BIology II Final Exam

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Tay Sachs is a common lethal disease in Ashkenazi Jew population. It destroys the nerves and is lethal by age 5. In the Ashkenazi Jew population, about 1/25 of all individuals are carriers for this recessive disease and are unaware of it. What is the estimated chance of having a child with Tay Sachs in the Ashkenazi Jewish Population?


When was last grizzly bear seen?


If the probability of event A is 3/4 and the probability of event B is 1/4, then the probability of both A and B occurring at the same time is


If a DNA sample contains 13% adenine, what percentage of the sample contains cytosine?


What was the result of the experiment in Figure 18-2?

A variety of amino acids were generated this way

The P generation of a monohybrid cross was homozygous for the dominant and recessive trait. The F2 offspring of the monohybrid cross would have the genotype(s)....

AA, Aa, and aa

An individual with a dominant phenotype is crossed with an individual with a recessive phenotype; four of their nine offspring show the recessive phenotype. What is the genotype of the first parent?


Some plants fail to produce chlorophyll, and this appears to be recessive. If we locate a plant that is heterozygous for the trait, self-pollinate it, and harvest seeds, what are likely phenotypes of these seeds when they germinate?

About one-fourth will be white (lack chlorophyll) and three-fourths green, because it is similar to a monohybrid cross.

Canine parvovirus is highly contagious and relatively common case of acute, infectious GI illnesses in young dogs. Which of the following statements are also true of Canine Parvovirus?

All of the above

Human herpes viruses include which of the following?

All of the above

Mammals and birds are the only vertebrate groups that exhibit endothermy. What supports this?

All of the above

Which statement is true of the set of reactions labeled "d"?

All of the above

Measles is a highly contagious viral infection of the respiratory system, immune system, and skin. Which of the following is also true?

All of the above.

In the diagram above, "T" and "t" are alleles. Which statement clarifies the definition of alleles?

Alleles are alternative forms of a gene for a single trait, such as blue eyes or brown eyes.

Stanley Miller performed an experiment that proved that amino acids..... Which of the following statements takes into account these findings?

Ammonia is found in hydrothermal vents, and the accidental inclusion of ammonia supports the formation of organic molecules along the hydrothermal vents.

Which of the following would change the gene frequencies of a population?

Assortative mating

Which statement is true about nonrandom mating?

Assortative mating tends to cause subdivision into two phenotypic classes with reduced gene flow between them.

Which of the following is a method of posttranscriptional control?

Both differential processing and how fast MRNA leaves the nucleus

Why would a CAM plant be found in arid conditions?

CAM plants open their stomata only at night to take in CO2

Which is most closely associated with the Calvin cycle?

Carbon dioxide fixation

Which of the following is the best description for a virus?

Chemical complexes of RNA or DNA protected by protein

Roundworms and athropods have traits in common. Which of the following is crucial for discriminating between the two groups?

Chitin reinforced exoskeleton

The hypothesis that animals descended from a hollow spherical group of cells is known as the...

Colonial flagellate hypothesis

The primary mRNA transcript is edited as much as you edit a research paper before submitting it. Which of the following editing processes is correctly related to its analogy?

Cross out unnecessary phrases: Cut out introns

The X-Ray diffraction photography of Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins was critical evidence of DNA structure. How did their photography contribute to our understanding of DNA?

DNA has a double-helix structure as evidenced by crossing lines.

Which of the following DNA types is likely to be transcribed?

DNA with histone acelylation

A dog has 11 amino acids differences from a human. What statement correctly relates a dog and pig?

Dog should be on same line as pig

Flukes are divided into Monogenea and Digenea. Monogenea have a posterior holdfast with hooks, clamps, and suckers; Digenea have suckers but never hooks and clamps. Monogenea have only one host in the life cycle, and usually live on gills or skin of fish and amphibians; Digenea have at least two hosts and often three or more, and are named because they have two reproductive states in their life cycle (an adult and intramolluscan phase). From what you now know, the blood fluke Schistosoma would therefore be

ENdoparasite and Digenean

Likely reason why bears aren't going into hibernation

Easy availability of food, garbage, seeds, pet food

Which of the following forms of energy did Miller use in his 1953 experiment?

Electrical energy

Rabies are found in every country/continent expect Antarctica and_______.

England and Ireland

Why is G3P produced?

G3P can be converted to other molecules.

All invertebrates must also rid their bodies of metabolic wastes. Which of the following organisms is correctly paired with the structure used in the removal of metabolic wastes?


Why is the translation of gymnosperm appropriate?

Gymno- means "naked." The ovules of a gymnosperm are not completely enclosed by the sporophyte.

The ________________ is transmitted by a small rodent called the Deer Mouse and is found in the wester deserts of the US. It causes severe respiratory conditions that if not diagnosed quickly can lead to death within days.

Hantaan virus

What aspect of Mendel's background gave him the necessary tools to discover the laws of inheritance?

He had studied mathematics and probability.

The virus for chicken pox is classified as what virus?

Herpes virus

Of the following, which is an autosomal dominant disorder?

Huntington's Disease

If the parents have type A and type B phenotypes for the ABO blood group, their children could include which of the following phenotypes?

IAi, IBi, IAIB, and ii

How could this diagram in Figure 20-1 be changed to illustrate a retrovirus ?

Insert an additional diagram between b and c to illustrate the transcription of RNA into DNA>

How has an endoskeleton contributed to the success of chordates?

It allows the organism to continue to grow without periodic molting

Regarding the lac operon, if lactose is present, which of the following occurs?

Lactose binds to the repressor, which prevents the binding to the operator, and RNA polymerase transcribes the needed genes

Why does the wound from the bite of a leech bleed profusely?

Leech saliva contains a strong anticoagulant

What is the organism shown at the front of class on the wooden branch?


Referring to Figure 20-1, the viral infection cycle that will most rapidly cause cell destruction is called the _______ cycle.


If you had two guinea pigs of opposite sex, one homozygous black and one homozygous brown, but you didn't know which the dominant characteristic was, how would you find out the dominant color?

Mate them together and see what color the offspring are-- that will be the dominant color.

Which of the classes of RNA molecules carries the genetic information needed for the construction of a protein?

Messenger RNA

The above apparatus was the experimental design of a classic experiment performed by

Miller and Urey

Why do bacteria undergo binary fission instead of mitosis?

Mitosis is not needed to break down the nuclear membrane and organize the chromosomes

The CDC produces a weekly publication called the MMWR. What does MMWR stand for?

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

Which of the following set of characteristics describe a sponge?

Multicellular, asymmetric, sessile

Genetic control differs between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Which statement describes a difference

Multiple genes are controlled by one promoter in prokaryotic cells.

To prepare a microscope slide of mitosis, where would one most likely find examples of cell division in a plant?

Near the root tip

The hagfish resembles the long eel-like ody of a lamprey....... should the hagfish be classified as a vertebrate?

No, it does not have a vertebrae.

Which of the following kinds of molecules is thought to have been absent from the primitive reducing atmosphere on Earth?

Oxygen (O2)

This class of viruses is the smallest of all known viruses, often requires a helper virus or satellite virus, and includes diseases such as 5th disease, aplastic anemia, and cromic hemolytic anemia.


What is embedded in the membranes of structure "a"?


This virus is found in mammals and birds and is among the first viruses to be discovered. It is composed of plus-strand RNA that functions as an mRNA once it is released into the host cell. Rhinovirus and polliovirus are important viruses in this group


Which plant in table 23-1 above contains both Vitamin A and C and has been used to make herbal teas and resin?

Plant 4

Which of these may occur in both angiosperms and gymnosperms?

Pollen is carried by the wind for pollination.

The monotremes are different than other mammals, yet still classified as mammals.

Presence of cloaca

Cruetzfeldt-Jakob disease is the most common type of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy in humans. In this disease, the brain develops holes and takes on a sponge-like texture. Which of the following is the most likely cause of this disease?


The synthesis of DNA and RNA from the organic soup....

Protein first hypothesis

Referring to Narrative 20-1, many emerging viruses are RNA viruses. Why are RNA viruses more likely to cause an emerging disease?

RNA viruses have a high mutation rate, and can jump species

Mass extinctions have played a pivotal role in the evolution of organisms on Earth, why>

Reduced population, allowed punctuated equilibrium to occur

Which is a major function of DNA?

Replicate itself

Which statement is true about DNA replication in prokaryotes, but not about replication in eukaryotes?

Replication occurs at about 1 million base pairs per minute

This virus includes Human Immunodeficiency Virus.


Using narrative 20-1, what additional molecule will the negative-sense virus contain?

Reverse transcriptase

This virus has hosts that include mammals, fish, insects, and plants. It is enveloped, single stranded and rod shaped. An important disease caused by this virus is Rabies.


This virus, in the class Reoviridae, attacks the villi of the lumen of the small intestine. Infection leads to diarrhea which can lead to dehydration. Approximately 1 million deaths a year are caused by this virus. Also, often the cause of enteric illnesses in cruise ships, schools, and day care centers.


Which group of modern-day amphibians most closely resembles a coelancanth


Which statement below justifies the relationship between a portion of DNA and its role in the production of an enzyme?

Section c

Which of these conditions would prevent the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?

Small population w/ genetic drift

According to the article we read in class, many of the microorganisms that inhabit Earth have not been identified yet. Which are has the most unidentified organisms?

Soil/sand/silt at the bottom of Oceans

Other organisms typically do not eat sponges, however, a recent study of the marine hawksbill turtles' stomach contents revealed that sponges constitute a major portion of their diet. Why is this surprising?

Sponges can contain spicules that are needle-like in their sharpness.

Assume a new parasite affecting horses were to evolve....

Stabilzing selection

the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has a different way of producing new viruses. Which of the following correctly relates the change in the diagram in Figure 20-1 with the advantage gained by this method?

Step g must be changed to show a new virus produced by budding. Budding allows the virus to cloak itself in the host's membrane

Which of the following would be a cause of a genetic drift?

Strawberry field wiped out by flood

How do structure A & B differ? (Grasshopper picture)

Structure A detects many images, and Structure B focuses images

Xenotransplantation is the use of pig organs for human transplants. What evidence from the tree above could be used to substantiate the use of pig organs?

THe biochemical evidence supports the close relationship between the pig and human

Which of the following crosses would always result in offspring that display only the dominant phenotype?

TT x tt

If one strand of DNA has the base sequence AAGCAA, the complementary strand is


What has occured in the diagram of DNA above to make it active?

The DNA is no longer attached to the histones and now is called lampbrush chromosomes.

How does a swim bladder enable a fish to maintain homeostasis?

The bladder stores and secretes gases to control the buoyancy

Cnidarians are radially symmetric. Radial symmetry has both a positive and negative impact. How do cnidarians compensate for the negative impact of this trait?

The cnidarians have cnidocytes to capture prey or defend itself because it does not actively move.

Which of the following is true about the lung cancer cells?

The exhibit abnormal nuclei

In pea plants, the gene for round seed (R) is dominant, and wrinkled seeds (r) are recessive. The endosperm of the pea is also either starchy, a dominant gene (S), or waxy (s). Two F1 heterozygotes were crossed, and the following data was obtained for the F2 generation. How can this data be explained?

The genes did not segregate.

There is a bald spot under a large tree where the grass does not grow. Which of the following is the most probable explanation?

The grass does not receive enough sunlight.

The development of the jawed fish is an example of natural selection. How?

The jaws were more efficient for grasping and eating prey, so a jawed fish could out-compete a non-jawed fish.

Many common disease-causing bacteria are continuously evolving. How is variation introduced into a disease-causing strain of bacteria?

The main source of variation occurs from mutations, which are rapidly replicated and selected in a haploid system.

Using the narrative 20-1, what additional step will occur in negative-sense viruses?

The negative RNA must be transcribed in reverse to produce DNA before protein synthesis can occur.

The ability to roll the edges of the tongue upward in a U-shape has been considered to be an inherited ability. The standard assumption is that tongue-rolling is a dominant allele at a single gene locus. Which of the following would cast doubt on this assumption?

The non-tongue rollers who learn to roll their tongues and the student who can roll his tongue while his parents cannot are two situations that cast doubt on the heritability issue. This situation where a student cannot roll his tongue while his parents can is inconclusive.

Considering that leaf stomata have the conflicting functions of allowing gaseous carbon dioxide into the leaf, vet preserving the plant's supply of water, which of the following is/are reasonable?

The stomata of desert plants will open only at night, then store the carbon dioxide until the next day.

Which statement is correct about the trp operon?

The structural genes make products that act in a metabolic pathway to produce tryptophan.

Many gardeners wrap tree trunks with protective tape during the rutting season for deer. Why would gardeners wrap the trunks?

The trees are eudicots, removal blocks nutrients

Pasteur was the first scientist to suspect that a tiny particle caused infections. He called these particles a virus. Why do you think that Pasteur chose the word virus for the new particles he discovered?

The viral particle injects a part of itself into a cell. Pasteur used virus to convey that the injected material is poison.

ANother alternate hypothesis on the action of p53 genes involves the activity of transcription factors. Which of the following could be used to explain the role of transcription factors in controlling tumors?

Thr transcription factors are still present but mutations of the promotor prevents attachement

The american black bear does not technically undergo hibernation, but rather a deep sleep called __________.


Bacteriophages also cause genetic recombination. Which of the following correctly links the name of this process with the explanation?

Transduction- when a bacterial cell receives a piece of DNA from a virus

T/F: A person can be HIV+ but NOT have AIDS. However, if you have AIDS, you must be HIV+.


T/F: If a patient receives no treatment for HIV, their life expectancy is generally around 10 years.


T/F: Measles is a highly contagious viral infection of he respiratory system, immune system and skin.


Genetic variation is preferable to prepare a species for a changing environment. How can this occur with a hermaphroditic earthworm?

Two hermaphroditic earthworms exchange eggs and sperm with the other earthworm.

Unattached earlobes (EE or Ee) are described in the textbook as dominant over attached earlobes (ee). A couple both have unattached earlobes. Both notice that one of their parents on both sides has attached earlobes (ee). Therefore, they correctly assume that they are carriers for attached earlobes (Ee). The couple proceeds to have four children.

Two heterozygous, one homozygous recessive, and one homozygous dominant is a likely outcome, but all heterozygous, or two, or three, or four homozygous are also possible.

Angiosperms have double fertilization. What is this?

Two pollen grains fertilize two different cells in the ovule.

In the Watson and Crick model of DNA, the steps of the ladder are composed of a purine and pyrimidine. Why?

Two purines would make the molecule budge

If the segment of DNA in figure-12-2 were transcribed, the first codon would be


We are familiar with two things found in large woody plants, wood, and bark. The wood is essentially made of ________ and the bark is essentially made of ____________.

Xylem; phloem and cork

Mammals exhibit all of the following characteristics. Which trait separates birds from mammals?

Young born alive

An oncogene is...

a mutated form of a proto-oncogene.

Transcription of the piece of DNA shown in figure 12-2 would result in all of the following EXCEPT

a small protein

Linnaeus developed his classification system for organisms according to

a theory of special creation and fixity of species

Autotrophs are

all of the above

In a NATURAL diet, a black bear will eat

all of the above

Sea stars are echnioderms that

all of the above

The plant life cycle involves

alternation between a diploid and haploid stage

Comparing the wing of a bird, wing of a bat and the wing of an insect, the insect wing would serve to illustrate an example of

an analogous structure

If Figure 13-3 represented the lac operon, then this operon is

an inducible operon

What is the blending theory of inheritance?

an old theory that said that offspring show traits intermediate between those of the parents

With advanced lung cancer, the cancerous cells most likely showed...

angiogenesis, formation of new blood vessels

A male yearling cub is generally forced to seperate from his mother at

between 1.5 and 2 years

Darwin's observation that there were Patagonian hares but no rabbits in South America was most likely closely related to his consideration of


Fossils such as the Archaeopteryx and Petrosaur offer additional evidence linking

birds and reptiles

Point mutations

can cause a genetic disease such as sickle cell anemia, etc

Cuvier explained the changes in the comparative anatomy of similar fossils in the history of life by


If the first cells on earth were formed in hydrothermal vents,...


As a child, you were probably vaccinated against many childhood diseases such as mumps, measles, and chicken pox. These vaccines were traditionally produced by injecting the viral particles into...

chicken eggs

Homologous structures are considered

comparative anatomy

If one bacterial cell passes DNA to a second bacterial cell through a pilus, then the process is


The genetic code in DNA is

contains start and stop codons as instructions

HIV and other viruses in this class possess ALL of the following characteristics EXCEPT

contains the Bunyaviridae

Darwins theory of natural selection is also known as

descent with modification

Individuals in the 1800s (when hunger and childhood diseases were common) averaged slightly over five feet tall, but their offspring in the 1900s were substantially taller on average. This reflects the influence of

environmental factors on the ability of genes to express themselves

A yellow Labrador retriever was born to two homozygous black parents. In the same litter were black pups. The yellow lab is the result of


Based on the chart above, plant 2 would be a

fern, due to the flagellated gamete with dominant sporophyte

The symbol "F" in the results of a test cross stands for


In order to infect a cell, a virus must

have a special protein on its surface that can interact with a protein on the surface of the host cell.

These bacteria are gram-positive and will..

have a thick peptidoglycan layer, and will stain purple.

Variations are maintained by...

heterozygote advantage

Animals can be differentiated from all other kingdoms with multicellular organisms by the animal's ability to

ingest, then digest food

The correct sequence of events in the production of a polypeptide is

initiation, elongation, termination

The breathing system in birds

is a one-way circulation of air so constant oxygen can meet the high oxygen demand

Refer to Narrative 20-2, the metabolism of these bacteria....

is chemoheterotrophic, b/c they use lactose as food

If a pea plant shows a recessive phenotype,

it can only be tt.

Using figure 20-1, if this virus is latent, then

it has not entered a lytic cycle

Which statement is true about a protocell?

it would have been present before the development of a true cell

The virus that causes chicken pox can reappear later in life as a disease called "Shingles". This virus is

lysogenic, because it has become a part of the cells' DNA

Letters a, b, e, f, and g represent

lytic cycle

Using figure 12-3, the AUG is part of what molecule?


Although cancer may originate in many regions of the body, many patients die from cancerous growth in the lungs, lymph glands, or liver. These organs are "downstream" of the original site. This is most readily explained as...

metastasis occurring more commonly in organs that have a filter effect

Elephantiasis is an enlargement of legs, arms, scrotum, and other tissues caused by

microscopic roundworms that reproduce and clog lymph glands, causing limbs to swell

What system do the cnidarian and jellies have that sponges lack?


Referring to narrative 9-1, the mutated ALK receptor could be classified as a(n)...

oncogene because it is under constant stimulation and promotes the cell cycle

For natural selection to occur, there must be


A classical example of incomplete dominance is

pink flowers in heterozygous snapdragrons

Haiti is settled by peoples of both African and European ancestry. A young couple, both with mixed ancestry, marry and have several children. The children vary widely in the amount of skin melanin production, with one child being lighter than both parent, and one being darker. The simple explanation for this is

polygenic inheritance

In figure 20-1.a the letter d represents a

prophage or latent phage

Chlorophyll and other accessory pigments in plants

provide electrons that will be used to produce ATP

A unique species of snail has been discovered in the Negev Desert. At night, these snails use a toothlike rasping organ in their head to scrape up porous limestone; they then digest the algae that lived in the rock pores. This scraping organ is the


The major enzyme that catalyses the reduction of carbon dioxide is called

ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (rubisco)

(Embryo picture) Comparing a frog to the above embryos, it would likely be most similar to the


Because one original strand of the double-stranded helix is found in each daughter cell, the replication process is called..


To be sure you have sterilized water, you must boil it for a long time in because

some bacteria produce highly resistant endospores

What term should be used for letter c in Table 23-1


A notochord is a

stiff dorsal supporting rod

Which gene is an operon is incorrectly matched?


Porcupine only has quills on its

tail area

If early Viking explorers in Greenland and North America had survived and become the main ancestors of early North American settlers, rather than the mixture of immigrants from across Europe and other continents, today there would be a much higher incidence of Nordic traits in the U.S. population. Such a scenario would demonstrate

the founder effect

The portion of DNA labeled d in figure 13-3 represents

the operator site gene

Which of the following is directly responsible for the sequence of amino acids in a protein

the sequence of codons in MRNA

Bangham's discovery of liposomes formed the basis for

the structure of the first cell membranes that offered protection

The organisms examined by Darwin were

tortoises and finches

During Griffith's experiments with mice and pnuemonia-causing bacteria, he found bacterial cells pick up free pieces of DNA from their surroundings in a process called

transformation, when DNA pieces that were secreted by live bacteria or released from dead bacteria are absorbed

DNA was disregarded as a possible candidate for the genetic material because

with only four types of nucleotides, it was a simple, repetitive molecule that could not account for 20 different amino acids

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