Biology Chapter 40 and 41 questions and vocab

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A hypervariable region is part of a(n): A. antibody. B. mast cell. C. antigen. D. complement.


Allergies result when the immune system: A. responds to harmless nonself molecules and cells. B. does not respond to self molecules and cells. C. responds to harmful nonself molecules and cells. D. responds to self molecules and cells.


Antigens are ________________, whereas antibodies are _____. A.present on the foreign molecule; selected and produced in high quantities in response to a specific foreign molecule B.produced in response to a foreign molecule; the functional component of the immune system C.present on the foreign molecule; also present on a foreign molecule D.present on the foreign molecule; always present and ready to respond to a specific foreign molecule


How is antigenic shift different from antigenic drift? A. All of these choices are correct. B. In antigenic shift, the change in viral proteins is sudden. C. In antigenic shift, a new viral strain is formed that represents a mix of two or more strains. D. In antigenic shift, genetic information is exchanged between different strains.


If gastrulation fails to occur, which of the structures does not form? A.mesoderm B.epiblast C.blastocyst D.inner cell mass


Immunodeficiency is a general term that refers to the loss of: A. one or more components of the immune system. B. functional mast cells in the body. C. immune system function with age. D. immune system function because of genetic mutations.


Meiosis is a form of cell division that: A.halves the chromosome number. B.doubles the chromosome number. C.allows asexual reproduction.


One of the advantages of sexual reproduction is the production of novel arrangements of genes on chromosomes due to recombination during meiosis. This effect is further magnified upon fertilization because offspring: A. may have allele combinations of genes that are not seen in either parent. B. will have more chromosomes than either parent. C. will have higher fitness than either parent because of the union of gametes. D. will have more alleles than either parent.


T cells must undergo both positive and negative selection during development. This means that they must: A. Both of these choices are correct. B. not recognize or bind to self antigens associated with MHC molecules. C. recognize and bind to self MHC (major histocompatibility complex) molecules.


Phagocytic cells are an important part of the innate immune system because of their ability to:Select all that apply. A. engulf many different pathogens. B. produce multiple antibodies. C. present foreign antigens that stimulate adaptive immune responses. D. attack cells infected by a virus.

A and C

A researcher purifying antibodies in patients' blood samples discovers that one patient has an abnormally high level of IgE. He goes back to check the patient's chart. What are the likely symptoms of this patient? Select all that apply. A. severe allergies B. persistent viral infections C. persistent infections of the mucous membranes D. severe asthma

A and D

Recall Edward Jenner's experiment, where a boy was inoculated with cowpox and, as a result, did not contract smallpox when he was exposed to the virus. Why didn't the boy get smallpox? Select all that apply. A. because of a primary immune response B. because of immune "memory" provided by plasma cells C. because of immune "memory" provided by memory cells D. because of a secondary immune response

A and D

Viviparity is present in some sharks, snakes, and mammals. As a result, viviparity is a good example of: Select all that apply. A.analogy. B.horizontal gene transfer. C.homology. D.coevolution. E.convergent evolution.

A and E

ospecific to pathogen oremembers past infections - future encounters w/ same pathogen generate stronger response

Adaptive (acquired) immunity

part of immune system that requires activation and has memory to fight future infection -responds in extremely specific way to particular strains of bacteria and virus that enters the body

Adaptive immunity

encloses space to collect metabolic waste


protein that binds foreign molecules (antigen) -found on surface of B cells or free in blood or tissues -Y-shaped protein made of 4 polypeptide chains


foreign molecule that can initiate immune response


Clonal selection: A. causes B cells with antibodies that bind to the antigen to divide and differentiate. B. All of these choices are correct. C. selects from a large pool of B cells, each producing a unique antibody that recognizes one or a few antigens. D. creates a pool of plasma cells that secrete the selected antibody. E. creates memory cells that can be reactivated should the antigen recur.


Consider a mutation that occurs in the gene for the progesterone receptor so it no longer can bind progesterone. What would be the effect of such a mutation? A.The uterine lining would be maintained throughout the menstrual cycle. B.The uterine lining would not increase to a level able to support pregnancy. C.The uterine lining would be shed continuously. D.The uterine lining would be shed as usual throughout the menstrual cycle.


In which of the structures are sperm produced? A.vas deferens B.seminiferous tubules C.seminal vesicles D.prostate gland E.epididymis


Which is not an advantage of asexual reproduction? A.does not involve finding a mate B.allows rapid reproduction and population increases C.increases genetic diversity within the population D.can occur despite low population density


Which of the statements about K-strategists is false? A.K-strategists evolved in stable environments. B. K-strategists reproduce frequently. C.K-strategists invest considerable parental time and care into raising their offspring. D.K-strategists produce few offspring. E.K-strategists evolved in environments with intense competition for limited food.


Which of the statements about mammalian cleavage is false? A.Zygotic transcription begins as early as the two-cell stage. B.The embryo increases in overall size during cleavage. C.Early divisions do not occur at the same time. D.Cell divisions extend completely through the egg. E.Cleavage in mammals occurs more slowly than cleavage in other organisms.


Why can a skin test be used to detect an infection associated with the lungs as in the case of tuberculosis (TB)? A. TB exposure can also occur on the skin B. .Memory T cells and B cells are present throughout the immune system. C. All of these choices are correct. D. Skin is a type of epithelial tissue, just like lung tissue.


You are a doctor who examines a swollen and warm puncture wound on the hand of a patient. Which was not a response of the patient's immune system to this injury when it occurred? A. The innate immune system triggered an inflammation response. B. Cell division was inhibited at the wound site. C. Antibodies were produced as part of the adaptive immune response. D. Phagocytes attacked foreign cells that entered the wound.


Which of the parasite Plasmodium listed reflect the evolution of mechanisms to evade the immune system? Select all that apply. A. The fact that the malaria parasite has a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles. B. The fact that the malaria parasite shows antigenic variation in its cell surface proteins. C. The fact that the malaria parasite is a eukaryote. D. The fact that the malaria parasite produces proteins. E. The fact that infected cells remain in the blood vessels and out of the spleen because the malaria parasite expresses a sticky protein in its plasma membrane.

B and E

A loss-of-function mutation in the gene for CD8 on a cytotoxic T cell results in the T cell: A. causing the development of an autoimmune disorder. B. switching to a helper T cell. C. being unable to bind major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I proteins. D. being able to bind to antigens on bacteria to trigger phagocytosis.


A researcher discovers a new strain of flu virus that fails to produce hemagglutinin. How will its inability to produce this glycoprotein affect the virus? A. This will not affect the virus, as hemagglutinin is a unique component of bacteria (not viruses). B. The virus will be able to infect a greater number of species, as hemagglutinin is responsible for viral species specificity. C. The virus will be unable to enter and infect host cells. D. The virus will become both airborne and blood-borne. E. The virus will be able to target (and enter) more epithelial cell types.


As a person ages, his or her thymus shrinks. How does this change affect the effectiveness of vaccinations? A. Vaccinations will be more effective because at birth your thymus made all the T cells you'll need for your entire life. B. Vaccinations will have no effect because the entire immune system shuts down when the thymus shrinks to a certain size. C. Vaccinations will be less effective because the rate of T cell maturation will be reduced. D. Vaccinations will be less effective because B cells will not produce appropriate amounts of antibodies. E. Vaccinations will be as effective in aging patients as in young patients because T cell development occurs in the bone marrow.


Cytotoxic T cells recognize and kill host cells infected by viruses. A cytotoxic T cell recognizes an infected host cell by the foreign antigen displayed on the host cell's: A. cytokine receptors. B. toll-like receptors. C. major histocompatibility complex (MHC) I molecules.


In which of the forms of reproduction does an unfertilized egg develop into a new individual? A.binary fission B.fragmentation C.parthenogenesis D.budding E.conjugation


In which of the structures does fertilization typically take place? A.uterus B.vagina C.fallopian tubes D.ovaries E.cervix


Komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis) are an endangered species. One way that conservationists work to maintain their numbers is through captive breeding programs in zoos. Typically, females are housed alone, while males are transported between zoos to mate with females and produce offspring. In some cases, females produce offspring even though they are not in contact with a male. Which term describes the production of offspring by female Komodo dragons that lack contact with males? A. sexual reproduction B. budding C. parthenogenesis D. fission


Most birth control pills contain both progestin (biologically similar to progesterone) and estrogen. By taking a pill over consecutive days, the amount of each hormone is maintained at a constant concentration in the circulating blood, inhibiting ovulation. Based on this information, what is the most likely mechanism for how birth control pills affect ovulation? A.They inhibit growth of the uterine lining so that implantation cannot occur. B.They slow egg maturation so that only immature eggs will be released. C.They inhibit the growth of follicles so that ovulation does not occur. D.They inhibit maintenance of the corpus luteum after ovulation.


Skin is an important part of the immune response because: is relatively porous. B.the presence of white blood cells on the surface provides protection to the host. acts as a barrier to keep out pathogens. D.bacteria on the surface kill viruses that touch the skin.


The amniotic egg, which is present in reptiles, birds, and mammals, is a good example of: A.analogy. B.coevolution. C.homology. D.horizontal gene transfer. E.convergent evolution.


The human embryo normally implants and develops in which of the structures? A.ovaries B.fallopian tubes C.uterus D.vagina E.cervix


Virus-infected cells are detected and destroyed by which cell-mediated immune response? A.B cells B.helper T cells C.cytotoxic T cells D.macrophages


What accounts for the lysis of a bacterial cell in the presence of a membrane attack complex (MAC)? A. apoptosis due to the loss of DNA B. osmosis leading to swelling and rupture of the cell C. the formation of large pores in the membrane D. unregulated signaling due to the addition of novel proteins to the cell's membrane E. preventing motility of the cell


What type of pathogen causes cholera? A. virus B. worm C. bacterium D. protist E. fungus


cells recognize and act against pathogens; involves T-cells

Cell-mediated immunity

surrounds entire embryo along with yolk and allantoic sac


bind antigens inside ER -found on virtually all cells -antigen already located inside infected cell

Class 1 MHC

bind antigens inside endosomes -found only on antigen presenting cells (APCs) - macrophages, dendritic cells and B-cells -antigen is phagocytosed, endocytosed or pinocytosed

Class 2 MHC

set of rapid cell divisions that take place in animal zygotes immediately after fertilization


kill other cells; surface molecules is CD8

Cytotoxic T cells

Consider events that occur during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. Select the answer that lists those events in chronological order. 1. The lining of the uterus thickens. 2. Granulosa cells secrete estradiol. 3. FSH acts on granulosa cells. 4. LH levels surge rapidly, then decline. 5. Ovulation occurs. A. 2 → 4 → 3 → 1 → 5 B. 1 → 2 → 3 → 4 → 5 C. 4 → 3 → 2 → 1 → 5 D. 3 → 2 → 1 → 4 → 5 E. 3 → 1 → 2 → 4 → 5


One of the disadvantages of sexual reproduction, as compared to asexual reproduction, is that: A. new genotypes can be introduced into the population. B. deleterious mutations can be removed from the population more easily. C. there is greater variation introduced in each generation in sexually reproducing species. D. individuals have lower relatedness to their offspring than asexually reproducing species.


One of the important outcomes of gastrulation is the establishment of germ layers. If gastrulation failed to occur, then: A.only skin would develop. B.only skin and muscle would develop. C.only skin and the digestive tract would develop. D.tissues and organs would not develop, and the pregnancy would not be viable.


Under which of the conditions would you expect to find Daphnia reproducing asexually? A.decreased food supply B.accumulation of wastes temperatures D.warm temperatures


Which of the hormones is indicative of the presence of a developing embryo and is thus the basis of home pregnancy tests? A.LH B.progesterone C.FSH D.hCG E.estradiol


Which of the species is most likely a K strategist? A.butterfly B.frog D.chimpanzee


he binding of a phagocyte's toll-like receptor (TLR) to a foreign cell (for example, a bacterium): A. leads to the recruitment of other immune cells. B. is a signal for the phagocytic cell to release cytokines to recruit other immune cells. C. acts as a trigger for the phagocytic cell to engulf the bacterium. D. All of these choices are correct.


cells with long projections; typically found in skin and mucous membranes

Dendritic cells

A key difference between hormonal regulation of the reproductive systems of human males versus human females is that: A. LH is released in males and FSH is released in females. B. LH and FSH are released only in females. C. LH is released continuously in males and FSH is released cyclically in females. D. LH and FSH are released only in males. E. LH and FSH are released cyclically in females, but nearly continuously in males.


All antibodies in a single individual are similar in that they: A.all contain the same C segment but different V segments. B.all contain the same C segments on their heavy and light chains. C.all contain the same V segments on their heavy and light chains. D.all contain the same C segments on their heavy chains, but different C segments on their light chains. E.None of the other answer options is correct.


Innate immunity activation depends on: A.exposure to a foreign antigen. B.diversity of antibodies in the blood stream. C.MHC class II proteins. D.memory B cells. E.None of the other answer options is correct.


Which of the following is required to activate a helper T cell, which in turn can stimulate antibody production by B cells? antigen antibody C.a major histocompatibility complex antibody and a major histocompatibility complex protein antigen and a major histocompatibility complex protein


involved in recognizing antigen

Fab region

involved in recruiting other components of immune system that assist in clearing infection

Fc region

mitotic and meiotic cell divisions plus developmental events that result in production of gametes


second key developmental process in embryogenesis; coordinated cell movements leading to reorganization of embryo -cells of epiblast divide and migrate inward, forming 3 germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm) -all adult tissues and organs made from these germ layers


help other immune cells by secreting cytokines; surface molecules is CD4

Helper T cells

resistance to/protection against disease-causing pathogens; prevents contracting disease more than once


family of proteins including all antibodies -5 classes: IgG, IgM, IgA, IgD, and IgE -each class has different function


oprotection in nonspecific manner against infection opresent in plants, fungi, and animals oevolutionarily early form of immunity

Innate (natural) immunity

part of immune system that is ready to respond to foreign invaders at all times -nonspecific and responds in same way to all antigens

Innate immunity

Stage of the mensural cycle where the corpus luteum forms from ruptured follicle and subsequently degenerates (if no pregnancy)

Luteal phase

antigen-presenting proteins that have a groove where small peptide fragments bind

MHC proteins

large cells; patrol the body


release histamine - contributor to allergic reactions and inflammation

Mast cells

recognize and kill host cells infected by virus or host cells that are cancerous or abnormal

Natural killer cells

granulocyte (granules in cytoplasm); abundant in blood - often the first cells to respond to infec


forming eggs in ovaries; stops before birth


third key developmental process; transformation of three germ layers into all organ systems of body


some bees, fish, reptiles + -females produce eggs that aren't fertilized -different types - haploid and diploid


engulf and destroy foreign cells or particles


forming sperm in testes -occurs throughout life


family of trans-membrane receptors present on phagocytes -recognize and bind evolutionarily conserved surface molecules shared by many microbes -one of earliest signals that infection is present

Toll-like receptors

interacts in specific manner with portion of antigen (epitope)

Variable region

specialized organelle surrounding head; contains enzymes used to move through outer coating of egg


necessary for transition to land allows embryonic development in watery environment -membrane surrounding fluid-filled cavity protecting embryo -other membranes extend from developing embryo


production of genetically identical cells or individuals (clones)

asexual reproduction

bacteria -genome replicates and cell divides in half

binary fission

forms small bud on organism: yeast -breaks off and grows into new organism


basis for antibody specificity

clonal selection

females: ovaries produce _______ and ______

estrogen and progesterone

eggs and sperm released directly into water; sperm must find egg -developed strategies to increase probability of fertilization -large numbers of gametes -some animals come physically together to improve fertilization

external fertilization by aquatic organisms

fusion of gametes to restore original chromosome number -results in zygote that develops into embryo qhaploid or diploid dominant


moves cell by whipping motion powered by mitochondria


Stage of the mensural cycle where the follicle matures and ovulation occurs

follicular phase

some molds, corals and others -organism splits into pieces that each develop into new individual - allows rapid propagation


site of gamete production; part of endocrine system


releases gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which stimulates the anterior pituitary to secrete luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which then act on gonads


adaptation for living on land (also seen for some aquatic)

internal fertilization

live in stable, unchanging and predictable environments with crowding and competition for limited resources; advantage to few offspring and more parent care -large parental investment and care given to offspring -internal fertilization


White blood cells -arise by differentiation from stem cells in the bone marrow


form of cell division that halves number of chromosomes -results in haploid gametes or spores


are long-lived and have same specificity as parent cell

memory cells

developing female gametes, which mature into ova (egg); produced in female gonads (ovaries) -released monthly in response to hormones -largest cell by volume in human body; visible to naked eye -has large amounts of cytoplasm containing molecules that direct early cell divisions following fertilization


site of gas exchange, nutrient uptake, and excretion of waste between maternal and fetal blood -also secretes estrogen and progesterone to maintain uterine lining


secrete antibodies

plasma cells

occurs due to first encounter with antigen; short lag before antibody production (time required for B cells to divide and form plasma cells)

primary response

live in unstable, changing, and unpredictable environments; advantage to reproduce large #s quickly-produce fewer offspring-release many gametes and produce many offspring -low survival probability of offspring; little parental investment -external fertilization


re-exposure to antigen after first exposure leads to quicker, stronger, and longer response by memory B cells -premise for vaccines

secondary response

•Fusion between two unique cells; increases genetic diversity; occurs only in eukaryotes

sexual reproduction

male gametes produced in male gonads (testes) -haploid cells; unique shape/properties adapted to deliver genetic material to egg -small head with minimal cytoplasm plus nucleus -acrosome and flagellum


males: testis produce _______


provides nutrients

yolk sac

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