Biology Final Review

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A student wants to build a model of a vertebrate joint. What would the student use to best represent muscles?

Rubber bands

What phase in the process of DNA replication results in two copies of DNA?

S Phase

A student is conducting a field study by observing an ectotherm. Which of the following animals might the student be observing?


The ecological roles filled by prokaryotes include all of the following except


Which of the following aquatic animals breathe with lungs?

Sea turtles

What term defines the event when the alleles for each gene separate from each other do that each gamete carries only one allele for each gene?


A telephone rings and a girl responds by turning her head toward the noise. How did the girl's body know how to respond?

Sensory neurons in the girl's ears detected the stimuli of the telephone ringing

There are 64 codons and 20 amino acids. Which of the following is true?

Several different codons can specify the same amino acid

Which of the following best describes Rosalind Franklin's contribution to our understanding of the structure of DNA?

She purified large amounts of DNA, stretched the fibers so the strands were parallel, and used an X-ray beam to produce an image of the molecule

How might a coral be affected if all its symbiotic algae died?

The coral would also die

What trait, dominant or recessive, will be expressed if an organism has one dominant allele and one recessive allele?

The dominant trait

What is replication?

The duplication of DNA before cell division

The scientific name of the sugar maple is Acer saccharum. What does the second part of the name Saccharum, designate?


The growth of potentially dangerous bacteria that can cause disease can be controlled most effectively by


What signals the polypeptide chain to stop adding amino acids?

Stop codon on mRNA

Which is involved with the regulation of eukaryotic genes?

TATA box

The tips of eukaryotic chromosomes are known as _____________


What is the name of the final phase of meiosis I and what happens during that phase?

Telophase I: Chromosomes gather at ends of cell and new nuclear envelopes form and cytokinesis takes place

A heavy rainstorm washed fertilizer from a farm field into a pond, causing an algal bloom. Which is the best explanation for this event?

The amount of fertilizer in the runoff was excessive

What happens if strep throat- an infection caused by the bacteria Streptococcus- goes untreated?

The bacteria reproduces and the infection spreads throughout the body

What structural problem prevents adenine from pairing with guanine?

The bases are both long

Use Figure 11-3 to answer the following question. If a pea plant that is heterozygous for round, yellow peas (RrYy) is crossed with a pea plant that is homozygous for round peas but heterozygous for yellow peas (RRYy), how many different phenotypes are their offspring expected to show?


The diagram shows five stages of the cell cycle. Only four of the stages represent stages of mitosis. Which lists represents the four stages of mitosis in order of occurrence?


In human cells, 2N=46. How many chromosomes does an egg cell carry?


After analyzing a sample of DNA, a scientist recorded the data shown in the table. What percentage of the DNA sample is cytosine?


What is the main result of meiosis?

4 haploid cells

The table shows the hearing range of different animals. Based on the information in the table, bottlenose dolphins are least likely to hunt prey that produces sounds at which frequencies?


Which structure or structures shown in figure 20-1 have key differences in bacteria and archaea?

A and B

What did Hershey and Chase use to confirm Avery's results and convince scientists that genes are made up of DNA?

A bacteriophage

What is a mutation?

A change in the genetic material of a cell

One difference between a gene mutation and a chromosomal mutation is that

A chromosomal mutation can change the number of chromosomes in a cell

What is taxonomy?

A classification system based on shared characteristics

In mRNA, a three-base group that corresponds to a single amino acid is called

A codon

What is an adaptation?

A heritable trait that increases an organism's ability to survive and reproduce in its environment

A blastula is _________________

A hollow ball of cells in an embryo

The heart is an organ in the circulatory system of animals. It pumps blood to body tissues. The table shows data about the hearts of different animals. What can be inferred from the data in the table?

A hummingbird's body systems use oxygen and nutrients at the greatest rate

Which of the following is an example of predation?

A lion hunts and eats a zebra for food

How does micronucleus differ in function from a macronucleus?

A micronucleus contains a reserve copy of every gene instead of multiple copies of genes needed for daily activities

Which of the following best defines the process of transcription?

A molecule of DNA is copied into a complementary sequence of RNA?

What is a nucleotide?

A monomer made of a 5-carbon sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base

What is the general relationship between the complexity of an animal's nervous system and that of its sensory system?

A more complex sensory system tends to be related to a more complex nervous system

Which of the following statements describes how a muscle moves an arthropod leg?

A muscle contracts, pulling on a tendon which is attached to the inside of the exoskeleton

Gregor Mendel studied the inheritance of pea plant traits that are shown in the table. According to Mendel's research, which of the pea plants listed below has one dominant and two recessive traits?

A plant with wrinkled green seeds inside smooth pods

In animals, the digestive system takes in food and breaks it down into nutrients that are needed by other body systems. Animal feed is formulated to provide nutrients suited to specific kinds of animals. Advertising claims state that a particular type of animal feed is made up of cellulose. What characteristics would describe the digestive system of the animal that could best utilize the nutrients in this type of feed?

A rumen and flat molars

Which of the following best defines a gene?

A segment of DNA that codes for a particular protein

Which chordate characteristic is visible on the outside of an adult cat?

A tail that extends beyond the anus

Interphase is _________

A time of cell growth and development

A specific characteristic of an individual, such as height, is called

A trait

What is a bacteriophage?

A virus that infects bacterium

Which of the following is a fertilized egg?

A zygote

In the punnett square shown in figure 11-1, which of the following is true about the offspring resulting the cross?

All are expected to be tall

All of the following protists are photosynthetic except


An organism is a multicellular heterotroph made up of eukaryotic cells lacking cell walls, Into which taxonomic group should the organism be classified?


In Linnaeus's time, all life was divided into which two kingdoms?

Animals and plants

In Alexander Fleming's lab, Penicillium mold contaminated a sample of Staphylococcus bacteria. Fleming noticed that the bacteria did not grow near the mold. Other researchers discovered that the mold interfered with the growth of the bacteria. This discovery led to the development of which type of drugs?


Which of these groups of animals tend to have an open circulatory systems?


Look at the illustration in Figure 25-1 above. Which letter represents the hollow nerve cord?


Which part of the bacteriophage in Figure 12-1 contains genetic material?


Some Antibiotics fight bacterial infections by preventing bacterial cells from generating cell walls. Why is this mechanism of action not harmful to the animals that take the antibiotics?

Bacterial cells have cell walls, but animal cells do not have cell walls

What term defines the nearly perfect fit between A-T and C-G nucleotides?

Base pairing

How does having a closed circulatory system benefit a large, active animal?

Blood is circulated more efficiently

The diagram shows two types of cells. In what way are these cells similar

Both are organized into tissues in complex animals

One modern result of molecular biology is crops that are genetically modified organisms, or GMOs. Scientists produce GMO crops by taking a piece of DNA coding for a certain gene from one organism and inserting it into the DNA of another organism, called the host. The host expresses the new gene along with all of its other genes just as it normally would- by transcribing it to RNA and translating it through protein synthesis. This process gives the host organism a new gene and thus a trait, such as pest resistance, that its species naturally does not carry in its genome. What must be true for a genetically modified organism to be able to express a gene it has received from another species?

Both species must have the same genetic code

What do animals do during intracellular and extracellular digestion?

Break down and absorb food

How does the immune system help maintain homeostasis?

By attacking invaders

Look at the illustration in Figure 25-5. Which letter points to the endoderm?


This drawing models the life cycle of a jellyfish. Which part of the drawing represents the swimming larva that is produced after fertilization in this life cycle?


Which of the following is the best definition of the chitin found in fungi cell walls?

Carbohydrate polymers

A bird stalks, kills, and then eats an insect. Based on its behavior, which pair of ecological terms describes the bird?

Carnivore; consumer

What process ultimately determines what specialized job a cell will have within an organism?

Cell differentiation

All of the cells in an adult human develop from a single cell and carry the same genetic information. What inference can be made from this fact?

Cell specialization has no genetic basis

What are specialized cells?

Cells that perform a specific function

Which of the following statements correctly describes Chargaff's contribution to the study of DNA?

Chargaff showed that adenine and thymine were found in equal percentages in DNA, but he did not know this was because of base-pairing

Bundles of DNA found in cells are called?


Oxygen is brought into the body by the respiratory system. Which system transports the oxygen to cells where it is needed?

Circulatory system

The endocrine system relies on which of the following body systems to communicate with the other systems in the body?

Circulatory system

The system that helps all others maintain homeostasis by transporting oxygen, nutrients, carbon dioxide and wastes is the

Circulatory system

Suppose that you were to find a vertebrate fossil that showed a joint structure with muscle and tendon relationships similar to those of a squirrel. For which kind of movement would you predict the animal and had been best adapted?


Two kinds of birds eat the same food and nest in the same area. These two species of birds are in


During what process do prokaryotes exchange genetic information?


What is a characteristic of all cancer cells?

Control of the cell cycle has broken down

Which relationship among organisms provides an example of parasitism?

Cryptosporidium, protists in the human digestive system

In prokaryotes, RNA synthesis and protein synthesis take place in the


When a bacteriophage virus infects bacteria, the viral genes produce many new viruses. Which of the following is responsible for the production of new viruses?

DNA from the virus

Figure 12-2 shows the structure of

DNA molecule

In Figure 12-5, what is adding base pairs to the strand?

DNA polymerase

What term names the process during which DNA is copied prior to cell division?

DNA replication

Which statement best describes the functions of DNA?

DNA stores, copies, and transmits information

Which of the following would be a factor limiting cell size?

Demands on DNA, the ratio of surface area to volume, efficiency of moving materials across the cell membrane

By what process do body cells become specialized?


During embryonic growth of a plant, cells become specialized for a different role such as sugar storage, transportation of materials, and photosynthesis. This specialization is called__________


Stem cells are important in current biological research. Information about which cell process is most important in understanding the possible applications of stem cells?


The cell theory summarizes fundamental concepts about cells. One statement in the cell theory is " New cells are produced from existing cells " Which cellular process is most directly related to this part of the cell theory?


A student is planning an experiment to investigate bacteria that have been infected by viruses. Which of the following scientific questions should be the investigation seek to answer to determine whether viral infection has occurred?

Does the bacterial chromosome contain viral DNA?

What model of DNA was discovered by Watson and Crick?

Double-helix model

Which statement best describes the stages of mitosis?

Duplicated chromosomes become visible, chromosomes line up across the center of the cell, sister chromosomes separate, the nuclear envelope re-forms

Gregor Mendel contributed to genetic theory by concluding all of the following except

Each adult has six copies of each gene

Which of the following happens when a cell divides?

Each daughter cell receives its own copy of the parent cell's DNA

All of the following are essential functions performed by all animals except ________

Eliminating oxygen and other wastes

Which of the following describes a oviparous fertilization?

Embryos develop in eggs outside the mother's body

Which term describes the process through which eggs are fertilized outside the body of an egg-producing individual?

External fertilization

An animal that relies on a digestive tract for digestion breaks down food by

Extracellular digestion only

Which of the following can survive either with oxygen or without it?

Facultative anaerobes

Which will reduce competition within a species' population?

Fewer individuals

Protists move using all of the following except


What term is also used to describe insertion and deletion mutations?

Frameshift mutations

What characteristic of the common fruit fly makes it the ideal candidate for genetic research?

Fruit flies rapidly reproduce

During the eukaryotic cell cycle most growth happens during the _____ phase


What term best describes genes that are independently assorted but are inherited together?

Gene linkage

Identifying the relative locations of genes on a chromosome and creating a diagram of their locations is called

Gene mapping

What happens when a piece of DNA is missing?

Genetic information is lost

Which of the following are external regulators of the cell cycle?

Growth factors

What term defines a cell that contains a single set of chromosomes?


Fleas, lice, and tapeworms are parasites. Parasites are organisms that live on or inside a host organism and

Harm the host

What is Gregor Mendel's contribution to the history and study of genetics?

He discovered that characteristics are determined by inherited factors ( genes ), He discovered that alleles segregate independently during the formation of gametes, and he discovered that alleles can be dominant or recessive

The table describes two categories of organisms. Using the information in the table, what can you infer about the relationship between these two categories of organisms in ecosystems?

Herbivores are sometimes prey for carnivores

How do the circulatory and endocrine systems of migrating wildebeests help them maintain homeostasis?

Hormones produced by the endocrine system are carried by the circulatory system to control the way the body stores or mobilizes energy

One of the key events of the cell cycle is DNA replication, which takes place during the S phase. Because the DNA molecule absorbs UV light, exposure to intense UV radiation can cause DNA copying errors, as shown below. What process might the information in this graph help you to investigate?

How chemicals cause cancers

Which of the following supports the claim that the environment can affect genetic traits?

Hydrangea flower color varies with soil pH

How are lytic and lysogenic infections different?

In lysogenic infections, the virus initially persists in an inactive state within the host.

Which statement below is true about the differences in the process of DNA replication in prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

In prokaryotes DNA replication happens in two directions at once and in eukaryotes replication can start at many points and move in both directions until complete

What term defines why genetic variations are present in organisms even when they have the same parents?

Independent assortment

Which of the following are types of mutations?

Insertions and substitutions

In animals, the excretory systems rids the body of wastes produced by body tissues. The graphic organizer below lists information about how the excretory system functions to maintain homeostasis in a saltwater animal. What is a limitation of this graphic organizer?

It can be used to learn about saltwater animals but not about freshwater animals

A cell in the liver begins to divide abnormally. It forms a mass, but then stops dividing. No cells from the mass move into other tissues. How would you describe this mass?

It is a benign tumor

Why does the metabolic waste ammonia pose a problem for all animals?

It is poisonous

What is the significance of the S phase in the cell cycle?

It is when chromosome replication takes place

What is one of the roles of Dna polymerase during replication?

It joins nucleotides to synthesize a complementary strand of DNA

What is the role of the enzyme RNA polymerase in the process of transcription?

It transcribes DNA sequences to produce a complementary strand of RNA

Joints are a critical feature of both endoskeletons and exoskeletons because

Joints provide flexibility and freedom of movement

Each of the following is a characteristic common to the skeletons of all vertebrates except _________

Large and dense

The farther apart two genes are located on a chromosome, the

Less likely they are to be inherited together

How would ocean food chains change in the absence of photosynthetic protists?

Many aquatic species would be unable to survive

What is the structure of the body of a typical fungus?

Many hyphae tangled together into a mycellium

Which process produces offspring with a wide genetic variation?


An offspring that is the result of asexual reproduction has genes that were duplicated during ______________

Mitosis in one parent

Look at the jellyfish in Figure 25-6. How many planes of symmetry could you draw through this animal?

More than 5

How does the structure of chromosomes differ in prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

Most prokaryotes have a singular circular chromosome while eukaryotes have multiple chromosomes

Which structure in the nervous system carries directions to the muscles causing an organism, such as a mouse, to run from a predator, such as an owl

Motor neurons

In rabbits, there are four different versions of the gene for coat color. What pattern of inheritance is this?

Multiple alleles

What body structures work together to enable movement?

Muscles and bones

Cattle depend on microorganisms in their digestive tract to digest the cellulose in their diets. The cattle and the microorganisms are

Mutualistic symbionts

One advantage to being an ectotherm is that an ectotherm

Needs less energy to maintain homeostasis

Which component of DNA specifies the traits of an organism?

Nitrogenous base pairs

Gas exchange occurs in the respiratory system. Which of the following describes how another system interacts directly with the respiratory system to maintain homeostasis?

The circulatory system carries oxygen to muscle cells

Which of the following sets of terms lists the structures from smallest to largest/

Nucleotides, nucleic acids, genes, chromosomes

Which name describes the stage of development of an animal that undergoes incomplete metamorphosis in which it resembles the adult but lacks some adult structures?


What is sometimes turned off by regulatory proteins that bind to DNA and block transcription?


Both oysters and squid are mollusks. Why is an open circulatory system adequate for an oyster but not for a squid?

Oysters don't move around, but squids are very active

Heartworms (Dirofilaria immitis) are a type of roundworm that live in and obtain nutrients from the tissues of dogs. These invertebrates affect the function of the dog's circulatory system in a way that can lead to a dog's death. Which term best describes the relationship between heartworms and dogs?


Which feature of the cell wall is characteristic of bacteria but not of Archaea?


Cells in multicellular organisms have many different sizes and shapes. These differences in cells is called cell specialization. Cell specialization allows cells to

Perform different functions

The graph shows how the size of the bacteria population changes under certain conditions

Perishable picnic food should be kept on ice until served

The physical characteristics of an organism is called its _____________. The genetic characteristics of an organism are called its _______________

Phenotype; Genotype

Several different classes make up a __________


An experiment crosses an F1 generation of red-flower plants and white-flowered plants. What is the color of the F2 generation if the allele for color is characteristic of incomplete dominance?


What can you conclude from the reaction of the planarian?

Planaria prefer darkness to light

A food web consists of many interconnected food chains. Which of the following represents one of the food chains in the food web shown in the diagram?

Plants--> mouse-->fox

In plant development, a common mutation can cause a plant to have an extra set of chromosomes, often resulting in a larger and stronger plant. What is this condition called?


A scientist is studying a relationship in which one species hunts and eats the other as food. Which type of relationship is the scientist studying?


Some alleles are dominant and others are recessive. An organism with at least one dominant allele for a particular form of a trait will exhibit that form of the trait. An organism with a recessive allele for a particular form of a trait will exhibit that form only when the dominant allele for the trait is not present. This states the ________________________________

Principle of dominance

What term bests defines the likelihood that a particular event will occur?


What is the correct order of events that occur during meiosis?

Prophase I, Metaphase I, Anaphase I, Telophase I, Cytokinesis, Prophase II, Metaphase II, Anaphase II, Telophase II, Cytokinesis

During which phases of mitosis are structures like the one shown in figure 10-5 visible?


Each of the following is true or RNA except

RNA contains deoxyribose

Blocking gene expression by means of a silencing complex is known as

RNA transference

In a cross between a pea plant with yellow seeds and a pea plant with green seeds, all the offspring produced green seeds. This shows the trait for yellow seed color is __________ green seed color ___________

Recessive; dominant

Which of the following is caused by blooms of dinoflagellates?

Red tide

An endotherm is an animal that

Regulates body temperature partly by generating its own body heat

Which statement best describes the role of DNA replication in the cell cycle of eukaryotes?

Replication is completed before the cell enters mitosis

HIV is an example of a __________


One type of RNA forms an important part of both subunits of a ribosome, where proteins are assembled. This type of RNA is called

Ribosomal RNA

Which of the following uses the sequences of codons in mRNA to assemble amino acids into polypeptide chains?


According to the rules of binomial nomenclature, which of the terms is capitalized?

The genus name only

What happened when Griffith injected mice with the harmless, R-strain bacteria alone?

The mouse lived

Why does sexual reproduction, as opposed to asexual reproduction, produce organisms better adapted to survive disease or environmental changes?

The offspring of sexual reproduction have greater genetic diversity

Which of the following statements about the prokaryotic cell cycle is true?

The process of prokaryotic cell division is called binary fission, prokaryotic cell division can happen very rapidly, in the process of prokaryotic cell division two genetically identical cells are formed

As a cell size increases, what happens to the ratio of its surface area to volume?

The surface area doesn't increase as fast as the volume increases

How do saltwater fishes conserve water?

Their kidneys produce small amounts of concentrated urine

Which statement about sexual and asexual reproduction is true?

There is more genetic variation in organisms that reproduce sexually than those that reproduce only asexually

In what ways are the respiratory structures of all animals similar?

They all move carbon dioxide and oxygen across selectively permeable membranes

In general, how do aquatic animals remove ammonia from their bodies?

They allow it to diffuse out of their bodies into surrounding water

How are phytoplankton important to whales?

They are eaten by some whales

All of the following are true about viruses except

They are living cells

Why are superbugs difficult to control?

They are resistant to whole groups of antibiotics.

The shells of amniotic eggs of birds, reptiles, and egg-laying mammals all share which of the following characteristics?

They are waterproof

Which statement about members of the domain Archaea is true?

They can withstand more extreme environments than other organisms

How do vertebrates differ from other chordates?

They have a backbone made up of vertebrae

Members of the domain Archaea have which of the following characteristics?

They lack nuclei

How do enzymes help maintain the accuracy of DNA during replication?

They proofread the new strand to make a near-perfect copy

What is one way that bacteria cause disease?

They release chemicals that upset homeostasis.

How do kidneys help maintain homeostasis while processing nitrogenous wastes?

They separate nitrogenous wastes and excess water from blood

How do amoebas obtain food?

They use pseudopodia to capture food and form food vacuoles

What is the role of tRNA in protein synthesis?

To carry amino acids to ribosomes to build the polypeptide

What is the role of a motor neuron?

To carry information from interneurons to muscles

Why do some animals convert ammonia into uric acid instead of into urea?

To conserve water

Why is it important for cells to have a control system to regulate the timing of cell division?

To ensure that proper steps are completed before a cell moves through each phase of the cell cycle

Which of the following is NOT a way in which humans rely of prokaryotes?

To form a symbiotic relationship and obtain ammonia

What is the function of the chorion in an amniotic egg?

To regulate gas exchange

What does "mapping" refer to in the process of cell differentiation?

Tracking the progress of a cell's defferentiation

What process allows RNA polymerase to use one strand of DNA as a template from which to assemble nucleotides into a complementary strand of RNA?


What controls the expression of eukaryotic genes by binding DNA sequences in their regulatory regions?

Transcription factors

What carries the three unpaired bases that are collectively called the anticodon?

Transfer DNA

What process is represented by number 1?

Transfer of amino acids to the ribosome

The end result of meiosis I is

Two daughter cells

According to Figure 13-3, which code specifies the same amino acid as UAU?


Why is a cell's surface area to volume ratio important?

Wastes would build up in the cell if the cell membrane did not have enough surface area to allow them to leave, If the ratio of surface area to volume were too small, not enough nutrients could get in, causing the cell to starve, if a cell grew too large, the cell's DNA could not produce enough materials needed by the cell for survival.

Vaccination against a viral disease involves injecting a person with

Weakened viruses or antigens from the virus

What technique did scientist Rosalind Franklin use to learn about the structure of DNA?

X-Ray Diffraction

A tetrad consists of

a homologous pair of chromosomes, each made of two chromatids

Which best defines a dominant trait

a trait that is expressed whenever an allele for it is present

In Figure 12-5, what nucleotide is going to be added at point 1, opposite from thymine?


Parthenogenesis is a method of reproduction in which __________________

an egg develops without being fertilized by a sperm

Cancer is considered a disruption of the cell cycle because

body cells lose the ability to control growth

DNA is made up of the listed chemical components except

carbonyl groups

What happens during cell differentiation?

cells become specialized to perform different tasks in the body

What is shown in Figure 11-4?

crossing over

The lungs develop from the _____


What are protists?

eukaryotes that are not part of the plant, animal, or fungi kingdoms

Aquatic animals that strain floating plants and animals from the water that they live in are

filter feeders

The reproductive structure of a mushroom is the

fruiting body

The expression of a gene in an organism is seen in the organism's


In fishes, pharyngeal pouches may develop into


A specific type of homeobox gene that controls differentiation as an organism develops is known as a

hox gene

What is responsible for holding the two strands of the DNA double helix together?

hydrogen bonds

There are genetic crosses in which neither of two alleles is dominant over the other. In these crosses, the phenotype is a blend of the two alleles. These crosses are described as

incomplete dominance

The central dogma of molecular biology is that

information is transferred from DNA to RNA to protein

All of the following statements are true of a DNA molecule except that it ____________

is made up of lipids

Competition is most likely to occur when the resources in an area are


All of the following structures that terrestrial invertebrates use to breathe except


Which of the following steps is the first step in translation?

mRNA enters the cytoplasm from the nucleus

The parasitic protist planmodium causes


Eukaryotic DNA replication begins at ___________ places along the DNA molecule


Which molecules are involved in protein synthesis?

messenger RNA, ribosomal RNA, and transfer RNA

Which type of mRNA attack to certain other mRNA molecules to keep them from passing on their protein-making instructions?


A chemical of physical agent in the environment that causes a mutation is called a


A scientist is investigating organism A listed its characteristics in the chart. Is this information sufficient to determine whether this organism is a protist of a fungus?

no, these characteristics are all found in both protists and fungi

A recessive trait is defined as _________________

one that is expressed when the dominant allele is not present

Cancer is a disorder in which some cells have lost the ability to control their __________

rate of their cell division

Animals gather information using specialized cells called


What binds to the prokaryotic chromosome to start DNA replication?

regulatory proteins

The structures labeled B in Figure 10-5 are called

sister chromatids

In water molds, what structure produces spores?


In the process of translation, amino acids are brought to the mRNA strand by

tRNA molecules

What is cytokinesis?

the process in which a cell's cytoplasm divides to form two distinct cells

Griffith's experiments advanced the study of genetics by proving that

there is a chemical that contains genetic information that can be passed from one organism to another

The decoding of mRNA to form a polypeptide chain is


Which of the following best describes a growing mass of unregulated cells?


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