Biology - Homework Ch 12

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There is only one codon, 5'-UGG-3', for the amino acid tryptophan (trp), therefore the anticodon in the tRNA for tryptophan must have the sequence


The complimentary messenger RNA strand that would be synthesized from the DNA base sequence of 5'-CTGAC-3' would be


A 5'-CUA-3' codon in an mRNA could be recognized by which of the following anticodon sequences in a tRNA?


Part of a gene sequence on the DNA reads 5'-ATGCGC-3'. The mRNA will therefore read _____ in that region


Which type of RNA is involved in protein synthesis?

All of the answers are correct

Which of the following statements about RNA splicing is FALSE?

All of the answers are correct.

Which of the following statements about tRNA molecules is TRUE?

Bases in the tRNA loops do not pair with any other bases

A molecule found in the nucleus of cell that contains the cell's genome.


In DNA replication, the goal is synthesis of


Which of the following best describes transcription?


The enzyme that is involved in replication but not transcription is _____

DNA polymerase

During _____, both strands of the DNA will function as a template.

DNA replication

Which of the following statements about termination is TRUE?

No tRNA can recognize a stop codon. It is recognized by a release factor protein.

How does the ribosome recognize the proper tRNA to bind?

Only a tRNA with an anticodon that is complementary to the codon will bind in the A-site

The initiating transfer RNA, carrying formylmethionine, binds to which site?

P site

Which of the following is not involved in the initiation of translation?

RNA polymerase

During the process of transcription in a eukaryote

RNA polymerase synthesizes new nucleotide chains in the 5' to 3' direction.

The enzyme that accomplishes transcription is termed

RNA polymerase.

Why is RNA synthesis called "transcription" and protein synthesis called 'translation?'

RNA synthesis makes a complementary copy of the DNA using nucleic acid and protein synthesis requires the information in the RNA to be changed into a different type of molecule.

A single point mutation has occurred in a gene causing a stop codon to appear early in the translation of the protein. What effect will this have on the protein?

The early stop codon will cause termination to occur earlier, and the protein will be abnormally short.

If there is an error during the transcription of a gene, what will be the consequence?

The final protein might not be functional

What stimulates the ribosome to move down one codon?

The formation of a bond between the peptide in the P site and the amino acid in the A site.

A mutation occurred in the third codon position of a gene, but the protein still functions normally. How is this possible?

The genetic code is redundant, so that mutations in the third position of the codon often result in the same amino acid being specified.

The rough endoplasmic reticulum (rough ER) and the smooth ER differ in which of the following structural characteristics?

The rough ER has many ribosomes bound to it.

How does a eukaryotic ribosome initially bind to the mRNA?

The small subunit binds to the 5' guanine cap

Look at the sequence of DNA in the normal and diseased individual. Using the Genetic Code, which amino acid has replaced which?

Valine has replaced glutamic acid.

RNA polymerase is able to open the DNA double helix as it moves down the template. What type of enzymatic activity does this mean RNA polymerase must possess?

helicase activity

A difference between bacterial and eukaryotic transcription

in eukaryotes, there are different RNA polymerases (I, II, and III).

Where does the greatest variability among codons specifying the same amino acid occur?

in the third nucleotide of the triplet

Which of the following statements about peptidyl transferase is TRUE?

it catalyzes the formation of peptide bonds and It is present in the 50S ribosomal subunits.

Which of the following is correct regarding sigma factor?

it recognizes the promoter region

The molecule that carries information from the DNA specifying a polypeptide to ribosomes


During the process of translation in a eukaryote

mRNA interacts with ribosomes in the cytoplasm.

A tRNA with anticodon 3'-UAC-5' would be attached to the amino acid

methionine (met)

A difference between bacterial and eukaryotic translation is

modifications to the 5' end of mRNA help it to bind to ribosomes only in eukaryotes

The amino acids carried by the transfer RNA are joined by

peptide bonds

A mature mRNA will have a _____ added

poly A tail

A tRNA with anticodon 3'-GGG'-5' would be attached to the amino acid

proline (pro)

The transcription enzyme first attaches to the ________ of the gene.


The segment of the DNA molecule where messenger RNA synthesis begins is called the

promoter region

Translation is the synthesis of

proteins from mRNA

The protein that promotes translation termination is called

release factor.

The snRNPs are also called


The reason that the genetic code can correctly specify the order of amino acids in a polypeptide is

specific tRNAs become attached to specific amino acids.

In the cytosol, the poly A tail is important for ____ of the mRNA.


The Rho protein is involved in the _____ stage of transcription.


Which of the following best describes translation?

RNA -> Protein

Of which type of molecules are spliceosomes composed?

RNA and Protein

If there is an error during translation of a gene, what will be the consequence?

The protein might not be functional.

Arrange the following in the proper sequence in which they occur during RNA splicing. 1. Lariat is formed 2. U2 binds to branch site 3. 3' splice site is cut

2, 1, 3

The carboxyl terminus of a polypeptide will contain amino acids whose codons are closer to the ______ end of the mRNA.


RNA polymerase and primase both add nucleotides to a

3' OH

The amino terminus of a polypeptide will contain amino acids whose codons are closer to the _____ end of the mRNA.


Which of the following do snRNPs bind to?

5' and 3' ends of the intron

Shortly after RNA polymerase begins to transcribe a pre-mRNA, a ____ is added.

5' cap

The template strand of a gene includes the sequence 3'-AGT-5'. The mRNA will therefore have the sequence _______in the same position.


The genetic code consists of ____ codons that specify amino acids, and ____ codons that do not specify amino acids.

61; 3

New amino acids (other than the initial f-Met) enter at which site?


Translation is terminated when a stop codon is presented at the ________ site.


Which of the following statements below is TRUE?

A complex disease like sickle cell anemia is due to the substitution of a single amino acid in a single protein.

What is the difference in the amino acid sequence (and therefore the protein) of the normal individual and that of the individual with sickle cell anemia?

A single amino acid has been changed.

What is the difference in the DNA sequence of the normal individual and that of the individual with sickle cell anemia?

A single base has been changed.

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A single point mutation in the DNA sequence leads to a change in the protein structure, which leads to a change in the protein's function and causes sickle cell anemia.

Translation is terminated when a stop codon is presented at the

A site

The terminator of a gene is located upstream of the coding region.


The three base sequence on the transfer RNA is the codon.


Introns are generally considered 'free to mutate,' meaning that if a mutation occurs within the intron, it will not effect the functional protein. What is an exception to this axiom?

If there is a mutation in the 3' or 5' splice site, the snurp won't recognize it, and it will not be removed from the mRNA.

What is a difference between DNA replication and RNA transcription?

In DNA replication the helix is never closed after it is opened by helicase, but once RNA polymerase has finished transcribing a region, the double helix closes.

Which of the following does not occur during translation in eukaryotes?

Introns are removed by the ribosome.

How is GTP used during elongation?

It aids in the binding of the incoming tRNA to the A site of the ribosome AND It aids in translocating the ribosome one codon down the mRNA.

What is unusual about the initiator tRNA in prokaryotes?

It carries a modified amino acid AND it does not bind to the ribosome at the A site

In transcription, the goal is synthesis of


A molecule made of amino acids that correspond to the genetic information in a structural gene


Why do eukaryotes require a 5' cap and a poly-A tail but prokaryotes don't?

Prokaryotes don't need to transport their RNA out of the nucleus, so they don't need these features.

Below is an alignment of DNA sequences from the same locus in 5 different species. From this information, which of the following statements is TRUE? 1. gatttcttttggggtccccacatgtactca 2. gatttctctccgggtaacgacatgtattcc 3. gatttctctccgggtaacgacatgtattcg 4. gatttctctt--ggtcccgacatgtaatcg 5. gatttctctt--ggtccggacatgtaatcc

Species 2 and 3 are probably the most closely related because they are the most similar.

How do you know that the gene being transcribed in the animation is in a prokaryote?

The initiation of transcription involves a sigma factor.

If an aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase added the wrong amino acid to a tRNA, what would happen?

The tRNA would carry the worng amino acid, and it would be incorporated into the growing protein.

Why are nucleotide triphosphates used to polymerize RNA?

The triphosphate is a high energy molecule so that polymerization is spontaneous.

Which of the following statements about the segment of DNA below is TRUE? 5'-CTATGGGCCATTTTTTAACGGGAGGCCCATGAA-3'3'-GATACCCGGTAAAAAATTGCCCTCCGGGTACTT-5'

There are two possible transcripts that are transcribed on opposite strands of the helix.

What changes would a scientist want to make to a eukaryotic gene before they insert it into a bacterial chromosome to be expressed?

They should remove the introns.

Which of the following statements about a structural gene is TRUE?

Transcription of structural genes requires DNA sequences that are not part of the gene itself.

Eukaryotic transcription factors include activators and coactivators.


The amino acid sequence of a protein determines its shape and specific function.


At what point in gene expression do molecules go from being information storage molecules to metabolic and structurally functional molecules?

When RNA is translated into protein.

Which of the following statements about eukaryotic mRNA is TRUE?

a cap is added to their 5' end, a poly-A tail is added to their 3' end, and each usually specifies only a single protein

Which of the following does not occur during the processing of eukaryotic mRNA?

a ribosome recognition sequence is added.

Islet cells in the pancreas secrete the protein insulin in a step by step process. Reconstruct the correct sequence of events

export of mRNA to cytoplasm --> translation on ribosomes on rough ER --> processing of polypeptide in Golgi

In the nucleus, both 5' and 3' modifications to mRNA are important for

export of the mRNA to the cytosol.

There is only one start codon, AUG. This means that

all newly-made polypeptides have a methionine at their amino end.

In eukaryotes, transcription to produce an mRNA must occur in

the nucleus, where the chromosomal DNA is found.

Which of the following occurs as a result of translocation?

the tRNA that was in the P site moves into the E site

Which of the following occurs as the ribosome shifts down the mRNA by a distance of three nucleotides?

the tRNA that was in the P site moves into the E site

A characteristic shared by eukaryotic mRNA, tRNA, and ribosomal RNA is that...

they are all transcribed from DNA

Which of the following statement(s) about basal transcription factors is(are) TRUE?

they are essential for transcription and they cannot increase the rate of transcription by themselves

During _____ , only one strand of the DNA will function as a template.


The synthesis of an RNA copy of a gene


The structure that causes the synthesis of RNA to cease is known as the

transcription terminator.

At the E site

transfer RNA is released

In the cytosol, the 5' cap is recognized by proteins that enable the mRNA to be


The synthesis of a specific sequence of amino acids on a ribosome.


Splicing joins together

two exons

The assembly of transcription factors begins

upstream from the transcription start site

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