


Which of the following is an example of a parasitic fungal disease? A) Herpes B) Malaria C) Trichinosis D) Athlete's foot E) Sleeping sickness

Athlete's foot

How are lichens and mycorrhizae similar? A) Both form symbiotic relationships with plants that benefit the plants. B) Both parasitize live plants, eventually killing them. C) Both are pioneer species that colonize bare rock. D) Both are saprophytes that decompose dead materials.

Both form symbiotic relationship with plants that benefit the plants

Chytrids are the fungal species best adapted to colonizing dry environments. True or False?


Fungal cell walls are composed of lignin. True or False?


Fungal hyphae usually are diploid. True or False?


Glomeromycetes reproduce by basidiospores. True or False?


Mycorrhizae are plant parasites. True or False?


Yeasts form a symbiotic relationship with a bacteria. True or False?


Why are fungi important in recycling woody plants? A) Fungi digest chloroplasts. B) Fungi are the only organisms capable of digesting both cellulose and lignin. C) Woody plants occupy the same environment as fungi. D) Fungi have the internal digestion necessary to digest wood.

Fungi are the only organisms capable of digesting both cellulose and lignin

Which group of fungi appears to lack asexual reproduction? A) Basidiomycetes B) Ascomycetes C) Chytrids D) Glomeromycetes E) All fungi have asexual reproduction.


________ form beneficial symbiotic relationships with plant roots. A) Chytrids B) Ascomycetes C) Basidiomycetes D) Zygomycetes E) Glomeromycetes


According to Figure 22-8 above, the life cycle of a typical basidiomycete, which of the following statements is true about sexual reproduction? A) It begins when a (—) hypha and a (+) hypha meet. B) It begins in the gills of the mushroom. C) It begins when hyphae form a mushroom. D) It results in diploid hyphae. E) It does not include meiosis.

It begins when a (—) hypha and a (+) hypha meet.

If there were no fungi, which of the following would occur? A) Nutrient recycling would stop. B) Plants would overrun the Earth. C) Grazing animals would be unable to digest plants. D) Oxygen production would stop.

Nutrients recycling would stop

Ascomycetes produce which of the following? : A) Penicillin B) Black bread mold C) Smuts and rusts D) Basidia E) Chytrids

Smuts and rusts

Which of the following sequences describes sexual reproduction in the fungal life cycle? A) The haploid zygote divides by meiosis to form haploid spores. B) The diploid zygote divides by meiosis to form haploid spores, which produce haploid mycelia through mitosis. C) Haploid gametes divide by meiosis to produce a diploid zygote, which grows by mitosis to produce diploid mycelia. D) Free-swimming gametes fuse to form a diploid zygote, which grows by mitosis. E) Diploid spores divide by meiosis to form haploid gametes, which join to form mycelia.

The diploid zygote divides by meiosis to form haploid spores, which produce haploid mycelia through mitosis

Fairy rings are produced by basidiomycetes. True or False?


Fungi are heterotrophs, but they do not ingest their food. True or False?


Fungi that feed on dead tissue are saprophytes. True or False?


Lichens can form from the symbiotic relationship between a photosynthetic bacterium and a fungus. True or False?


Mycorrhizae help plants obtain water from the soil. True or False?


Ringworm is a fungal infection of the skin. True or False?


The photosynthetic component of a lichen is a(n) A) arthropod or protist. B) small plant. C) ascomycetes. D) alga or cyanobacterium. E) basidiomycete.

alga or cyanobacterium

If a strong fungicide is released and eliminates all the fungi in an ecosystem, which of the following is likely to happen? A) Improved growth of plant species B) Faster breakdown of leaf litter C) An accumulation of dead and discarded plant and animal tissues D) Improved soil fertility E) Increased rate of photosynthesis

an accumulation of dead and discarded plant and animal tissues

During sexual reproduction, the spores of the sac fungi develop in ________.


The specialized reproductive structures of sac fungi are called A) asci. B) toadstools. C) mycelia. D) zygospores. E) basidia.


The mold used to produce blue cheeses like Roquefort and Stilton reproduces sexually via ________.

asci, ascospores

Truffles, the spore-containing structure of a ________, are eaten as a delicacy.


According to Figure 22-8, the life cycle of a typical basidiomycete, basidiomycetes are ________ for most of their life cycle. A) diploid B) haploid C) mushrooms D) nuclei E) ascomycetes


The dominant generation in the fungal life cycle is usually A) diploid. B) haploid. C) a sporophyte. D) polyploid. E) unicellular.


Fungi are similar to plants because both A) are important producers in their ecosystems. B) have cell walls surrounding their plasma membranes. C) liberate nutrients from dead tissues. D) produce embryos when they reproduce. E) have chloroplasts in their cells.

have cell walls surrounding their plasma membranes

The body of a fungus is generally composed of A) cellulose. B) vascular tissue. C) mycorrhizae. D) mold. E) hyphae.


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