Biology Test 3 (chapters 13-17)

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About ____ percent of an individuals`s genes are the same as in the general population. A. 19 B. 29 C. 59 D. 79 E. 99


During a study of two closely related animals, it did not appear as though they were reproductively isolated until the possibility that their different niches could result in ____ isolation was noted. A. ecological B. gametic C. temporal D. behavioral E. mechanical


The Hardy-Weinberg formula useful in determining the extent to which a sexually reproducing population is evolving. B. is used to predict when genetic drift will occur in a sexually reproducing population. C. is useful in determining the extent to which polyploidy is occurring in specific plant populations. D. is used to predict when specific groups of organisms will become extinct. E. are all of these.


The Ti plasmid from which plant pathogen is used to transfer plant genes between species? A. Agrobacterium tumefaciens B. Escherechia coli C. Haemophilus influenzae D. Salmonella typhimurium E. Streptococcus faecalis

A. Agrobacterium tumefaciens

Which of the following was not one of Darwin`s observations? A. most individuals have an equal chance to survive and reproduce B. changes in organism were gradual and took place over long periods of time C. members of the same species may show considerable variation D. some characteristics are heritable and are passed on to offspring E. some characteristics afford the organism with improved chances of survival

A. most individuals have an equal chance to survive and reproduce

Which of the following evolve? A. populations B. genera C. kingdoms D. phyla E. individuals

A. populations

A method called _____ uses diagrams to group species based on their shared characteristics. A. taxonomy B. cladistics C. phylogeny D. comparative morphology E. exaptation


Allopatric speciation requires A. gradual evolutionary changes. B. geographic isolation. C. polyploidy. D. adaptive radiation. E. rapid evolutionary change. Score:


Although there are as many starlings in North America as there are in Europe, genetic variability in the North American population is reduced relative to that in Europe because A. there are more environments in Europe. B. the North American population is derived from a small founder population. C. there is more gene flow in Europe. D. there is less mutation in North America. E. starlings are not native to Europe.


Complete reproductive isolation is evidence that what has occurred? A. extinction B. speciation C. polyploidy D. hybridization E. gene flow


Parapatric speciation would be expected to occur most often A. in the same homeland. B. near a common border between two populations C. within a group of interbreeding populations. D. across obvious geographical barriers. E. by divergence from a common interbreeding population


The influence of genetic drift on allele frequencies increases as A. gene flow increases. B. population size decreases. C. mutation rate decreases. D. the number of heterozygous loci increases. E. all of these occur.


The variety of Hawaiian honeycreeper species is a result of A. preadaptation. B. adaptive radiation. C. coevolution. D. convergent evolution. E. none of these


Which of the following is NOT an example of an isolating mechanism? A. species-specific courtship rituals B. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium C. incompatible reproductive structures D. geographic barriers E. hybrid sterility


Which of the following statements is false? NIH safety guidelines. A. included precautions for laboratory procedures B. have so far prevented accidental release of all GMOs C. covered the design and use of host organisms that could survive only in labs D. stopped researchers from using DNA from pathogenic organisms for recombinant DNA experiments until proper containment facilities were developed E. are sometimes difficult to enforce

B. have so far prevented accidental release of all GMOs

Which of the following terms best describes the concept that molten rock emanates from the edge of a plate on the Earth`s crust, pushing rock on the other side into a trench? A. the theory of uniformity B. plate tectonics C. hot spots D. fault line rupture E. biogeography

B. plate tectonics

A group that comprises an ancestor and all of its descendants is called A. a cladogram. B. a clade. C. monophyletic. D. a sister group. E. polyphyletic


A species is composed of A. related organisms. B. a group of reproductive females. C. populations that have the potential to interbreed and produce fertile offspring. D. organisms located in the same habitat. E. all males and females in the same geographical range with the same ecological requirements


Disruptive selection favors A. the intermediate forms. B. an average human birthweight of seven pounds. C. the extremes of a range of variation. D. a greater number of individuals in the center of the bell-shaped curve. E. a shift toward higher and higher academic grades.


Stabilizing selection means that A. the environment controls which organisms will survive. B. humans determine which organisms will survive. C. the extremes of the population have a lesser chance to survive. D. the extremes of the population have a better chance to survive. E. the organisms on one extreme of the population have a better chance to survive than those on the other extreme


The 30-cm floral tube of Angraecum and the 35-cm proboscis of its hawkmoth pollinator are the result of A. preadaptation. B. adaptive radiation. C. coevolution. D. convergent evolution. E. none of these


The sharp reduction of the gene pool and the numbers of a population through a severe epidemic is an example of A. artificial selection. B. genetic isolation. C. the bottleneck effect. D. the founder effect. E. all of these.


The term "reproductive isolation mechanism" refers to A. specific areas where males compete or display for females. B. the process by which sexual selection evolves within a population. C. a blockage of gene flow between populations. D. the inability of a species to continue reproduction. E. all of these.


Which are sources of new alleles within a population? A. genetic recombination B. meiosis C. mutation D. genetic drift E. mitosis


Which is NOT necessary for sympatric speciation? A. organisms living together in same location B. "same homeland" C. geographical barriers D. existing interbreeding population E. reproductively mature individuals


Which of the following enzymes join the paired sticky ends of DNA fragments? A. reverse transcriptase B. restriction enyzmes C. DNA ligase D. DNA polymerase E. transferase

C. DNA ligase

Mass extinctions are usually followed by A. periods of recovery. B. adaptive radiations. C. smaller extinctions. D. periods of recovery and adaptive radiations. E. periods of recovery, adaptive radiations, and smaller extinctions


Sympatric speciation through polyploidy has been a frequent phenomenon in the evolution of A. insects. B. mammals. C. bacteria. D. plants. E. fish.


The 13-year and 17-year cicadas are isolated by A. space. B. behavior. C. incompatibility of reproductive body parts. D. time. E. gamete incompatibility.


The introduction of a small population onto an island that results in a limited gene pool for a population best describes A. the Hardy-Weinberg law. B. genetic drift. C. the bottleneck effect. D. the founder effect. E. the effect of genetic isolation.


The primary reason for hybrid sterility is A. the inability of the hybrid to attract a mate. B. the difficulty in finding a suitable habitat in which to survive. C. that the hybrids are usually weak and have difficulty surviving to reproductive maturity. D. that hybrids cannot produce viable gametes. E. the inability of the hybrid to develop an appropriate courtship pattern.


The polymerase used in PCR was isolated from A. Escherichia B. Haemophilus influenzae C. homo sapiens D. Thermus aquaticus E. Streptococcus pneumoniae

D. Thermus aquaticus

E. coli that contains the genes for human insulin is A. geneticall engineered B. transgenic C. a GMO D. all of these E. none of these

D. all of these

What is the purpose of the modified bases in DNA sequencing? A. DNA replication terminates when a modified base is added B. they are easily recognized by the computer C. They are added to the DNA chain just like the normal bases D. all of these E. none of these

D. all of these

Which of the following would be considered aneuploid? A. 2N+1 B. 2N-1 C. 3N D. both 2N+1 and 2N-1 E. 2N+1, 2N-1, and 3N

D. both 2N+1 and 2N-1

In 1972, Paul Berg and his colleagues were the first to make A. cDNA B. DNA polymerase C. intron DNA D. recombinant organisms E. RNA/DNA hybrids

D. recombinant organisms

Directional selection means that A. the environment controls which organisms will survive. B. humans determine which organisms will survive. C. the extremes of the population have a lesser chance to survive. D. the extremes of the population have a better chance to survive. E. the organisms on one extreme of the population have a better chance to survive than those on the other extreme.


In many bird species, males are flashier than females. This occurs because A. males compete for the attention of females. B. males who survive despite being conspicuous are probably vigorous. C. females choose flashy males. D. of sexual selection. E. all of these.


The fact that the courtship song of hybrid offspring is not recognized by either of the parents is an example of A. speciation. B. balanced polymorphism. C. geographic isolation. D. post-zygotic isolation. E. behavioral isolation.


Which of the following could be called adaptations? A. tomatoes in salty areas that store salt in their leaves B. spines and thick cuticles on cactus C. white fur in polar bears D. all of these E. none of these


Which of the following indicates homozygous genotypes? A. aa B. Aa C. AA D. AA and Aa E. AA and aa

E. AA and aa

Bacteria have been engineered to A. produce chymotrypsin B. make human insulin C. produce enzymes that increase shelf life of bread D. produces enzymes that improve the taste and clarity of beer E. all of these

E. all of these

The rodenticide Warfarin kills rats by A. blocking an enzyme. B. causing internal bleeding. C. disrupting blood clotting. D. preventing the recycling of vitamin K. E. all of these

E. all of these

Hemophilia A. is rare in the human population B. is more common in men C. was common in English royalty D. is an X-linked recessive trait E. all the above

E. all the above

In incomplete dominance A. one allele is not dominant to another allele B. the genotype can be determined by the phenotype C. the heterozygous is somewhat intermediate to the two homozygotes D. the intermediate phenotype may be the result of an enzyme insufficiency E. all the above

E. all the above

plasmids A. are self-reproducting B. are sites for inserting genes for amplification C. may be transferred D. may confer the ability to donate E. all the above

E. all the above

Hybrid organims produced from a cross between two pure-breeding organisms belong to which generation? A. P1 B. H1 C. A1 D.F1 E.F2


What gene controls the expression of the D1x (appendage) gene in vertebrates? A. Alu B. Apetala C. Conx D. HOX E. petala


Alleles associated with Tay-Sach`s disease have mutations that cause a malfunction of what? A. altered form of lamin. B. alteration of a protein needed for brain cell development. C. form of dwarfism. D. absence of pigmentation. E. malfunction of a lysosomal enzyme.

Malfunction of a lysosomal enzyme

Children born to light-skinned women exposed to high levels of sunlight have a heightened risk of birth defects because UV radiation does what? A. UV radiation damages DNA. B. too much vitamin D is toxic. C. UV radiation breaks down folate. D. all of these. E. none of these.

UV radiation breaks down folate

Color blindness is a case of _____ inheritance A. autosomal dominant B. autosomal recessive C. X-linked dominant D. X-linked recessive

X-linked recessive

A yellow Labrador retriever of the genotype AA ee was crossed with a brown retriever of the genotype aa EE. What would their F1 offspring look like? A. all yellow B. all brown C. all black D. 1/2 yellow, 1/2 brown E. 1/2 yellow, 1/2 black

all black because the black trait is dominant

Alternative forms of a gene at a given locus are called ____ A. chiasmata B. alleles C. autosomes D. loci E. chromatids


A testcross involves____ A. two F1 hybrids. B. an F1 hybrid and a heterozygous organism. C. two parental organisms. D. an F1 hybrid and the homozygous dominant parent. E. an F1 hybrid and an organism that is homozygous recessive for that trait.

an F1 hybrid and an organism that is homozygous recessive for the trait

Most scientists believe that the dinosuars went extince due to what? A. runaway global warming. B. competition from early mammals. C. an asteroid impact. D. an ice age. E. unknown causes.

an asteroid impact

The wings of a bird and the wings of a butterfly are ___ and show morphological _____. A. homologous; convergence B. analogous; convergence C. homologous; divergence D. analogous; divergence E. none of these

analogous; convergence

Restriction enzymes are used along with what to produce a DNA library? A. often produce staggered cuts in DNA that are useful in splicing genes. B. are like most enzymes in being very specific in their action. C. are natural defense mechanisms evolved in bacteria to guard against or counteract bacteriophages. D. are used along with ligase and plasmids to produce a DNA library. E. are all of these.

are used along with ligase and plasmids to produce a DNA library.

The study of the patterns in the distribution of plants and animals around the world is what? A. diversity. B. biogeography. C. ecology. D. archaeology. E. environmentalism.


Nondisjunction may occur during ____ A. mitosis B. meiosis C. fertilization D. both mitosis and meiosis

both meiosis and mitosis

Because it has no introns, researchers prefer to use ___ when working with human genes. A. cDNA B. cloned DNA C. hybridized DNA D. RFLPs E. viral DNA


Georges Cuvier was a strong proponent of what theory? A. uniformity. B. relativity. C. catastrophism. D. natural selection. E. acquired characteristics


The study of body plans and structures among groups of organisms is called what? A. homologous structures. B. analogous structures. C. comparative morphology. D. morphological convergence. E. morphological divergence.

comparative morphology

Probes for cloned genes use what? A. complementary nucleotide sequences labeled with radioactive isotopes. B. certain media with specific antibodies. C. specific enzymes. D. certain bacteria sensitive to the genes. E. all of these.

complementary nucleotide sequences labeled with radioactive isotopes

A chromosome`s gene sequence that was ABCDEFG before modification and ABCDCDEFG afterward is an example of what? A. inversion. B. deletion. C. duplication. D. translocation. E. crossing over.


The study of early life stages has revealed the conservative nature of the genes responsible for waht ? A. food procurement. B. reproductive behavior. C. embryonic development. D. size. E. intelligence.

embryonic development

Polydactyly is characterized by having extra what?

fingers and toes

The laboratory technique used to separate the DNA fragments produced by automated DNA sequencing is A. the polymerase chain reaction. B. gel electrophoresis. C. ultracentrifugation. D. electron microscopy. E. fluorescence microscopy.

gel electrophoresis

A chromosome that has been broken and rejoined in a reversal sequence has undergone what? A. inversion. B. deletion. C. duplication. D. translocation. E. crossing over.


Human chromosomes differ from chimpanzee chromosomes mainly by what? A. inversions. B. deletions. C. duplications. D. translocations. E. crossing over


In the SCID-X1 gene therapy trials, what problem later surfaced in three of the patients? A. a return of SCID-X1 B. leukemia C. severe allergic reactions D. rheumatic fever E. none of these


cDNA is copied from what? A. DNA. B. mRNA. C. rRNA. D. tRNA. E. protein.


Pedigree analysis is necessary when studying human inheritance patterns because _____ A. humans have more than 20,000 genes B. of ethical problems with experimenting on humans C. inheritance in humans is more complicated than in other organisms D. genetic disorders occur in humans E. all of these

of ethical problems with experimenting on humans

A gene that produces multiple effects is called a(n)____ A. multiple allele. B. autosome. C. epistatic gene. D. pleiotropic gene. E. incompletely dominant gene.

pleiotrophic gene

RNA can manufacture DNA via the action of A. DNA polymerase. B. RNA polymerase. C. reverse transcriptase. D. ligase. E. restriction endonuclease.

reverse transcriptase

The convergence in external morphology of sharks, penguins, and porposes is attributed to what?A. reduced genetic variability in these groups. B. selection pressures that are common to these groups. C. reproductive isolation of these groups. D. identical genes in all three groups. E. all of these.

selection pressures that are commmon to these groups

Darwin was influenced by what concept attributable to Charles Lyell? A. The geological history of Earth is a series of catastrophes. B. Acquired characteristics can be inherited. C. Natural selection operates on the tremendous variation found in nature. D. All life forms a part of a great Chain of Being. E. The geologic forces in Earth's history show predictable uniformity.

the geologic forces in Earth`s history show predictable uniformity

For the polymerase chain reaction to occur, isolated DNA molecules must be _____ and the DNA must be ____ into single stands. A. isolated DNA molecules must be primed. B. all DNA fragments must be identical. C. the DNA must be separated into single strands. D. a sticky end must be available for the ligase enzyme to function. E. isolated DNA molecules must be primed, and the DNA must be separated into single strands.

they must be PRIMED and DNA must be SEPARATED

The condition occuring when an organism has a 2n+1 chromosome composition is known as what? A. monosomy. B. trisomy. C. diploid. D. haploid. E. both trisomy and haploid.


According to Darwin, natural selection is based on the ___ found in A. acquired characters B. variations C. weakest members D. noncompetitors E. similarities populations.


A collectin of cells containing DNA fragments produced by restriction enzymes and incorporated into plasmids is called ____. A. copied DNA. B. transcribed DNA. C. DNA amplification. D. a DNA library. E. plasmid DNA.

a DNA library

In a pedigree chart, a female who does not demonstrate the trait being studied is represented by what symbol? A. darkened square. B. clear diamond. C. clear circle. D. darkened triangle. E. darkened oval.

a clear circle

In a pedigree chart, a male showing the specific trait being studied is indicated by what symbol? A. darkened square. B. clear square. C. darkened diamond. D. clear triangle. E. darkened circle.

a darkened square

An X-linked carrier is what? A. homozygous dominant female. B. heterozygous female. C. homozygous recessive female. D. homozygous male. E. heterozygous male.

a heterozygous femaole

Fossils found in the lowest geological strata are generally the most A. advanced B. complex C. primitive D. widespread E. specialized

C. primitive

DNA fingerprinting is based on the slight differences that occur in ____ in the human genome. A. sex chromosomes B. base pairing C. short tandem repeats D. blood and semen DNA E. DNA/RNA pairing

C. short tandem repeats

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