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37. The concordance rate for depression disorders in identical twins is about _______ compared to _______ for fraternal twins.

40%; 20%

41. Which potential antidepressant currently under study has the potential benefit that it relieves depression almost instantly, in contrast to SSRIs and SNRIs, which must be taken for several weeks before the effect is felt?

41. Which potential antidepressant currently under study has the potential benefit that it relieves depression almost instantly, in contrast to SSRIs and SNRIs, which must be taken for several weeks before the effect is felt? a. Ketamine (similar to PCP) b. Elavil c. Wellbutrin d. Marplan Answer: b Section: 12.2 Mood Disorders Are the Most Common Psychopathologies Learning Objective: 12.2.3 Describe the several treatments available for depression, and weigh the evidence for the effectiveness of antidepressant drugs. Bloom's Level: 2. Understanding ketamine is the right answer

19. Atypical neuroleptics tend to be more effective on _______ receptors.


Newborn infants spend as much as _______ % of their sleep time in REM sleep.


Impartial research pegs the accuracy of polygraph testing for lie detection at about


The usual duration of the typical adult human repeating sleep cycle is

90‒110 minutes.

40. A clinician is debating whether to prescribe SSRI drugs or cognitive behavioral therapy as treatment for an individual with significant depressive symptoms. In order to potentially reach the best outcome in this case, which option would the clinician would likely prescribe?

A combination of CBT and SSRIs for the greatest effect

Which reaction would be considered the "low road" response to a bear appearing at your picnic?

A huge surge of adrenaline

Who is most likely to develop a cold when exposed to a virus?

A student staying up late to cram for an exam.

Which statement about schizophrenia and ventricular changes is false?

Almost all patients with both schizophrenia and enlarged ventricles have denser tissue in other brain regions.

14. Which statement about cortical thinning and the development of schizophrenia is true?

Although thinning of cortical gray matter is a normal part of adolescent brain development, in schizophrenia, gray matter is lost over wider regions and at a faster pace.

30. Which drug, when used repetitively, can produce a psychotic state akin to schizophrenia?


Following a fear conditioning experiment in which a tone was paired with a shock, one animal shows freezing response upon hearing the tone alone while a second animal does not. If you were informed that the second animal had a brain lesion, where would you predict the lesion to be?


A woman has just celebrated her 100th birthday. Which description of her sleep is mostly likely to be true?

An EEG of her brain would reveal the complete absence of stage 3 sleep.

65. Which symptom is an example of an obsession?

An overwhelming fear that something terrible will happen at any moment

Which brain site is included in Papez's circuit of emotion?

Anterior thalamus

Which mechanism has not been identified as a biological function of sleep?

Brain rest

Which of the following is the important phenomenon discovered by Olds and Milner?

Brain self-stimulation

73 A type of therapy for depression that focuses on correcting negative thinking and improving interpersonal relationships is known by the initials _______.


39. Which method has not been used to treat depression?


67. Which last-resort psychosurgical intervention has been shown to produce reduction in the strength of obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms?


People who tend to wake up in the morning with lots of energy likely carry a different version of the _______ gene than night owls, who stay up late at night and are drowsy in the morning.


Which statement is about the molecular clock is false?

Clock and Cycle proteins eventually break down and the 24 hour cycle begins again.

Which gene has been associated with schizophrenia?


. _______ facial muscles connect to the bone and are involved with larger-scale movements (like chewing). This category of muscle is controlled by the _______ nerve.

Deep; trigeminal

5. In the shadowing experiment, subjects are presented simultaneously with different stimuli to each ear and asked to focus their attention only on one ear. The result is that subjects are unable to report much about the content in the unattended ear. Which form of attentional processing accounts for this difficulty?

Early selection

_______ is defined as a subjective mental state that is usually accompanied by distinctive cognition, behaviors, and physiological changes.


54. What effect do benzodiazepines have on GABA synapses?

Enhancement of GABA-mediated inhibition

33. Which response is not a characteristic of the sleep of patients with depression?

Excessive amounts of stage 3 slow wave sleep

Paul Ekman and colleagues have proposed the existence of facial expressions for eight emotions that are recognized across all societies. Which of the following is not one of them?


Which statement is most true about cross-cultural observations of facial expressions?

Facial expressions are subject to culture-specific display rules.

Which statement about the neural innervation of the facial muscles is true?

Facial expressions of emotion are largely controlled by the facial nerve (VII)

48. Which statement provides evidence that bipolar disorder has much in common with schizophrenia?

Families with a history of bipolar disorder are more likely than other families to contain individuals with schizophrenia.

55. The antianxiety effects of benzodiazepines are related to effects on receptors for which transmitter?


Which reaction would be considered the "high road" response to a bear appearing at your picnic?

Grabbing pots and pans to make lots of noise

Which response is a positive symptom of schizophrenia?


The modern field of stress research was launched by

Hans Selye.

38. Which statement most accurately describes the role of heredity in depression?

Increase susceptibility for depression can be inherited, though there is no single gene responsible for depression.

Which symptom is not a common pathological consequence of prolonged stress?

Increased libido

The risk for developing schizophrenia is highest for which population?

Individuals who were exposed to an infection during gestation

_______ aggression is observed in most vertebrates, often involving competition over mating opportunities, while _______ aggression often occurs among individuals caring for young.

Intermale; maternal

What is the primary evolutionary benefit of a circadian rhythm?

It allows an animal to anticipate an important natural event and adjust its behavior accordingly.

Which statement about fatal familial insomnia is false?

It is characterized by chronic lifetime insomnia.

What is the significance of the finding that the isolated brain exhibits signs of alternating between wakefulness, SWS, and REM sleep?

It showed that that systems for controlling sleep are located in the brain.

The _______ theory of emotion posited that bodily responses evoke emotional experience.


7. The experience of having your attention suddenly captured by hearing your name from across the room is support for which type of attentional selection model?


79. During ERPs in which the subject's attention is directed to find a particular target in an array and ignore distracters, a_______ is triggered at occipitotemporal sites contralateral to the visual target.


22. PCP and ketamine affect which type of postsynaptic receptor?


27. Phencyclidine can produce a state resembling schizophrenia through its interactions with _______ receptors, suggesting that the neurotransmitter _______ may be involved in schizophrenia.

NMDA; glutamate

If an animal is being pursued by a predator, its immune system is suppressed, and its physiological system readies it for escape. Would you expect this immune suppression harm the animal?

No, because the immune system is only temporarily suppressed, allowing the animal's resources to go toward survival.

46. _______ pregnant women will show symptoms of depression.

One out of every 7

How do dolphins sleep if they must regularly come to the water's surface to breathe?

Only one brain hemisphere sleeps at a time.

78. The _______ component of the ERP waveform is associated with higher-order auditory stimulus processing and late attentional selection.


72. A drug known to be a potent psychotomimetic (it mimics a state resembling schizophrenia) is known by the initials _______, which acts as a(n) NMDA receptor antagonist.


64. Which response is the most commonly exhibited OCD symptom?

Performing excessive or ritualized behaviors related to obsessions

A scientist wants to conduct a study in which an animal brain is transected but REM sleep could continue to be measured in the cerebral cortex. Which region must remain connected to the cortex?


Flaccidity in the large muscles of the body is associated most commonly with _______ sleep.


If you recall a vivid dream as you wake up, you likely to have been in _______ sleep just before awakening.


Nightmares are associated with ______ sleep.


The EEG of a sleeping person is desynchronized, their limbs are flaccid, and their eyes are darting under closed eyelids; this person is in _______ sleep.


The large proportion of _______ sleep seen in infancy suggests it is necessary for nervous system maturation.


52. Which procedure in animals produces a state that serves as a model of human depression?

Removal of the olfactory bulb

63. Which drug type has been shown to inhibit the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder?


Two friends walking down a busy street hear a loud bang; they both feel their hearts race in the moment of panic and turn to see that a truck has backfired. They laugh, attributing their pounding hearts to the surprise they felt at the sound. This scenario best illustrates which theory of emotion?

Schachter and Singer

Which neurotransmitter has been especially implicated in the control of aggression?


Which behavior would not be expected in a patient with bilateral damage to the amygdala?

Showing a startle response to a sudden loud noise

Which response is a negative symptom of schizophrenia?

Social withdrawal

Which response was not an outcome of the Schachter and Singer experiment?

Subjects exposed to an angry confederate were more likely to report feeling sad.

If an adult hamster with a 24-hour endogenous rhythm receives a lesion to the SCN and a subsequent SCN transplant from a young hamster with an endogenous rhythm of 20 hours, which outcome occurs?

The adult hamster will adopt a 20-hour rhythm.

Which statement about brain imaging studies of psychopaths is true?

The prefrontal cortex is smaller in psychopaths compared to controls.

28. Antipsychotic drugs reduce the chance of relapse with in the first two years. What is their effect over the long-term?

Their beneficial effect decreases.

Which evidence challenges the idea that specific emotions are linked to specific physical responses?

There is no distinctive autonomic pattern for each separate emotion.

66. OCD and _______ are believed to be part of a spectrum of related disorders.

Tourette's syndrome

18. Which type of attention can be sustained over the longest period of time?


In the U.S., evidence that daylight affects human circadian rhythms is supported by the observation that even though everyone's time keepers (clocks, phone) report the same time, people in the western part of the time zone go to bed _______ people in the in eastern part of the time zone.

a bit later than

When deprived of time cues, people tend to show activity cycles that are

a little more than 24 hours long.

ch 12 The discovery of the relationship between syphilis and paralytic dementia revealed that

a mental disorder turned out to have a physiological cause.

Prolonged sleep deprivation (around 8 days) can lead to all of the following except

a strengthened immune system.

38. If we are directing attention in order to find a specific target in an array and ignore distracters, a subcomponent of N1, called _______, is triggered at occipitotemporal sites contralateral to the target.

a. N2pc

56. Which type of drugs have been found to improve the symptoms of ADHD?

a. Stimulants

42. You feel a splinter in your hand and look down to examine it. Which brain area controls the movement of your eyes toward the object of your attention (the splinter)?

a. Superior colliculus

30. Which concept accounts for the fact that conjunction searches involving sequential shifts of attention take a long time to perform?

a. The binding problem

46. Which attention network is responsible for top-down control of endogenous attention?

a. The dorsal frontoparietal system

33. How do researchers obtain an ERP (event-related potential) reading?

a. They take EEGs of participants doing a task repeatedly, and then average those readings.

10. The _______ bottleneck refers to a filter that results from the limits of our attentional capacity.

a. attentional

22. The unconscious shifts in attention that come about in response to important changes in our environment are considered _______ processes.

a. bottom-up

71. The _______ is an area of gray matter within the white matter of the of the forebrain, and is thought to play an important role in generating the experience of being conscious.

a. claustrum

3. A person credited with having "eyes in the back of their head" more probably is skilled at

a. covert attention.

48. The _______ is (are) critically important for establishing gaze in accordance with _______ processes and cognitive goals.

a. frontal eye fields; top-down

60. The "easy problem of consciousness" refers to understanding

a. how particular patterns of neural activity create specific conscious experiences.

74. One of the revealing finds of neuroeconomics is that

a. humans are risk-averse

14. The _______ likely evolved because it prevents reflexive attention from settling on unimportant stimuli for more than an instant, a reaction that would be adaptive in animals foraging for food and/or scanning for predators.

a. inhibition of return

53. A patient is shown a hammer and a wrench but can only attend to and identify one of these objects at a time. This condition is called _______ and is associated with _______.

a. simultagnosia; Balint's syndrome

16. In the _______ task, subjects are provided with a cue that predicts target location.

a. symbolic cuing

61. The "hard problem of consciousness" refers to understanding

a. the neural processes that result in a person's unique subjective experience.

Small lesions near the pontine REM sleep center _______ the loss of motor inhibition during REM sleep.


Destruction of the SCN _______ circadian rhythms of hormone secretion


In the absence of light cues, hamsters with two copies of the tau mutation will show biological rhythms with periods of _______ hours.

about 20

Input to the ventromedial hypothalamus (or VMH) from the suprachiasmatic nucleus appears to regulate the daily variation in _______ in many animals, including humans.


Diminished cerebrospinal concentrations of serotonin metabolites are correlated with

aggression and violence.

Castration reduces _______, and injections of _______ increase it.

aggression; testosterone

Hans Selye labeled the initial response to stress the

alarm reaction.

Dysfunction of the insula, leading to impairments in emotional awareness is termed _______.


The characteristic EEG recording obtained from subjects who are relaxed with their eyes closed is called the


When people are shown visual stimuli associated with pain or fear, fear-specific activity is observed in _______ neurons.


Relaxation therapies like mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) have been shown to reduce activity in the


32. Compared with controls, during emotional processing depressed people show increased activation in the _______, and during cognitively demanding tasks they show increased activity in the _______.

amygdala; frontal lobes

People diagnosed with sleep apnea show all of the following symptoms except

an abundance of REM sleep.

Reactive aggression can best be described as

an animal's defensive behavior in response to an external threat.

57. Drugs used to treat anxiety are collectively known as _______; a major class of these drugs—the benzodiazepines—exert their effects through interactions with _______ receptors.

anxiolytics; GABA

According to the Cannon-Bard theory of emotions, emotional experience and autonomic response

are simultaneously triggered by emotional stimuli.

The polygraph does not detect lies, it detects


In order to condition a rat to associate a particular tone in context A with a shock, one would play a tone

at the same time as administering a shock in context A.

Electrical stimulation of the reticular formation leads to immediate


The pattern of sleep in elderly people is characterized by increases in


57. Which intervention has been shown to reduce the symptoms of ADHD and improve task performance in affected children?

b. Allowing children to fidget and engage in more intense physical activity

6. In early-selection models of attention, when is information filtered out?

b. At the level of sensory input

29. "Where's Waldo?" is a puzzle in which one must find the right combination of features to identify Waldo in a busy scene. Which type of attentional process does this refer to?

b. Conjunction search

41. When focusing attention on an, for example, an image of a tree (not simply gazing at it) which part of the brain shows enhanced activity?

b. Intraparietal sulcus

37. Auditory attention produces an enhancement of the _______ ERP component, whereas visual attention produces enhancement of the _______ component.

b. N1; P1

59. Which state is the deepest degree of unconsciousness?

b. Persistent vegetative state

58. Metacognition has thus far been identified in all of the following species except

b. elephants.

32. The method of measuring averaged brain activity, called _______, tracks regional changes in brain activity faster than other brain-imaging techniques.

b. event-related potential (ERP)

45. In monkeys, direction of attention to particular locations regardless of stimulus modality is correlated with neural activity in the

b. lateral intraparietal area (LIP).

39. Anthony is an accomplished gamer, playing all the popular video games. There is some evidence to support the claim that upon analysis of his brain there would be

b. longer-latency ERP components compared to nongamers.

54. An inability to reach for objects using visual guidance is referred to as _______. This phenomenon is typically seen in _______.

b. optic ataxia; Balint's syndrome

68. Diminished social insight, distractibility, and emotional lability are associated with injuries to the _______ cortex.

b. orbitofrontal

70. As a result of an industrial accident, Phineas Gage suffered bilateral damage to the _______ cortex.

b. orbitofrontal

chapter 14 1. The overall level of alertness of an individual is called _______, as distinguished from the process by which we select and focus on one or more stimuli, which is called _______.

b. vigilance; attention

Electrical stimulation of the _______ can induce SWS activity.

basal forebrain

The brain region called the _______ promotes stage 3 sleep (SWS), and lesions to this region induce insomnia.

basal forebrain

78. OCD and Tourette's are often comorbid, and both disorders involve abnormalities of the _______.

basal ganglia

35. Research has shown that if a suicidal person is prevented from committing suicide they will

be unlikely to ever try it again.

If a hamster is kept in a laboratory and receives no information about changes in day length or temperature (i.e. housed in constant dark), its rhythms will eventually _______, with a daily cycle that lasts a bit longer than 24 hours.

become free-running

Because of shifts in circadian rhythms that occur around puberty, students at high schools that begin the school day after 8:30 am generally experience

better academic performance.

63. Which research finding is inconsistent with the notion of free will?

c. Brain activity associated with making a decision appears to be evident well before consciousness is aware of it

65. _______ neural processing operations cannot be experienced through introspection and are therefore unconscious.

c. Cognitively impenetrable

52. Which symptom is not associated with Balint's syndrome?

c. Hemispatial neglect

40. What was the important discovery in Moran and Desimone's study on attention, which involved recording the activity of individual neurons in the monkey visual cortex while attention was shifted within each cell's receptive field?

c. It showed that when attention was focused on the preferred stimulus the cell produced many action potentials, but when attention (not gaze) was shifted, the stimulus provoked far fewer action potentials.

43. You are talking to a friend while waiting for a bus, and while you converse you are also aware of passing vehicles so you are sure not to miss your bus. Which structure is responsible for filtering out distracting stimuli while you talk to your friend and wait for the bus?

c. Pulvinar

20. Which of the following represents the correct sequence of the brain events that determine reaction time on a choice reaction time test?

c. Retina, LGN, V1, V2, V4, inferior temporal lobe, prefrontal cortex, premotor cortex, primary motor cortex, spinal cord, finger muscle

17. Which cue will typically elicit the fastest reaction time to the target in the symbolic cuing task?

c. Valid

12. Male frogs seeking mates vocalize among birds, insects, and the chorus of other species of frogs. That females are able to locate male frogs of their species among all the ambient noise provides an example of the _______ effect.

c. cocktail party

47. The frontal eye field and intraparietal sulcus (IPS) make up the cortical network called the

c. dorsal frontoparietal system.

67. The main subdivisions of the prefrontal cortex are the _______ and _______ areas.

c. dorsolateral; orbitofrontal

73. Patients with _______ lobe lesions struggle with task shifting and tend to _______ (continue beyond a reasonable degree in any activity).

c. frontal; perseverate

36. The P3 component of auditory processing is associated with

c. higher-order cognitive processing of stimuli.

35. Hillyard's classic study of auditory attention found that ERPs for attended stimuli are

c. particularly evident in the N1 component.

44. In humans, the _______ occupies the posterior quarter of the _______ and is involved in the orienting and shifting of attention.

c. pulvinar; thalamus

15. The delay, measured in milliseconds, between presentation of a stimulus and an individual's response to it is called _______ time.

c. reaction

72. The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test is used to test executive function. A subject doing the test is asked to

c. sort cards into piles according to the number, color, or shape of symbols on card, and every 10 cards the sorting rule changes.

69. The historical account of the effects of Phineas Gage's brain injury provided early information about the functional role of

c. the frontal lobes.

20. The atypical neuroleptic clozapine raises problems for the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia because clozapine

can increase dopamine release.

Many people with narcolepsy also exhibit _______, in which muscle tone is suddenly lost without loss of _______.

cataplexy; consciousness

In fear conditioning, the lateral nucleus of the amygdala transmits information through the _______ to evoke hormonal responses.

central nucleus of the amygdala

In rats, lesions of the _______ nucleus of the amygdala inhibit blood pressure increases and constrain _______ behavior in response to conditioned fearful stimuli.

central; freezing

Epigenetic regulation involves

changes in gene expression rather than a change in the encoding region in a gene.

74. Deep brain stimulation for the treatment of intractable depression targets the _______.

cingulate cortex

The type of rhythmicity characterized by the regular, predictable onset of a particular behavior once a day is called a(n) _______ rhythm.


9. Despite high levels of background noise, you are able to selectively tune in to what your friend is saying in a crowded cafe. This selective enhancement is referred to as the _______ effect.

cocktail party

Some people in minimally conscious states have considerable _______ with little or no overt behavior.

cognitive activity

44. A treatment for depression that is about as effective as SSRI treatment is called

cognitive behavioral therapy.

The enlarged ventricles in the brains of some patients with schizophrenia

comes at the expense of volume of adjacent neural tissue.

77. Maria checks that her kitchen stove is turned off dozens of times before leaving home, and she is convinced if she doesn't, her house will burn down. Maria is exhibiting the _______ symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).


When you search a computer screen for one blue square amidst many blue circles, yellow squares, and yellow circles you are conducting a _______ search.


Experimental evidence suggests that the biological role of SWS and REM sleep may be related to the

consolidation of perceptual learning.

Schachter and Singer's theory of emotion emphasized that we use _______ to attribute different emotions to autonomic arousal.


Epinephrine is to the adrenal medulla as

cortisol is to the adrenal cortex

61. People with posttraumatic stress disorder exhibit a long-term reduction in


The universality hypothesis of facial expression has been criticized because it does not allow for _______ display rules, especially in isolated nonliterate groups.


According to some researchers, the universal properties of facial expressions may be masked by

cultural conditioning.

19. The average reaction time in an uncomplicated choice reaction time test (i.e., the time it takes from the initial visual signal until the subject pushes the choice button) is approximately _______ ms.

d. 250

64. The study by Soon et al. showed that brain activity associated with making a decision appeared in fMRI scans up to _______ seconds before subjects were consciously aware of making the decision.

d. 5-10

34. Which component of an averaged-out ERP waveform is believed to reflect auditory attention?

d. N1

31. The phenomenon of "pop out" refers to the

d. distinguishing feature of a sought-after item that makes it sufficiently different from all distracters.

51. The primary symptom of hemispatial neglect is

d. failure to pay any attention to anything to the left of the midline of the body.

75. The study of brain mechanisms at work during economic decision making is called

d. neuroeconomics.

21. Reaction time is slower for the processing of complex versus simple stimuli because the processing of complex stimuli

d. participation of more brain pathways.

11. When we focus on simple tasks or objects, our relatively light _______ allows for the processing of additional stimuli (i.e., multi-tasking).

d. perceptual load

62. You and your friend are both looking at the cover of a green book. You both agree that the book is green but your personal experience of the green color may be different than your friend's. The purely subjective experiences of seeing the color is/are called

d. qualia.

13. An example of the evolutionary significance of the attentional spotlight is the ability to

d. shifting our attention around the environment, highlighting important stimuli for enhanced processing.

55. Hemispatial neglect may lead to a person's inability to notice stimuli on one half of the body, even if both halves have been stimulated simultaneously. This phenomenon is referred to as

d. simultaneous extinction.

49. Because voluntary attention is under direct, conscious control, researchers refer to it as a _______ process.

d. top-down

In men, simply backing the losing team in a baseball game is sufficient to

decrease circulating testosterone levels.

Lesioning the central nucleus of the amygdala in a rat results in

decreased freezing behavior in response to a conditioned fear stimulus.

8. According to the concept of perceptual load, a large perceptual load

decreases perceptual resources for unattended items.

84. An fMRI of a person sitting staring out the window deep in thought and introspection would show activation of a circuit of brain regions called the _______ network.

default mode

43. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation has been promoted as a treatment for


45. Prevalence rates for _______ are much higher for women than for men.


36. The monoamine hypothesis of depression proposes that

depression is a result of too little stimulation at monoamine synapses.

47. Bipolar disorder is characterized by repeated fluctuations of episodes of _______ and _______.

depression, mania

According to the views of psychosomatic medicine, susceptibility and resistance to illnesses are associated with

distinctive psychological characteristics.

The primary pharmacological treatment of Tourette's syndrome are

dopamine D2 receptor antagonists.

23. Many first-generation neuroleptic drugs have a high affinity for postsynaptic _______ receptors, which they _______.

dopamine D2; block

82. You are focused on listening to your neuroscience professor lecture about consciousness. The neural attention network that directs this form of attention is the _______ system.

dorsal frontoparietal

Papez's circuit provides a model of the relationships of different regions in the limbic system involved in

emotional expression.

The process by which an animal slowly shifts its circadian rhythm to synchronize with the time of sunrise each day is called _______.


Sleep _______ is treated with vasopressin, which reduces urine production.


Prolonged stress in childhood can cause long-lasting changes in the expression of adrenal steroid receptors in the brain—this is termed _______.

epigenetic regulation

24. According to the dopamine hypothesis, schizophrenia is caused by a(n) _______ of dopamine release or a(n) _______ of dopamine receptors.

excess; excess

According to the Cannon-Bard theory of emotions, people with severe spinal cord injuries would

experience the same emotions that others do.

Feelings of disgust at the sight of body fluids may have evolved to help humans avoid

exposure to germs.

The _______ hypothesis proposes that sensory feedback from facial expressions has an effect on mood.

facial feedback

The controversial theory that facial expressions can influence emotional experience is called the _______ hypothesis.

facial feedback

58. A psychobiological model of PTSD draws connections among the symptoms and neural mechanisms of _______, behavioral sensitization, and _______.

fear conditioning; extinction

Patients with damage to the amygdala do poorly at interpreting facial expressions as indicators of


28. You are looking for your friend at a hockey game. She is easy to find as she is wearing a purple sweater, while everyone else is wearing blue and white. Your behavior is an example of a

feature search.

21. On the basis of studies of the properties of phencyclidine (PCP), a _______ hypothesis of schizophrenia has been advanced.


66. The so-called _______ problem of consciousness refers to the difficulty of understanding the brain processes that produce a person's subjective experience.


76. An imaging study of the brains of combat veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder revealed a reduction in the right _______.


Some patients with posttraumatic stress disorder have anatomical anomalies of the


25. Inhibition of return refers to

impaired detection of stimuli at the previously attended location.

Sleep that immediately follows a period of learning has the apparent effect of

improving long-term retention

76. Failure to consciously perceive nonattended stimuli is a form of _______ blindness.


4. A viewer closely focused on a complex task, such as being asked to count how many times a group of people throw a ball back and forth, may miss other nonattended stimuli such as dancers moving through the group of people. This is due to an attentional phenomenon called

inattentional blindness.

Stressful exam periods produce a(n)

increase in epinephrine and norepinephrine secretion.

ch 11 . Much of the research on emotion indicates that each of the three responses to emotional stimuli—the perception, the experience, and the expression of the emotion—

influences the other two.

The human menstrual cycle provides an example of a(n) _______ rhythm, because it repeats less than once per day.


42. Tricyclic antidepressants

inhibit the reuptake of norepinephrine, serotonin, and/or dopamine.

With increased levels of adrenal steroids, the response of the immune system to pathogens such as viruses is


Stage 3 sleep (SWS) is especially prominent during the _______ of a night's sleep.

initial half

50. Martin has been treated with lithium for bipolar disorder for most of his adult life. He finds he takes his medication for a while but then stops. The most likely reason he does this is because

it robs him of the exhilaration of the manic phase.

Stage 3 sleep (SWS) is characterized by

large-amplitude delta waves.

70. MRI imaging studies of the brains of twins in which only one twin has schizophrenia have shown that the affected twin's brain often exhibits _______ ventricles.


In his study of facial expressions of nonhuman primates, Redican argued that the distinctive primate expression labeled "play face" is homologous to human


51. The _______ model of depression involves a repetitive stressful stimulus, such as electric shock, from which there is no escape.

learned helplessness

The structures of the Papez circuit of emotion are primarily parts of the _______ system.


49. The drug _______ is often used to treat bipolar disorder.


Norepinephrine innervation to the brain comes primarily from the

locus coeruleus

The fear pathway that projects from the thalamus to the amygdala and bypasses conscious processing is termed the _______ road of emotional response.


If SCN neurons are transplanted from animal A to animal B, and animal B previously had its SCN lesioned, animal B's rhythmicity will

match animal A's rhythm.

The stress immunization seen in rat pups appears to be attributable to

maternal comfort after stress.

Charles Darwin noted that nonhuman primates have the same facial muscles as humans and proposed that emotional expressions

may have originated in a common ancestor.

Affection and disgust are described by Plutchik's classification of emotions as

medium-intensity forms of the basic emotions of adoration and loathing, respectively.

The hormone _______ has been especially implicated in informing the brain about day length?


The isolated forebrain preparation involves a cut through the


Glucocorticoid receptors regulate the ongoing secretion of stress hormones via

negative feedback.

Chlorpromazine is one of the classes of drugs that are also known as


Frightening dreams associated with stage 3 sleep are called

night terrors.

62. The drug clomipramine has been shown to bring about significant improvement in many people suffering from

obsessive-compulsive disorder.

An area of the brain called _______ cortex has been shown to be important in goal-directed behaviors, such as seeking pleasant experiences.


23. Reflexive attention is

oriented on the basis of sensory events.

2. Attention in which the focus coincides with the individual's sensory orientation is called

overt attention.

The James-Lange theory of emotions argued that emotions are the

perception of bodily changes provoked by particular stimuli.

In an experiment with hamsters, if a light with a timer is adjusted so that the light switches on and off 6 hours earlier than the animals are used to, they will show

phase shift.

Unlike in mammals, in birds the _______ is sensitive to light and may mediate entrainment of rhythms even after surgical removal of the eyes.

pineal gland

The brain region called the _______ promotes REM sleep in large part by preventing motor neurons from firing.


The _______ system is responsible for promoting REM sleep.


Research using fMRI suggests that feelings of romantic love, as opposed to friendship, are associated with reduced activity of the

posterior cingulate and amygdala.

16. A principal effect of the drug chlorpromazine is the

postsynaptic blocking of dopamine receptors.

56. Benzodiazepines enhance GABA-mediated _______, reducing the excitability of postsynaptic neurons.

postsynaptic inhibition

The field of study concerned with the immune system and its interaction with the nervous system and behavior is called


81. The _______ is linked to the orienting and shifting of attention and to the filtering of stimuli in attention tasks.


REM behavior disorder (RBD) may be reduced by drugs that

reduce anxiety.

Research suggests animals that show hyperaggressive behavior may have

reduced levels of serotonin in the cerebrospinal fluid.

13. PET brain studies of schizophrenia have shown

reduced metabolic activity in the frontal lobes relative to other brain regions.

24. You are at a train station and hear an extremely loud crash. You, and everyone else, immediately orient their attention to the location of the sound. This is an example of _______ attention.


18. The dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia is challenged by data showing that clozapine

relieves the symptoms of schizophrenia via serotonin receptors.

The region that appears to be responsible for activating wakefulness is known as the

reticular formation.

75. Patterns of change in the brains and behaviors of people with bipolar disorder are similar to those seen in people with _______.


Family studies of schizophrenia reveal that

schizophrenia is more evident among first-degree relatives of patients than it is among more distant relatives.

31. Treatment with l-dopa to control the symptoms of Parkinson's disease has been associated with the development of

schizophrenia-like symptoms.

Abnormal visual tracking of moving objects is a symptom associated with


Early research on brain self-stimulation found that electrical stimulation of sites in the _______ produced a sense of pleasure.


Low levels of the neurotransmitter _______ have been particularly implicated in increased aggression in animals, including humans.


Decorticate dogs display _______ rage.


Infant sleep is characterized by _______ sleep cycles than those of adults, with proportionally more _______ sleep.

shorter; REM

Research indicates that mice show at least _______ different facial expressions in response to different emotional states.


It has been speculated that sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) may be a consequence of a form of

sleep apnea.

In a classic study, soldiers training for parachute jumps showed a

spike in norepinephrine before the first day's jump.

When the term schizophrenia was first introduced in the early twentieth century, one of the original descriptions indicated that functions of the mind (e.g., memory, perception, etc.) in the sufferer were

split from one another.

A sleeping person whose EEG shows vertex spikes is in the phase of _______ sleep.

stage 1

In a person who is sleeping, _______ sleep shows periodic bursts of 12‒14 Hz brain activity in an EEG recording.

stage 2

The EEG of a person in _______ sleep is characterized by brief periods of sleep spindles and K complexes.

stage 2

34. People with depression show different sleep patterns, a major one being a striking reduction of time spent in _______ sleep.

stage 3

A child wakes suddenly after sleeping for a couple of hours, is terrified and shows significant autonomic activity, such as a racing heart rate and dilated pupils. When questioned, the child cannot remember what frightened her. It is likely the child has just woken from _______ sleep.

stage 3

In humans, somnambulism usually occurs during _______ sleep.

stage 3

Slow, large-amplitude waves are seen in the EEG records of people who are in _______ sleep.

stage 3

In a young adult, during the course of a night's sleep the length of the bouts of _______ sleep progressively decrease, while the length of bouts of _______ sleep progressively increase.

stage 3 SWS; REM

In humans, enhanced serum levels of growth hormone are evident during

stage 3 sleep (SWS).

The concept known as _______ poses that early in life, a little stress followed by comforting reassurance better equips an animal to deal with stress as an adult.

stress immunization

Decorticate rage refers to

sudden, intense, poorly directed rage that lacks a clear direction

When the _______ facial muscles contract, they change the shape of the mouth, eyes, or nose.


26. Prolonged treatment with traditional antipsychotic medications can lead to a sudden, dramatic increase in positive symptoms of schizophrenia, a condition known as

supersensitivity psychosis.

The cortical EEG pattern of the isolated forebrain animal is characterized by

sustained SWS.

A lesion made to the reticular formation will result in a cortical EEG pattern of

sustained sleep.

27. In the _______ task, a single stimulus or stimulus location is held in an attentional spotlight.


80. Researchers use _______ tasks to confirm that attention enhances activity in brain regions that process key aspects of the target stimulus.


69. Stress during the developmental period when _______ takes place (between the ages of about 5 to 21 years of age) increases the likelihood of the schizophrenia in genetically susceptible people.

synaptic rearrangement

17. A common movement disorder caused by traditional neuroleptics is

tardive dyskinesia

25. Long-term motor problems associated with the use of antipsychotic drugs are symptoms of a disorder called

tardive dyskinesia.

53. Some people who suffer from recurrent panic attacks have abnormalities in the

temporal lobe.

50. You are walking on a calm but drizzly evening when an unexpected lightning bolt suddenly flashes in front of you. Your involuntary reaction to move your attention to the flash relies on the _______ system.


Military recruits training for parachuting showed reduced levels of _______ on the first day's jump, with increases shown on subsequent jump days.


The evidence that testosterone affects aggressive behavior in humans is inconsistent. This inconsistency may be attributable to the fact that

testosterone's effect on human aggression not as clear as its effect on aggression in other species.

59. The persistence with which patients with posttraumatic stress disorder recall traumatic memories may be a result of

the failure of mechanisms to forget.

The sudden attacks of sleep that occur in narcolepsy are characterized by

the immediate onset of REM.

A model of the environmental stress and genetics involved in schizophrenia proposes that the disease emerges from

the interaction of stress and genetic factors.

The pineal gland of some birds and reptiles is referred to as a primitive "third eye" because

the skull over the pineal gland is especially thin, so it can sense light.

facial nerve innervates

the superficial muscles of facial expression

The muscle that moves the jaw is controlled by the _______ nerve.


Research has shown that in the forebrain system, SWS is promoted through the actions of GABA on the _______, while in the brainstem system, the _______ projects axons to the brain, promoting wakefulness

tuberomammillary nucleus; reticular formation

The Schachter and Singer theory of emotion is also called the _______ theory because first circumstances provoke autonomic arousal, and then arousal is attributed to a specific emotion based on context.


ch 10 1. The type of rhythmicity characterized by the regular, predictable onset of a particular behavior more than once a day is called a(n) _______ rhythm.

ultradian rhythm

In the typical sleep pattern of healthy adults, the first REM period of the night may last a few minutes while the last REM period may last

up to 40 minutes.

Dreams experienced during REM sleep are characterized by

vague visual imagery.

71. In schizophrenia there are several changes in the brain, including enlargement of the _______ and decreased activity of the frontal lobes.


26. In a symbolic cuing task, _______ attention is shown to enhance processing, reducing reaction time to the stimulus, and _______ cues decrease reaction time the most.

voluntary; valid

The incidence of insomnia is greatest in _______ in general, and in both men and women in _______.

women; the later stages of life

The external cue that animals use to discern the time of day is called a


The stimulus (usually the light-dark cycle) that entrains circadian rhythms is called a(n)


_______ is a symptom of a mismatch between internal and external time while traveling.

. Jet lag

Experiments that involved removal of the temporal lobes of monkeys implicated the _______ in the behavioral changes seen in Klüver-Bucy syndrome.

. amygdala

Depending on the definition used for insomnia, its prevalence ranges from _______ in the adult population.

10% to 40%

A person whose brother has schizophrenia has a _______% chance of developing the disease as well.


29. As much as _______% of the adult population in the United States experiences psychiatric symptoms in the course of a year.


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