Biology I: Chapter 14 Review

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Huntington's disease

Caused by a dominant allele and does not appear until late in a person's life?

recessive and located on the X chromosome

Colorblindness is more common in males than in females because the allele for colorblindness is

less soluble

Compared with normal hemoglobin, the hemoglobin of a person with sickle cell disease is


A (n) _______can be used to determine whether a person has inherited the normal number of chromosomes.


A Barr body is an inactivated _____ chromosome.


A _____ is a group of alleles found on the same chromosome that tend to be inherited all together.


A boy who is colorblind inherited the disorder from his ____________________.

Is probably female

A cat that has spots of more than one color...

Turner's syndrome

A female with the disorder _____ inherits only one X chromosome.

two copies of every gene located on the X chromosome

A human female inherits

50% or 1/2

A man who is not colorblind and a woman who is a carrier of the disorder have a son. What is the probability that their son will be colorblind?


A person who has Down syndrome has ___ copies of chromosome 21


A(n) _____ is a diagram that follows the inheritance of a single gene through several generations of a family.


About how much of our DNA encodes the instructions for building proteins?


According to the figure, what is the approximate probability that a human offspring will be female?

sticky ends

An advantage of using restriction enzymes such as EcoR1 is that it creates ____ that can match to complimentary base pairs.

without an X chromosome

Because the X chromosome contains genes that are vital for normal development, no baby has been born

all caused by nondisjunction

Down syndrome, Turner's syndrome, and Klinefelter's syndrome are

the male is heterozygous and the female is heterozygous

Examine the pedigree. The allele for the presence of a which forelock is dominant. Therefore, we can tell from the chart that in the couple labeled 2


Examine the pedigree. The allele for the presence of a white forelock is dominant. What is the probability of the couple labeled 2 of having a child with a white forelock?

25 %

Examine the pedigree. The allele for the presence of a white forelock is dominant. What is the probability of the couple labeled 2 of having a child without a white forelock?

She has one allele for the disorder

For the pedigree, shaded symbols represent afflicted people. Males are squares; women are circles. If the trait is a sex-linked trait carried on the X chromosome, what is true about the mother represented by circle 1?

The fragments are separated using gel electrophoresis

How are DNA fragments separated for sequencing?

The chromosomes in each pair are similar in shape and size. They also contain the same genes, though no necessarily the same alleles of those genes.

How are the chromosomes that make up each numbered pair similar?

You can tell that nondisjunction occurred because the gametes have an abnormal number of chromosomes

How can you tell that nondisjunction occurred during the formation of the gametes in the figure?

The DNA sequence of the allele that causes cystic fibrosis has a deletion of three bases.

How is the DNA sequence of the allele that causes cystic fibrosis different from that of the normal allele?


How many chromosomes are shown in a normal human karyotype?


How many generations are shown in the pedigree?

one X chromosome

Human females produce egg cells that have

one X chromosome and one Y chromosome

Human males have

1/2 or 50%

If a couple has five boys, the probability that the next child will be a boy is

A, B, AB, or O

If a man with blood type A and a woman with blood type B produce an offspring, what might be the offspring's blood type?

A sperm that has 23 chromosomes fertilizes an egg that has 23 chromosomes resulting in 23 pairs of chromosomes (46 total) in the autosomal cells of the individual.

If human gametes have just 35 chromosomes, why does a human karyotype show 46?

The frequency of the sickle cell allele would probably decrease because the allele would no longer be beneficial in heterozygous individuals.

If malaria were eliminated from a certain area, how do you think the frequency of the sickle cell allele in that area would change?

some gametes may have an extra copy of some genes

If nondisjunction occurs during meiosis...

Homozyous recessive

If the allele for having a white forelock is dominant, family members without a white forelock are


If the gene for a recessive sex-linked trait was on the X chromosome, the trait would be _____ common in males than in females.


In a human karyotype, 44 of the chromosomes are


In a pedigree, a circle represents a(an)

fold improperly

In cystic fibrosis, a change in a single gene causes the protein called CFTR to

When voltage is applied to the gel, one end of the the gel becomes positively charged. DNA fragments are negatively charged, so they move toward the positive end.

In gel electrophoresis, DNA fragments move across a gel. What causes them to move?

X and Y

In humans, sex is determined by the _____ chromosomes

father's gamete

In humans, the _____ determines the sex of the offspring.

the same phenotype

In humans, the inheritance of Rhesus (Rh) factor follow a pattern of simple dominance. This means that a heterozygous person has ______ as a person who has two dominant alleles.


In humans, there are three different alleles for blood type and two of these alleles are codominant, so there are ____ possible phenotypes

The chromosomes in each group are called homologous chromosomes

In the human karyotype, what term is used to describe the pair of chromosomes in each numbered group?


if a cat has both orange and black spots, it is _____ for the alleles on the X chromosome that code for spot color

What is illustrated in the picture


sequence the DNA of every human gene

The Human Genome Project is an attempt to


The failure of homologous chromosomes to separate properly during meiosis

one whole X chromosome in a female cell

The formation of a Barr body inactivates

by finding overlapping regions between sequenced DNA fragments

The human genome was sequenced

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA)

The law that protects people from being discriminated against because of information learned in genetic tests is called


The pedigree chart shows ____ generations


The pedigree chart shows that some people can be carriers of the trait without being afflicted. The means the allele for the trait is


The study of whole genomes, including genes and their functions is known as _____.


The trait in the pedigree has two alleles: P (dominant) and p (recessive). The black symbols show the dominant phenotype, and the white symbols show the recessive phenotype. What is the gentoype of individual number 1?


To make a karyotype, biologists take pictures of cells during _____ when they are condensed and easier to view.


Two parents who have Huntington disease _____ produce an offspring who does not have Huntington disease.

restriction enzymes

What can be used to cut DNA so it can be studied?


What combinations of sex chromosomes represents a female?


What did scientists in the Human Genome Project look for in DNA to identify the locations of genes?

Drawing that shows the genetic relationships within a family

What is a pedigree chart?

cutting large DNA molecules into smaller pieces

What is the role of restriction enzymes in studying the human genome?


What new field is described by the overlap area in the Venn diagram?

50 percent

What percentage of human sperm cells carry an X chromosome?

Discrimination based on genetic information about genetic disorders

What prevents insurance companies from discriminating against people based on information derived from genetic tests?

The goal of the Human Genome Project is to attempt to sequence all human DNA

What was the goal of the Human Genome Project


When DNA fragments are separated by gel electrophoresis, the ____fragments move fastest

nucleotide bases marked with dye

When sequencing DNA, replication stops when _____ are added to chains of DNA as the DNA is being synthesized.

The chromosomes in groups 1 through 22 are autosomes.

Which chromosomes in the karyotype are autosomes?

EcoRI and BamI

Which enzyme(s) in the figure would be best for making fragments with sticky ends?

One of the X chromosomes in a female cell

Which of the following form(s) a Barr body?

cutting the DNA into manageable pieces

Which was the first step in sequencing the human genome?

Male cells do not have two X chromosomes

Why are Barr bodies not found in male cells?

Males have just one X chromosome

Why are all X-linked alleles expressed in males, even if they are recessive?

The sex chromosomes are homologous because one sex chromosome is inherited from one parent, and the other is inherited from the other parent.

Why are the sex chromosomes considered homologous, even though they vary in size and appearance?

If human cells have a Y chromosome, the person is male regardless of how many X chromosomes are in the cells.

Why is a person who has Klinefelter's syndrome (XXY) a male, even though he has two X chromosomes in his cells?

Scientists can find how the human genome varies

Why is it helpful to sequence many human genomes, instead of just one?

similar to proteins found in other organisms.

More than forty percent of the proteins coded for in the human genome are

Klinefelter's syndrome

Nondisjunction can lead to the disorder called ____, in which a male has an extra X chromosome.

have some normal hemoglobin in their red blood cells

People who are heterozygous for sickle cell disease are generally healthy because they


People who have sickle cell disease inherited ___ copies of the sickle cell allele.

both the X chromosome and the Y chromosome

Sex-linked genes are located on

a change in one allele

Sickle cell disease is caused by a

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