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What is the earliest stage of life predicted by the experimental results of Dr. Ruth Blake?

Blue Stage 3.8 BYA

The following diagram shows the origin of the H1N1 influenza virus that re-emerged in 2009 leading toa pandemic. The mechanism responsible is shown below by the arrow to the right that leads from the Eurasian avian-like swine. What is this term?

antigenic shift

What type of RNA is considered coding RNA?


Ancient photosynthetic prokaryotes were very important in the history of life because they

produced the oxygen in the atmosphere.

Identify the one correct answer below about Ebola, the disease.

Ebola reached epidemic levels in West Africa because of its ability to sustain human-to-human transmission.

In what way is SARS-CoV-2 different from the viruses that cause influenza and Ebola?

SARS-CoV-2 has one single-stranded RNA genome.

The following are common characteristics of eukaryotic cells except one FALSE statement below. Common traits include intracellular membranes, at least one nucleus, complex cytoplasm with organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts in plants. All eukaryotic cells exhibit intracellular motility. All cells share ~500 cellular metabolic reactions with many interconnections. The cell structure can vary. Some eukaryotic cells store their genetic information in RNA.

Some eukaryotic cells store their genetic information in RNA.

If the sequence of the DNA template strand for mRNA synthesis is ACC AAA CCG, the mRNA sequence is


Which of the following organisms introduced oxygen into the Earth's atmosphere?


A carrier of a genetic disorder who does not show symptoms is most likely____________ to transmit it to offspring.

heterozygous for the trait and able

Most genetic disorders of humans are caused by...

recessive alleles

A habitat is the environment where an organism lives. There are both abiotic and biotic factors that affect the organisms that live there. Identify an important abiotic factor.


Of the many threats to biodiversity, which of the following is at the top of the list? Excessive nutrients in the water Increase in gross domestic product Global warming and climate change Invasive species

Global warming and climate change

The general hypotheses that account for the disappearance of the Neanderthals include all butone. Which of the following is NOT favored as a hypothesis? Humans killed the Neanderthals. Humans became more numerous. Overall decrease in Neanderthal population numbers resulted in decrease in genetic diversity. Climate change and habitat fragmentation impacted their population numbers. Climate change caused the population to become fragmented.

Humans killed the Neanderthals.

Hemophilia is an X-linked recessive condition characterized by excessive bleeding with injury. A woman who carries the gene but is not affected marries a normal man. What proportion of the couple's sons is expected to have hemophilia? 0% 100% 25% 50% 75%


During DNA replication, one DNA strand is copied to make a new DNA molecule composed of two DNA strands. This new DNA molecule contains...

50% of the parent DNA

Which of the following is true about double-stranded DNA?

Its 3-D conformation is quite different from RNA's 3D conformation.

E. O. Wilson determined by studying biodiversity on islands of different sizes that biodiversity increases by roughly 2-fold for every ___________________ increase in area.


Epigenetics refers to

A change in gene expression without a change in DNA base sequence.

Epidemiology is the study of the origin of diseases, how they spread, and how to prevent their spread. Why was Covid-19 considered a pandemic, yet the H5N1 bird flu was not?

A disease is named a pandemic when new incidences of the disease increase, spread rapidly, and with a very wide global distribution.

What makes our brain different from the brain of a Neanderthal?

A human-specific mutation results in development of many more neurons in the part of the brain used for complex forms of thought.

A mouse with the genotype AaMMzz will have the same phenotype as a mouse with the genotype AAMmzz AaMmZz aammzz AAmmzz


A mouse that has the genotype AANnPpzz will have the same phenotype as a mouse with which genotype below. Note that the uppercase alleles A, N, P, and Z are dominant. AANNPPZZ AAnnPPZz AaNNPpZz AANnppZz AaNNPPzz


Based on ribosomal RNA nucleotide sequences, the major domains of the biological world are as follows:

Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya

Of the following human traits, which evolved first? Made sophisticated tools. Large & complex brains. Behavioral modernity. Artistic flair and imagination. Bipedality.


Scientists commonly choose white blood cells that are going through mitosis to prepare karyotypes. Why?

Chromosomes are more condensed during mitosis than interphase.

Banded iron formations arise from

O2 reacting with iron, causing it to rust out of the oceans about 2.4 BYA.

There is strong evidence that the Neanderthals and Denisovans interbred with one or more of our Homo sapiens ancestors. The most convincing evidence is

DNA analysis identified genes that were transferred from the Neanderthals & Denisovans that provided adaptive advantages for our ancestors and are still present today in our genomes.

Which of the following is NOT a possible cause of epigenetic changes? nicotine and alcohol DNA mutations addition of methyl and/or acetyl groups environmental factors

DNA mutations

The Central Dogma in molecular biology refers to

DNA to RNA to Protein

The Hershey-Chase experiments in 1952 were important because they showed that

DNA was the hereditary material.

The figures below are histograms of the distribution of Geospirza fortis finches based on their beakdepths documented by Drs. Rosemary & Peter Grant in 1976 and in 1978 on Daphne Major Island.

Directional selection.

Why was aerobic respiration a requirement for the emergence of eukaryotes?

Eukaryotes are much more complex than prokaryotes and require greater amounts of energy for their metabolism.

Thirty people are selected for a long-term mission to colonize a planet many light-years away from Earth. The mission is successful, and the population rapidly grows to several hundred individuals. However, certain genetic diseases are unusually common in this group, and the group's gene pool is quite different from the population on Earth that they left behind. Which of the following phenomena has left its mark on this population?

Founder effect resulting in a bottleneck

Which of the following statements about genetic diversity over two generations is FALSE? Genetic diversity is enhanced by crossing over during prophase I of meiosis. Genetic diversity is enhanced by independent orientation of chromosomes at metaphase I during meiosis. Genetic diversity is enhanced by homologous chromosomes in meiosis that carry different versions of genes. Genetic diversity is enhanced by mutations. Genetic diversity is enhanced by random fertilization.

Genetic diversity is enhanced by mutations.

Studies of mitochondrial DNA support which of the following?

Homo sapiens originated in Africa.

If the temperature rises two (2) degrees above pre-industrial levels, which of the following is NOT predicted to occur. Arctic & Antarctic warming and vanishing ice will occur. Increases in the amount of freshwater. More frequent and longer lasting heat waves. Rise in sea levels.

Increases in the amount of freshwater.

The discovery of the Burgess Shale deposits in the Canadian Rockies of British Columbia, Canada resolved Charles Darwin's dilemma that some species seemed to lack ancestors.Why was this discovery important?

It revealed fossil beds of soft-part imprints and documented the ancestral life forms of theCambrian explosion.

Neil Shubin & colleagues made one of the greatest paleontological discoveries of all time. Whywas the discovery of Tiktaalik so important?

It was the missing ancestral link between fish and tetrapods and explained the transition from fish in the water to vertebrates that could walk on land. It explained the transition from fish in the water to vertebrates that could walk on land.

Which of the following is NOT a quality of binocular vision with forward looking eyes? Excellent focus Advantageous for identifying predators Large field of view Advantageous for navigating in trees Depth perception

Large field of view

Erwin Schrödinger proposed that life could be understood in terms of the laws of physics andchemistry. What was the one concept that he proposed that enabled living organisms to evade the decay to thermodynamic equilibrium?

Life is not a closed system and constantly receiving energy from the sun to sustain its metabolism.

What concept did the video on the Christmas Island crabs emphasize?

More offspring will be produced than can possibly survive.

Which of the following traits do humans share with all other species in the order Primates?

Parental care & sociality Binocular vision Larger brain Grasping hand

What are the two main approaches to scientific inquiry that were presented in class?

Reductionist and Holistic

Why do the tropics and the windward side of California mountains receive more rainfall than areas east of the Sierra Mountains in Nevada?

Rising warm, moist air cools and drops it as rain or snow based on elevation.

Why do the tropics and the windward side of mountains receive more rainfall than areas around latitudes 30º north and south and the leeward side of mountains.

Rising warm, moist air cools and drops precipitation as rain.

The following are common characteristics of eukaryotic cells except one FALSE statement. Common traits include intracellular membranes, at least one nucleus, complex cytoplasm with organelles such as mitochondria and also chloroplasts in plants. The cell structure can vary widely. Some eukaryotic cells store their genetic information in RNA. All eukaryotic cells exhibit intracellular motility. All cells share ~500 cellular metabolic reactions with many interconnections.

Some eukaryotic cells store their genetic information in RNA.

Based on these data, what biomes do you think are the most affected by rising global temperature change.

Taiga and Tundra

The following statements are related to vaccine development for SARS-CoV-2. Identify the one FALSE choice. Clinical Trial Phase 2 includes a much larger population but typically separates the recipients into two or more different groups such as healthy adults versus elderly, male/female, different ethnicities, different dose amounts, etc. Clinical Trial Phase 3 includes thousands of people and typically one group receives a placebo and the other the vaccine. The FDA has only approved mRNA vaccines for emergency use. Clinical Trial Phase 1 includes a small number of people to determine if the vaccine is safe.

The FDA has only approved mRNA vaccines for emergency use.

The North American Pronghorn far outraces any predators remaining on the North American continent. If maintaining this speed means bearing fewer offspring, which of the following is the most likely to happen given enough time? None of these choices are likely to happen. The North American Pronghorn will become even faster. The North American Pronghorn will go extinct. The North American Pronghorn will slow down. This species will split into two new species.

The North American Pronghorn will slow down.

Why do the seasons of the year occur, i.e., why is it warmer in the Northern Hemisphere during the summer than in the winter?

The earth's axis of rotation is tilted relative to the plane of the earth's orbit around the sun.

Endosymbiosis explains how eukaryotes arose from a symbiotic relationship between two types of cells. Which one of the following statements is true? The host cell was of archaeal lineage and the endosymbiont was from a bacterial lineage. Both cells were incapable of respiration. A separate endosymbiotic event was responsible for the origins of each kingdom of eukaryotic life. The host provided ATP to the endosymbiont. The host cell was capable of photosynthesis while the endosymbiont was not.

The host cell was of archaeal lineage and the endosymbiont was from a bacterial lineage.

Robert Paine and James Estee tested the hypothesis that a healthy ecosystem is regulated from the top down as well as from the bottom up.

The kelp forest was maintained as a healthy ecosystem because the sea otter, a keystone species, controlled the sea urchin population.

The long-term studies by Dr. Jeremy Farrell at Brook Trout Lake showed the impact of the Clean Air Act of 1970. What did these studies reveal?

The reduction of acid rain in the Northeast enabled Brook Trout Lake to rebound and support fish again.

James Allison and Tasuku Honjo were awarded the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine because of...

They identified key proteins on T cells, called immune checkpoint proteins, that were normally responsible for turning off activated T cells.

Autosomal disorders cannot be caused by

X-linked disorders

With limited resources, conservation biologists need to prioritize their efforts. Of the following choices, which should receive the greatest attention for the goal of conserving biodiversity? a commercially important species a declining keystone species in a community the plant species of the community all endangered species

a declining keystone species in a community

A population is defined as

a group of individuals of the same species that live in the same area and interbreed.

The three domains of life rose from...

a primitive ancestor yet to be identified.

A codon is

a triplet-nucleotide sequence that codes for a specific amino acid or termination of translation.

Mass extinctions...

can be responsible for an adaptive radiation where new species develop to occupy newly opened niche environments.

Based on their source of energy to fix carbon, organisms associated with the hydrothermal vents are considered which of the following?


In the salt marsh of the North Carolina coast, the role of the blue crab was to

consume the periwinkle snails to protect the marsh grass.

The structure of DNA is very stable because of the following. Choose the one statement that is true. Orientation of the strands is antiparallel. Stability results because of a large number of noncovalent interactions including hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic interactions and van der Waals interactions. The absence of uracil. The two strands are held in register through precise hydrogen bonding between adenine & thymine and guanine & cytosine. All of the statements are true.

Orientation of the strands is antiparallel.

Why was the discovery of PDS 70b so important?

PDS 70b was the first newly forming planet to be directly imaged and is providing evidence to understandthe formation of earth.

The dodder plant is in a symbiotic relationship with other plants because it can send out shoots that entwine host plants and rapidly paralyze the host and other plants nearby. Moreover, dodder plants do not have chlorophyll. What type of interspecific relationship is this?


The dodder plant is in a symbiotic relationship with other plants because it can send out shoots that entwine host plants and rapidly paralyze the host and other plants nearby. Moreover, dodder plants do not have chlorophyll. What type of interspecific relationship is this? Parasitism Commensalism Mutualism None of these choices Cooperation


What was one major surprise from the Human Genome Project published in 2003? Protein-encoding genes make up ~98.5% of our genome. The shotgun approach of sequencing was fast but not reliable. Protein-encoding genes make up ~1.5% of our genome. The Human Genome Project was expensive and mostly hype based on what resulted from the project. A single individual's DNA was sequenced so we did not learn much.

Protein-encoding genes make up ~1.5% of our genome.

Which of the following is a biological macromolecule that can both store heritable information AND catalyze chemical reactions? DNA RNA Lipids Polysaccharides Proteins


Which of the following is NOT considered evidence that RNA preceded DNA in early cellular systems. RNA is more stable than DNA. Many ancient viruses use RNA as the genetic material, not DNA. RNA initiates DNA replication. RNA regulates gene expression, repairs genes, and carries genetic information from DNA to ribosomes. Only RNA is involved in ribosomal protein synthesis.

RNA is more stable than DNA.

The ENCODE Project revealed new insights about the human genome.

Recognition that evolutionary change occurs through sequences that alter gene regulation.

Cells with two of each kind of chromosome are described by the term


After fertilization of an egg, the resulting zygote has

diploid chromosome number with one from each parent.

What do we need to know or do to predict an epidemic or pandemic?

experimentally test recombinants for pathogenicity monitor viral evolution in areas of previous outbreaks & assess human-to-human transmission interspecies transmission and potential for re-assortment of viral genome

Concerning a continuous biological trait that shows a normal or Gaussian distribution, disruptive selection

favors both of the extremes.

The community protective mechanism is referred to as

herd immunity

What two important words define a complex dynamic ecosystem?

interdependent and connected

X-linked recessive conditions are more common in men than in women because men need to inherit only one copy of the recessive allele for the condition to be fully expressed. the sex chromosomes are more active in men than women. the genes associated with the sex-linked conditions are linked to the Y-chromosome, which determines maleness. men acquire two copies of the defective gene during fertilization. women simply do not develop the disease regardless of their genetic composition.

men need to inherit only one copy of the recessive allele for the condition to be fully expressed.

X-linked recessive conditions are more common in men than in women because...

men need to inherit only one copy of the recessive allele for the condition to be fully expressed.

Paclitaxel or Taxol is derived from the bark of the Pacific yew tree and is one of the most effective and commonly used drugs to treat breast cancer. It acts by stabilizing the microtubules of the mitotic spindle such that the chromosomes cannot complete mitosis. At what point in the cell cycle will the cell become arrested or stopped from proceeding?


With global climate change and warming of the Artic, what greenhouse gas has become one of most concern?


Studies of different species of warblers that live in Vermont coniferous forests have shown that to avoid conflict, the species nest and forage at different heights of the trees. This is known as

microhabitat partitioning.

Project Drawdown defined drawdown as

moment in time when global greenhouse gases will stop & reverse their current upward trajectory and begin to decline year after year.

As one moves from high latitudes toward more equatorial regions, biodiversity increases. Which of the following is a characteristic of equatorial regions that supports this observation?

more stable environment

The modern view of nature is that

nature is never at equilibrium

The mountain-mouse and rusty-mouse warblers of Indonesia have overlapping habitat, but the mountain-mouse warbler is a better competitor at high altitudes. When the mountain-mouse warblers were removed, the rusty-mouse warblers moved to higher altitudes. This is an example of

niche expansion.

Which statement about viruses is true? All viral genomes are composed of RNA. Viral genes do not code for proteins. Viruses infect eukaryotic organisms but not prokaryotes. All of answers are true. None of the answers are true


During DNA replication, one DNA strand is copied to make a new DNA molecule composed of two DNA strands. This new DNA contains

one strand is the original DNA strand and the other the new DNA strand.

A Whittaker Diagram separates biomes by

precipitation and temperature

The 3-D structure of RNA is very different from DNA because of the following.

the nitrogenous base uracil. a series of ribonucleotides connected by covalent bonds. the base pairing prevents formation of an anti-parallel double helix. the 2'-hydroxyl (-OH) makes RNA more chemically reactive.

According to scientific consensus the primary cause of recent global warming is

the production of greenhouse gases by human activities

What is the primary source of energy that powers the terrestrial & aquatic biospheres?

the sun

Zircons are important because

their appearance in the geological record is the earliest evidence of liquid water on Earth.

During mitosis, the chromosomes move because _______________________________.

they attach to a dynamic, precisely regulated mitotic spindle composed of microtubules.

One strategy to slow the loss of biodiversity is

to protect biodiversity hotspots.

The Cambrian Period was characterized by unprecedented proliferation of species & phyla including an explosion of animal diversity. Identify the one FALSE statement below. The Cambrian Period occurred during the late Hadean Eon. Dramatic increase in atmospheric O2 to support more complex organisms. Snowball Earth or the complete glaciation of Earth occurred just prior to the Cambrian Period. Extremophiles were able to survive the extreme conditions of glaciation & volcanic activity. Increased volcanic activity raised CO2 levels which in turn increased the greenhouse effect leading to glacier melting and huge runoff of minerals, nutrients, and microorganisms into the oceans.

The Cambrian Period occurred during the late Hadean Eon.

The Cambrian Period was characterized by unprecedented proliferation of species & phyla including an explosion of animal diversity. Identify the one FALSE statement below. Increased volcanic activity raised CO2 levels which in turn increased the greenhouse effect leading to glacier melting and huge runoff of minerals, nutrients, and microorganisms into the oceans. Dramatic increase in atmospheric O2 to support more complex organisms. Extremophiles were able to survive the extreme conditions of glaciation & volcanic activity. The Cambrian Period occurred during the late Hadean eon. Snowball Earth or the complete glaciation of Earth occurred just prior to the Cambrian Period.

The Cambrian Period occurred during the late Hadean eon.

In eukaryotes, DNA replication occurs in

5' -> 3' direction

Aside from Charles Darwin, who independently conceived the idea of evolution by natural section?

Alfred Russel Wallace

Technological advances to manipulate gene expression include which one of the following?


Transcription factors bind to


Clay was important for the emergence of life because:

Clay was a scaffold for chemistry to occur.

As global temperatures continue to rise, which biome will most likely replace arctic tundra?

Northern Coniferous Forest (Taiga)

What is the definition of biodiversity?

Number and variety of species in ecological systems at local to global scales

What is the correct order of the stages of Mitosis?

Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, Cytokinesis

Technological advances to manipulate gene expression include which one of the following.

RNA interference gene silencing (RNAi)

Which of the following describes the greenhouse effect?

The sun's heat is trapped in the planet's lower atmosphere because the atmosphere is more transparent to the sun's visible light relative to the infrared radiation emitted from earth's surface.

Robert Ballard in 1977 aboard a deep-water submarine made one of the most important discoveries of our time. What was the discovery?

The waters around the hydrothermal vents >8,000 feet down in the Pacific Ocean were teaming with life.

During which stage of meiosis does crossing over and formation of tetrads occur?

prophase I

The oldest direct evidence of cellular life on Earth is

stromatolites dated at ~3.5 BYA in which fossilized prokaryotic cells were found dated at ~3.5 BYA.

Of the terrestrial biomes, which is the most productive?

tropical rainforest

When did the emergence of multicellular eukaryotes first occur?

Ediacaran period

Some populations show exponential growth for a period of time, but exponential growth is NOT sustainable. Why?

Exponential growth assumes ideal conditions with no limits on reproduction or resources. Limiting factors include population density and nutrient limitation. Something will always limit the growth at some point in time.

Which of the following was a novel deduction that Watson and Crick were able to make about DNA based on Rosalind Franklin's X-ray diffraction data, i.e., Photo 51?

The consistent width of DNA meant that purines must base-pair with pyrimidines.

Why do the seasons of the year occur, i.e., why is it warmer in the Northern Hemisphere during the summer than in the winter? The earth is closer to the sun in the summer. All of these choices. The sun fluctuates regularly in temperature, causing heating and cooling in the surrounding space. In winter, the clouds block more of the incoming light. The earth's axis of rotation is tilted relative to the plane of the earths orbit around the sun.

The earth's axis of rotation is tilted relative to the plane of the earths orbit around the sun.

Which of the following is the best definition of the term biosphere?

The entire portion of Earth inhabited by life from several kilometers above Earth to the depths of the ocean.

Which of the following is FALSE regarding the lac operon? The lac operon messenger RNA carries information for synthesis of several proteins. The promoter is the binding site of RNA polymerase. The operator is the binding site for the lac repressor. The operon structure and mechanism of gene regulation is common to eukaryotes.

The operon structure and mechanism of gene regulation is common to eukaryotes.

What was one major surprise from the Human Genome Project published in 2018?

There are more RNA-encoding genes than protein-encoding genes.

James Allison and Tasuku Honjo were awarded the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine because of which one of the following? They developed a new CRISPR strategy to fight cancer. They identified key proteins that are normally responsible for turning off sickle cell anemia. They were responsible for the shotgun method of sequencing. They patented the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes and developed a diagnostic test for breast cancer. They identified key proteins on T cells, called immune checkpoint proteins, that were normally responsible for turning off activated T cells.

They identified key proteins on T cells, called immune checkpoint proteins, that were normally responsible for turning off activated T cells.

James Allison and Tasuku Honjo were awarded the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for which of the following.

They identified key proteins on T-cells, called immune checkpoint proteins, that were normally responsible for turning off activated T-cells.

Why are so many emerging infectious diseases linked to RNA viruses?

They lack the DNA proofreading mechanisms.

The goal of the 2021 Vertebrate Genome Project is

To generate near error-free reference genome assemblies of 70,000 extant vertebrate species.

There are a number of preventive strategies to slow/stop eutrophication. Of the following, which practice is likely to FAIL?

Translocation of a keystone species to the area.

The fossil record shows that anatomically, modern Homo sapiens evolved at least 200,000 years ago and brain shape became comparable to ours today at least 100,000 years ago. Yet, the cave art, tools, and artifacts support the hypothesis that modern complex technology and culture evolved more slowly and became evident 50,000-60,000 years ago. Which of the following do NOT represent behavioral modernity? We developed the capability for complex technology. We are arboreal and must hunt for our food. All of the choices stated. We sing and dance. We developed the capability to build boats and sail across large bodies of water.

We are arboreal and must hunt for our food.

Freshwater wetlands were originally assumed to just be swamps and of little value. However, that perspective has changed in the last 25-30 years. Choose the one FALSE statement about wetlands. Wetland water can either come from a nearby body of water or an underground supply. Wetlands are characterized by relatively low species diversity. Wetlands can recycle nutrients and wastes. Wetlands are defined as an area of land covered or saturated with freshwater for an extended period of time annually.

Wetlands are characterized by relatively low species diversity.

Under what circumstances can simple chance affect the frequency of genes in a population?

When the population is very small thus amplifying the effect of random chance.

According to the biological species concept, species are defined by their

ability to interbreed and produce viable, fertile offspring.

Which of the following allows for a single gene to encode for more than one polypeptide?

alternative mRNA splicing.

In eukaryotes, DNA packing seems to affect gene expression primarily by

controlling access to DNA

DNA replication results in two DNA molecules...

each with one new strand and one original strand

Ocean currents have a profound effect on regional climates. The Gulf Stream

is the current responsible for maintaining a warm climate in Europe and eastern North America.

The term, anthropogenic, is often used in discussions of climate change and environmental impacts. This is because anthropogenic means

it is due to human activities.

What molecule activates the lac operon to produce the 3 enzymes for lactose utilization?


While some species can exhibit exponential growth on a relatively short time period after disruption of some type, it is more common for a population to exhibit logistic growth. Environmental factors that restrict population growth are

limiting fcators

Aquatic dead zones are

low oxygen zones

Regulation of gene expression at the transcriptional level for eukaryotes include all but one of the following. Choose the FALSE choice. Circadian clock regulation Histone and DNA methylation mRNA splicing DNA packing

mRNA splicing

Of all of the biomes, aquatic and terrestrial, which has the largest Total Net Primary Production?

marine aquatic biome

Of all of the biomes, aquatic and terrestrial, which has the largest Total Net Primary Production? marine aquatic biome ocean photic zone temperate grassland algal beds & coral reefs tropical rainforest

marine aquatic biome

X-linked conditions are more common in men than in women because

men need to inherit only one copy of the recessive allele for the condition to be fully expressed.

Evolution operates to produce changes in


During the Hadean Eon, ~4 BYA, what possible life form could emerge?


The spiny water flea in Lake George is an invasive species that

restructures the food web.

A change in a biome from a large undisturbed area to an area that is substantially fragmented can

result in a decrease in species diversity.

Why was the iron catastrophe so important? It

resulted in planetary differentiation or stratification, which led to the Earth's magnetic field, protecting Earth from solar winds and radiation from the sun.

The leading hypothesis about the first system of inheritance in the earliest life forms involves

self-replicating RNA molecules aided by ribozymes.

The Gross Primary Production (GPP) of an ecosystem is

the conversion of solar energy to chemical energy as organic compounds by photosynthesis.

The Gross Primary Production (GPP) of an ecosystem is the stored energy available to consumers. the gross domestic product. the conversion of solar energy to chemical energy as organic compounds by photosynthesis. the energy remaining after the autotrophs have met their own energetic needs. All of these choices.

the conversion of solar energy to chemical energy as organic compounds by photosynthesis.

Australopithecus afarensis (Lucy's species) is important in the human lineage because this species is

the earliest known biped of the human lineage.

Recently, Lake George experienced a brief Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB). HABs are different from eutrophication because of which of the following

the high concentrations of cyanobacteria and algae that release toxins.

Scientists hypothesize that a major factor promoting the adaptive radiation of mammals was probably

the mass extinction of the non-avian dinosaurs.

The open ocean and tropical rain forests contribute the most to Earth's Net Primary Production because

the ocean covers a huge surface area, and the tropical rain forest has a high rate of production.

DNA metabarcoding

was used to determine how the three closely related species of antelope can coexist in Mozambique's Gorongosa National Park.

If the Earth were NOT tilted on its axis of rotation, the annual cycle of seasons in the northern and southern hemispheres _____________________.

would not exist.

What is eutrophication?

Excessive nutrients & minerals in a body of water that cause dense cyanobacteria, algae, and plant growth .

A researcher treats cells with an inhibitor that prevents DNA synthesis from starting. This treatment would trap the cells in which stage of the cell cycle?


Broccoli, cabbages, and brussels sprouts all descend from the same wild mustard and can still interbreed. These varieties were most likely produced by

artificial selection

A tidal wave wipes out the entire population of mice living on an island. This is an example of

effects of abiotic factors.

Rachel Carson was one of the first scientists to bring environmental issues to the attention of the general public. What problem did she address in her 1962 book Silent Spring?

effects of widespread use of the pesticide DTT

BRCA1 and BRCA2 are genes that are

essential for repairing damaged DNA.


is the evolution of two populations of different species in response to selection pressures that individuals from the two populations place on each other.


is the study of the relationships among living organisms, including humans, and their physical environment.

The earliest theory that connects carbon dioxide emissions with an increase in global temperature came from

the chemist Svante Arrhenius around 1900.

Of the following choices, how would you classify the common cold?


Why is the inheritance of so many traits difficult to explain using only Mendel's view of genetics?

Mendel was correct for the traits he investigated, but his principles must be extended (not discarded) to explain more complex patterns of inheritance.

The divergence of Pan and Homo occurred about 5-6 MYA. The comparison of the chimpanzee genome in 2005 to the human genome revealed

Most of the other genes have only slight variations 29% of genes are identical. 99% overall similarity of chimp and human DNA. Their common ancestor has not yet been found.

When Stanley Miller performed his 1953 experiment to simulate the atmosphere on Earth to test the hypothesis of abiotic synthesis of organic compounds, what specific organic compounds did he find?

amino acids

The vegetation in Canada is similar to the vegetation that one finds in Siberia. This is mostly due to

equivalent rainfall and temperature.

Predation can lead to adaptations in prey species to enhance their survival through a process called natural selection.

mechanical appendages chemical defenses camouflage

What is the minimum number of codons required to encode for a polypeptide of 6 amino acids?

6 codons plus a stop codon

Autism is a complicated genetic disorder. Identify the one FALSE statement. Autism is typically not recognized until children are 2-3 years old. New predictive approaches have resulted through using systems biology to identify an increase in common metabolites in autism not seen in normal children. There are somatic mutations that only appear in a small fraction of the cells of the body. Autism is a disease of elderly populations similar to Alzheimer's disease.

Autism is a disease of elderly populations similar to Alzheimer's disease.

Which of the following supports that RNA is the original self-replicating molecule? DNA replication requires RNA. RNA requires proteins for molecular function. Ancient viruses use DNA as genetic material, not RNA. RNA requires DNA for genetic material. The ribosome is made of DNA and protein and assembles proteins.

DNA replication requires RNA.

How many species are there?

In 1998, Sir Robert May concluded that scientists still do not have a good estimate of how manyspecies exist on our planet.

What compounds and conditions did Stanley Miller use to perform his 1953 experiment to simulate the atmosphere of early Earth to test the hypothesis of abiotic synthesis of organic molecules?

water vapor, H2 (hydrogen gas), CH4 (methane), NH3 (ammonia), and spark for lightening.

What modern evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that mitochondria & chloroplasts arose through endosymbiosis? Mitochondria & chloroplasts transcribe and translate their own DNA. Their ribosomes are more similar to bacterial ones (70S) than eukaryotic ribosomes (80S). DNA structure & cell division of mitochondria & chloroplasts are similar to those in bacteria. Eukaryotic cells cannot make more mitochondria or chloroplasts. All of the answers.


Which of the following is NOT consistent with natural selection? Sexual reproduction recombines traits within a population, producing new varieties of organisms, some of which compete for resources and mates better than others. Organisms tend to produce more offspring than the environment can support, leading to competition. Every member of the population shares the same genotype. A source of variation in a population is gene mutation. Competition for mates leads to differential reproduction success of individuals, thus changing allelic frequencies in subsequent generations.

Every member of the population shares the same genotype.

James Allison was awarded the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the following medical breakthroughs. Which statement below is false. He identified a key protein receptor that allows the immune system's T cells to recognize the antigens of infected or abnormal cells including cancer cells. He proposed that activated T-cells also had a second receptor that was a control switch or immune checkpoint that turned off activated T-cells. He showed that the activated T-cells multiply, but turn off rather than continue to attack cancerous cells. He pioneered the use of immune checkpoint inhibitors to treat COVID-19. He developed antibodies to the checkpoint receptor that bound and inactivated the switch so that the T cells would continue to attack the cancer cells.

He pioneered the use of immune checkpoint inhibitors to treat COVID-19.

The following are true about the Phosphorus Cycle except one choice. Identify the one that is FALSE. The phosphorus cycle occurs in the soil. Phosphates are able to recycle in the soil on the same time scale such that phosphates in the aquatic system do not increase. Phosphorus can be transferred from the soil to the water. The phosphorus cycle is dependent on the weathering of rock. Plants can convert phosphate to organic molecules

Phosphates are able to recycle in the soil on the same time scale such that phosphates in the aquatic system do not increase.

Why did snowball earth glaciation follow the Oxygen Revolution?

Photosynthesis exchanged atmospheric CO2 for O2, and O2 reacted with methane resulting in depletion of the greenhouse gases.

What is the main way that living organisms contribute to the Global Water Cycle?

Plants move water from the ground to the atmosphere via transpiration.

Which of the following statements regarding a DNA double helix is true.

The amount of adenine is equal to the amount of thymine and the amount of guanine is equal to the amount of cytosine.

In many organisms including humans, chromosomes are found in homologous pairs. Homologous chromosomes... are identical in the arrangement of their genes but some versions of the genes may differ between the chromosomes. All of the choices stated. have roughly similar arrangements of their genes, but some versions of the genes may differ between genes. are similar in size and shape, but this deceptive similarity has nothing to do with placement of gene arrangement or type. are identical both in the arrangement of their genes and in every version of every gene.

are identical in the arrangement of their genes but some versions of the genes may differ between the chromosomes.

During anaphase

sister chromatids separate into individual chromosomes and are pulled apart.

Our understanding of planet Earth formation has advanced significantly with the latest data from the Hubble and James Webb Space Telescopes. New accomplishments and new concepts include the ability to view regions of development of new solar systems. the ability to see the most distant regions in space that represent 4.6 BYA. Jupiter's moon Europa has ice sheets similar to Greenland's & a deep ocean beneath the ice. All of the choices. evidence that all of the elements and water came from exploding stars and were delivered to earth by comets, asteroids, and meteorites.


Huntington Beach State Park in Merrill's Inlet, SC contains vibrant freshwater wetland areas with rich species diversity. Of the following species, which is the Keystone Species?


What is CRISPR

An exciting technology that offers promise for curing human diseases, advancing agriculture, altering pests that carry disease. A defense system that bacteria use to protect against invading viruses. A technology that can cleave target DNA with exceptional precision and edit it.

The Hershey-Chase experiments in 1952 were important because they showed that A nuclear extract was made up of H, O, N, and P with a unique ratio of N to P. proteins were the hereditary molecules. the X-ray diffraction data showed a double helix. DNA was the hereditary material. the concentrations of [A] = [T] and [C]=[G]

DNA was the hereditary material.

These small, single-stranded RNA molecules, 22 nucleotides long, can block the translation of mRNA and are involved in the expression of ~1/3 of all human genes.

microRNAs (miRNAs)

There is the need for differential gene expression in humans because of one of the following. Identify the one CORRECT answer. Almost all cells contain the same genotype. There is one master homeotic gene that turns on all genes at one time in all cells. Cells differentiate by the action of enzymes. Gene expression is very straight forward because the genes lie in tandem, and all are turned on at thesame time.

Almost all cells contain the same genotype.

Svante Pääbo was awarded the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physiology & Medicine for which of the following contributions:

Established the field of paleogenomics. Development of clean rooms to prevent contamination of Neanderthal DNA from fossils with human DNA. Discovery of the Denisovans. Pushed technologies to sequence mitochondrial DNA & nuclear DNA.

As one moves from high latitudes toward more equatorial regions, biodiversity increases. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of equatorial regions and would NOT support this observation? increased speciation larger geographical ranges more stable environment lower extinction rates lower speciation rates

Lower speciation rates

The 3-D structure of RNA is very different from DNA because of the following except a series of deoxynucleotides connected by covalent bonds. RNA molecules vary in length from 10s-1000s nucleotides yet DNA can be billions of base pairs. the nitrogenous base uracil. the base pairing prevents formation of an anti-parallel double helix. the 2'-hydroxyl (-OH) makes RNA more chemically reactive.

a series of deoxynucleotides connected by covalent bonds.

Transfer RNA molecules...

mediate the conversion of genetic information into protein sequences.

The 3-D structure of RNA is very different from DNA. Why? Choose the one FALSE statement. RNA has the nitrogenous base uracil. a series of ribonucleotides connected by covalent bonds. phosphodiester linkages between the nucleotides. the base pairing prevents formation of an anti-parallel double helix. the 2'-hydroxyl (-OH) makes RNA more chemically reactive.

phosphodiester linkages between the nucleotides.

During mitosis, the chromosomes move because because of the electrostatic interactions with the cytoplasm. they attach to a dynamic, precisely regulated mitotic spindle. they diffuse within the nucleus to areas where they are less concentrated. other chromosomes push them along. of the increased concentration of proteins and membrane vesicles in the cells.

they attach to a dynamic, precisely regulated mitotic spindle.

The fossil of Ardipithecus ramidus (Ardi) was found after Lucy but was a critical find because

Ardi was dated to 4.4 MYA and revealed that she was a peculiar mosaic of traits. Ardi's skeleton is representative of the earliest known phase of human evolution. The surrounding fossils indicated that bipedality evolved in the woodlands and not grasslands. Ardi walked upright but also had the characteristics of a climber.

The Clean Air Act was passed in 1970 and during the 30 years since then, there have been many positive impacts. Based on the following graph, what is your assessment of the benefits.

Decrease in ozone, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, atmospheric fine particles (PM2.5), and lead.

Symbiotic mutualistic relationships can have the following benefits. Identify the one choice that explains the elephant foot yam plant-beetle relationship.

Dispersive benefits.

Females in many species often choose to mate with males having exaggerated traits, like the peacock's tail because

These secondary sexual characteristics are indicators of fitness, i.e., good genes and therefore an increased survival of the offspring.

Which of the following is true for BOTHprotocells and cellular life? RNA is used by ribosomes to construct proteins. They can have selectively permeable or impermeable membranes. DNA stores the genetic information. Self-replicating RNA molecules increase osmotic pressure, driving growth. None of the choices are true.

They can have selectively permeable or impermeable membranes.

The goals of the Vertebrate Genome Project 2021 include the following except one. Identify the one FALSE choice. To generate near error-free reference genome assemblies of 70,000 extant vertebrate species. To develop new algorithms for near complete genome assemblies. To understand cancer and rare genetic diseases in animals. To reconstruct common ancestor genomes. To define the genomics of vocal learning, flight, loss of limb, and aquatic/terrestrial adaptations.

To understand cancer and rare genetic diseases in animals.

Populations of eastern bluebirds declined after the introduction of non-native house sparrows and European starlings. All three nest in tree cavities. Which interspecific interaction could explain the bluebird's decline. Predation by the starlings because of their aggressive behavior. Competition for nesting sites. Mutualism in choosing nesting sites. Herbivory where the starlings impact the health of the vegetation of the community.

Competition for nesting sites.

Autism is a complicated genetic disorder. Identify the one false statement. There are somatic mutations that only appear in a small fraction of the cells of the body. Autism is typically not recognized until kids are 2-3 years old. The genetic profile was identified through deep sequencing techniques. Autism is a disease similar to cancer where mutations accumulate as a function of age. New predictive approaches have resulted through using systems biology to identify an increase in common metabolites in autism not seen in normal children

Autism is a disease similar to cancer where mutations accumulate as a function of age.

Which of the following statements is NOT consistent with Darwin's theory of natural selection? Natural selection can lead to the appearance of new species. Factors in the environment result in some organisms having more reproductive success than others. Individuals in a population can exhibit variations, some of which are passed from parent to offspring. All of the statements are consistent with Darwin's theory of natural selection. Evolution is goal oriented to lead to perfectly adapted organisms.

Evolution is goal oriented to lead to perfectly adapted organisms.

The levels of organization in Ecology include the following: Identify the organization from the most specific to least specific. Individual > Population > Community > Biome > Ecosystem > Biosphere Individual > Population > Community > Ecosystem > Biome > Biosphere Population > Individual > Community > Ecosystem > Biosphere > Biome Individual > Population > Community > Ecosystem > Biosphere > Biome Individual > Community > Population > Ecosystem > Biome >Biosphere

Individual > Population > Community > Ecosystem > Biome > Biosphere

Genetic changes that underlie oncogenesis alter fundamental properties of cells including all ofthe following except one choice. Which one is FALSE? Metastasized cells can use the cell's cytoskeleton to promote tumor cell streaming. Cells can acquire the ability to metastasize. Malignant cells are more highly oxygenated and do not migrate toward a blood supply. Cells acquire the ability to proliferate that does not require an external inducing signal. Allow cells to evade normal growth controls.

Malignant cells are more highly oxygenated and do not migrate toward a blood supply.

The following are true about the Phosphorus Cycle except one choice. Identify the one that is FALSE. The phosphorus cycle is dependent on the weathering of rock. Phosphorus can be transferred from the soil to the water. Phosphates transferred from terrestrial to aquatic ecosystems are able to recycle in the soil such that phosphates in the aquatic system do not increase. Plants can convert phosphate to organic molecules.

Phosphates transferred from terrestrial to aquatic ecosystems are able to recycle in the soil such that phosphates in the aquatic system do not increase.

In 1990, Mary Claire King identified the gene associated with increased risk of breast cancer. Based on her initial work, we now know the following except one FALSE statement. BRCA1 is localized to chromosome 17. BRCA1 and BRCA2 encode for proteins involved in DNA repair. Dr. King developed the BROCA diagnostic test in 2015, which can screen for 50-60 genes in patients suspected of a predisposition to hereditary cancers. BRCA1 and/or BRCA2 mutations increase the risk for breast cancer. Dr. King argued before the Supreme Court that naturally occurring DNA should be patent eligible.

Dr. King argued before the Supreme Court that naturally occurring DNA should be patent eligible.

Ecosystems are complex dynamic systems. They are characterized by all of the following statements except one. Choose the one FALSE statement. Computational modeling is now used to test hypotheses and design experiments to better understand the ecosystem. Numbers, biomass, and interactions among the species are constantly in flux as well as the physical environment in which the system is embedded. The ecosystem food web shows a snapshot at one particular time. Ecosystems tend to be stable on long temporal scales because of recycling and regeneration.

Ecosystems tend to be stable on long temporal scales because of recycling and regeneration.

The following are statements about emergent complexity. Choose the one FALSE statement. Emergent systems are at thermodynamic equilibrium. Emergence of order & self-organization occur in both living and nonliving systems, and theproperties of each are similar. Robert Hazen proposed that life arose as a sequence of emergent events, each the consequenceof interactions among carbon-based molecules. The universe may be organized such that life spontaneously emerges given the appropriate condition and with sufficient time. Robert Hazen proposed that emergence and the origin of life is the "missing law".

Emergent systems are at thermodynamic equilibrium.

Count Me In was established in 2018 as a nonprofit organization committed to advancing patient-partnered research with support from the Broad Institute, Emerson Collective, Dana-FarberCancer Institute, and the Biden Cancer Initiative. What was the motivation of this project?

The goal is not just to have a genome data base but to include saliva, blood, and stored tumorsamples, and clinical information to discover new and important patterns in cancer progression and response to treatment. Realization that each cancer has a specific oncogenic signature. Only through very large data sets can identification of mutations common to a particular cancer group be correlated with a specific treatment approach.

Robert Paine and James Estee tested the hypothesis that a healthy ecosystem is regulated from the top down as well as from the bottom up. Choose the one best statement. The kelp forest was maintained as a healthy ecosystem because the fishing industry removed so many of the game fish and whales via entrapment in nets. The kelp forest was maintained as a healthy ecosystem because the sea otter, a keystone species, controlled the sea urchin population. The kelp forest was robust because of the nutrients it receives, i.e., bottom up. The kelp forest was maintained as a healthy ecosystem by the number of sea urchins within it. The kelp forest was maintained as a healthy ecosystem because the Orcas, a keystone species, began to eat the sea otters.

The kelp forest was maintained as a healthy ecosystem because the sea otter, a keystone species, controlled the sea urchin population.

The results of the Human Genome Project have changed how we view our DNA/genome. What were the major surprises? Identify one FALSE statement. A single individual's DNA was sequenced; therefore little was initially learned from it. Protein-encoding genes make up ~1.5% of our genome. 98.5% is noncoding DNA. Gene control sequences (promoters, enhancers, microRNA) make up 24% of the human genome. There are millions of transposable elements that are repeated throughout the genome. There is repetitive DNA sequences between the genes.

A single individual's DNA was sequenced; therefore little was initially learned from it.

Rosemary and Peter Grant began studying the finches endemic to the Galapagos Islands in 1973 and have continued to the present. These field studies because they occurred annually have been very powerful in showing how geography and ecology can both drive the evolution of new species. The key concepts from the Grants findings include which of the following: All of the choices. Evolutionary change can occur rapidly, in only a few generations. However, major change such as the origin of a new species often takes thousands of generations. A single ancestral population of finches has given rise to 13 separate species, each adapted to different habitats. Habitat and ecological niches are constantly changing For two groups to become distinct species, traits must change in ways that will keep members of each group reproductively isolated such that they do not mate and produce fertile offspring.


We have learned the following from Cancer Genomics Project except for the following one statement that is FALSE. Most cancers are caused by 2-8 sequential alterations over 20-30 years. Mary Claire King was the first to show that breast cancer can be inherited. All breast cancer patients have the same oncogenic signature. All cancer patients do not respond to the same chemotherapy or treatment plan.

All breast cancer patients have the same oncogenic signature.

We have learned the following from Cancer Genomics Projects except for the following one statement that is incorrect. A large percentage of epithelial cancers can result from whole chromosome shattering or chromothripsis. All cancer patients do not respond to the same chemotherapy or treatment plan. Most cancers are caused by 2-8 sequential alterations over 20-30 years. Mary Claire King was the first to show that breast cancer can be inherited. All breast cancer patients have the same oncogenic signature.

All breast cancer patients have the same oncogenic signature.

Over the past 10 years we have learned a great deal about cancer through genomics projects such as The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Project. Which one of the following is FALSE? All breast cancers show the same oncogenic signature. Every individual tumor is distinct with regard to genetic alterations, but pathways affected in different tumors may be similar. ~140 genes are known whose mutations drive cancer. Most cancers are caused by 2-8 sequential alterations over 20-30 years. Chromothripsis can occur in >50% of soft-tissue cancer types.

All breast cancers show the same oncogenic signature.

Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier received the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. The following statements are accurate except one. Identify the one FALSE statement. CRISPR is presently the simplest, most versatile, and precise method of genetic manipulation. They received the Nobel Prize for developing a new technology that can cleave target DNA with remarkable precision, and then add, remove, or modify DNA with precision. CRISPR-Cas9 was based on technology that resulted from the ENCODE Project. CRISPR-based genome editing offers exciting promise for curing human disease, advancing agriculture, and eradicating pests that carry disease.

CRISPR-Cas9 was based on technology that resulted from the ENCODE Project.

"Count Me In" was established in 2018 as a nonprofit organization committed to advancing patient-partnered research with support from the Broad Institute, Emerson Collective, Dana-Faber Cancer Institute, and the Biden Cancer Initiative. Choose the one FALSE statement. Count Me In is a government supported initiative. Only through very large data sets can identification of mutations common to a particular cancer group be correlated with a specific treatment approach. In this initiative, there is an increased focus of including men and women, people of all ethnicities, and people of color. Patient data included genomic data, saliva, blood, and stored tumor samples, and clinical histories. Each cancer has a specific oncogenic signature, and therefore the medical treatment must be tailored for the patient.

Count Me In is a government supported initiative.

Ecosystems are complex dynamic systems. They are characterized by all of the following statements except one. Choose the one FALSE statement. Numbers, biomass, and interactions among the species are constantly in flux as well as the physical environment in which the system is embedded. Computational modeling is now used to test hypotheses and design experiments to better understand the ecosystem. The ecosystem food web shows a snapshot at one particular time. Ecosystems tend to be stable on long temporal time scales because of recycling.

Ecosystems tend to be stable on long temporal time scales because of recycling.

The following are statements about emergent complexity. Choose the one FALSE answer. The universe may be organized such that life spontaneously emerges given the appropriate condition and with sufficient time. Emergence of order & self-organization occurs in both abiotic and biotic systems, and theproperties of each are similar. Robert Hazen proposed that life arose as a sequence of emergent events, each the consequenceof interactions among carbon-based molecules. Emergent systems are at thermodynamic equilibrium. Robert Hazen proposed that emergence and the origin of life is the "missing law".

Emergent systems are at thermodynamic equilibrium.

For many it seems to make no sense for NASA to invest in the Artemis I & II missions to the moon. Of the following, choose the one FALSE statement. It is a step toward being able to live & work in deep space and develop the technologies to do so. Frozen water at the poles of the moon can be a valuable resource for deeper space trips. Ice on the moon can provide drinking water, rocket propellant, and oxygen to breathe. The moon is a very cold, dry desert without water Rocks on the moon hardened billions of years ago and remain in pristine condition, thus providing the opportunity to study the origin & evolution of exoplanets.

The moon is a very cold, dry desert without water

What is the evidence that Homo sapiens evolved from Africa?

There are a number of genes of Neanderthal origin that have been preserved in Eurasians but not Africans living today. The mitochrondrial DNA evidence and the fossil record. The absence of DNA evidence of Homo neanderthalensis originating in Africa. Evidence that Homo erectus, the Upright Man, was likely the first Homo species to migrate out of Africa.

In the HHMI video with E. O. Wilson, he made a key observation about the relationship between the number of species & area in which they live. This rule was extrapolated to fragmentation of the rain forest and Yellowstone to the Yukon region. These observations showed that a decrease in habitat area resulted in distinct advantages to upper trophic level predators or keystone species. an impact that was based on the latitude of the habitat. a positive impact on global climate variations. a decrease in species biodiversity. all of the choices are true.

a decrease in species biodiversity.

At what stage of the cell cycle do chromosomes become visible with a microscope?

M phase or mitosis

Infectious diseases that can be specifically transmitted from other vertebrate animals to humans are called

zoonotic diseases.

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