Biology Quiz 4 - How do Plants help People?
green plants =
God's creation
cotton =
oil crop
dwarf wheat =
Agriculture was not a developed science in __________. That country's machinery, technology, and crop varieties did not advance with new developments in other parts of the world.
starvation of world =
150 bushels per acre =
Punjabi farmer
soybean =
amino acid crop
Processes or reactions accomplished without oxygen are called
crop improvements =
green revolution
The sugar beet was developed from a plant root called _____________.
sugar beet =
A compound containing O, C, H, N is a _____________
Malthus, an English economist, predicted worldwide ____________________ in the 1800's.
A new food source from the crossing of wheat and rye is called _______________
Norman Borlaug developed a drought and disease resistant dwarf ___________ which helped the people of Mexico and India during food shortages.
triticale =
wheat x rye
Crop plant programs are being started which feature oil producing plants used for food as well as for fuel oils. What are some oil producing plants?
- cotton - safflower - peanuts - flax - sunflowers
Crop plant programs are being started which emphasize amino acid quality and protein production. What are some of these plants?
- soybeans - legumes - alfalfa
Read Matthew 4:4 and then answer the following question: What is the meaning of the statement, " shall not live by bread alone..."?
There is not only food for the body, but there is spiritual food. Spiritual food (the Bible) is important to meet the spiritual needs of people in the world.
If we are to be better stewards of God's creation, we must have a better understanding of plants and animals that share our world. True or False?
India's history of starvation was changed when a new dwarf wheat variety was introduced to Indian agriculture. True or False?
It is likely that man had a knowledge of agriculture since his creation. True or False?
Many of the hunger problems are caused more by greed and bad politics than plant yields. True or False?
Programs to increase food supply and improve food quality are being started in many parts of the world. True or False?
The cell communication system for chemical messages and materials is thought to be the membrane system known as endoplasmic reticulum. True or False?