Biology Exam 2 Review

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Compared to eukaryotic genomes, prokaryotic genomes usually:

Contains a single chromosome are found in the cytosol contains fewer genes and contains circular, rather than linear chromosomes

All of the following are advantages of reproducing asexually rather than sexually except for:

It produces more genetic diversity

Crossing over occurs between

non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes

If nondisjunction occurs during meiosis, which of the following events would NOT occur?

Segregation of alleles during meiosis

Which of the following events occur during BOTH mitosis and meiosis?

Spindle fibers attach to kinetochores and sister chromatids line up on metaphase plate

Male birds have the sex chromosome pair Z, while female birds have the sex chromosome pair ZW. Which of the following statements are TRUE?

W-linked genes are only expressed in females birds One Z chromosome in malebirds is condensed into a Barr Body Male birds are homogametic

What happens during anaphase of mitosis?

sister chromatids separate

Which of the following is FALSE regarding dominant and recessive alleles?

Only dominant alleles can determine phenotypes

During which phase(s) of meiosis does synapsis occur?

Only in prophase I

A bro that is heterozygous at one loci and homozygous dominant at a second locus is mated with a gal that is homozygous dominant at both loci. These loci are unlinked. What is the probability that they will have an offspring who is heterozygous at both loci?


Narcissism, a condition characterized by an obsession with taking selfies, is a sex-linked disease in humans found in the X chromosome. If a female carrier marries an affected male, what is the probability that they have a child that will be male AND express the disease?


What are true about the homologous chromosomes?

1. They form tetrads during meiosis I 2. They replicate during the S phase

A female is heterozygous for both Litness (L) and Yeetness (Y) she is crossed with a male who is homozygous for both traits. What is the probability that they will produce an offspring that is homozygous dominant for both traits?


A cell whose ploidy is 10n=100 undergoes mitosis. What is the ploidy of the daughter cells?


A botanist grows 50 plants in a greenhouse and observes that 40 of the plants have produced flowers. In this population, what is the probability of a plant NOT producing flowers?


A diploid cell with the ploidy 2n=20 enter M phase. What is the ploidy of each daughter cell? (Mitosis = replicative)


Which of the following represent the genotype of a true-breeding individual at four loci?


What occurs during interphase?

DNA synthesis, Nucleolus shrinks and disappears and cell growth and development

What kind of cross can you use to determine if two genes are linked?

Dihybrid test cross

Ploidy is doubled during the process of ______ and halved during the process of ___________

Fertilization; meiosis I

At the end of meiosis I in human, each of the resulting cells is _________ and has ________ chromosomes.

Haploid; 23

In a dihybrid test cross, an individual who is homozygous recessive at both loci is crossed with an individual whose genotype is

Heterozygous at both loci

Which of the following statements does NOT support the hypothesis of blending?

Hybridizing two phenotypically different flower results in all offspring resembling one parents Recessive phenotypes re-emerge in the F2 generation

What statement completely compares MITOSIS in haploid and diploid cells?

IN haploid cells, only one set of chromosomes ends up in each daughter cell, but in diploid cells, two sets of chromosomes end up in each daughter cell

A test cross that is investigation two genes has produced ten offspring. Seven of the offspring have the paternal genotype, while the rest of the offspring have a recombinant genotype. Based on these results, the two genes are:


Recombinant gametes are possible with:

Linked genes through the process of crossing over Unlinked genes through the process of independent assortment

In which process does a haploid parent cell produce haploid daughter cells ?


which of the following are TRUE regarding mitosis and meiosis?

Mitosis results in 2 daughter cells, meiosis results in 4 Only meiosis involves the separation of homologous chromosomes

Which of the following is/are a conclusion Morgan was able to draw from his experimental crosses of D. melanogaster?

The gene for eye color is located on the X chromosome. Red eyes are dominant over white eyes

If two alleles of a particular gene behave in accordance with Mendel's (GOAT) Law of Segregation, then:

They separate from each other during gamete formation

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