Biology Chapter 41- Animal Nutrition

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__________ contains bile salts that act as detergents that aid in the digestion and absorption of fats.


What is the function of the cecum, rectum, and appendix?

Cecum ferments ingested material Appendix serves as a reservoir for symbiotic microorganisms Rectum is the terminal portion of the large intestine; feces stored here until they can be eliminated

Many herbivores have fermentation chambers, where mutualistic microorganisms (bacteria) digest __________.


__________ digestion is necessary because animals cannot directly use the macromolecules in food. They are too large to pass through the cell membranes to enter the cells of the animal; cleaves macromolecules into their component monomers, which the animal then uses to make its own molecules or as fuel for ATP production.


Know the pathway of food as it enters the mouth (1) ---> exits the anus (9) (know the order, functions of organs, glands and accessory organs, and indicate any secretions that may take place. This pathway is described in most of the questions below.

(Look over)

An animal's diet must satisfy three nutritional needs: __________, _________ and __________.

Chemical energy for cellular processes, organic building blocks for macromolecules and essential nutrients

The mixture of ingested food and digestive juices is called __________.


In contrast to cnidarians and flatworms, most animals have digestive tubes extending between a mouth and anus. These digestive tubes are called __________, or __________.

Complete digestive tract or alimentary canal

What is diabetes mellitus? What is the difference between Type I and Type II diabetes? How do you treat individuals with Type 1 diabetes?

Diabetes mellitus is caused by deficiency of insulin or decreased response to insulin in target tissues. The difference between Type I and Type II diabetes is that Type I diabetes is insulin dependent and an autoimmune disorder where the immune system destroys beta cells of the pancreas. Type II diabetes is non insulin dependent and is a failure of target cells to respond normally to insulin. Treatment of Type I diabetes includes insulin injections given several times a day.

A branch of the _________ system called the enteric division, which is dedicated to the digestive organs, regulate the digestion process and the __________ also plays a critical role in controlling digestion by secreting _________ which travels through the __________.

Enteric nervous system, endocrine system, hormones, bloodstream

In the rest of the __________, smooth muscle functions in __________, as rhythmic cycles of contraction move the bolus to the __________ which stores food and performs preliminary digestion.

Esophagus, peristalsis, stomach

Name and provide the role of 4 essential nutrients.

Essential amino acids- required by organisms to make complete set of proteins; remaining amino acids that are obtained from animals food in prefabricated form Essential fatty acids- required by animals to synthesize a variety of cellular components; obtained for animals diet Vitamins- needed for cell function, growth and development Minerals- strengthen bones, transmit nerve impulses, make hormones

In most animals, at least some hydrolysis occurs by __________, the breakdown of food outside cells.

Extracellular digestion

Provide several functions of the liver.

Filter blood coming from digestive tract before going through the rest of the body Remove toxic substances before they can circulate Detoxifies organic molecules foreign to the body like drugs and metabolic waste products

When we swallow, the top of the trachea moves up so that its opening, the __________, is blocked by a cartilaginous flap, the __________. This mechanism normally ensures that a bolus will be guided into the entrance of the __________ and not directed down the ___________.

Glottis, epiglottis, esophagus, trachea

The capillaries and veins that drain nutrients away from the villi converge into the ________, which leads directly to the liver.

Hepatic portal vein

Animals fit into one of three dietary categories. Name and describe them.

Herbivores- eat mainly plants or algae (caterpillars, sea slugs, cattle) Carnivores- eat other animals (hawks, spiders, sea otters) Omnivores- consume animals and plants or algae (humans)

Name the two components of gastric juice which carry out chemical digestion in the stomach. Provide functions for each.

Hydrochloric acid which disrupts the extracellular matrix that binds cells together in meat and plant material Protease (pepsin) breaks peptide bonds, cleaves proteins into smaller polypeptides and exposes contents of ingested tissues

Coughing occurs when the swallowing reflex fails and food or liquids reach the __________.


Monoglycerides and most fatty acids are absorbed by epithelial cells and recombined into __________ within the cells. The fats are coated with phospholipids, cholesterol, and proteins to form water-soluble globules called __________ which are transported by exocytosis out of epithelial cells and into __________, lymph vessels at the core of each villus.

Triglycerides, chylomicrons, lacteal

The epithelial wall of the small intestine is covered with fingerlike projections called __________ or microscopic appendages called __________ that are exposed to the intestinal lumen and is termed __________ for the intestinal epithelium.

Villi, microvilli, brush border

Explain the action of the hormones glucagon and insulin. (Be specific). What organ produces these hormones?

When blood glucose levels rise above normal ranges, secretion of insulin triggers uptake of glucose from the blood into body cells, decreasing blood glucose concentration. When blood levels drop, secretion of glucagon promotes release of glucose into blood from energy stores, increasing blood glucose concentration. The organ that produces these hormones is the pancreas.

Name the 3 parts of the small intestine.

duodenum, jejunum, ileum

Excess energy is stored in _________ in adipose cells.


Digestive wastes, the __________, become more solid as they are moved along the colon by peristalsis.


Bile is stored and concentrated in the __________.


In humans, energy is stored first in the liver and muscle cells in the polymer _________.


Bicarbonate ions are produced by the __________which neutralizes acidity in the small intestine. Why is this important?


During swallowing, the tongue pushes a bolus back into the oral cavity and into the __________, also called the throat, a junction that opens to both the esophagus and the trachea.


The pancreas produces digestive enzymes and releases them into the __________.

small intestine

What is the pancreas? How does the pancreas function as an exocrine organ? How does the pancreas act as an endocrine organ?

Pancreas releases juices directly into the bloodstream. It functions as an organ by secreting enzymes to break down proteins, lipids, carbs and nucleic acids. Pancreas secrete hormones insulin and glucagon to control blood sugar

The presence of food in the oral cavity triggers a nervous reflex that causes the __________ to deliver saliva through ducts to the oral cavity which contains __________ and __________.

Salivary glands, amylase and glycogen

The chyme moves from the stomach into the __________ which is the major organ of digestion and absorption.

Small intestine

How does the stomach protect itself from self-digestion?

Stomach protects itself from self-digestion with mucus secreted in gastric glands protecting against self-digestion. Cell division adds an epithelial layer every three days, replacing cells before the lining is eroded by digestive juices.

Dentition, an animal's assortment of __________, is one example of structural variation reflecting diet.


What is the function of the teeth, saliva, mucus and tongue?

Teeth cut, mash and grind, breaking food into smaller pieces Saliva moistens food, creating a food bolus so it can be swallowed easily; also contains buffers that help prevent tooth decay by neutralizing acid and antimicrobial agents Mucus lubricates food for easier swallowing, protecting gums against abrasion and facilitates taste and smell

The stomach secretes a digestive fluid called __________ and mixes this secretion with the food by the churning action of the smooth muscles in the stomach wall.

Gastric juice

What is the function of the digestive hormones, gastrin, cholecystokinin CCK, and secretin?

Gastrin circulates by the bloodstream back to the stomach and stimulates the production of gastric juices Cholecystokinin CCK stimulates release of digestive enzymes from pancreas and bile from gallbladder Secretin stimulates pancreas to release bicarbonate which neutralizes chyme

Many animals with simple body plans have digestive sacs with single openings, called __________ which function in both the digestion and distribution of nutrients throughout the body (for example, hydra).

Gastrovascular cavity

The hormone, __________ triggers feelings of hunger as mealtimes approach.


A diet that lacks one or more essential nutrients or supplies less chemical energy than the body requires results in __________, a failure to obtain adequate nutrition.

Ingestion, digestion, absorption and elimination Ingestion is eating or feeding Digestion is breaking down food into molecules small enough to absorb Absorption is the uptake of small molecules by body cells Elimination is the passage of undigested material out of the digestive system

The simplest digestive compartments are food vacuoles, organelles in which hydrolytic enzymes break down food without digesting the cell's own cytoplasm, a process termed __________.

Intracellular digestion

From the __________, blood travels to the heart, which pumps blood and nutrients to all parts of the body.


The __________ is the site for glucose homeostasis.


What is the major function of the colon?

Major function of the colon is that it completes the recovery of water that began in the small intestine; reabsorb fluids and process waste products from body and prepare for elimination, final part of the digestive system

_________, such as chewing, precedes chemical digestion. This breaks the food into smaller pieces, increasing the surface area available for chemical digestion.

Mechanical digestion

Both physical and chemical digestion of food begins in the __________, or __________.

Mouth or oral cavity

What do the parietal, chief and mucus cells secrete and the function of these secretions? What Name 2 digestive enzyme and one acid secreted by the stomach?

Mucous cells secrete mucus which lubricates and protects the cells lining the stomach Chief cells secrete pepsinogen and release them into the lumen Parietal cells produce components of hydrochloric acid; use ATP pump to expel hydrogen ions into the lumens Two digestive enzymes secreted by the stomach are pepsinogen and gastric lipase. The acid secreted by the stomach is hydrochloric acid.

Several hormones regulate long-term and short-term __________ by affecting a "satiety center" in the brain. Name 3 hormones that suppress appetite.

appetite; three hormones that suppress appetite are insulin, leptin and PYY

Food processing by animals can be divided into four distinct stages: __________, __________, _________ and __________. Be able to describe each one.


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