Biomedical Technology 1 Final Review

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What is the time frame in which the human body will begin to display signs of rigor mortis?

2 to 6 hours

The first reports of successful mammal cloning date to the:

20th century

How many pairs of chromosomes does a human have?


What percentage of animals used in biomedical research are rodents?


A xenograft is used in a heart transplant. Where did this tissue come from?

A different species

The chromosome pairing XX in a human represents:

A female

What is a tumor?

A mass cancer cells


A part of the cell containing DNA and RNA and responsible for growth and reproduction

What is karyotyping?

A technique for looking at an organism's set of chromosomes

When scientists are able to use an organ from another species for transplantation, this is known as:

A xenograft

What accreditation is considered to be the research community equivalent of the "Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval?"



ATP synthesis; a cell's "powerhouse"

The body's process of becoming resistant to a particular disease after acquiring the disease from a vaccination is termed:

Acquired immunity

Somatic stem cells are undifferentiated cells that are also called:

Adult stem cells

Which stem cells are most often used to avoid rejection by the patient's immune system?

Adult stem cells

Which of the following factors will MOST LIKELY increase a person's chance of developing cancer?


What is the mode of transmission for chicken pox, measles, and influenza?


The Animal Welfare Act (AWA) was originally written to protect the use of:

All animals except birds, rats and mice

Any number of viable DNA codings of the same gene, occupying a given position on a chromosome, are known as a/an:


The law or act that requires the humane and responsible treatment of animals that are used in biomedical research is the:

Animal Welfare Act

What public health measure to prevent infectious disease can decrease the occurrence of rabies?

Animal control programs

Which serve as the best surrogates to use for research because of their close similarities to human structures and functions?


A bacterial infection can be treated using what medical intervention?

Antibiotic medication

Tuberculosis is considered re-emerging because this infection has shown resistance to:

Antibiotic medication

Acyclovir, used commonly to treat shingles, herpes simplex, and chicken pox, is grouped into which drug category?

Antiviral medications

Julio is a researcher and has been assigned to collect statistical data on the Zika virus. What level of research is he working on if his findings will be used to develop a vaccine or new treatment?


Scientists who want to find new strategies for treating cancer should study/perform what type of research?


The use of mice in biommedical research most frequently occurs at which level?


Which type of research is directed towards specific objectives and is conducted using animals and other non animal models such as computers and tissue cultures?

Applied research

Which type of research method may be conducted on either animals, humans, computer models, or tissue cultures?

Applied research

What approval process do biomedical researchers seek when they create a transgenic animal?

Apply for a patent from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

What medical device made the external cardiac pump obsolete?

Artificial heart

Which microorganism has someone who develops Legionnaire's disaesas been exposed to?


The BEST example of a government regulation that would minimize exposure to carcinogens would be:

Banning cigarette smoking in public places

Which level of biomedical research is considered a foundation or "building block" level?


The World Health Organization has identified measles and polio as the targeted diseases for global eradication. These diseases could one day:

Be completely eliminated

Dena's mother had skin cancer. What is the best news she could receive about the type of cancer?


Bacteria use which process to reproduce quickly?

Binary fission

Particles in sunscreen may accumulate in a water source. This is known as:


Healthcare workers and the general public are protected from the spread of infectious disease by treating specimens as:

Biological hazards

What area of science studies biological life processes and the causes for disease?

Biomedical research

The lab technician first visually inspects the sample, then performs a series of chemical tests. If abnormalities are noted, the technician then utilizes a microscope to look for cells, microorganisms, and crystals. What body fluid is the technician testing?


The police found what they believe is a child's body. How can the body's approximate age at time of death be determined?

By the ossification of bones and eruption of adult teeth

When a physician looks at cells under a microscope, how can she tell if the cells are cancer cells?

By the shape and appearance changes

What is the relationship between exposure to carcinogens and the development of cancer?

Cancer can develop decades after exposure to carcinogens

Which animal group is used least often in laboratory research?

Cats and dogs

Dr. Jones is trying to determine the most effective antibiotic to treat a pathogenic bacterial infection. She should order what diagnostic test?

Cell culture

Cancer results from the breakdown of what normal body process?

Cell division and growth

The toxicologist needs to separate blood into plasma and cellular components. Which instrument is needed to accomplish this goal?


Which medical development used to treat children battling leukemia was make possible by animal research?


Which illness currently has an attenuated vaccination available?

Chicken pox

What substance is known to damage the genes that regulate the growth of normal cells and tissues?

Cigarette smoke

Nano biotechnology research must be conducted in which type of space designed specifically to keep out all airborne particles?

Clean room

Scientists who want to understand normal cell cycle should study/perform what type of research?


A neurologist is conducting a clinical trial for a new Alzheimer's disease drug. One of the clinical trial participants dies. The neurologist would like to conduct a specialized exam to investigate the effectiveness of this new drug. This type of exam is known as a:

Clinical autopsy

Which type of research involves human subjects and is conducted after other forms of research have already taken place?

Clinical research

A major disadvantage of epidemiological studies is that:

Considerable human exposure can take place before a toxic effect is detectable


Consists of DNA and RNA and produces ribosomal RNA

Which group is often given a placebo or inactive substance when a new medication is tested in biomedical research?


An experimental medication is being tested on research mice. To obtain the most accurate results, the test should include an experimental group and a/an:

Control group

Descriptive epidemiological studies identify:


Which group of symptoms is most common for tuberculosis patients?

Cough (sometimes blood-tinged), weight loss, night sweats, and fever

When researchers apply for a patent from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, for what porcess are they seeking approval?

Creating a transgenic animal

What causes cancer cells to divide more rapidly than they normally should?

Damaged genes

The Latin term mortis refers to:


Replace, reduce, and refine are alternative scientific methods researchers use to:

Design experiments that do not use animals

The BEST way for individuals to decrease their risk of developing cancer is to:

Develop healthy behavior habits

The Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments passed in 1988:

Developed technical standards and laboratory practice guidelines.

Home medical test kits such as diabetes, pregnancy, and HIV are examples of rapid:

Diagnostic tests

In regenerative medicine, once the bio material matrix is developed, the scaffolds must be able to:


The FBI has described the tactics of the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) as:

Domestic terrorism

What stage of cancer development involves abnormal cells that are not considered cancer?


What agency regulates substances in the environment that could be hazardous to humans?


More than 60% of the world's new cancer cases occur in Africa, Asia and central and South America; 70% of the world's cancer deaths also occur in these regions because?

Early detection and prevention methods are harder to accomplish in this part of the world

Molly was diagnosed with trichinosis. How did Molly most likely acquire this disease?

Eating under-cooked meat

Pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) are reprogrammed adult cells produced in a lab to take on characteristics of which type of stem cell?

Embryonic stem cells

The larvae of an insect is found on a victim's body surface during the external examination. What specialist would be asked to examine the larvae and provide additional information to calculate time of death?


Which study, performed earlier this century, established that the fourteenth-century Black Plague was spread from rats to humans via fleas?


Which term best describes the study of disease incidence and its distribution in a population?


A team of researchers is dispatched to South America to study the occurrence of the Zika virus within that region's population. What is this an example of?

Epidemiology studies

Which type of epidemiological study is greatly limited by ethical and legal considerations?


Which type of study is the human equivalent of animal testing and is administered by providing or withholding a substance to determine its toxic or beneficial effects?

Experimental epidemiology

Epidemiology studies may be divided up into three general types:

Experimental, descriptive, and observational

The SOP of a forensic autopsy is to begin by examining the:

Exterior of the body

Sam buys a home cholesterol test from the drug store. This device is regulated by what branch of government?


The agency that requires all prescription and over-the-counter drugs to be tested on animals before being tested on humans is the:


Cancer represents death to all life.


Which is most likely a reason for a decline in vaccination rates within the United States over the past ten years?

Fear that vaccine causes autism

Which level of law mandates sewage treatment?


Which are symptoms of the West Nile virus?

Fever, headache, body aches, and continued fatigue weeks to months after exposure

What is the best method for assuring accurate diagnostic test results?

Follow the test's standard operating procedure

Milk pasteurization is an example of:

Food safety programs

Dean has been called to work because a body or part of a body has been found in an advanced state of decay. When he arrives on scene, Dean will offer assistance in identifying bodily remains. Dean is a:

Forensic anthropologist

Skeletal remains are found in a forest. What specialist will be called upon to help identify the victim?

Forensic anthropologist

Which individual may be called upon to test body fluids or tissue samples when a poison or drug overdose is suspected?

Forensic toxicologist


Function in cell reproduction

In normal cell growth, what regulates the cell growth cycle?


Cancer results from what type of damage to cells over time?


People can find out whether they have inherited genes that affect their risk for many diseases and other conditions. Because genes are such an important factor in health, the United States enacted the:

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act

When a scientist charts the position of known genes and other markers relative to each other, this process is called:

Genetic mapping

A corpse was discovered in a prone position. The facial muscles and upper extremities were contracted, but not the lower body muscles. The abdominal region was markedly discolored. Approximately how long has this person been dead?

Greater than 2 hours, but less than 12 hours

The toxicologist wants to examine a body sample for heavy metal accumulation and drug ingestion. What would be the least invasive sample to provide?


Which source would be the most appropriate sample to use in DNA fingerprinting?

Hair root

In order for scientific findings to be valid and useful, research animals must be:

Healthy and protected from undue stress

Dogs were used to come up with revolutionized treatments such as pacemakers and open heart surgery to treat people suffering with:

Heart disease

Maria went swimming in a freshwater lake where snail larvae infected with Schistosoma are common. Maria later experiences a rash accompanied with diarrhea and abdominal pain. What is most likely causing these symptoms?


Bonnie is a fair-skinned, 26 year old woman. She recently traveled to the Congo to do mission work, and now working as a receptionist for an Oncologist. What puts her at greatest risk for developing skin cancer?

Her fair complexion

Requiring vaccinations to attend school helps create which type of preventative action for immunity?


Cancer patients rely on the public to have what type of immunity to protect them from disease?

Herd immunity

What is relationship between heredity and the development of cancer?

Heredity contributes to development of cancer

A patient is suffering from chronic allergy symptoms and requires constant monitoring. Which type of diagnostic test would best meet this need?

Home medical test

What stage of cancer development involves an increase of the number of cells that leads to enlargement of tissue or organ involved?


The Animal Welfare Act (AWA) states that the use of animals must be reviewed and approved by which organization?


Which agency approves the use of animals in research?


The patient is given a bracelet with a bar code at the check-in desk. The laboratory technician asks the patient her name and birthday. A sticker with the same printed bar code as on the patient's bracelet is then placed on the patient's specimen. These steps are taken in order to:

Improve patient safety

Valid and useful scientific findings are obtainable only when research animals are:

In a normal, healthy state

Scientists are currently conducting studies in vitro. Where are these studies most likely taking place?

In a petri dish or test tube

Stan is working with a type of research study with some limitations. This study cannot respond to other functions within a living organism or whole body systems. This type of research can be identified as:

In vitro

Four o'clock paint plants may have red, white, or pink flowers. This is an example of:

Incomplete dominance

Cancer research provides understanding of the causes of cancer that could lead to public policy. Opponents to such public policy are concerned about protecting:

Individual freedom and autonomy (decision-making)

Globally, what is the leading cause of death?

Infectious disease

What is the leading cause of death in underdeveloped countries?

Infectious diseases

Chemical properties refer to how the material will:

Interact with other materials

A malignant cancer is in what stage of tumor development?


There is a significant limitation when using hair samples for forensic analysis because:

It is difficult to differentiate specific drugs ingested by the subject when using hair samples

Jenna has been diagnosed with cancer and wants to know what caused it. What statement would best answer her question?

It is something that develops over time and could result from different causes

Clean rooms are special facilities that are designed to:

Keep airborne particles out

Coal tar and radium are both examples of:

Known carcinogens

When analyzing the term antibiotic, the literal definition refers to the destroyer of:


Scientists will have the opportunity to analyze their research over longer periods of time if animals have a longer:

Life span

Blood pooling in various tissues can help investigators determine the position of the body at time of death. This is helpful because:

Livor mortis causes blood to settle in the lowest parts of the body, which results in the discoloration of tissues.

Which disease has occurred throughout human history, but has only recently been recognized as a distinct disease due to the infection's potential to spread to the heart, joints, and nervous system?

Lyme disease

When a researcher anticipates that an animal may experience pain during a procedure, the researcher:

Makes every effort to ensure the animal does not feel discomfort

A body has been found in a local North Carolina park. Who is required to view the body, determine the cause of death, and order an autopsy if necessary?

Medical examiner

Which animal, most often used in medical research, has a short lifespan, breeds easily, and is biologically similar to humans?


Which is the main goal for animal research guidelines?

Minimize pain and distress of animals

If children were to wear protective headwear and clothing when outside during peak hours of UV exposure, what would be the result?

Most skin cancers would be prevented

Natural defense mechanism within the body include tears, saliva, and:

Mucous and nasal membrane secretions

The development of cancer MOST LIKELY occurs due to:

Multiple exposure over time

What is the first stage of humor development?


What stage of cancer development involves cells to start multiplying and dividing more rapidly than it normally would?


Examining properties that can be described as one-billionth are:


Cancer cells differ from normal cells by all or the following except?

Needing nutrients to live

During biomedical research using animals, a control group was given a placebo. This group will most likely have what type of response?

No response

What research method is the best known surrogate for humans in the laboratory?

Nonhuman animals

Animal research is only valid if the animals are:

Not stressed out and are healthy

Which agency regulates safety in the workplace?


What group is most likely to develop cancer?

Old men

Nano is a prefix that means:


Amelia was diagnosed with pneumonia and later developed a vaginal yeast infection. The yeast infection would be considered a/an:

Opportunistic infection

Marcus has HIV and was recently diagnosed with Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. Which terms best describes this new diagnosis?

Opportunistic infection

Which animal rights group stages controversial public demonstrations with activists dressed in attention-getting suits?


The medical examiner who is in charge of death investigations is usually qualified as a:


Jacob uses his training in physical anthropology to determine the age, gender, height, and medical history of a skeleton. Gender can be determined by the width of the:


The study of how a person's genes determine individual response to a medication is known as:


The study of gene responses to a particular medication is known as:


Which phase of clinical research is used to determine a drug's interaction with the human system, involves a small number of healthy volunteers, and usually takes around one year to finish?

Phase I

During which phase of clinical trials is the safety and effectiveness of a medication tested on the greatest number and variety of participants?

Phase III

What stage of clinical trials involves extensive testing, using around 1,000-3,000 subjects, with the overall purpose of determining a drug's efficacy and adverse reactions?

Phase III

Incomplete dominance can be described by:

Plants possibly having several different colors

In the '50s, rabbits, monkeys and rats were used to come up with a vaccine to prevent what crippling disease that caused many to have paralysis?


The FDA requires laboratory animal testing be conducted for which products before being tested on humans?

Prescription and over-the-counter drugs

A farmer reports that a cow on his farm began acting strangely and died a short time later. A brain tissue sample showed holes throughout the tissue. Which infectious agent is most likely responsible?


One benefit of creating a genetically modified mammal is to:

Produce animal models for research

Susan was bitten by an Anopheles mosquito and tested positive for malaria. What type of pathogen has caused this infection?


The Animal Welfare Act (AWA) applies to all:

Public and private research facilities

In the early 1900s dogs and rabbits were used to develop a treatment for what deadly disease that caused convulsions and death, afflicts wild, and domestic animals, and can be transmitted to humans?


Which statement is true about rabies?

Rabies occurs through direct contact, is typically spread from animals to humans, and is controlled through dog licensure.

At a small rural clinic where extensive laboratory testing is unavailable, a patient reports symptoms of a sore throat, difficulty swallowing, and fever. Which method would be best for the doctor to obtain a quick diagnosis based on the symptoms?

Rapid strep test

Animals that were not included in the original Animal Welfare Act include:

Rats, mice, and birds

What tool would a doctor use to evaluate a urinalysis test report to determine whether or not a patient's results are normal?

Reference range

Chemical, mechanical, and computer simulations are effective research methods but cannot:

Replace laboratory testing on animals

The American Association for Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC) is an organization that:

Requires accreditation of animal research facilities

Humans are the only organism affected by the measles virus. What role in the chain of infection do humans play in this cycle?


The AWA requires all research facilities to establish an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). This committee is responsible for:

Reviewing and approving procedures involving animals

The first step to building a new organ using regenerative medicine is to build a:


The two types of microscopes used for manipulating material on the nano scale are:

Scanning probe and helium ion

In order to reduce false positive results, what may a doctor want to know before selecting a diagnostic test?


Plasma Membrane

Serves as the boundary of the cell; protein and carbohydrate molecule on outer surface

Which of the following would MOST LIKELY lead to the development of cancer decades later?

Severe sunburns in children

What animal was successfully cloned in a research facility in Scotland in 1996 from an adult stem cell?


Which best describes a body that is found in an advanced state of decay?


The last documented case of this illness was recorded in 1977; therefore, children within the United States are no longer routinely vaccinated for which condition?


What disease was eradicated in the United States due to animal research, and children are no longer required to have its vaccine to enter public school?


Which is the most common reservoir for the Clostridium tetani pathogen?


When creating a cloned mammal, what structure contains the genetic information the scientist intends to clone?

Somatic cell

Reproductive cloning is also called:

Somatic cell nuclear transfer

Adult stem cells are undifferentiated cells that are also known as:

Somatic stem cells

Human intolerance and discrimination of animals is known as:


Regenerative medicine relies heavily on the use of:

Stem cells

The Latin word rigor means:


An example of reduction in animal research is:

Substituting 1 rabbit for 100 mice

An example of reduction in animal research is which test:

Substituting in vitro tests

The inflammatory response is a nonspecific defense mechanism which involves which signs and symptoms?

Swelling, redness, elevated body temperature, and pain


Synthesize proteins; a cell's "protein factories"

Golgi Apparatus

Synthesizes carbohydrate, combines it with protein, and packages the product as globules of glycoprotein

The main difference between animal rights and animal welfare is that people who support animal right believe:

That humans should not interfere with the lives of animals

Which indicator would make research using animals valid?

The animals are not placed in a stressful environment

What is actually happening in a person's lungs when the person develops cancer?

The cancer cells multiply rapidly, taking up space and nutrients from the normal cells


The cellular substance outside the nucleus in which the cell's organelles are suspended

Parker is diagnosed with skin cancer. His physician explains that the survival rate for this type of cancer is 99%. What does this mean?

The chance of a cure is excellent

Some infections are not virulent. What is meant by this statement?

The disease is not likely to spread and cause multiple people to get sick

The internal surgical exam analyzes the contents of the victim's stomach and intestines. What is most helpful about this information?

The information helps to determine time of death

Every effort is made to ensure the animals are pain free during the research process unless:

The pain medicine will interfere with the results

Once pathogens have entered the host, adhered to host cells, and invaded host tissues, what also occurs within the body prior to a disease being diagnosed??

The pathogen inflicts damage on those tissues


The replication of a cell to form two daughter cells with identical sets of chromosomes (identical DNA)

Congress passed the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments in 1988 to ensure the accuracy of diagnostic testing. Under this law, the federal government regulates many aspects of laboratory operation, including:

The training employees receive and the types and quality of instruments used to analyze samples

The Animal Welfare Act was passed in 1966 specifically to govern:

The use of animals in research, testing, and teaching

The Animal Welfare Act was passed in 1996 specifically to govern:

The use of animals in research, testing, and teaching

Justin is diagnosed with brain cancer and is told that the mortality rate is 75%. What does that mean?

There is a 75% chance that Justin will not be alive in 5

When a cell mutation occurs, what actually happens to the cell that mutate?

There is a change in the way the cell functions or develops

The family of a deceased victim protests having an autopsy of their loved one due to religious beliefs. The medical examiner will honor their wishes unless:

There is a public health threat or question of homicide

Why does the United States not vaccinate against waterborne illnesses?

These illnesses mostly exist in developing countries

Some people inherit a disposition to develop cancer. What does that mean?

They are more likely to develop cancer than the general population

Which statement best describes the usefulness of animals in biomedical research?

They are similar to humans in their reactions and responses because they have similar biological structures

Animals are used in biomedical research because:

They are the best surrogates because of the similarities to humans

What relationship does cigarette smoking and exposure to the sun have to the development of cancer?

They increase a person's risk for developing cancer

Hoe do healthcare providers participate in cancer prevention?

They routinely peform cancer screening

Using genetically modified pigs to harvest heart valves for humans demonstrates which benefit of genetically modified organisms?

Tissue and organ donors

Which structure has the potential to develop into any other cell within the human body?

Totipotent cell

The investigation of drugs and poisons in the body in cases of illegal drug use, drug abuse, poisoning, and death is an example of forensic:


The medical examiner believes the victim may have been poisoned due to circumstantial evidence found at the scene. What autopsy technique will be utilized to confirm or disprove the victim died due to poisoning?

Toxicology analysis

Implanting a gene from one organism into an embryo will create a:

Transgenic animal

Scientists implant genetic information from one species into another to create a customized strain of mice for research. What are these scientists creating?

Transgenic animals

Rifampin is a medication commonly prescribed to treat:


The NIH, CDC, and FDA are all divisions under which federal agency?

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)

A major university is using animals to study multiple sclerosis. What agency must make annual unannounced inspections of the biomedical research lab?


What organization conducts unannounced inspection of animal research facilities?


Which agency enforces the Animal Welfare Act?


Which agency is in charge of enforcing laws that regulate the use of animals in a research testing facility?


A noninvasive diagnostic test that is used for early identification of potentially fatal disorders and monitoring of some conditions is known as a/an:


Why is overexposure to the sun a risk factor in the development of skin cancer?

Ultraviolet radiation damages skin cells

A baby contracts herpes encephalitis during childbirth from the mother. Which mode of transmission best describes this viral transfer from a mother to her offspring?

Vertical transmission

Which situation would require a forensic autopsy?

When criminal activity is suspected

A child is complaining of pain in her legs. Could cancer be the cause of her pain?

Yes, because cancer can occur in any any and in any location

What stage of cancer development involves cancer cells remaining within the original tissue where it started?

in situ

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