Biology Exam 2.

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Animal tissues develop from embryonic germ layers. Triploblastic animals have three germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm) and three basic body plans related to body cavities (acoelomate, pseudocoelomate, and coelomate). Select the three statements that are true. To review the germ layers and the terminology associated with body cavities, see the Hints.

- A pseudocoelom has the same functions as a true coelom. -A diploblast has no mesoderm. -In a coelomate, the tissue lining the inner side of the body cavity arises from the same germ layer as the tissue lining the outer side of the body cavity.

Which evidence supports the hypothesis that four-limbed animals came from fish?

- Both fish and four-limbed animals are vertebrates. - Fish and four-limbed animals have very similar embryos. - The fossil record shows more and more tetrapod-like fish before the appearance of tetrapods about 365 million years ago. - DNA analysis shows that fish are tetrapods' closest relatives.

Of the four haploid cells produced by a pine cone's megasporocyte (megaspore mother cell), _____ survive(s).


Can you identify the ploidy of different structures? 1. The gametophyte generation is 2. The megaspore is 3. The sporophyte generation is 4. The embryo is

1. Haploid 2. Haploid 3. Diploid 4. Diploid

After fertilization, the ovule develops into a seed. Can you match the parts of the ovule with the corresponding parts of the seed? 1. After fertilization of the ovule, the ___ develops into the food supply of the mature seed. 2. After fertilization of the ovule, the ___ develops into the 3. After fertilization of the ovule, the ___ develops into the embryo of the mature seed

1. Megaspore 2. Integument 3. Fertilized egg

Drag the labels onto the flowchart below to describe the life cycle of Laminaria. Not all labels will be used.

1. Multicellular, diploid sporophyte produces haploid spores through meiosis 2. Unicellular, haploid spores divide by mitosis to produce haploid gametophytes 4. Multicellular, haploid gametophytes produce haploid gamete 4. Male and female haploid gametes fuse to produce a diploid zygote 5.Diploid zygote matures into a multicellular diploid sporophyte

Select the four statements about Plasmodium that are true.

1. Plasmodium cells infect two specific types of cells in humans. 2. Inside an infected mosquito, haploid gametes fuse, forming a diploid zygote that develops into an oocyst. 3. Plasmodium cells are transferred to humans through mosquito saliva. 4. The complete life cycle of Plasmodium requires two hosts.

The following statements describe something about the body structures or functions of fungi. Identify those statements that are correct. Select all that apply.

1. Some fungi can grow as either filamentous or single-celled forms. 2. Mycelia are made up of small-diameter hyphae that form an interwoven mass, providing more surface area for nutrient absorption. 3. Some fungi secrete digestive enzymes into the environment and then absorb the digested nutrients. 4. All fungi are heterotrophs; some species live as decomposers and others as symbionts.

In the figure, which number represents an embryo?


In onions (Allium), cells of the sporophyte have 16 chromosomes within each nucleus. How many chromosomes should be in a megasporangium nucleus?


In onions (Allium), cells of the sporophyte have 16 chromosomes within each nucleus. How many chromosomes should be in an embryo nucleus after fertilization?


Seed 1 Seed 2 Seed 3

2208 2105 1868

In onions (Allium), cells of the sporophyte have 16 chromosomes within each nucleus. How many chromosomes should be in an endosperm nucleus?


Which number represents a megaspore mother cell in the figure?


In the figure, meiosis is most likely to be represented by which number(s)?


Plants evolved from green algae approximately _____ million years ago.


What value is given in that cell?


The following question refers to the generalized life cycle for plants shown in the figure. Each number within a circle or square represents a specific plant or plant part, and each number over an arrow represents meiosis, mitosis, or fertilization. In the figure, which number represents the mature gametophyte?


Diploid nuclei of the ascomycete Neurospora crassa contain 14 chromosomes. A single diploid cell in an ascus will undergo one round of meiosis, followed in each of the daughter cells by one round of mitosis, producing a total of eight ascospores. How many chromosomes would a single ascospore nucleus of this species contain?

7 chromosomes

In onions (Allium), cells of the sporophyte have 16 chromosomes within each nucleus. How many chromosomes should be in a generative cell nucleus?


In onions (Allium), cells of the sporophyte have 16 chromosomes within each nucleus. How many chromosomes should be in a tube cell nucleus?


Which of the following statements best describes the overall process of descent with modification?

A trait present in an ancestral organism is modified by natural selection over time in descendants of that ancestor.

Which bacterial species has an rRNA gene that is most similar to that of the wheat mitochondrion?

A. tumefaciens

What does Figure 2 suggest about the relative thermal tolerances of D. lanuginosumroots and AM fungal hyphae?

AM fungal hyphae show greater tolerance for high temperature than D. lanuginosum roots do.

D. lanuginosum plants grow equally well at high temperatures when the soil is inoculated with thermal or nonthermal AM fungi. What does this suggest about the thermal tolerances of AM fungi from geothermal and grassland soils?

AM fungi from geothermal and grassland soils have similar tolerances to high temperatures.

What can you conclude about the relationship between deviation from expected brain size and mortality rate?

Adult mortality tends to be lower in birds with unusually large brains for their body size, suggesting that these unusually large brains confer an advantage in survival.

Which of the following statements is correct?

All animals share a common ancestor.

Which of the following statements about bilaterian animals is true?

All bilaterians are triploblastic (have three germ layers).

Which of the following statements about deuterostomes is false?

All deuterostomes exhibit radial symmetry in their bodies.

Fungi form mutualistic relationships with plants and animals; which of the following statements is an example of such a relationship?

All of the above - Fungi help break down wood in the guts of termites. Fungi help break down plant material in the guts of grazing mammals. Fungi can help increase drought tolerance in plants Endophytes in leaves produce toxins that deter herbivores.

Which of the following statements is true of secondary endosymbiosis?

An organism containing an endosymbiont is engulfed by another organism and becomes an endosymbiont.

Human survival depends on the produce of __________.


Which of the following could occur after plants moved from the oceans to land?

Animals could also move onto land because there were opportunities for new food sources.

Which animal phylum has greater complexity than Urochordata?


In pines, the female gametophyte contains _____, each of which contains a(n) _____.

Archegonia .. egg

Which of the following is a tetrapod?

Bird, Mammal,Reptile, Amphibian

What is the major difference between Bromus erectus (graph f) and the other plant species (graphs a-d) included in the study?

Bromus erectus is unaffected by AMF diversity.

Complete a phylogenetic tree of Bilateria that includes the ten phyla of bilaterians. Label each branch that leads to a phylum with a C, H, HC, or N, depending on whether members of the phylum have a coelom only (C), hemocoel only (H), hemocoel and reduced coelom (HC), or no body cavity (N). Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. Labels can be used once or more than once.

C - Echinodermata C - Chordata N - Platyhelminthes H - Syndermata C - Ectoprocta C - Brachiopoda HC - Mollusca C - Annelida H - Nematoda HC - Arthopoda

Where would you expect to find the oldest portion of this mycelium?


The earliest ancestors of about half of all extant animal phyla can be traced back to the _____ explosion.


Which of the following is a correct statement about slime molds?

Cellular slime molds form masses when food is scarce, but their cells remain separated.

Which of the following statements is correct with respect to the evolutionary relationship between chordates and invertebrates?

Chordates are more closely related to echinoderms than to arthropods.

Which group of organisms (ciliates, animals, or plants) has the most complex cells?


Which two main clades branch from the most recent common ancestor of the eumetazoans?

Cnidaria and Bilateria

Some invertebrates combine morphological simplicity with features of great structural or biochemical complexity. Select all correct examples of this statement.

Cnidarians are diploblasts that produce complex, capsule-like organelles. Trematodes are acoelomates that have effective defenses against attack by their hosts' immune system.

Which process is not an example of consumption?


Which would be the most feasible method of figuring out to which other hominin species H. floresiensis was most closely related?

Compare the skeletal morphology of H. floresiensis to that of each of the other hominin species.

Which of the following cells or structures are associated with asexual reproduction in fungi?


Which of the following statements about the pine life cycle is correct?

Conifer pollen grains contain male gametophytes.

Choose the correct bar graph for plant mass versus temperature.


How do AM fungi affect D. lanuginosum plants grown at high temperatures?

D. lanuginosum plants show increased shoot and root growth in pots inoculated with AM fungi.

If you wanted to use fungi to improve the environment, which of the following research goals would make the most sense?

Discover the lignin-digesting enzymes of fungi, and use them to digest plant tissues left over from food-crop residues to reduce landfill waste.

Select the correct statement describing the life cycle of angiosperms.

Double fertilization in the life cycle of seed plants results in the production of a diploid zygote and a triploid endosperm nucleus.

What is the significance of the evolution of Hox gene clusters during vertebrate evolution?

Duplication of Hox genes made increased morphological complexity possible.

Which of these structures contains a male gametophyte?


The phylum Cycliophora includes tiny organisms that live in large numbers on the outsides of the mouthparts and appendages of lobsters. The feeding stage permanently attaches to the lobster via an adhesive disk and collects scraps of food from its host's feeding by capturing the scraps in a current created by a ring of cilia. The body is saclike and has a U-shaped intestine that brings the anus close to the mouth. Cycliophorans have a coelom, do not molt (though their host does), and their embryos undergo spiral cleavage. Based on the information provided, to which clades should cycliophorans belong?

Eumetazoa and Lophotrochozoa

The phylum Cycliophora includes tiny organisms that live in large numbers on the outsides of the mouthparts and appendages of lobsters. The feeding stage permanently attaches to the lobster via an adhesive disk and collects scraps of food from its host's feeding by capturing the scraps in a current created by a ring of cilia. The body is saclike and has a U-shaped intestine that brings the anus close to the mouth. Cycliophorans have a coelom, do not molt (though their host does), and their embryos undergo spiral cleavage.Based on the information provided, to which clades should cycliophorans belong?

Eumetazoa and Lophotrochozoa

What group of mammals display the following characteristics?· embryos that spend more time feeding through the placenta than the mother's nipples· young that feed on milk· a prolonged period of maternal care after leaving the placenta?


Which structure is not an innovation that occurred during vertebrate diversification?


True or false? An organism that is radially symmetric has many well-developed head regions.


True or false? In most fungi, fertilization is complete after the cells fuse together.


True or false? Organisms that exhibit alternation of generations reproduce sexually in the diploid stage.


In gymnosperms, megaspores develop into __________.

Female gametophytes

Which of the following statements correctly describes a portion of the pine life cycle?

Female gametophytes use mitosis to produce eggs.

Which term describes the fusion of two gametes to form a diploid zygote?


Big Bend National Park in Texas is mostly desert, where rainfall averages about 25 centimeters per year. Yet, it is not uncommon when hiking in this extremely arid zone to encounter mosses and ferns.What feature of both true mosses and ferns makes it most surprising that they can survive for many generations in dry deserts?

Flagellated sperm

Which of the following features of fertilization in plants are the same as in some of their algal ancestors?

Flagellated sperm swim to the eggs in a water drop.

Angiosperms are different from all other plants because only they have _____.


What was the source of nutrients for the young sporophyte embryo during germination of the date palm seed?

Food stored within the seeds

Which of the following best describes the change in frog survival following exposure to Bd?

Frogs with prior exposure to Bdsurvived at higher rates than frogs with no prior exposure to Bd.

In flowering plants the integuments of the ovule develop into a(n) _____.


Which of the following statements correctly describes a difference between plants and fungi?

Fungi are heterotrophic, but plants are autotrophic.

Select the correct statement(s) about fungal life cycles.

Fungi reproduce sexually but do not have male or female genders. In some fungi, plasmogamy precedes karyogamy by decades.

The diploid phase of the life cycle is shortest in which of the following?


Which question would be most important for one interested in explaining the day-to-day survival of individual diatoms?

How do diatoms with their glasslike valves keep from sinking into poorly lit waters?

During embryological development, the anus forms before the mouth in _____.


Which of the following claims about human evolution is most consistent with current scientific understanding?

Humans and other apes represent divergent lines of evolution from a common ancestor.

Imagine that you wanted to know if speciation is more rapid in plant groups pollinated by bees or hummingbirds. To do this, you identified 20 genera of angiosperms that contained species pollinated by both types of animals. There were substantially more species in the groups that were pollinated by bees. Which of the following conclusions are most consistent with your data?

Hummingbirds promoted speciation less than did bees.

Which of the following events occurs first in the development of a spore into a mature mushroom?

Hyphae are produced by mitosis.

Consider the characteristics of moss and fern life cycles. Which of the following sets of statements is true?

In mosses, the gametophyte is the dominant stage of the life cycle; in ferns, the sporophyte is the dominant stage of the life cycle. In both mosses and ferns, moisture is required for sperm to reach the egg.

Suppose an efficient conducting system evolved in a moss that could transport water and other materials as high as a tall tree. Which of the following statements about "trees" of such a species would be accurate?

Individuals would probably compete more effectively for access to light.

An individual mixotroph loses its plastids, yet continues to survive. Which of the following statements best explains this organism's continued survival?

It engulfs organic material by phagocytosis or by absorption.

Which of these statements is true about the gametophyte tissue that surrounds the pine embryo?

It functions as a haploid food reserve.

You find a green organism in a pond near your house and believe it is a plant, not an alga. Which of the following characteristics would best support your identification of the organism as a plant and not an alga?

It is surrounded by a cuticle.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the colonization of terrestrial habitats by plants?

It occurred in conjunction with fungi that helped provide them with nutrients from the soil.

A graduate student finds an organism in a pond and thinks it is a freshwater sponge. A postdoctoral student thinks it looks more like an aquatic fungus. How can they decide whether it is an animal or a fungus?

Look for cell walls under a microscope.

What are the products of meiosis in the life cycle of a seed plant?

Megaspores or microspores

Basidia produce spores by a process known as _____.


Which form of Plasmodium is the immediate cause of anemia in humans?


Which of the following statements about the Plasmodium parasite is true?

Merozoites live off the hemoglobin and nutrients in red blood cells and divide to produce more merozoites, destroying red blood cells in the process.

Gymnosperms were most abundant during the _____


In pine trees, pollen grains get to the ovule via the _____.


In angiosperms, which of the following is correctly paired with its chromosome count?

Microspore - n

Which of the features below are found in all protist lineages?


Which of the following characteristics is functionally important in gametophyte cells of both angiosperms and gymnosperms?


In the figure, the process labeled "6" involves ________.


Select the correct statement(s) about the origin of fungi.

Multicellularity probably arose independently in fungi and animals.

Which structure allows the growing mushroom to nourish itself?


Which structure is not directly involved in the reproduction of at least one major group of fungi?


Why might you expect to find many genes for membrane transporters in a mycorrhizal fungus such as L. bicolor?

Mycorrhizal fungi exchange nutrients with the roots of their plant hosts and would be expected to use membrane transporters in this exchange.

The fossil record documents trends in which brains that are large relative to body size evolved in certain lineages, including hominins. In such lineages, what can you infer about the costs and benefits of large brains?

Natural selection favored the evolution of larger brains, suggesting that the benefits of large brains outweighed the costs.

Select the correct statement(s) describing nematodes.

Nematodes lack a circulatory system and circular body wall muscles. Some nematodes play important roles in nutrient cycling.

All animals can trace their lineage to a common ancestor that lived in the _____.

Neoproterozoic era

Why did the researchers choose only one plant (wheat) to include in the comparison matrix?

Only one source of mitochondrial rRNA was needed to represent all mitochondria.

Which of the following are present in angiosperms but not in gymnosperms?


Which of the following is a characteristic that distinguishes gymnosperms and angiosperms from other plants?


Which taxon includes organisms referred to as "embryophytes"?


Which two genera have members that can evade the human immune system by frequently changing their surface proteins?

Plasmodium and Trypanosoma

Which term describes the fusion of cytoplasm from two individuals?


Which of the following combinations of phylum and description is correct?

Platyhelminthes−−flatworms, gastrovascular cavity, no body cavity

To what extent does Pleurozium affect nitrogen availability in northern forests of different successional ages?

Pleurozium had little effect in the first 40 years after a fire, but its impact increased over time. In successionally older forests, more nitrogen was added by nitrogen fixation than was deposited from the atmosphere.

Which of the following statements about the zygotes of plants is most likely to be accurate?

Protection of the zygote from the drying effects of air was important.

Many animals can be categorized as either protostomes and deuterostomes based on certain features of their embryonic development. Determine whether each of the following terms applies to only protostomes, only deuterostomes, both protostomes and deuterostomes, or neither. Drag each item to the appropriate bin. To review protostome and deuterostome characteristics, see the Hints.

Protosome: Mouth from blastosphere; Spiral, determinate cleavage; coelum from solid masses of mesodermDeuterostome: Anus from blastosphere; radial, indeterminate cleavage; coelum from folds of archenteronBoth: TripoblastNeither: Diploblast

Late in the season, when only hawk moths were present, researchers painted the red flowers white. Which of the following results is most likely in this situation?

Red flowers painted white would produce more fruits than red flowers would.

How do thermal and nonthermal AM fungi affect D. lanuginosum plants grown at high temperatures?

Root and shoot growth were similar whether the soil was inoculated with thermal or nonthermal AM fungi.

From the human perspective, which of the following kinds of fungi would be considered the least useful or beneficial?


The SSP genes shared a common feature that indicated the encoded proteins were destined for secretion. Genes for secretory proteins have a signal-peptide coding sequence at the leading end. The signal peptide at or near the leading end of the polypeptide targets the protein to the ER, as shown here. Suggest a hypothesis for the roles of SSPs in mycorrhizae.

SSPs play important roles in the mycorrhizal interaction.

Why is seed dormancy adaptive for many plant species?

Seed dormancy allows seeds to germinate when conditions are favorable for seedling growth.

What evidence suggests that vertebrates are more closely related to echinoderms than are any other invertebrate phyla?

Shared DNA sequences

How does the greater thermal tolerance of AM fungal hyphae explain the differences in growth of D. lanuginosumplants grown in soils with and without AM fungi?

Since AM fungi are more tolerant of high temperature than plant roots, fungal hyphae can grow into soils at temperatures that prevent root growth, increasing plants' access to water and nutrients in those soils.

Which of the following groups of organisms has flagella associated with its method of feeding?


Which of the following describes a difference between the structures of spores and seeds?

Spores are unicellular while seeds are not.

In seed plants, which of the following is part of a pollen grain and has a function most like that of the seed coat?


Select the correct statement contrasting gametophytes and sporophytes.

Sporophytes are diploid, whereas gametophytes are haploid.

A biology student hiking in a forest discovers a 15-centimeter-tall plant that bears microphylls and a strobili at its tallest point. When disturbed, the cone emits a dense cloud of brownish dust. A pocket magnifying glass reveals the dust to be composed of tiny spheres with a high oil content. Which of the following chemicals are most likely to be detected in substantial amounts upon chemical analysis of these small spheres?


In angiosperms, pollination is the transfer of pollen grain to the _____ of a flower on the same plant or another plant of the same species.


Which term below is the proposed kingdom that would include embryophytes and charophytes?


Select the correct statement(s) about invertebrate taxa.

Tapeworms lack a mouth and gastrovascular cavity. Ectoprocts lack a distinct head. Rotifers are smaller than many protists.

What is believed to be the most significant result of the evolution of the amniotic egg?

Tetrapods are no longer tied to the water for reproduction.

Which of the following best describes the abundance of Bd on a frog's skin following exposure to Bd?

The abundance of Bd on a frog's skin is higher for naïve frogs than it is for frogs with prior exposure to Bd.

For the gene encoding the first protein listed, what does the number 22,877 indicate?

The amount of RNA transcript of this gene made in mycorrhizal parts of the fungus when associated with Douglas fir was 22,877 times higher than the amount made in soil mycelium away from plant roots.

Which of the following assumptions led to the hypothesis that the first plants exhibited low, sprawling growth?

The ancestors of plants, green algae, lacked the structural support to stand erect in air.

Which of these facts provides the best support for the hypothesis that plants evolved from green algae?

The chloroplasts of plants and green algae all have both chlorophyll a and b.

The genome of modern chloroplasts is roughly 50% the size of the genome of the cyanobacterium from which it is thought to have been derived. In comparison, the genome of the chromatophore of P. chromatophora is only slightly reduced relative to the size of the genome of the cyanobacterium from which it is thought to have been derived. What is a valid hypothesis that can be drawn from this comparison?

The chromatophore of P. chromatophora is the result of an evolutionarily recent endosymbiosis.

The observation that both charophytes and green plants contain chlorophylls a and b is more consistent with which of the following claims?

The common ancestor of these two groups contained chlorophylls a and b.

In the figure above, assume that the two medusae shown at step 4 were produced by one polyp colony. Use your understanding of mitosis and meiosis to select which of the following is true.

The medusae are genetically identical but the gametes differ genetically.

Based on the phylogenetic tree in the figure, which of the following statements is correct?

The most basal (first to diverge) eukaryotic supergroup cannot be determined.

The researchers used the phrase "small secreted proteins" (SSPs) to refer to proteins less than 100 amino acids in length that the fungi secrete; their function is not yet known. What is most striking about the SSP data in Figure 1?

The number of genes for SSPs is much higher for L. bicolor than for the other species tested.

A researcher has developed two stains to use for visualizing different tissues of seed plants. One stains sporophyte tissue blue; the other stains gametophyte tissue red. If the researcher exposes pollen grains to both stains, and then rinses away the excess stain, what will he/she/they most likely observe?

The pollen grains will have red interiors and blue exteriors.

Which characteristics define a chordate?

The presence of four specific morphological traits

To what extent has the presence of a coelom in animals changed over the course of evolution?

The presence or absence of a coelom appears to have changed multiple times during the course of evolution.

Which statement is true for all sexually reproducing plants and animals?

The process of meiosis produces haploid cells.

Which of the following is the most beneficial adaptation of the seed coats in angiosperm species whose seeds are dispersed by fruit-eating animals, as opposed to angiosperm species whose seeds are dispersed by other means?

The seed coat should be resistant to the animal's digestive enzymes.

Which of the following statements about human evolution is correct?

The upright posture and enlarged brain of hominins evolved separately.

Which characteristic distinguishes echinoderms from the other two deuterostome lineages?

Their body plan

What advantage do organisms that reproduce sexually have over organisms that reproduce asexually?

Their offspring may be more adaptable to changes in the environment.

Which of the following represents the strongest evidence that two of the three middle ear bones of mammals are homologous to certain reptilian jawbones?

These bones can be observed to move from the developing jaw to the developing middle ear in mammalian embryos.

Many parasitic members of the excavates lack plastids and have highly reduced mitochondria. Which of the following statements explains these observations?

These parasites typically live in low-oxygen conditions and therefore loss of genes for plastids and mitochondria did not result in lower fitness.

Which of the following is a characteristic commonly found in ciliates?

They are often multinucleate.

Which feature of cycads makes them similar to many angiosperms?

They are pollinated by animals.

Immature seed cones of conifers are usually green before pollination, and flowers of grasses are inconspicuously colored. What does this indicate about how they are pollinated?

They are probably wind pollinated.

Which feature of cycads distinguishes them from most other gymnosperms?

They are wind pollinated.

Why did the researchers include five bacterial species in the comparison matrix?

They wanted to identify which bacterium is most closely related to the ancestor of mitochondria.

Which of the following conclusions about the first eukaryotes is most consistent with the data presented?

They were capable of phagocytosis.

Researchers have shown that "income levels in countries hard hit by malaria are 33% lower than in countries with similar income that are free of the disease." Which of the following statements is correct regarding this observation?

This observation is an example of a correlation and therefore causality cannot be inferred as confidently as if we have results from a manipulated experiment.

Why do some cells have a dash rather than a value?

Those cells would compare one species to itself.

Why are some cells shaded gray, with no value?

Those cells would duplicate comparisons shown elsewhere in the matrix.

What kind of habitat did tiktaalik live in?

Tiktaalik lived in a warm, freshwater swamp.

What is a transitional fossil?

Transitional fossils have features that are intermediate between ancestors and descendants.

You are given four test tubes, each containing an unknown protist, and your task is to read the following description and match these four protists to the correct test tube. Use the information in the table to answer the question. on these data, what type of organism is present in tube 2?


True or false? Most of the cells in a mushroom contain haploid nuclei.


True or false? One example of a coevolutionary arms race is when faster deer evolve and favor wolves and cougars that have stronger eyesight and senses of smell.


Truffles are the fruiting bodies of certain fungi whose mycelium grows below ground. The truffle is also underground and can be detected by many mammals, which eat the truffle and expel the spores with their feces. Which of the following statements is likely accurate with respect to this interaction?

Truffles produce an odor that mammals can detect and find attractive.

Suppose an efficient conducting system evolved in a moss that could transport water and other materials as high as a tall tree. Which of the following statements about "trees" of such a species would be true?

Unless its body parts were strengthened, such a "tree" would probably flop over.

Do the data in Figure 2 support the hypothesis that SSPs play important roles in the mycorrhizal interaction?

Yes, because two of the most upregulated genes in the ectomycorrhizal mycelium encode SSPs.

Fungi interact with many organisms in mutualistic ways. Which of the following involves a fungus that is mutualistic with another organism?

a fungus that is raised by ants on leaves that the ants collect from trees and shrubs

Vertebrates and tunicates share

a notochord and a dorsal, hollow nerve cord

Which of the following structures do vertebrates and tunicates both possess?

a notochord and a dorsal, hollow nerve cord

What did the Haikouella, a primitive early chordate fossil, lack that vertebrates have?

a skull and ear organs

Which of the following could be considered the most recent common ancestor of living tetrapods?

a sturdy-finned, shallow-water lobe-fin whose appendages had skeletal supports similar to those of terrestrial vertebrates

Which of the following organisms is considered the most recent common ancestor of living tetrapods?

a sturdy-finned, shallow-water lobe-fin whose appendages had skeletal supports similar to those of terrestrial vertebrates

Which of the following characteristics, if observed, would be the best reason for reclassifying P. chromatophora as a mixotroph instead of an autotroph

a vacuole with food inside

Which of the following characteristics is shared by a hagfish and a lamprey?

a well-developed notochord

The diagram below illustrates the life cycle of Dictyostelium. Label the diagram to indicate the processes that are occurring as well as whether each cell type is haploid or diploid.

a. Amoebas emerge from large capsule b. n c. cells aggregate when food is scarce d. Two amoebas fuse to form a zygote e. n f. 2n g. Aggregate migrates h. n i. Fruiting body releases spores j. n k. One amoeba emerges from each spore.

This diagram shows the structure of a multicellular fungus, with an expanded view of two types of hyphae. Identify the structures and determine which hypha is septate and which is coenocytic. (Note that although this diagram shows the two types of hyphae, a fungus can have either one type or the other, but not both.) Drag the labels to their appropriate locations on the diagram of the fungus and hyphae below.

a. mycelium b. pore c. septum d. septet hypha e. coenocytic hypha

Fungi obtain nutrients through _____.


Which of the following situations would be most favorable to the reestablishment of resident Chlorella, assuming compatible Chlorella are present in the Paramecium's habitat?

abundant light, abundant bacterial prey

Which of the following chordates is most likely to look the least like other chordates?

adult tunicate

Many types of foraminiferans form a symbiotic relationship with __________.


Biologists think that endosymbiosis gave rise to mitochondria before plastids partly because

all eukaryotes have mitochondria (or their remnants), whereas many eukaryotes do not have plastids.

Which of the following characteristics of plants is absent in their closest relatives, the charophyte algae?

alternation of multicellular generations

Listed below are four adaptations of terrestrial vertebrates. Which choice is a characteristic only of truly terrestrial animals with no need to return to water at any stage of the life cycle?

amniotic eggs

Which of the following structures can be found in the mesohyl of a sponge?

amoebocytes and spicules

Most members of which of the following groups are most closely associated with a wet (or moist) environment?


Suppose, while out camping in a forest, you found a chordate with a long, slender, limbless body slithering across the ground near your tent. The organism is most likely ________.

an amphibian

Which of the following statements describes an adaptive advantage associated with the filamentous nature of fungal mycelia?

an extensive surface area well suited for invasive growth and absorptive nutrition

The most important adaptive advantage associated with the filamentous nature of fungal mycelia is

an extensive surface area well suited for invasive growth and absorptive nutrition.

The closest relatives of fungi are thought to be the


A stamen consists of _____.

anther and filament

Which of the following groups includes members that all have fully opposable thumbs?


Which of the following pairs of protists and their ecological roles are correctly matched?

apicomplexans-parasites of animals

Where does meiosis occur in a mushroom?


As hominins diverged from other primates, which of the following appeared first?

bipedal locomotion

In what respect do hominins differ from all other anthropoids?

bipedal posture

Which of the following are the only extant animals that descended directly from dinosaurs?


Echinoderms show enormous diversity in which of the following traits?

body shape and food habits

which protists are in the same eukaryotic supergroup as plants?

both green algae and red algae

A sample of mosses and ferns is comprised of which of the following?

both sporophyte and gametophyte generations

A seaweed that grows in shallow, cold water and undergoes heteromorphic alternation of generations is most probably what type of alga?


Which of the following groups is matched with a correct anatomical feature?

brown algae-blade

The living plants that are most similar to the first plants to bear gametangia are the _____.


Which sponge cell is most structurally and functionally similar to the cnidocyte of a cnidarian?


Which of the following describes the evolution of multicellularity in fungi and animals?

convergent evolution

The chloroplasts of land plants are thought to have been derived according to which evolutionary sequence?

cyanobacteria →→ green algae →→ land plants

Archaeplastids, which include land plants and red and green algae, are thought to have descended from a heterotrophic protist that engulfed a(n) __________.


A failure in which of the following processes can result in the formation of a supercell that is characteristic of plasmodial slime molds?


Most fungi are _____.


Which of the following organisms is a producer?


A sign on the beach states,"Beach Closed, Red Tide". The organisms interfering with your use of this beach are probably __________.


Which of the following protist groups includes phytoplankton species that are autotrophs or mixotrophs?


The conspicuous part of a fern plant is a _____.

diploid sporophyte

Karyogamy produces a _____.

diploid zygote

Which of the following are two groups that are adapted to anaerobic conditions and contain modified mitochondria that lack DNA?

diplomonads and parabasalids

Which group is correctly paired with its description?

diplomonads−−protists with modified mitochondria

Which of these is unique to flowering plants?

double fertilization

Which of the following is a characteristic of all angiosperms?

double internal fertilization

Suppose that the cells of seed plants, like the cells of human skin, produce a pigment upon increased exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Which of the following types of plant cells is most likely to produce this pigment?

epidermal cells of sporophyte megaphylls

Which of the following characteristics is common among all protists?


Which of the following analyses would best help to determine if a fossil represents a reptile or a mammal?

examine the teeth

In vertebrates, the earliest known mineralized structures were associated with body parts involved in which of the following processes?


Which of the following was a trend first observed in the evolution of the earliest tetrapods?

feet with digits

In pine, the embryo develops within the __________.

female gametophyte

Which of the following generations in the conifer life cycle directly produces the megasporangium of pine ovules?

female sporophyte

Which of the following generations in the conifer life cycle most directly produces the integument of a pine seed?

female sporophyte

Which of the following structures directly produces the fruit of angiosperms?

female sporophyte

The internal parts of the pollen grains of seed-producing plants are most similar to which of the following structures in seedless plants?

fern gametophyte bearing only antheridia

_____ are an example of seedless vascular plants.


During the Carboniferous period, forests consisting mainly of __________ produced vast quantities of organic matter, which was buried and later became coal.

ferns and other seedless plants

Which of the following feeding strategies is most likely to be used by aquatic organisms?

filter feeding

Ancient fossils that seem to be an intermediate stage in the evolution from fish to tetrapods had which of the following characteristics?

fins and scales like a fish but ribs to support the body and a bone structure in the front limb like tetrapods

Which feature seen in chytrids supports the hypothesis that they diverged early in fungal evolution?

flagellated spores

Which answer arranges the characteristics of plants in the order in which they evolved, from most ancient to most recent?

gametophyte dominance, sporophyte dependence; sporophyte dominance, gametophyte independence; sporophyte dominance, gametophyte dependence

The internal fertilization that occurs in egg-laying animals prior to shell deposition is similar to what process in angiosperms?

growth of pollen tube and delivery of sperm nuclei

Angiosperms are most closely related to _____.


Which of these was the dominant plant group at the time that dinosaurs were the dominant animals?


Fungi produce _____ spores.


In plants, which of the following are produced by meiosis?

haploid spores

An important trend in animal evolution was cephalization. An animal is said to show cephalization when it

has an aggregation of sensory neurons at the anterior end

The body of most fungi consists of threadlike __________, which form a network called a __________.

hyphae, mycelium

Primate evolution and behavior, such as hunting skills, have been directed in part by the development of depth perception. What anatomical change made depth perception possible?

location of the eyes at the front of the head

Over time, which of the following phenotypic changes would you expect to observe in this population of protists?

loss of chloroplasts

In a life cycle with alternation of generations, multicellular haploid forms alternate with

multicellular diploid forms.

Some fungal species live in plants and can kill herbivores that feed on the plant. What type of relationship does this fungus have with its host?


Which term best describes the symbiotic relationship of well-fed P. bursaria to Chlorella?


Which answer arranges the following structures in order from largest to smallest, assuming that they all come from the same fungus?

mycelium, basidiocarp, gill, basidium, basidiospore

If you brush your fingers along the tentacles of a sea anemone, which of the following are you most likely to find upon microscopic examination of your fingers?


Which of the following contains multiple gymnosperm ovules?

ovulate cone

Suppose two species live in close contact with each other. One species benefits by eating the tissues of the other, and the other is harmed (by having its tissues consumed). The ecological interaction between these species is an example of

parasitism and symbiosis.

Which of the following could best be investigated by measuring fruit production in plants?

pollination success

Similar to most amoebozoans, the forams and the radiolarians also have pseudopods, as do some of the white blood cells of animals. If one were to construct a taxon that included all organisms that have cells with pseudopods, what type of evolutionary pattern would the tree show?


Which of the following is a characteristic of all chordates at some point during their life cycle?

post-anal tail

While hiking in a tropical rainforest, you find a large, snakelike organism that is 1-meter-long, has smooth skin, and appears to be segmented. You think it might be a snake or an amphibian. Which of the following characteristics, if observed, should help you arrive at a conclusive answer?

presence of scales

The major difference between angiosperms and gymnosperms comes from the __________.

presence or absence of a protective covering over the ovule

Arrange the following taxonomic terms in order from most inclusive to least inclusive.

primates, anthropoids, apes, hominins, Homo

Which of the following describes a difference between wind-pollinated angiosperms compared with animal pollinated plants? Wind pollenated plants ________.

produce much more pollen because winds disperse pollen randomly

Estimate the average root and hyphal length in soils of 35∘∘C.

root length: 0 cm/g; hyphal length: 0.4 m/g

Estimate the average root length and hyphal length in soils of 25∘∘C

root length: 5 cm/g; hyphal length: 1.3 m/g

Fungi of the phylum Ascomycota are recognized on the basis of their production of __________ during sexual reproduction.

saclike structures

Which of the following are thought to be most closely related to humans?

sea stars

In contrast to bryophytes, in vascular plants the dominant stage of the life cycle is the __________.


The Brazil nut tree, Bertholletia excels, is native to tropical rain forests of South America. The agouti (Dasyprocta spp.), a cat-sized rodent, is the only animal with teeth strong enough to crack the hard wall of Brazil nut fruits. It typically eats some of the seeds, buries others, and leaves still others inside the fruit into which moisture can then enter and allow the remaining seeds to germinate. The agouti is most directly involved in dispersal of which of the following structures?

sporophyte embryos

Which of the following answers arranges the structures found on male pine trees from the largest structure to the smallest?

sporophyte, pollen cone, microsporangia, microspores, pollen nuclei

Which of the following biological molecules contributes to the structural integrity of plant spores?


A carpel is composed of _____.

stigma, style, ovary

A student encounters a pondweed that appears to be a charophyte. Which of the following features would best help the student determine whether the sample comes from a charophyte or from some other type of green alga?

structure of sperm cells

Which equation correctly solves for t?


Big Bend National Park in Texas is mostly desert, where rainfall averages about 25 centimeters per year. Yet, it is not uncommon when hiking in this extremely arid zone to encounter mosses and ferns.Which of the following features is most important for true mosses and ferns to reproduce in the desert?

that their gametophytes grow closely together

The evolution of vascular tissue in plants facilitated which of the following changes?

the ability to grow taller

Which structure of the amniotic egg most closely surrounds the embryo?

the amnion

Which of these contains two haploid nuclei?

the heterokaryotic stage of the fungal life cycle

Which of the following is found inside a pollen grain?

the male gametophyte

Three of the following are evidence that charophytes are the closest algal relatives of plants. Select the exception.

the presence of chloroplasts

Which of the following outcomes is most likely if animals had alternation of generations?

the products of meiosis would undergo mitosis and become multicellular

Which of these characteristics contributed the most to vertebrate success in relatively dry environments?

the shelled, amniotic egg

Which of these groups of organisms are amniotes?


The history of hominin evolution demonstrates ________.

unrelated traits can evolve at different rates

All of the following represent diagnostic features of chordates except for which one?


In the phylogenetic tree shown, which of the following are shared ancestral characters for members of the turtle-leopard group?

vertebral column; four limbs

What evidence do paleobotanists look for that indicates the movement of plants from water to land?

waxy cuticle to decrease evaporation from leaves

You are hiking in a forest and come upon a mysterious plant, which you determine is either a lycophyte sporophyte or a monilophyte sporophyte. Which of the following characteristics would be most helpful in determining the correct classification of the plant?

whether it has microphylls or megaphylls

Which of the following mitigation strategies would be most likely to cause evolution of a drug-resistant strain of Plasmodium?

widespread, frequent use of a single drug in patients suffering from malaria

Amoebas are polyphyletic. Based on this fact, which of the following statements regarding their evolution is correct?

scientists need to continue to investigate the origins and evolutionary history of protists

Plastids that are surrounded by more than two membranes are evidence of

secondary endosymbiosis.

Which of the following statements describes a difference between seed plants and ferns?

seed plants produce two kinds of spores

The phylum Cycliophora includes tiny organisms that live in large numbers on the outsides of the mouthparts and appendages of lobsters. The feeding stage permanently attaches to the lobster and collects scraps of food from its host's feeding by capturing the scraps in a current created by a ring of cilia.The feeding stage of cycliophorans is best described as ________.

sessile and captures food in a manner similar to that of animals with lophophores

Which of the following statements about hominin evolution is correct? As hominins have evolved, _____.

sexual dimorphism was significantly reduced

Which of the following statements correctly describes the daughter cells that result from cytokinesis in budding yeasts?

similar nucleus and less cytoplasm than the mother cell

Green algae and plants are placed in the same phylogenetic group. Which of the following statements presents evidence to support this classification?

similarities in chloroplast structure and pigment composition

In which of the following human mycoses should one expect to find a growth pattern most similar to that of the mycelium that produces a fairy ring?

skin mycoses

Which of the following characteristics occur in Homo naledi?

small brain, feet that allowed bipedal walking, hands able to manipulate small objects

Fungi release digestive enzymes into their _____.


In early chordates, the primitive pharyngeal slits carried out which of the following functions?

suspension-feeding devices

What does the value 61 signify

that 61% of the 617 nucleotide positions are the same in both species

What do the multiple branching points at the root of the eukaryotic phylogenetic tree indicate about the evolution of eukaryotes?

that eukaryotes are all descended from a common ancestor

The rRNA gene of A. tumefaciensis most similar to the wheat mitochondrial rRNA gene. What does that suggest?

that the alpha proteobacteria are more closely related to the ancestor of mitochondria than the other bacterial taxa

The ancestors of amniotes laid eggs in water. It could be argued that embryos of amniotes still develop in water for which of the following reasons?

the amnion encases each embryo in water

Compared to nonvascular plants, the ancient relatives of vascular plants ________.

the ancient relatives produced sporophyte generations independent of, not dependent on, gametophyte generations

When a mosquito infected with Plasmodium first bites a human, what is the first process carried out by the Plasmodium?

the cells infect the human liver cells

Many chlorophytes are unicellular, but others are larger and more complex. What does this indicate regarding the evolutionary history of chlorophytes?

the chlorophyte group contained extensive genetic variability

Living vertebrates can be divided into two major clades. Select the appropriate pair.

the cyclostomes and the gnathostomes

Which of the following traits was most important in enabling the first plants to move onto land?

the development of sporopollenin to prevent the desiccation of zygotes

According to the endosymbiotic theory, it was adaptive for the larger host cell to keep the engulfed cell alive, rather than digesting it as food because ________.

the engulfed cell provided the host cell with adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

Slime molds and fungi were once included in the same taxonomic group due to some specific similarities in morphology and lifestyle. These two groups are now classified in different taxonomic groups. How would you describe these similarities now that the two groups are classified separately?

the similarities are examples of convergent evolution

Which discovery ultimately overturned the prevailing perception that all dinosaurs were large, slow, and lumbering?

the small theropod dinosaur Deinonychus, which had a large sickle-shaped claw on each of its hind limbs

Which of the following is a major trend in land plant evolution over the past 200 million years?

the trend toward a sporophyte-dominated life cycle

Adult urochordates (tunicates) lack notochords, even though larval urochordates have them. What is the function of notochords in larval urochordates?

they aid in swimming

Which of the following statements correctly describes deuteromycetes?

they are the group of fungi that have, at present, no known sexual stage

Which of the following statements describes sponges?

they have larvae that are motile and move via the motion of flagella

Which of the following statements describes how healthy corals appear brightly colored?

they host symbionts with colorful photosynthetic pigments

Which of the following is most likely a characteristic of the earliest tetrapod fossils?

they indicate limited adaptation to life on land

Which of the following statements about the geographic distribution of marsupials is accurate?

they occur in Australia and the Americas

Some plants continued to produce only dark (red) flowers whereas others produced lighter colored flowers later in the season. Which plants do you expect produced more fruit over the entire season?

those that changed their color to a lighter shade

Many mammals have skins and mucous membranes that are sensitive to secretions of plants like poison oak. These secondary compounds are primarily adaptations that function in which of the following ways?

to inhibit herbivory

Which of the following characteristics is found in heterosporous plants?

two types of sporophylls

Including the membrane of the surrounding vesicle, which answer identifies the maximum number of phospholipid bilayers present in the chromatophores of P. chromatophora and the bilayer in which the photosystem is most likely located?

two; innermost

Where in an angiosperm would you find a megasporangium?

within an ovule contained within an ovary of a flower

Which of the following structures provides motility in species of paramecium?

many cilia

Which of these characteristics is shared by algae and seed plants?


Which of the following animal groups is entirely aquatic?


Why have we NOT found examples in the fossil record of every animal that ever lived on Earth?

- To become a fossil, an animal must remain buried for thousands or millions of years until it (and the layer around it) turns to rock. - To become a fossil, an animal must be quickly and completely buried in ash or sediment before it has a chance to decompose. - Many fossils remain buried. We can only find them when they are exposed by erosion or excavation.

Within a gymnosperm megasporangium, which of the following develops before the others after fertilization occurs?


There are three major groups of mammals, categorized on the basis of their _____.

method of reproduction

What is the correlation between miRNA diversity and animal complexity?

miRNA diversity and animal complexity are positively correlated.

Which location is nearest to basidiocarps?


Which of the following is radially symmetrical?

A doughnut

The table is a comparison of several characteristics of H. floresiensis to those of nine other hominin species (arranged roughly from oldest to most recent). What do these data suggest?

A large brain is not necessarily required for toolmaking.

Which of these structures is a separate generation from the plant sporophyte?

A male gametophyte within a pollen grain

Which of the following proposed controls would be most appropriate for the experiment when, late in the season, scientists painted some of the red flowers white?

A necessary control would be to put red paint on some of the red flowers in order to control for the effects of paint.

Tiktaalik had a combination of fishlike and tetrapod-like characteristics. Which were the tetrapod-like characteristics?

A neck, flat head with eyes, interlocking ribs

In which of the following pairs do the structures play comparable roles in the plant and animal life cycles?

A plant sporophyte and an adult animal

According to the hypothesis of serial endosymbiosis, which of the following was a key initial step in the origin of mitochondria?

A prokaryotic host cell engulfed an aerobic, heterotrophic bacterium.

Consider the seed shown in this figure. Select the correct description of this seed.

A seed includes contributions from three separate generations of plants.

All seed plants _____.

Are heterosporous

Which phylum is characterized by animals that have a segmented body?


Cup fungi are in the phylum _____.


Which type of symmetry does each of the following animals display?

Asymmetry - Sponge Radial Symmetry - Jelly + Hydra Bilateral Symmetry - Snake, Octopus, Bobcat, Turtle

Select the correct statement about plant life cycles.

At some point in the life cycle of all plants, the sporophyte is dependent on its gametophyte parent.

Which of the following conclusions are most consistent with the data?

Açai production changes the character of the forest when farmers manipulate their plots.

Ovules are found within structure _____.


Plasmogamy is indicated by the letter _____.

B Plasmogamy is the fusion of hyphae

The process indicated by the letter _____ produces a diploid structure.

C. Karyogamy produces a diploid zygote

Select the correct statement about charophytes, a taxon of green algae.

Charophytes and land plants share three distinctive traits.

This figure shows the life cycle of the ciliate Paramecium caudatum. In this figure, what does the green arrow represent?


Which of the following strategies would be most useful in the long term in reducing pressures faced by cacao farmers?

Crossbreed cacao strains that produce high-quality cacao beans and ones resistant to a disease.

Indicate whether each description applies to a specific group of gymnosperms or to all gymnosperms. Cycads: Ginkgos: Gnetophytes: Conifers: All gymnosperms:

Cycads: Palm-like leaves Ginkgos: Leaves are fanlike, only one species living today Gnetophytes: 3 genera that vary in appearance Conifers: All species produce cones, redwoods, pines All gymnosperms: Seeds do not form in an enclosed structure, undergo alternation of generations

How do humans combat infection by the Plasmodium parasite?

Cytotoxic T cells destroy infected liver cells by recognizing a Plasmodium protein bound to an HLA protein on the surface of those cells.

Which of these structures is diploid?


Which of the following characteristics would be most helpful in distinguishing among different species of fungi?

DNA sequence

Sort the following fungi based on whether they are decomposers, mutualists, or parasites. Drag each item to the appropriate bin.

Decomposer - Fungi associated with fallen log, coprophilous fungi, fungi association with a dead rabnit Mutualist - Mycorrihizal fungi on pine tree rots, fungi in the family lepiotaceae Parasite - Cryphonectria parasitic, cordyceps spp., trichophyton spp., Septobasidum spp.

Which of the following is the most plausible hypothesis to explain the differences in gene expression between poplar tree mycorrhizae and Douglas fir mycorrhizae?

Differences in the trees' environments affect which genes are expressed most.

Why does coral bleaching cause the corals to die?

Dinoflagellates provide nutrients from the products of photosynthesis to the corals in exchange for a safe place to live.

When you look at a pine or maple tree, the plant you see is a __________.

Diploid sporophyte

Some nematode worms consume plant juices from the roots of plants and are economically important agricultural pests. Some fungi are usually decomposers of plant material, but some trap and kill nematodes at times. Arthrobotrys traps and kills nematodes, especially when they lack nitrogen sources. These two facts suggest that farmers could find Arthrobotrys an important tool in combating nematode infestations. Which of the following research questions would make a good starting point for developing such a defense against nematode pests?

Does nitrogen fertilization of crops affect the likelihood that Arthrobotrys will trap and kill nematodes?

Which statement(s) correctly describe(s) the interactions between plants and fungi?

Plants depend on fungi as mutualistic symbionts. Plants are harmed by fungal pathogens.

What conclusion can you draw from the data?

E+ grass plants grew better than E−− grass plants, with the most pronounced positive effect at higher temperatures.

A diploid (2n) cell divides by meiosis, producing four daughter cells. Next, each daughter cell divides by mitosis, producing a total of eight granddaughter cells. Which of the following statements about the granddaughter cells is true?

Each granddaughter cell is haploid (n). Submit

Which of the following statements supports the hypothesis of an endosymbiotic origin of mitochondria?

Each mitochondrion has its own DNA molecule.

Which of the following combinations correctly matches a phylum to its description?

Echinodermata-bilateral symmetry as a larva, water vascular system

Which structures are haploid? Select all that apply.

Egg, gametophyte, spores

What are the main components of a mature gymnosperm seed?

Embryo, seed coat, food supply

Which of the following types of protists causes the potentially fatal disease dysentery?

Entamoeba histolytica

A botanist discovers a new species of plant in a tropical rain forest. Investigation of its anatomy and life cycle shows the following characteristics: flagellated sperm, xylem with tracheids, separate gametophyte, sporophyte generations with the sporophyte dominant, and no seeds. To which of the following groups does this plant most likely belong?


Which of the following best explains how mycorrhizal fungi are more efficient than plants at acquiring mineral nutrition from the soil?

Fungi secrete extracellular enzymes that can break down large molecules.

Which term describes the multicellular haploid form of a protist that shows alternation of generations?


How does the haploid form of Ulva "switch" to its diploid form?

Gametophytes produce cells that undergo mitosis to produce gametes that fuse to form a zygote.

Select the vertebrate taxon or taxa whose origin(s) involved duplication of Hox genes.

Gnathostomes, Craniates

Which of the following chordate groups include(s) humans?

Gnathostomes, Hominins, Aminotes

In the pine, microsporangia form _____ microspores by _____.

Haploid .. Meiosis

Which of the following statements about Ulva's haploid stage is true?

Haploid cells are produced by meiosis of diploid cells. Submit

Which structure mediates the attachment of spores to a surface on which to grow?


Which of the following statements describing hominin evolution is/are correct

Homo sapiens is the only surviving member of a highly branched evolutionary tree of hominin species.

On the back of the human skull, there is a small bump, below which is an opening where the spinal cord enters the skull. Which of the following statements provides the best evolutionary explanation for the location of the opening near the base of the skull?

It is associated with the change to a bipedal stance.

In most fungi, karyogamy does not immediately follow plasmogamy. Which conclusion is most consistent with this information?

It results in heterokaryotic or dikaryotic cells.

What does the positive correlation between miRNA diversity and animal complexity suggest about the role of miRNA diversity in the evolution of animal complexity?

It suggests that differences in animal complexity result from differences in developmental regulation of gene expression.

Based on the table in Figure 1, which fungal species has the most genes encoding membrane transporters (membrane transport proteins)?

L. Bicolor

Which of the following characteristics would best support your assertion that a particular plant is an angiosperm?

Lacks gametangia

A team of researchers has developed a poison that has proven effective against lamprey larvae in freshwater cultures. The poison is ingested and causes paralysis by detaching segmental muscles from the skeletal structures. The team wants to test the poison's effectiveness in streams flowing into Lake Michigan, but critics worry about potential effects on lancelets, which are similar to lampreys in many ways. Which of the following arguments best addresses the critics' concerns?

Lancelets live only in saltwater environments.

Which of the following statements are correct with regard to what physicians and pharmacists need to know about plants?

Land plants produce poisons and medicines.

Why might natural selection have favored the evolution of large brains despite their high maintenance costs?

Large brains may make individuals more likely to survive and reproduce.

Select the correct statement about the life cycle of a fern.

Plant gametophytes are haploid multicellular bodies.

During chordate evolution, which of the following structures arose first?

Paired fins

Unlike most angiosperms, grasses are pollinated by wind. As a consequence, some unnecessary parts of grass flowers have almost disappeared. Which of the following parts would you expect to be most reduced in a grass flower?


Based on these data, what type of organism is present in tube 1?

Pfiesteria (dinoflagellate)

Which structure can be used for feeding and gas exchange?

Pharyngeal gill slit

Which of the following best describes the physical relationship of the partners involved in lichens?

Photosynthetic cells are surrounded by fungal hyphae.

Select the correct statement about photosynthesis by primary producers.

Photosynthetic protists and prokaryotes carry out the majority of the photosynthesis in aquatic communities.

For the eighth observation (i=8i=8), identify the animal phylum, xixi, and yiyi.

Phylum Urochordata: xi=25; yi=77

Based on these data, what type of organism is present in tube 3?


In addition to seeds, which of the following characteristics is unique to seed-producing plants?


The adaptation that made possible the colonization of dry land environments by seed plants is most likely the result of the evolution of _____.


Which of the following is a key feature of seed plants facilitating life on land?


The male gametophytes of flowering plants are also referred to as _____.

Pollen grains

Among plants known as legumes (beans, peas, alfalfa, clover, for example) the seeds are contained in a fruit that is itself called a legume, better known as a pod. Upon opening such pods, it is commonly observed that some ovules have become mature seeds, whereas other ovules have not. Which of the following statements best explains this observation?

Pollen tubes did not enter all of the ovules in such pods, and fruit can develop even if all ovules within have not been fertilized.

The crown-of-thorns sea star, Acanthaster planci, preys on the flesh of live coral. If coral animals are attacked by these sea stars, then what part of the coral actually provides nutrition to the sea star?


Based on the phylogenetic tree shown here, identify the basal taxon of metazoans (animals).


The animal phylum most like the protists that gave rise to the animal kingdom is __________.


Which of the following ecological roles is/are played by at least some fungi?

Predation and decomposition

Gastrulation is the process that directly forms the _____

Primary germ layers

It has been hypothesized that fungi and plants have a mutualistic relationship because plants make sugars available for the fungi's use. What is the best evidence in support of this hypothesis?

Radioactively labeled sugars produced by plants eventually show up in the fungi with which they are associated.

Which of the following statements is correct regarding lancelets?

Recent work in molecular systematics supports the hypothesis that lancelets are the basal clade of chordates.

When adult amphibian skin harbors populations of the bacterium Janthinobacterium lividum, chytrid infection seems to be inhibited. Which of the following is the best experimental design to test whether this inhibition is actually due to the presence of J. lividum?

Take infected amphibians and assign them to two populations. Leave one population alone; inoculate the other with J. lividum. Measure the rate at which infection proceeds in both populations.

For each of the three major clades of bilaterians, what (if anything) can be inferred about whether the common ancestor of the clade had a coelom?

The common ancestor of the Deuterostomia had a coelom, but we cannot infer anything about the ancestor of the Lophotrochozoa or the Ecdysozoa.

Scientists have concluded that bdelloid rotifers have likely been asexual for 100 million years. What evidence supports this conclusion?

The comparison of the DNA of bdelloids and that of sexually reproducing rotifer species

Fungi produce many compounds that humans use medicinally. Which of the following statements best describes the evolution of these compounds in fungi?

The compounds probably provide a benefit to the fungi.

If global climate change continues to warm surface waters of Earth's oceans, which of the following is the most likely effect on the animals that build coral reefs?

The coral animals' endosymbiotic dinoflagellates may get "shaded out" by the diatoms.

Which of the following statements about vertebrates is true?

The development of an amniotic egg and internal fertilization allowed vertebrates to reproduce away from water.

One day, you go outside and see that the cars on the street are covered in a yellow "dust." Which of the following statements can be correctly applied to this "dust"?

The dust is pine pollen and is so abundant because the pines are wind-pollinated.

Entrepreneurs attempted, but failed, to harvest nuts from plantations grown in Southeast Asia. Attempts to grow Brazil nut trees in South American plantations also failed. In both cases, the trees grew vigorously, produced healthy flowers in profusion, but set no fruit. Which of the following statements best explains the failure to cultivate Brazil nut trees in these other locations?

The flowers were not pollinated due to the absence of female orchid bees.

In Figure 2, how do the data for poplar tree mycorrhizae compare with those for Douglas fir mycorrhizae?

The four genes are all upregulated in the mycorrhizae of both trees, but the relative amounts of upregulation differ.

Mistletoe is a plant that lives on trees and gains nutrition from them (that is, it is a parasite). The fruit of the mistletoe is a one-seeded berry and is consumed by birds. In members of the mistletoe genus Viscum, the outside of the seed is sticky, which permits the seed to adhere to surfaces such as the branches of host plants or the beaks of birds. What should be expected of the fruit if the stickiness of Viscum seeds is primarily an adaptation for dispersal rather than an adaptation for infecting host plant tissues?

The fruit is nutritious to the dispersing organisms.

Rose-picker's disease is caused by the yeast Sporothrix schenkii that if introduced into the human body can assume a hyphal morphology and grow along the interiors of lymphatic vessels until they reach a lymph node.Lymph nodes are important for the immune system because many white blood cells (phagocytes and lymphocytes) reside there. Given that a successful infection by S. schenkii damages lymph nodes themselves, which of the following is most probable?

The fungal conversion from yeast to hyphal morphology allows such fast growth that the body's defenses are at least temporarily overwhelmed.

Why was there more carbon-14 in the germinated seed?

The germinated seed incorporated a small amount of modern carbon.

Fungi have an extremely high surface-to-volume ratio. What is the advantage of this characteristic to an organism that gets most of its nutrition through absorption?

The high ratio allows for more material to be acquired from the surroundings and transported through the cell membrane.

Which of the following statements correctly explains why the kingdom Protista has been abandoned?

The second and third answers are correct

How did the great transition from fish to tetrapod occur?

The transition occurred gradually over time, so there are many intermediate forms.

Which of the following statements about the transition from ocean to land by plants is most likely to be accurate?

The transition to land was likely gradual, with plants evolving traits that let them survive ever-drier conditions.

In fungi, haploid hyphae fuse to produce dikaryotic and then diploid nuclei, only to restore the haploid condition by meiosis before the growth of new hyphae. What is the significance of a transient diploid state in fungi?

These sexual processes generate genetic variation.

The respiratory system of birds is one of the most effective respiratory systems of all air-breathing organisms, due to its system of air sacs connected to the lungs. Which of the following can be inferred about the air sacs given the observation that they are neither thin nor highly vascularized?

They are not efficient sites of gas exchange between air and blood.

Which of the following statements about decomposers is true?

They break down waste products, leaf litter, and the bodies of dead organisms. Submit

Which of the following statements correctly compares prokaryotic and eukaryotic flagella?

They have different structures.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of all animals?

They have tissues, organs, and organ systems.

Why did Shubin and Daeschler search in the Canadian arctic for fossil evidence of the transition from fish to tetrapods?

They hypothesized that the transitional fossils were in sedimentary rocks older than 365 million years ago, when the first tetrapods appear in the fossil record.

Which of the following characteristics do dinoflagellates exhibit?

They possess two flagella.

Which of the following statements correctly describes a characteristic of bryophytes (nonvascular plants)?

They share a more recent common ancestor with vascular plants than they do with green algae.

Seedless plants include __________.

bryophytes, lycophytes, and monilophytes

Orchid seeds are tiny, with virtually no endosperm and with miniscule cotyledons. If orchid seeds are deposited in a dark, moist environment, then which of the following represents the most likely means by which fungi might assist in seed germination?

by providing the embryos with some of the organic nutrients the fungi have absorbed

Which of the following arranges the structures from largest to smallest, assuming that they belong to two generations of the same angiosperm?

carpel, ovary, ovule, embryo sac, egg

This is an image of a(n) _____.


The closest algal relatives of land plants are __________.


Which of the following protists have chloroplasts (or structures since evolved from chloroplasts) thought to be derived from ancestral green algae?


You observe the gametes of a fungal species under the microscope and realize that they resemble animal sperm. To which of the following groups does the fungus belong?


You are given an unknown organism to identify. It is unicellular and heterotrophic. It is motile, using many short extensions of the cytoplasm, each featuring the 9 + 2 filament pattern. It has well-developed organelles and two nuclei, one large and one small. To which of the following groups does this organism likely belong?


Fungi and plants evolved during the same time period. What combination of environmental and morphological change is similar in the evolution of both fungi and plants?

colonization of land and loss of flagellated cells

Ciliates like Paramecium typically reproduce asexually. Which process in Paramecium results in genetic recombination but no increase in population size?


Which of the following functions is an advantage of seeds compared to spores?

containing a nutrient store for a developing sporophyte

Chitin is a long-chain polymer derived from glucose. It strengthens cell walls of fungi and the outer covering (exoskeleton) of arthropods (including crabs, shrimps, and insects). The presence of chitin in these groups is likely the result of which of the following processes?

convergent evolution

The evolution of similar insulating skin coverings such as fur, hair, and feathers in mammals and birds is a result of which of the following evolutionary processes?

convergent evolution

A fungal spore germinates, giving rise to a mycelium that grows outward into the soil surrounding the site where the spore originally landed. Which of the following accounts for the outward growth of the mycelium?

cytoplasmic streaming in hyphae

In spruces and pines, which of the following is an advantage of having needlelike leaves?

decreased surface area, reducing water loss

Which adaptations of land plants are likely to cause human health problems?

defenses against being eaten and adaptations related to wind dispersal of pollen

What is the process by which a trait present in an ancestral organism is modified by natural selection over time in descendants of that ancestor?

descent with modification

For the past several decades, amphibian species worldwide have been in decline. A significant proportion of the decline seems to be due to the spread of the chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Chytrid sporangia reside within the epidermal cells of infected animals, animals that consequently show areas of sloughed skin. Sexual reproduction has not been observed in B. dendrobatidis. If its morphology and genetics did not identify it as a chytridiomycete, then to which fungal group would B. dendrobatidis be assigned?


You have discovered a new species aquatic protist that is a primary producer. It cannot swim on its own. It appears to be resistant to physical damage from wave action due to the presence of a glass-like wall. Which of the following organisms would this organism be most like?


The yolk of an animal egg is similar to which of the following structures in angiosperms?


Which of the following structures to the cysts of Giardia function most like?

endospores of bacteria

Mammals and birds eat more often than reptiles. Which of the following traits shared by mammals and birds best explains this habit?


Which of the following characteristics evolved independently in mammals and birds?


Which of the following results would be most important in determining whether the chromatophore of P. chromatophora is still an endosymbiont, or is an organelle, as the term chromatophore implies?

if there has been movement of genes from the chromatophore genome to the nuclear genome, such that these genes are no longer present in the chromatophore genome

Big Bend National Park in Texas is mostly Chihuahuan desert, where rainfall averages about 25 centimeters per year. Yet, it is not uncommon when hiking in this extremely arid zone to encounter mosses and ferns. One such plant is called "flower of stone." It is not a flowering plant, nor does it produce seeds. Under arid conditions, its leaflike structures curl up. However, when it rains, it unfurls its leaves, which form a bright green rosette on the desert floor. Consequently, it is sometimes called the "resurrection plant." At first glance, it could be a fern, a true moss, or a spike moss.Which of the following characteristics is (are) possessed in common by true mosses, ferns, and spike mosses, and therefore becomes useless at helping to determine to which of these groups "flower of stone" belongs?

flagellated sperm and alternation of generations

Which of the following animals does NOT have a body cavity?


Reinforced, threadlike pseudopods that can perform phagocytosis are generally characteristic of which of the following groups or organisms?


A porous test (shell) of calcium carbonate, through which pseudopodia protrude, is characteristic of which of the following groups of organisms?


Which of the following factors most likely helped early plants colonize land?

formation of mutualistic associations with fungi

Which of the following observations would best support the hypothesis that the ability to form mycorrhizal associations arose very early in plant evolution?

formation of mycorrhizae by a flowering plant that expresses a gene from a liverwort

The water vascular system of echinoderms

functions in locomotion and feeding

When a mycelium infiltrates a recently killed mouse carcass, which of the following is most likely to appear within the tissues of the mouse soon thereafter?

fungal enzymes

When pathogenic fungi are found growing on the roots of grape vines, grape farmers sometimes respond by covering the ground around their vines with plastic sheeting and pumping a gaseous fungicide into the soil. Which of the following results might be a concern for the grape farmers who engage in this practice?

fungicide might also kill mycorrhizae

In plants, the ________ produces haploid gametes (eggs and sperm) by mitosis, whereas the ________ produces haploid spores by meiosis.

gametophyte; sporophyte

Which of the following is a characteristic of cnidarians?

gastrovascular cavity

Which of the following organisms are the closest relatives of pine and spruce trees?

gnetophytes, cycads, and ginkgos

Based on the highlighted (white) branches in the phylogenetic tree shown, which of the following labels refers to a paraphyletic group?

green algae

Which of the following organisms were most likely the direct ancestors of plants?

green algae

Which of the following statements correctly describes one difference between green algae and land plants?

green algae are often unicellular, while land plants are not

Which of the following characteristics is exhibited by both monotremes and marsupials?

have some embryonic development outside the uterus

Unlike eutherians, both monotremes and marsupials

have some embryonic development outside the uterus.

After studying a particular species of protist, you suspect that it has obtained a chloroplast via secondary endosymbiosis. Which of the following information would confirm your hypothesis?

have three or four membranes

An important example of interaction between fungi and certain other organisms is mycorrhizae, in which the fungal partners _____.

help plants take up nutrients and water

Plasmogamy can directly result in which of the following types of cells?

heterokaryotic cells or dikaryotic cells

All fungi are


In the United States and Canada, bats have become infected by a fungus, Geomyces destructans. Many infected bats have a delicate, white filamentous mat on their muzzles, which is referred to as white-nose syndrome (WNS). The G. destructans mat most likely consists of which of the following structures?


In pines, an embryo is a(n) _____.

immature sporophyte

In which of the following structures of a plant are apical meristems found?

in both roots and shoots

The evolution of a vascular system in plants allowed which of the following characteristics and process to occur?

increased height, improved competition for light, and increased spore dispersal distances

Some companies advertise and sell mycorrhizae to home gardeners and commercial farms, claiming that the presence of mycorrhizae improves plant growth and survival. If the company conducted experiments on plants with and without mycorrhizae, which of the following results would support their claim?

increased production of corn ears in plants with mycorrhizae than in plants without mycorrhizae

In plants, which of the following is a benefit of retaining the zygote on the living gametophyte?

it allows it to be nourished by the parent plant

Which of the following characteristics is exhibited by the water vascular system of echinoderms?

it functions in locomotion and feeding

As you are walking along a beach, you find an animal and believe that it belongs to the class Asteroidea. Which of the following characteristics would support your hypothesis that the animal is a sea star and not another type of echinoderm?

it has five or more appendages.

The sharp, inch-long thorns of the crown-of-thorns sea star are its spines. These spines, unlike those of most other sea stars, contain a potent toxin. If it were discovered that crown-of-thorns sea stars do not make this toxin themselves, then what is the most likely alternative source for the toxin?

it is derived from the nematocysts of its prey

What sexual processes in fungi generate genetic variation?

karyogamy and meiosis

Most bryophytes, such as mosses, differ from all other plants in that they _____.

lack true leaves and roots

Which extant chordates are most like the earliest chordates in appearance?


Mycorrhizae are often found associated with the roots of vascular plants. Where are fungal endophytes typically found in vascular plants?

leaf mesophyll

A billionaire buys a sterile volcanic island that recently emerged from the sea. Seeding the island with which of the following would most likely accelerate the development of conditions that would support plant growth?


What evolutionary development allowed plants to grow tall? See Concept 29.3 (Page)

lignified vascular tissue

Big Bend National Park in Texas is mostly Chihuahuan desert, where rainfall averages about 25 centimeters per year. Yet, it is not uncommon when hiking in this extremely arid zone to encounter mosses and ferns. One such plant is called "flower of stone." It is not a flowering plant, nor does it produce seeds. Under arid conditions, its leaflike structures curl up. However, when it rains, it unfurls its leaves, which form a bright green rosette on the desert floor. Consequently, it is sometimes called the "resurrection plant." At first glance, it could be a fern, a true moss, or a spike moss.Upon closer inspection of the leaves of "flower of stone," one can observe tiny, cone-like structures. Each cone-like structure emits spores of two different sizes. Further investigation also reveals that the roots of "flower of stone" branch only at the growing tip of the root, forming a Y-shaped structure. Consequently, "flower of stone" should be expected to possess which other characteristics?

lignified vascular tissues and microphylls

Female birds lay their eggs, thereby facilitating flight by reducing weight. Which "strategy" seems most likely for female bats to use to achieve the same goal?

limit litters to a single embryo

A biology student hiking in a forest discovers an erect, 15-centimeter-tall plant that bears microphylls and a strobili at its tallest point. When disturbed, the cone emits a dense cloud of brownish dust. Observing a sample with a magnifying glass reveals the dust to be composed of tiny spheres with a high oil content.What type of plant has this student most likely discovered?

lycophyte sporophyte

Microphylls are found in which plant group?


Which of the following plant structures most directly produces the pollen tube of angiosperms?

male gametophyte

A land snail, a clam, and an octopus all share


What type of cell division does the generative of a male angiosperm gametophyte cell undergo to produce sperm cells?


In mosses gametes are produced by _____; in ferns gametes are produced by _____.

mitosis ... mitosis

Which term most accurately describes the nutritional mode of healthy P. bursaria?


Stamens, sepals, petals, carpels, and pinecone scales are types of which of the following structures?

modified leaves

A new species of aquatic chordate is discovered that closely resembles an ancient form. It has the following characteristics: external armor of bony plates, no paired lateral fins, and a suspension-feeding mode of nutrition. In addition to these, which of the following characteristics is it most likely to exhibit?

no jaws

About 450 million years ago, the terrestrial landscape on Earth would most likely have had which of the following features?

nonvascular, green plants similar to liverworts forming green mats on rock

Where do fern antheridia develop?

on the underside of the gametophyte

In asexual reproduction,

one parent passes copies of all of its genes to its offspring without the fusion of gametes.

Neural crest cells appear on the edges of the neural tube and spread throughout the embryo, giving rise to all of the following structures except __________.

pharyngeal slits (or clefts) of invertebrate chordates

Almost all of the members of which phylum form arbuscular mycorrhizae in a mutualistic partnership with plants?

phylum Mucoromycota

If the kingdom Plantae is someday expanded to include the charophytes (stoneworts), which of the following shared derived characteristics would be included in the revised kingdom?

rings of cellulose-synthesizing complexes

Based on the plant fossil record, which of these events likely occurred most recently?

rise and diversification of angiosperms

At which stage of a basidiomycete's life cycle would reproduction be halted if an enzyme that prevented the fusion of hyphae was introduced?


The Brazil nut tree, Bertholletia excels, is native to tropical rain forests of South America. Scientists have discovered that the pale yellow flowers of Brazil nut trees cannot fertilize themselves and admit only female orchid bees as pollinators. If a female orchid bee has just left a Brazil nut tree with nectar in her stomach, and if she visits another flower on a different Brazil nut tree, what is the sequence in which the following events should occur?

pollen transfer, pollen tube emerges from pollen grain, pollen tube enters micropyle, double fertilization

Trypanosome infections evade attacks by host immune systems through which of the following mechanisms?

production of new cell-surface proteins with a different molecular structure by each new generation

If all fungi in an environment were to suddenly die, then which group of organisms is most likely to benefit, due to the fact that its fungal competitors have been removed?


Which of the following statements best describes an advantage of the reduced gametophytes in seed plants?

protection from drying out

Many types of plants increase the number of stomata per unit surface area of a leaf when atmospheric carbon dioxide levels decline. Which of the following is an analogous response in humans?

putting more red blood cells into circulation when oxygen availability declines at high elevations

Which of the following is a rhizarian that would be in competition with P. chromatophora for the silica needed to make these plates, assuming limited quantities of silica in the environment?


A biologist discovers an alga that is marine, multicellular, and lives at a depth reached only by blue light. Based on this information, to which of the following groups of algae would this organism be classified?

red algae

Which of the following results would be most likely if a layer of warm, light water caused by ocean surface warming blocks nutrient upwelling?

reduced populations of producers because they have access to fewer nutrients

Which of the following problems will likely increase if the human population continues to increase?

reduction in plant and animal diversity

Which of these traits is most strongly associated with the evolution of bipedalism?

repositioning of foramen magnum

If a tunicate's pharyngeal gill slits were blocked by a foreign object, which of the following processes would the organism have trouble performing?

respiring and feeding

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