Biology : Semester 1 Exam

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The structure of a cell enables it to carry out its functions. Look closely at the single-celled organism in the illustration on the hard copy. Which structure allows this organism to move?

Transmission electron microscopes provide the most detail

The table on the hard copy of the test shows the magnification of different types of microscopes. What can be concluded from this table?


The term for the chemical reactions in which organisms build up or break down materials is


During photosynthesis, light energy is absorbed and used to create carbohydrates. Chlorophyll a and b are the main types of pigments found in chloroplasts in plant cells. What color indicates the wavelength that plant cells do NOT absorb during photosynthesis?

seasonal variations may affect populations

A biologist collected the data shown in the table on the hard copy of the test. Which statement is supported by the data in the table?


A bird-watcher sees an unusual bird at a feeder. He takes careful notes on the bird's color, shape, and other physical features and then goes to a reference book to see if he can identify the species. What part of scientific thinking is most apparent in this situation?

Carbon Dioxide and water

During both aerobic and anaerobic respiration, the products are similar. Which option below contains products produced by both types of respiration?

Electron microscope

Each microscope has its advantages and disadvantages. Which microscope has allowed scientists to conduct systematic observations and provided them with the closest view of the structure of cells?

Adenosine Triphosphate

During cellular respiration in eukaryotic cells, glucose is broken down into carbon dioxide and water molecules. Which energy source is produced during the process of breaking down the glucose molecules?


Flowers with brightly colored petals are generally pollinated by insects. The insects transfer pollen grains from one plant to another. The pollen is captured from the insect at the


Food and water are carried throughout your body in blood vessels. In a plant, the transportation of food and water is the main function of two types of vascular tissue. Which tissue in a stem conducts water upward?

results should have been peer reviewed and repeated producing the same findings

If a company claims that its product has been proven scientifically,which of the following should have taken place if the results are to be considered reliable?

her darts are both accurate and precise

If a student plays a game of darts and all of her darts are close to the center of the bulls' eye,

No sugars would be produced

If carbon dioxide is completely removed from a plant's environment, what would you expect to happen to the plant's production of high-energy sugars?

conduct water to the leaves

If some of the xylem of a young oak tree were destroyed, it would most likely interfere with the tree's ability to

Transporting water to the leaves

If the xylem in a young tree is damaged, which process is first affected?

leaves provide a place for photosynthesis to occur

What is the main function of leaves?


Which formula below shows a carbohydrate?

Used ATP is discarded by the cell as waste

Which of the following is NOT a true statement about ATP?


Which of the following is NOT an attitude scientists need?

Only one variable is tested at a time

Which of the following statements about a controlled experiment is true?

Flowers contain cells that produce gametes

Which statement describes the role of flowers in plant survival?


Which type of molecule is used for catalyzing chemical reactions in the cell?

nucleic acids

Which type of molecule, shown below, stores and transmits genetic information in a cell?


Which type of organic molecule is formed by strings of amino acids combined using dehydration synthesis?


he illustration on teh hard copy shows the pigmented organelle in which photosynthesis takes place.What are these organelles called?


n the overall equation for photosynthesis, six molecules of carbon dioxide and six molecules of water result in a molecule of sugar and six molecules of

Carbon dioxide would be passing from the leaf into the surrounding atmosphere.

the structure of a leaf, specialized cells function as gates that open and close to allow gases to pass into and out of the leaf. The illustration on the hard copy shows these cells. If you were to test the gases passing out of the leaf at night, what would you observe?

No control group was used

A company that manufactures a popular multivitamin wanted to determine whether their multivitamin had any side effects. For its initial study, the company chose 2000 individuals to take one of their multivitamin tablets per day for one year. Scientists from the company surveyed the participants to determine whether they had experienced any side effects. The greatest problem with this procedure is that

species A requires a high oxygen concentration for maximum population growth

A graph of the population growth of two different species is shown on the hard copy of the test . Which conclusion can be drawn from information in the graph?

They are both made of one or more cells

A plant and an animal are both living things. According to the Cell Theory, what can you conclude about these two very different organisms?

The plant will die because it does not have carbon dioxide for photosynthesis

A potted plant is placed inside a clear, sealed vacuum container that has water pumped into it on a regular basis. The container is placed in the sun and the plant's growth is monitored. Which statement best describes what will most likely happen to the plant over time?

it contains conclusions not explained by the evidence given

A science researcher is reviewing another scientist's experiment and conclusion. The reviewer would most likely consider the experiment invalid if

because a theory explains while a law describes a set of observations

A scientific theory differs from a scientific law

requires new ideas be supported by evidence

A skeptical attitute in science

Mass of yeast and mass of sugar

A student investigates the effect of temperature on the metabolism of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Yeast and sugar are added to water, the gas produced is captured, and its volume is recorded. Which variables should be held constant during this investigation?


A student is collecting the gas given off from a plant in bright sunlight at a temperature of 27°C. The gas being collected is probably

Photosynthetic organisms respond to changing light levels

A student studied the location of single celled photosynthetic organisms in a lake for a period of several weeks. The depth at which these organisms were found at different times of the day varied greatly. Some of the data collected are shown in the table on the hard copy of the test. Which of the following statements would be a valid inference based on the data?

As the cells run out of oxygen they switch to anaerobic respiration, which allows the cell to make small amounts of ATP in the absence of oxygen.

A weightlifter is using heavy weights in short bursts for a competition. Because his muscle cells are not able to take in enough oxygen to make very much ATP the weightlifter begins to get fatigue in his muscles. Which of the following processes is most likely going on in the muscles of the weightlifter as he competes in his event?

When the bond between the second and third phosphate of ATP is broken

ATP is the most important biological molecule that provides chemical energy. How does ATP release energy?

using this same size paper discs for each mouthwash

An experiment was carried out to determine which mouthwash was most effective against bacteria commonly found in the mouth. Four paper discs were each dipped into a different brand of mouthwash. The discs were then placed onto the surface of a culture plate that contained food, moisture, and bacteria commonly found in the mouth. The diagram on the hard copy shows the growth of bacteria on the plate after 24 hours. Which change in procedure would have improved the experiment?


An illness results in an imbalance in the body; the body rushes to respond, to return to a state of

a logical interpretation

An inference is

Water enters the cell when placed in environments of high water concentration

An osmosis investigation was conducted using chicken eggs to represent semi-permeable membranes. The mass of each egg was measured to determine how much water diffused into or out of the eggs. The eggs were first soaked in vinegar to dissolve the shell. Each egg was then placed in one of three different solutions for twenty-four hours. The table on the hard copy of the test shows the results of the investigation. Based on this experiment, which of the following should be inferred about cells with semi-permeable membranes?


Anaerobic microorganisms, such as yeast, go through a process that breaks down glucose into carbon dioxide and ethanol without the presence of oxygen. What is this process called?

Used to capture and transfer energy.

What function does ATP carry out in living things

Gathering the data for the investigation

Based on your knowledge of scientific investigations, which stage of scientific investigation did the invention of the microscope significantly advance?

Water and Carbon Dioxide

Both photosynthesis and cellular respiration take place in the cells of a leaf. What products from cellular respiration are used in photosynthesis?

Glucose and Oxygen

Both photosynthesis and cellular respiration take place in the leaves of plants. The diagram on the hard copy shows a plant undergoing photosynthesis. What products from photosynthesis are used in cellular respiration?

1000 millimeters

One meter is equal to


Cells have specialized structures to help in carrying out its functions. Which of the following is most likely to be found in large numbers inside a cell that continuously makes proteins?


Cellular respiration in prokaryotic cells does not require oxygen. What is this process called?

Glucose, Oxygen

Cellular respiration is almost the reverse of photosynthesis. Which compounds are produced in the chloroplast and used by the mitochondria?

Glucose and Oxygen

Cellular respiration occurs in two main parts, glycolysis and aerobic respiration. What are the reactants needed for aerobic respiration in eukaryotic cells?


Dermal tissue covers all parts of a plant's body. What function does dermal tissue provide?

Concentration of Carbon Dioxide in the water

During an experiment, Nathan observes that when a plant is placed in a closed vial with water and a few drops of bromothymol blue, and placed in a dark location, the liquid changes from blue to yellow. The liquid turns back to blue when the container is placed in light. What is bromothymol blue reacting to in this experiment?

It took three days for the yeast cells to finish a fermentation cycle to produce the alcohol

In an experiment observing yeast respiration, Douglas notes that during the first day, carbon dioxide as produced. After three days, alcohol was produced. Which statement below would explain these results?

The living things within the system will produce carbon dioxide as a product of cellular respiration.

In the contained ecosystem on the hard copy the organisms will need to get food and any other requirements within the system. How do the plants get enough carbon dioxide to go through photosynthesis?

Oxygen produced by the plant allows the candle to burn longer.

In the figure on the hard copy, why might the candle in jar A burn longer than the candle in jar B?


In which experimental setup shown on the hard copy would you expect the Elodea plant inside the test tube to produce the LEAST amount of oxygen?

Vascular tissue

Jason took a celery stalk, cut off both ends, and then placed the stalk in a jar of water. He added a few drops of food coloring. A few days later, he removed the celery stalk and cut it in half from top to bottom. He noticed that the food coloring had moved through the stem. Through which tissue did the food coloring move through the celery stalk?

an increase in the amount of salt increased the time needed to freeze the samples

Jerry conducted an experiment to determine whether salt added to a cup of water affects its freezing point. Water samples were prepared containing equal quantities of water at the same temperature. Each sample received a different amount of salt and was placed into a freezer. The length of time it took for each sample to freeze was recorded as shown on the hard copy of the test. Which conclusion correctly interprets the information from Jerry's table?

Cell membrane

Joy took the notes shown below while learning about cells.• Forms boundary between a cell and the outside environment• Controls the movement of materials into and out of the cell• Consists of double layer of phospholipids She forgot to write the name of the cell structure that her class was studying that day. What structure is described in her notes?

Future evidence may cause a theory to be modified or even rejected.

Like all theories, the cell theory is never accepted by scientists as an "absolute truth." Which statement best explains why?

Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, Electron Transport system

Living organisms obtain energy by breaking down organic molecules during cellular respiration. Which of the following is the correct sequence for cellular respiration?

Active transport

Look at the cross section of a cell membrane of a eukaryotic cell on the hard copy. H+ ions are being pumped from a low concentration to a high concentration. How do you describe this type of transport across the cell membrane?

facilitated diffusion

Look at the diagram of a cross-section of a cell membrane on the hard copy. The cell membrane controls movement of materials into and out of the cell. The following particles are moving from high concentration to low concentration and are using a carrier protein. How would you describe this type of movement across the membrane?

B and C

Look at the figure on the hard copy. Which letters indicate cells in which many chloroplasts would likely be found?

Photosynthesis occurs at the highest rate under the most intense light.

Mike has four aquatic plants of the same size and the same species. He submerges the plants in a separate beaker filled with 200 mL of water. She then sets each beaker under a different intensity of light. Mike observes that, of the four plants, the plant in the beaker under the most intense light gives off the most gas bubbles in a 20 minute period. Which of the following statements best explains Mike's observations?

Transport materials to the leaves

Most plants have either a taproot or fibrous root system. A taproot system includes a large central root with smaller branches. A fibrous root system includes a root system that is highly branched. What do both types of root systems provide for the plant?


Much of a plant's body is made of ground tissue. What function does the ground tissue in a stem provide?

active transport

Nerve cells depend on the sodium-potassium pump to send signals through the body. Which process uses energy to keep the sodium-potassium pump operating in nerve cells?


On the hard copy, what is the name of the flower part labeled B?


Organisms are classified as either prokaryotes or eukaryotes. Which of the following would you find in all prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells?

Each type of organelle has a specialized functions

Organisms are classified based on whether they are made up of prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells. Which statement is correct about the organelles found in eukaryotic cells?

Water will move from the cell into the beaker, resulting in a smaller cell.

Osmosis occurs when there is a different concentration of solute molecules on each side of the membrane. The drawing on the hard copy shows a beaker containing a 30% salt solution and a suspended cell containing a 10% salt solution. What statement best describes the cell after 20 minutes?

Scientists had to make many observations of various organisms before they could establish a theory.

Robert Hooke first used the term cell in 1665. However, nearly 200 years passed before scientists developed the cell theory. Why did it take so long between the first use of the term cell and the development of the cell theory?

Represent a large amount of scientific investigation and evidence

Scientific law and a scientific theory are similar in that both

3,4, and 6

Stacey made a list of things she saw in a cell she was observing under the microscope. Stacey wrote down the following description of what she observed.1. A large nucleus is visible in the center of the cell.2. The cell is surrounded by a cell membrane.3. The cell has the shape of a rectangle.4. What appears to be a large space can be seen inside the cell.5. The cell does not show any movement.6. Increasing the light source reveals green dots inside the cell.Which statements did Stacey use to conclude that she was looking at a plant cell?

Gases for photosynthesis are exchanged through the surface of the leaf

Terrestrial plants have stomata on the surface of their leaves. A single stoma is surrounded by two guard cells that change shape in response to environmental factors and open or close the stoma. Which of the following best explains how the structure of the leaf is used in processes that occur in the plant?

the study of life in outer space

The addition of astro- to biology changes its meaning to

not creation of life

The addition of the prefix a- to the word biogenesis changes the meaning to

increase to 2

The addition of the prefix bi- to any word means

a lover of books

The addition of the prefix biblio- to the root -phile (which means love) changes the meaning of the root to

Slows the growth of the fetus

The data table on the hard copy of the test shows an effect of secondhand smoke on the birth weight of babies born to husbands and wives living together during pregnancy. Effect of Secondhand Smoke on Birth Weight Based on these data, a reasonable conclusion that can be drawn about secondhand smoke during pregnancy is that secondhand smoke

Change the size of the stomate to regulate water loss

The diagram on the hard copy of the test represents specialized cells in the surface of the leaf of a green plant. The main function of these cells is to


The diagram on the hard copy represents a cell. Which organelle is the site where amino acids are synthesized into proteins?

The pistol, a female structure which collects pollen and passes it to the ovary

The diagram on the hard copy represents a flower, the reproductive structure of some plants. Most flowers have both male and female structures for fertilization and reproduction. Which structure is represented by the letter A in the diagram?


The diagram on the hard copy shows a cell in a salt solution. What process is necessary to transport the particles of salt from inside to outside the cell?

Passive transport

The diagram on the hard copy shows a cellular process that occurs across the cell membrane. Which cellular process is shown in this illustration?

It allows the intake of gases necessary for photosynthesis

The diagram on the hard copy shows a cross section of a plant leaf. How does the structure marked X contribute to the survival of the plant?

Light energy, water, and carbon dioxide

The diagram on the hard copy shows a plant undergoing photosynthesis. What reactants are used during photosynthesis?

The products of cellular respiration are the reactant of photosynthesis

The diagram on the hard copy shows the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Which of the following statements best describes the relationship?

Exposing a greater surface area to capture from sunlight

The flat structure of a leaf blade enables its function as a photosynthetic organ by

they transmit genetic information

What is one of the functions of nucleic acids?

Monocular light microscope

The illustration on the hard copy of the test shows the preparation of a specimen. What is the type of microscope that is used NEARLY ALWAYS to observe this type of specimen?

It diffuses through the lipid layers of the cell membrane.

The illustration on the hard copy shows a cellular process that occurs across the cell membrane. Notice what happens to the substance labeled ligand. How does this ligand pass through the structure shown in this illustration?

Vascular Tissue

The illustration on the hard copy shows a plant leaf.Which structure or part enables the leaf to transport water and sugar as shown in this illustration?

Most leaves are broad and flat to absorb maximum sunlight

The leaves of a plant are the main organs where photosynthesis occurs. Which of the following best describes how their structure is related to this function?


The loss of water by a plant is called transpiration. If a plant loses too much water through transpiration, it will wilt. Through which structure can a plant lose too much water?

They are single-celled organisms that lack internal membrane-bound compartments.

The oldest fossils are those of tiny bacteria, which are classified as prokaryotes. Why are these organisms classified as prokaryotes?


The process in which an organisms produces offspring is

the results of the experiment are valid

The purpose of peer review in science is to ensure that


To be useful in science, a hypothesis must be

other scientists

To ensure that a scientific work is free of bias and meets standards set by the scientific community, a research group's work is peer reviewed by

a cell theory has been tested, refined, and observed to be true over hundreds of years

To help patients replenish bodily fluids quickly during anillness, doctors need to understand how cells behave in their environment. Doctors have confidence in what they know about how cells behave because

Only Species Y is Anaerobic

Two different species of bacteria are examined. Scientists find that species X always produces CO2 and H2O during cellular respiration. Species Y always produces ethyl alcohol and CO2. Which conclusion can be made from these observations?

carbon dioxide was removed by photosynthesis

Two test tubes were filled with a solution of bromothymol blue. A student exhaled through a straw into each tube, and the bromothymol blue turned yellow. An aquatic green plant was placed into each tube, and the tubes were corked. One tube was placed in the dark, and one was placed in direct sunlight. The yellow solution in the tube in sunlight turned blue, while the one in the dark remained yellow. Which statement best explains why the solution in the tube placed in sunlight returned to a blue color?

Xylem and Phloem

Vascular tissue carries out a physiological function in plants. The vascular tissues of a plant are arranged in a structure called a vascular bundle. Which two tissues make up a vascular bundle in a plant?

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